Peat Girl's Logger


Jul 8, 2014
Ah, well happy reading then! :)

Yeah, it definitely made me realize how strong I am, but I wouldn't say I'm cooler. I'm still umm...unique (is that a nice way to put it?), but since I can't erase it, I might as well embrace it! ;)


Mar 29, 2014
I could make some guesses about what might be helpful, but no guarantees.
Yes to your current shopping list, and some additions, if they don't bother your guts:

Yes to potatoes.
More milk - see if it works to get up to 1 to 2 l/day
OJ 1 l/day
eggs 1-3/day
Liver - 100-150g/week - it has lots of minerals and vitamins is it. (Where I am, beef liver is just about the cheapest meat available - don't know about where you are. Some people have it once a week, and some of us (incl. me) have a smaller amount a few times a week. I like mine lightly fried, but i you don't like the taste, you try making a liver pate, and see if you like that better. )

Have you tried cronometer dot com? You can plug in you current typical diet, and see what you've been missing, and play around with other possibilities to fill the gaps. I'm guessing you could be short on some minerals and vitamins too. Peat has suggested broth from leafy greens, eg kale, as an occasional useful way to get magnesium etc.


Sep 17, 2014
tara said:
Yes to potatoes.
More milk - see if it works to get up to 1 to 2 l/day
OJ 1 l/day
eggs 1-3/day
Liver - 100-150g/week - it has lots of minerals and vitamins is it. (Where I am, beef liver is just about the cheapest meat available - don't know about where you are. Some people have it once a week, and some of us (incl. me) have a smaller amount a few times a week. I like mine lightly fried, but i you don't like the taste, you try making a liver pate, and see if you like that better. )

Thanks a ton, T. I really do appreciate your input :)
My biggest problem is budget so chugging that much OJ and milk might pose a slight financial problem for me.
Non-Concentrated OJ (4L) is 4.99, so let's say 10$ per week.
Plus milk, 2L of full-fat organic milk is 5.49 if its on sale, usually 6 something though (can only tolerate full-fat organic or full-fat lactose free. Why? No one freaking knows... It's obviously not lactose that's the problem for me since I tolerate organic better!)
So that's 42$ a week on milk... (''O Canada... Our idiotic land, why must you suck and make the food so pricey!!!!!!!!!''-- sung to the national anthem).

OJ is doable but I don't like the stuff, pretty sure it's the culprit behind my heartburn... Boy do I love milk though... I can live on the stuff. It's like tour de force fuel for me (Eastern European genes, me thinks).
If I'm tired I can take a gulp and feel instantly re-energised. So why must we suffer even if our love is so strong? Why must we be apart...? *le sigh*

But I might try the cheap milk and see if I can tolerate it better.
You Americans wouldn't know, but they sell it in bags here and its very unappetizing and disrespectful to milk!!!

I'm trying to stretch out my food so atm it's 1c of each and 2c of coffee per day.
BTW, how do you people go through so much oj and milk?! I'm practically incontinent with the amount of times I squeeze the old lemon! ;D

YES, I'm all too well familiar with Cron-ocd (as my friend TheBigPeatouski calls it). I'm logging in my food even though for the most part I have no idea what i'm doing ratio-wise.....
Speaking of TBP, it was her who sought me out on MDA and dragged me here kicking and screaming :)
So I owe her a big thanks if Peats works out for me


Sep 17, 2014
Why must my posts be so long? (That's a warning.)

Feeling like utter ***t today.
Got mad heartburn yesterday after TBP's shrimp salad (WHOA ON THE ONIONS THERE!).
Couldn't finish it and just fished out the shrimp.
(Don't think it's the milk, I've been drinking with for a few weeks now and had no heartburn.)

Today I woke up with the worst headache. (After a night of shitty sleep as usual. I kept waking up due to noise and the need to pee.) It felt like a nasty cold coming on but without the buildup it usually goes through. Along with the heartburn and feeling really cold (?! I'm hot usually) I felt like I was about to kick it.
I thought it was dehydration (I drink 2c of coffee in the morning) so I drank a tall glass of water but that just made me nauseous.

Could it be some sort of detox process happening? Like estrogen increasing before it balances out in favour of progesterone? God, don't I wish. It's weird cause yesterday I felt so good.

I ate a carrot but that didn't work (right away) and then I took a huge amount of Vitex (it's a herb that's supposed to increase your progesterone, it's what I take until I get my hands on some Progest-E. But now I'm out :(...)

