Peaty Water. Polar Opposites?


May 10, 2017
I have found improvements by limiting my former copious amounts of water consumption...after revealing this to a friend (I hold in high degree) they said they try to only drink vegetable and fruit juices they make themselves for hydration purposes. He does not drink regular water bc he believes the inorganic minerals and salts are not able to be used by the body and can build up causing problems down the road. He also said the only way to remove these inorganic minerals is by distilled water fasts for a day(which he does every 6 months). I also hear all about the alkaline water trend ...which I have always wondered how those effect ones health. some waters like Fiji and Evian (pricey) are untouched natural spring waters and are naturally alkaline. unlike others such as essentia and smartwater that are a man-made almost supplement water. I wonder how these man-made concoctions effect the chemistry of the water and furthermore how it may effect our bodies. I know these frakenstein waters go through reverse-osmosis and are ionized amongst other things. so stick to organic mineral's in juices? lemon water because citrates alkalizing by turning into bicarbonates in liver? are alkalized waters ok? are inorganic material's able to be utilized? does anyone add ionic minerals to water? are distilled water fasts healthy(distilled water contains carbonic acid)? in general just tell me your thoughts on water
Thanks in advance!!!
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Apr 18, 2017
When you Peat you dont really have much use for water, as milk, OJ and fruit will provide plenty of hydration. Unless you're hot and sweaty, in which sure water is fine and needed.

In one of his articles Peat explicitly cautions against high water intake, it being disruptive from the sodium and electrolyte balance stand point, if i recall.

The high water intake fad i used to follow religiously gave me bladder and prostate problems. They are gone completely now. I hadrly drink any water, and when I do, like today after gym once I run out of OJ, I put a tsp of salt in it. Tastes good.

In a way, water is like sugar. You need it to live, but why not kill two birds with one stone, and consume it in a form that will simultaniously deliver numerous other nutrients with it (milk, juice).


Sep 15, 2016
I drink distilled water exclusively with no minerals added. Been doing this with no negative results for several years. I am not full tilt peating with milk and OJ so I need my water or I get very dehydrated. If you are peating then drinking water would seem to be unnecessary as Elysium said. I am curious if anyone knows whether or not the body can use inorganic minerals from water or not. I have heard both sides on this and decided it shouldnt make too much of a difference to me since the amount of minerals in water is so low compared to what we get from food your body wouldn't miss them by removing them. Of course if the inorganics are bad for us then we should all be drinking distilled water.


May 10, 2017
When you Peat you dont really have much use for water, as milk, OJ and fruit will provide plenty of hydration. Unless you're hot and sweaty, in which sure water is fine and needed.

In one of his articles Peat explicitly cautions against high water intake, it being disruptive from the sodium and electrolyte balance, if i recall.

The high water intake fad i used to follow religiously gave me bladder and prostate problems. They are gone completely now. I hadrly drink any water, and when I do, like today after gym once I run out of OJ, I put a tsp of salt in it. Tastes good.

Thanks Elysium! yes I think we have all fallen into the trap of drinking way too much water. I am an avid hiker and was just wondering what to turn to! Def won't do milk...but maybe orange juice, salt, watered down a little should suffice!
also just interested in if anyone knows more about inorganic mineral's vs organic...if your body has a preference/ if there are any dangers in the new-age waters. simply out of interest.
Thanks again!


May 10, 2017
I drink distilled water exclusively with no minerals added. Been doing this with no negative results for several years. I am not full tilt peating with milk and OJ so I need my water or I get very dehydrated. If you are peating then drinking water would seem to be unnecessary as Elysium said. I am curious if anyone knows whether or not the body can use inorganic minerals from water or not. I have heard both sides on this and decided it shouldnt make too much of a difference since the amount of minerals in water is so low compared to what we get from food your body wouldn't miss them by removing them. Of course if the inorganics are bad for us then we should all be drinking distilled water.

