Penis enlargement using a pump

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New Member
Aug 17, 2023
Hey everyone,

This is my first post here, lol.

I've searched previous posts on this topic and felt I could add to the topic based on my experience.

After my wife birthing our two children I felt the need to want to make my penis larger so as to help her feel satisfied. Now, of course, she says it's still great and I believe her, however, as the man that I am, I'd like to be larger.

I came across penis pumping via Susan Bratton as she was a guest on Mark Bells Power Project podcast. The clip about penis pumping is easily found on YT. She sold me on it and I bought a pump from her recommended supplier: Dr. Joel Kaplan.

It wasn't cheap. But I must say it's a damn good pump and the vacuum gauge is very good, too.

I followed her program: pump up to 4-5 Hg, leave penis in vacuum for 10-15mins, rest a few mins and repeat. Then when done, use a cockring to keep blood in the engorged penis for up to 30min.

However, I was left with what is called the 'blob monster.' Where your penis is exactly what it sounds like.

I did noticed some girth increase, however. I did this off and on for about six months. Then I happened across a YT channel that recommended a different approach: pumping up to X Hg, hold for 2min, release pressure for 15-20 seconds, repeat. Repeat for 8-20 cycles based on your experience. This I found to be WAY better and have gotten more profound results. He goes into what he believes to be a better way to go about pumping. The YT channel is BD - Peak male physique and the video is titled Interval pumping: a better way to use a penis pump for permanent gains.

I haven't measured my results but I can tell it's gotten thicker, that my erection quality is higher/better. My wife has also noted my size, too.

Yesterday I tried the vitamin D in sunflower oil directly on my penis after pumping (as per a previous thread on the topic here) and maybe it was just my hormones at the time, but I did find I was much more aroused about 30mins after the vitamin d application. So I will continue that alongside the pumping.

I think one of the most important aspects to pumping is unsurprisingly just doing it a bunch of times so you gain firsthand knowledge about it and about how you respond. I've overdone it and caused minor bruising, lol. You can feel when it's too much, and that feeling gets better the more you do it.

So if any of you guys are interested in gaining size, I recommend dry pumping 100% and following the BD Peak Male YT channel pumping program I mentioned above.

I haven't tried the wet pumps. The dry one is easiest In my opinion . To avoid using any chemical lube, just ensure your pubes are shaved down with a razor and use water to moisten the head so it doesn't get jammed up against the walls of the pump. You can also use water around the base of your penis to help maintain the seal but I find that just bare skin in combination with your natural skin oil provides enough of a seal.
I have also noticed more fullness in a flacid state.
I do recommend the Joel Kaplan pump. I do not earn any $ from them, I just have first hand positive experience with it and it's the only pump I've ever used, so there is some bias just on that fact alone.

Any questions please ask away.




Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
Hey everyone,

This is my first post here, lol.

I've searched previous posts on this topic and felt I could add to the topic based on my experience.

After my wife birthing our two children I felt the need to want to make my penis larger so as to help her feel satisfied. Now, of course, she says it's still great and I believe her, however, as the man that I am, I'd like to be larger.

I came across penis pumping via Susan Bratton as she was a guest on Mark Bells Power Project podcast. The clip about penis pumping is easily found on YT. She sold me on it and I bought a pump from her recommended supplier: Dr. Joel Kaplan.

It wasn't cheap. But I must say it's a damn good pump and the vacuum gauge is very good, too.

I followed her program: pump up to 4-5 Hg, leave penis in vacuum for 10-15mins, rest a few mins and repeat. Then when done, use a cockring to keep blood in the engorged penis for up to 30min.

However, I was left with what is called the 'blob monster.' Where your penis is exactly what it sounds like.

I did noticed some girth increase, however. I did this off and on for about six months. Then I happened across a YT channel that recommended a different approach: pumping up to X Hg, hold for 2min, release pressure for 15-20 seconds, repeat. Repeat for 8-20 cycles based on your experience. This I found to be WAY better and have gotten more profound results. He goes into what he believes to be a better way to go about pumping. The YT channel is BD - Peak male physique and the video is titled Interval pumping: a better way to use a penis pump for permanent gains.

I haven't measured my results but I can tell it's gotten thicker, that my erection quality is higher/better. My wife has also noted my size, too.

Yesterday I tried the vitamin D in sunflower oil directly on my penis after pumping (as per a previous thread on the topic here) and maybe it was just my hormones at the time, but I did find I was much more aroused about 30mins after the vitamin d application. So I will continue that alongside the pumping.

I think one of the most important aspects to pumping is unsurprisingly just doing it a bunch of times so you gain firsthand knowledge about it and about how you respond. I've overdone it and caused minor bruising, lol. You can feel when it's too much, and that feeling gets better the more you do it.

So if any of you guys are interested in gaining size, I recommend dry pumping 100% and following the BD Peak Male YT channel pumping program I mentioned above.

I haven't tried the wet pumps. The dry one is easiest In my opinion . To avoid using any chemical lube, just ensure your pubes are shaved down with a razor and use water to moisten the head so it doesn't get jammed up against the walls of the pump. You can also use water around the base of your penis to help maintain the seal but I find that just bare skin in combination with your natural skin oil provides enough of a seal.
I have also noticed more fullness in a flacid state.
I do recommend the Joel Kaplan pump. I do not earn any $ from them, I just have first hand positive experience with it and it's the only pump I've ever used, so there is some bias just on that fact alone.

Any questions please ask away.


Applying vitamin D on a penis?
Haven't heard of that. What does it do?
Would haidut's calcirol be good to that purpose and how much?

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
Applying vitamin D on a penis?
Haven't heard of that. What does it do?
Would haidut's calcirol be good to that purpose and how much?
I always sensed a dark, demonic presence when I read your posts on low vitamin A and dextrose therapy. Specifically, I didn't understand your stark opposition to the low vitamin A diet and glucose protocols, especially when you provided no evidence and blatantly misrepresented, slandered, and lied about them. Now, seeing you comment with interest on such a disgusting and depraved post, it all makes sense. God will keep people like you in the dark because you don't care about the truth or doing what's right in God's eyes.
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