The internet guy came so I had to get my ***t together so maybe it was the Vitex, or the carrot or the distraction but I feel better now.

If it's the Vitex, it's kinda weird because I've been taking it for a month and felt it did nothing but maybe the does was too small (I just took like 2-3x the dose I usually take).

According to Chronometer, I'm under 900kcals for today and yesterday but I have no idea what to eat...
You guys don't get how hard it is for me... It's like if someone asked me what I hate eating most and built a diet around it...

I don't like white fish or eggs, not a fan of cheese and been eschewing fruit for years. Drinking OJ seems like torture because I already feel super acidic and I've been eating a high-fat diet for almost 4 years! And usually one big meal a day with some starch not small frequent meals like you Peatsters."Gee, now let's play a game and do the EXACT OPPOSITE, kids!"

Maybe I'm having some fat-withdrawals? ;D Is that a thing?

Anyways, my appetite is non-existent and I'm still not sure how to build a menu around foods that are considered drinks and snacks... ;/

Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining or trying to shoot the diet down. I just feel kinda clueless.

And now for something completely different...

I'm pretty sure our bathtub is haunted. We moved in last week and it was fine for a week until I cleaned some hair out of the drain and THEN it became clogged...

Let''s rewind.
It wasn't clogged.
I removed hair from the drain.
It instantly became clogged.
Does that make sense?
Good. Not to me either...

Now if you take a shower the bath will fill completely and after 30m once it trained it will leave dirt and grime all over... Nothing works to unclog it...
Oh and letters keep coming for 3 different people... Some are in Swedish... Another is for some Greek guy and one is for a French girl... Now this is a studio apartment so I'm pretty sure all three didn't live here simultaneously (unless they had some weird polyamorous arrangement)...
But I don't know about you but I would make sure to change my address for my SWISS BANK ACCOUNT AND CAR INSURANCE after moving out..................................

Hope it's not some murder mystery situation. My imagination is running wild (with scissors!), I'm thinkin' we uncover three mangled bodies behind the newly renovated tiles or something ;D

In the spirit of Jen's daily music logging, here's some old school R&B. In case you wanna get it on or something ;D


Sep 17, 2014
thebigpeatowski said:
It's not a matter of "if"....simply a matter of time :kisscheek

I reallyyyyyyyyyyyy wanna believe it, but I've been fat for so long. Its not even in my imagination not to be :D
Jan 24, 2014
Drink whole milk, it's very soothing to the intestines and ferchristssake WHY on earth would you eat raw onions if you have poor digestion??? Baby steps, please....whole milk, maybe with some honey. You need to improve your digestion and appetite first and foremost.


Sep 17, 2014
thebigpeatowski said:
Drink whole milk, it's very soothing to the intestines and ferchristssake WHY on earth would you eat raw onions if you have poor digestion??? Baby steps, please....whole milk, maybe with some honey. You need to improve your digestion and appetite first and foremost.

***t happens.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Not to scare you but you might want to consider upping your calories by 200 every couple days until you reach 2,000 per day. Then you can eat as much as you want. There is a very rare but real situation that can happen when a person has been eating less than 1,000 calories per day called refeeding syndrome. I'm not giving medical advice but I would feel bad if I didn't mention it and something bad happened. Please think about doing a little research on refeeding syndrome so you know what the signs and symptoms are just incase. There is a slight but real chance you could wind up in the ER if you up your calories too quick from such a low level. This isn't meant to scare you just to inform. I wish I had known about it a couple years ago when I started eating more.
Jan 24, 2014
:yeahthat Totally agree with Blossom here, go slow. Refeeding will help to bring your stress levels down and will also improve sleep. Healing on every level is the road to empowerment and self-actualization.

In my Blakean year
I was so disposed
Toward a mission yet unclear
Advancing pole by pole
Fortune breathed into my ear
Mouthed a simple ode
One road is paved in gold
One road is just a road

In my Blakean year
Such a woeful schism
The pain of our existence
Was not as I envisioned
Boots that trudged from track to track
Worn down to the sole
One road is paved in gold
One road is just a road

Boots that tread from track to track
Worn down to the sole
One road is paved in gold
One road is just a road

In my Blakean year
Temptation but a hiss
Just a shallow spear
Robed in cowardice

Brace yourself for bitter flack
For a life sublime
A labyrinth of riches
Never shall unwind
The threads that bind the pilgrim's sack
Are stitched into the Blakean back
So throw off your stupid cloak
Embrace all that you fear
For joy shall conquer all despair
In my Blakean year
Mercy has a human heart
Pity a human face
Love a human form of defy
Peace a human dress
To mercy, pity, peace and love
For praying their distress

But mercy shall embrace
Mercy shall embrace
Mercy, it is the mercy
It is the mercy

Mercy shall embrace
Mercy shall embrace
Mercy shall embrace
It's the mercy, mercy


Sep 17, 2014
thebigpeatowski said:
with milk? or just your overzealous onion incident?

