Partners In Defense, Vitamins E And C


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Legends of Kyrandia, a study done to explore the interaction of vits E and C
Partners in defense, vitamin E and vitamin C. - PubMed - NCBI

"To differentiate the role of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase in this AA-induced tocopherol oxidation, we conducted experiments in which platelet homogenates were preincubated with cyclooxygenase inhibitors prior to the addition of AA. Preincubation with known cyclooxygenase inhibitors such as aspirin or indomethacin markedly potentiated this AA-induced tocopherol oxidation."
"Reduction of PGG2 to PGH2 has been shown to generate a tyrosyl radical, which inactivates cyclooxygenase, thereby limiting the amount of prostaglandins produced (Lassman et al. 1991)."​
Which is why the compounds that inhibits the enzyme potentiate the tocopherol oxidation.

"These results strongly support the hypothesis that AA-induced tocopherol oxidation in platelets is unrelated to cyclooxygenase but could be mediated by its 12-lipoxygenase activity."

Then they proceed to test different lipoxygenase products, and:

"To our great surprise, however, at 2.5 and 5 min after the addition of 12-HPETE, we detected the reappearance of tocopherol. These results reveal that when endogenous lipoxygenase is blocked by ETYA, 12-HPETE-induced oxidation of platelet tocopherol is reversible, suggesting the presence of endogenous reductant(s) that can be used to regenerate tocopherol."

The lords then added compounds that stopped the action of that other enzyme so that they could study the regeneration of tocopherol. Just like they did with aspirin.
After that, they added vit C and glutathione to compare their effects at the regeneration effects of tocopherol under the influence of AA.

"..the addition of ascorbate caused a rapid regeneration, which peaked at 1 min, by which time 64% of oxidized tocopherol was regenerated. In contrast: the addition of GSH caused a steady increase of the tocopherol level, which reached a maximum after 5 min."

"These findings illustrate the intricate dependency of membrane redox potential on cytosolic reductants
and further reinforce the notion that, in estimating the vitamin E requirement of man, other dietary factors such as ascorbate, selenium (a component of GSH peroxidase) , and unsaturated fatty acids should also be considered."

"Experimental evidence from animals and man has long established that polyunsaturated fat increases the requirement for vitamin E. Therefore, the turnover of membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids, a steady-state remodelling process of membrane phospholipids, may consume vitamin E via the lipoxygenase pathway. The rate of vitamin E consumption is expected to be much higher during inflammation, during which lipoxygenase activity and oxyradical production are much higher in inflammatory cells such as leukocytes and platelets. We have recently shown that oxidized vitamin E can also be regenerated in rat meutrophils (Ho and Chan 1992)."


Feb 24, 2016
Hi Amazoniac, thank you for this info. I already knew Vit C protected E, so cool to learn about specific mechanisms! I've been learning interesting things in this book called "Antioxidant Status, Diet, Nutrition, and Health" (google books).
Nov 26, 2013
500mg of vitamin C gives me excellent mental clarity and a buzz in my forehead. The ability to maintain relaxation is very much improved. But I think I started getting lactic acid in my muscles after two days.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Hi Amazoniac, thank you for this info. I already knew Vit C protected E, so cool to learn about specific mechanisms! I've been learning interesting things in this book called "Antioxidant Status, Diet, Nutrition, and Health" (google books).
Thanks for the suggestion. Is there something about vit C being used more efficiently when balanced with other plant compounds (cofactors like bioflavonoids, etc) mentioned in the book? Compared to isolated, as in most supplements..


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Nickel and Cobalt Health Effects, Benefits, Allergies, Safety Issues

"Vitamin C increases iron uptake, which Vitamin E inhibits. Vitamin C lowers manganese and zinc, while Vitamin E helps increase manganese and zinc absorption. As a result, a very high intake of one will require an equally high intake of the other to maintain the same ratio. On the other hand, a pre-existing abnormal Vitamin C / Vitamin E ratio requires greater supplementation of one (compared to the other), to help normalize it."