yes exactly!! I was told the inorganic minerals/salts are not utilized by our bodies... only plants can utilize these materials (which are basically rock) into usable organic material. the inorganic materials can be disposed by the kidneys but continously drinking it may overwhelm the body and be dumped into tissues. Possibly causing kidney stones, calcification, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke amongst others. These inorganic minerals/ salts (otherwise known as tissue salts) are the main ingredients in processed foods such as inorganic ferrum phosphate. obviously orange juice is filled with organic minerals/salts so it fits the bill. I am going to do a distilled water fast to detox inorganic materials this weekend and see if I feel any results. otherwise will steer clear of alkalizing waters. although I believe our bones are inorganic. so Fiji is probably safe considering it contains calcium, magnesium, silica, and bicarbonate. (bone building minerals).
Dec 25, 2014
Thanks Elysium! yes I think we have all fallen into the trap of drinking way too much water. I am an avid hiker and was just wondering what to turn to! Def won't do milk...but maybe orange juice, salt, watered down a little should suffice!
also just interested in if anyone knows more about inorganic mineral's vs organic...if your body has a preference/ if there are any dangers in the new-age waters. simply out of interest.
Thanks again!

Find a recipe for homemade Gatorade. I was doing it before peat and turns out it's very peaty.

IIRC it's water, oj, pink salt or sea salt, honey, sugar, bit of lemon juice preferably from fresh lemon, and cayenne pepper.

You boil the water and add the honey, sugar, pepper, salt. Let it cool and mix it with oj and lemon juice.


May 10, 2017
Find a recipe for homemade Gatorade. I was doing it before peat and turns out it's very peaty.

IIRC it's water, oj, pink salt or sea salt, honey, sugar, bit of lemon juice preferably from fresh lemon, and cayenne pepper.

You boil the water and add the honey, sugar, pepper, salt. Let it cool and mix it with oj and lemon juice.
Great thank you so much!


Jun 7, 2016
I have found improvements by limiting my former copious amounts of water consumption...after revealing this to a friend (I hold in high degree) they said they try to only drink vegetable and fruit juices they make themselves for hydration purposes. He does not drink regular water bc he believes the inorganic minerals and salts are not able to be used by the body and can build up causing problems down the road. He also said the only way to remove these inorganic minerals is by distilled water fasts for a day(which he does every 6 months). I also hear all about the alkaline water trend ...which I have always wondered how those effect ones health. some waters like Fiji and Evian (pricey) are untouched natural spring waters and are naturally alkaline. unlike others such as essentia and smartwater that are a man-made almost supplement water. I wonder how these man-made concoctions effect the chemistry of the water and furthermore how it may effect our bodies. I know these frakenstein waters go through reverse-osmosis and are ionized amongst other things. so stick to organic mineral's in juices? lemon water because citrates alkalizing by turning into bicarbonates in liver? are alkalized waters ok? are inorganic material's able to be utilized? does anyone add ionic minerals to water? are distilled water fasts healthy(distilled water contains carbonic acid)? in general just tell me your thoughts on water
Thanks in advance!!!

Which inorganic minerals is your friend talking about?

I had a reverse osmosis system to remove fluoride and I have a high quality ph meter and the water becomes less alkaline after its treated from 8 down to 5.5 because the minerals are removed. I had to ad salts back in for more minerals.

The fiji and evian are not good options because they come in plastic and shipped all around the world. I have tested the ph of both of these waters and they test lower then when the water is bottled at the source. I think they say bottled at 7-8 ph but they are actually around 6 which is still alkaline.

I personally drink coffee, black tea, home made oj, milk, coca cola and if I buy water which I don't often because I get enough liquids I buy the san pelegrino because its carbonated and in glass. and its not high in alkalinity only 5.5 but its 7.5 when bottled so they labels and alkaline in bottled water its not true.

Ray has mentioned about how many people got caught up when the powers that be told everyone to drink 8 glasses of water per day and how if you drink too much water it causes problems.

This may be interesting
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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