Low Toxin Testimonials My experience pushing detox too hard, the price of being impatient


Sep 27, 2015
When I first began to experiment with the low vitamin A/low toxin diet ideas I slowly changed my diet. This was partly due to skepticism (despite having turned orange and having all the signs of hypervitaminosis A after 10 years of Peat-inspired eating) and partly in order to help my body adjust smoothly. I think the slow transition was crucial to the early good results I got. Very quickly I lost quite a bit of fat (30 pounds or more in 3 months while maintaining strength) and my constant snotty nose was gone within a month. My lifelong cat allergy disappeared in the same time frame. I had much more energy overall. Itchiness and pain in my liver area were going away. My digestion was improving. After 10 years of intermittent insomnia my sleep was better than ever. I had been very EMF sensitive for at least 2 years and this was already greatly improved.

I basically had around 4 months of a honeymoon phase, where I had taken most of the toxin intake away, but my bile ducts were still damaged so the level of detoxification from my liver was still suppressed. Possibly if I had kept going low and slow with all changes I could have smoothly stayed in this pleasant phase of detox and very slowly brought more of my liver detox capacity back to full function.

I did not think I was pushing that hard or being that reckless, but I think I had a really toxic liver and very damaged bile ducts and really needed to be careful increasing supplements like niacin. I happened to double my niacin dose to 300mg during a major solar flare/solar proton radiation storm event and I was instantly very sick with a major bile dump/flu/covid-type illness for about a week, after which I felt like I had been endogenously poisoned with Accutane, with major anhedonia and depression. My intestines seemed to be swollen shut with major constipation. These symptoms also lasted over a week and the thing that really pulled me out of this was fasting with minerals and high dose lactoferrin for 2.5 days. My intestines and mood improved dramatically and the fast was a bit of a mystical experience as well. But a few days after breaking the fast, detox came back online and I think the lactoferrin really healed my bile ducts because I had never had this kind of toxic bile flow before. I had severe copper toxicity symptoms with anxiety, near total insomnia, and major brain fog for over a week. It was truly humbling.

It seems like I came out of both of these detox phases stronger than before in a number of ways but I think that I could have achieved the same results more gradually without the acute detox misery had I continued being a bit slower to make changes. I wanted to share this experience because it truly showed me why Garrett Smith repeats these cheesy phrases: this is a marathon not a sprint, and this is not a game. They may be corny but I would take the sentiment very seriously because during these accelerated detox events I could not work or get much of anything productive done, which could have very difficult consequences for many people depending on their obligations. Granted, eating "Peaty" I had not been sick at all in decade, so maybe there was a toll to pay for this but I do think it could have gone smoother.


Sep 13, 2012
Thanks for sharing @Nick !! Would you call this the detox setback so many have been going through? Do you think it is a result of going too low vitamin A or adding in too many supplements? Did you try activated charcoal during this?


Sep 27, 2015
Thanks for sharing @Nick !! Would you call this the detox setback so many have been going through? Do you think it is a result of going too low vitamin A or adding in too many supplements? Did you try activated charcoal during this?
I think this is similar to what people mean by the detox setback. My interpretation is that it was from going too fast increasing supplements, especially niacin but also zinc, selenium and lactoferrin while chronically doing a little too much soluble fiber from beans. It's possible that keeping vitamin A a little higher for longer might also have helped avoid this but I don't know. I never actually went below maybe 500-700 IU for more than a few days at any point other than when I was sick and couldn't eat or when I was fasting. I still have 1-1.5 eggs per day as well as some ketchup, mustard and occasionally a little bit of cheese or sour cream.

Yes, during most of my detox crisis I was using charcoal to the maximal amount I could without aggravating constipation. It helped take the edge off for sure. A charcoal poultice was very helpful at reducing symptoms at times but I think it drew something out of the blood other than just bile because it gave me really weird de-personalization symptoms, like it felt like my soul had been taken from my body for several hours after doing maybe 2 hours of charcoal poultice over my liver and belly.


Sep 13, 2012
I think this is similar to what people mean by the detox setback. My interpretation is that it was from going too fast increasing supplements, especially niacin but also zinc, selenium and lactoferrin while chronically doing a little too much soluble fiber from beans. It's possible that keeping vitamin A a little higher for longer might also have helped avoid this but I don't know. I never actually went below maybe 500-700 IU for more than a few days at any point other than when I was sick and couldn't eat or when I was fasting. I still have 1-1.5 eggs per day as well as some ketchup, mustard and occasionally a little bit of cheese or sour cream.