Heh, no. That's my response to everything when I have no excuse for my behaviour.

"Did you lie in bed all day and eat?"

"***t happens."

"Did you spill water on my laptop?!!?!?!"

"***t happens!"

"Why are you naked?"

"***t happens."
Jan 24, 2014
Oh, okay...that's what I thought, but just wanted to be clear.

We take sh*t very seriously around here, especially ME. Poop matters.


Sep 17, 2014
Too depressing... I think I might get stuck on that one road, not the one paved in gold.

My 16 year old self would be so disappointed... That b**** was so shallow! She was hoping I would be ******* head-turningly hot, independant and settled.
Boo hoo hoo, etc. ;)

Hey, I should make that my signature!
Boo hoo hoo!
Oh my fears!
My fears!
Listen to my feaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars
Jan 24, 2014
SEROTONIN soaked sweet, throw off your stupid cloak.

Whenever you are ready...this IS the road to "hot, independent and settled".


Mar 29, 2014
Yes to gradually increasing calories like Blossom said to avoid refeeding syndrome.

If you are peeing all the time, especially if it's clear, you can slow down the drinks and go for more calorie dense food till you can handle more.
If you love any kind of milk and can drink it, that's great, and can be a central part of diet.
If you don't like OJ and it gives you heart burn, try other kinds of juice. I have to put baking soda in the commercial stuff I buy to make it less acidic - I like it better that way and it messes with me less - you could try that and see if it helps. And I drink more apple juice than OJ.

If you have reason to believe you are overly acidic, it's easy to test with pH strips, but it sounds like the dollars might be an issue for you at the moment. But if you really are - average UpH <6.3 - then supplementing calcium might help. I get some from milk, but not enough because it doesn't always agree with me, so I eat 1/4 - 1/2 tsp oyster shell powder/day. Clean eggshell powder, which you can make yourself if you have a suitable grinder available, is probably better, acc. Peat. Adding a bit of baking soda to acidy fruit juice can help aginst it making you even more acid.

If you are not enjoying fruit, you can get some minerals from fruit and vege broths. Quick boil and discard leafy greens, with a little baking soda if they are high in oxalic acid, can give some good calcium and magnesium etc. Poster Mittir had a recipe he used.
How does your cronometer log say you are doing with minerals? Protein?
I've been in that situation of knowing I need to eat but not knowing what to eat. Remind me, what are the foods you do feel like eating?

You can only do what you can do - it's OK to make changes gradually.

Seen this? viewtopic.php?f=73&t=5434


Sep 17, 2014
tara said:
Yes to gradually increasing calories like Blossom said to avoid refeeding syndrome.

Is there a way to post my Cronometer days? So you can see...

My bf dragged me to an Indian place... I might have overeaten... Had some rice and saucy chicken and then a tandoori leg! :?
I don't know about having the overfeeding syndrome because I tend to undereat but other days eat like this randomly... It's too inconsistent to be starvation.
I did have some of the symptoms though today, nausea, heartburn,breathing problems... Could be something else... I'm not exactly the picture of a starving child... (more like someone who ate a few of them).

I get a lot of calcium actually. I have a Cal-Mag-Zinc that I take and today I got 4,069mg.

How do you make the eggshell calcium? I got a coffee grinder! Do you wash them and bake them or just grind them up?

Would love a broth recipe... But never heard of a fruit broth! Sounds yummy! I can cook berries and eat them with yogurt, it's what I used to do in the absence of desserts...

What's this I've been hearing about milk chocolate? Is that a good Peat snack?
I know cocoa is a good source of magnesium but it's probably dark chocolate, right?

What I'm used to eating is rice, potatoes, butter, chicken and pork... Not exactly Peaty foods :(
Its not helping that Im a bad cook! My bf cooks and his food as lots of butter usually and fat...

What do you suggest?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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