"An increasing number of studies have come to the conclusion that excessive intake of Vitamin E has the potential to increase the risk for heart disease rather than having a preventive effect, which is not only a concern for overdosing on Vitamin E, but other Vitamins and minerals as well. While an optimal intake of any nutrient will provide optimal benefits, going beyond this ideal amount may not only reduce those benefits again, but potentially lead to adverse consequences. Most patients I have tested over the years had - with few exceptions - much greater requirements for Vitamin C than for Vitamin E, so an excessive intake of Vitamin E could in those individuals easily worsen any low Vitamin C-related medical problems, which include cardiovascular disease."

"mixed or complexed Vitamin E in the form of alpha, beta, delta, gamma tocopherols, and alpha, beta, delta, gamma tocotrienols acts as a synergistic formula that reduces the risk of creating fractional Vitamin E deficiencies as a result of supplementing excessive amounts of one type (generally dl-alpha alone), which inhibits the heart-protective gamma form, although some laboratory experiments showed that gamma-tocopherol quinone caused cell death, in contrast to alpha-tocopherol quinone, which did not kill cells."

"Vitamin E raises sodium, so in some sodium-sensitive individuals this may create a slight increase in blood pressure when supplementing higher amounts of Vitamin E. Due to the vasodilating action of Vitamin E, some individuals with hypotension may find their blood pressure to go even a bit lower. Blood pressure values for the rest of the population generally remain unaffected by Vitamin E supplementation.

While some sources claim otherwise, the blood-thinning effect of Vitamin E can be potent enough that an excessive intake over longer periods of time is capable of causing bruising, and even hemorrhaging as a result of significantly lowering calcium and Vitamin K, which are required for normal blood clotting."

Selenium Sulfur DRI/RDA, benefits, side effects, overdose, toxicity, requirements

"Although selenium and Vitamin E work together synergistically in that they carry out antioxidant and immuno-stimulating functions, they compete with each other on a biochemical level, where increasing the one requires an increase of the other, otherwise ratio problems occur. The same effect happens to Vitamin E when higher amounts of Vitamin C are supplemented, despite both being antioxidants."
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Looks interesting but I couldn't find it anywhere:
Interaction of vitamin E and ascorbic acid (review). - PubMed - NCBI
Ascorbic acid appears to have two opposite roles in animal tissues: to act as an antioxidant or to act as a prooxidant. The effects of ascorbic acid supplementation on the tissue antioxidant status seem to be dependent on the dose of ascorbic acid and the vitamin E status. Adequate doses of ascorbic acid supplementation to vitamin E-deficient subjects or animals help to partially maintain vitamin E levels, probably through sparing the degradative metabolism of vitamin E, and thus increase the antioxidant effectiveness. The sparing effect of ascorbic acid on vitamin E metabolism is also shown in the partial reversal of the manifestation of vitamin E deficiency. On the other hand, when the animals are marginally adequate in vitamin E status, ascorbic acid supplementation in large doses appears to promote lipid peroxidation and significantly decreases the antioxidant potential of animals. An increase of the level of vitamin E supplementation overcomes the prooxidant effect of large doses of ascorbic acid. This observation suggests that vitamin E requirement may be increased with a large dose of ascorbic acid supplementation.
East West: Energy And Metabolism

"Vitamin E and vitamin C and uric acid, which is produced in our body is a major antioxidant. But the marketing of the idea of antioxidants has created a big confusion in that area. The antioxidants in our body have to fit together with uric acid which is naturally there and the enzymes which naturally breakdown free radicals, and if you put things in that don't fit; apparent antioxidant in a test tube can become a pro-oxidant in the body. Things have to fit together so that vitamin A and vitamin E lock together and vitamin E and vitamin C lock together, uric acid and vitamin C lock together and the glucose and other sugars have to be streaming through the systems of enzymes turning into carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has to be flowing out of the cell properly. The whole antioxidant system is really one piece, and if you try to stuff in any super antioxidants like they are selling as health products you're likely to create more oxidation than you had without it. A recent publication saw that cataracts are twice as common in men over the age of 65 who took big supplements of vitamin E and vitamin C almost doubled their rate of cataracts."


Sep 13, 2012


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Interactions between vitamins C and E in human subjects


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