Yes, during most of my detox crisis I was using charcoal to the maximal amount I could without aggravating constipation. It helped take the edge off for sure. A charcoal poultice was very helpful at reducing symptoms at times but I think it drew something out of the blood other than just bile because it gave me really weird de-personalization symptoms, like it felt like my soul had been taken from my body for several hours after doing maybe 2 hours of charcoal poultice over my liver and belly.
Yeah increasing the supplements too high seems to be a major cause. I try to keep any supp I'm doing low and slow and breaks in between to see how I'm doing overall. I absolutely do NOT want to crash as I was in a pretty good place in my life going into this.

This kinda reminds me of when I was avoiding major sources of vitamin A for the last several yrs I did have some periods where if I was actually doing some kind of protocol I might have said it was a huge bile dump or setback. One of the 'setbacks' occurred after doing 3 eggs a day and then trying out more b vitamins. I developed extreme anxiety. I blamed my life circumstances which absolutely led to the panic, but I think it was mostly from the eggs and b vitamins pushing detox too hard. I now avoid all eggs and generally speaking even going extremely low vitamin A and doing a boat load of fiber I don't have much anxiety. Just a few blips because of blood sugar problems. I haven't had many days of feeling like I'm dumping anything but maybe my liver hasn't cracked open yet. I do enemas regularly.

I also had a few sicknesses that were pretty bad, and a retracing of the strep throat I used to get all the time as a kid after I cleaned up my teeth, but haven't been sick much since then. This was before I started any kind of protocol or fiber. I've been limiting A since August 2018. Been doing the vit A detox diet in the last couple months and so far so good. Being able to tolerate fiber was a gamechanger. I think I was killing myself slowly without fiber. The mineral balancing programs all have lots of fiber, lowish fat, high protein from meat and making sure to get betaine. Another key thing is making sure protein is digesting well. When it doesn't you get ammonia and hyrdogen sulfide. Extremely toxic.

I have yet to try lactoferrin, I'm very cautious about that one! Glad there's been warnings about it!

Do you think you are copper toxic and that's why beans became an issue? They are generally higher in copper than other foods.


May 7, 2017
Identical to when you push MMS/CDS too hard.

I’ve found CDS enemas help speed up recovery. Anything that moves the bowels, really.

Trying to figure out where hydrogen fits in all of this. In theory, it should allow one to push detox harder while avoiding the setback. It’s already known that drinking/breathing hydrogen prior to oxidative therapies (separated by atleast an hour) allows for more tolerance. Basically creates a cushion against free radical and oxidative damage, but also addresses reductive stress. Latest research is showing it’s a redox modulator more so than an antioxidant. It’s just confusing now because it’s hard to know if things are helping by clearing the blood and stuffing the liver (vitamin E) vs. actually assisting detox. Consistent hydrogen use always got my bowels moving so I’m leaning toward the later.


Sep 27, 2015
Another key thing is making sure protein is digesting well. When it doesn't you get ammonia and hyrdogen sulfide. Extremely toxic.
What have you found to be most helpful in making sure protein digests well? At times I find I am craving more meat than normal but then I feel like some is not fully digested and feeds pathogenic bacteria.
I have yet to try lactoferrin, I'm very cautious about that one! Glad there's been warnings about it!
Like niacin, I have found it to be a very useful supplement. But with both I got too excited about the benefits I was seeing and increased the dose too fast. It's probably best to start both at a very low dose (for ex. 25mg/day for either niacin or lactoferrin) and then increase slowly, like doubling every week and then reassessing.
Do you think you are copper toxic and that's why beans became an issue? They are generally higher in copper than other foods.
Yes I am definitely copper toxic. That could be part of the issue with too much beans but I actually don't think I do worse with beans than any other fiber. I just can't do too much soluble fiber in general for too long without needing to give my gut a break from the bile.
Identical to when you push MMS/CDS too hard.
I found that a very small amount of CDS really helped with gut inflammation, but too much also gave me weird de-personalization symptoms like the charcoal poultice.
I’ve found CDS enemas help speed up recovery. Anything that moves the bowels, really.

Trying to figure out where hydrogen fits in all of this. In theory, it should allow one to push detox harder while avoiding the setback. It’s already known that drinking/breathing hydrogen prior to oxidative therapies (separated by atleast an hour) allows for more tolerance. Basically creates a cushion against free radical and oxidative damage, but also addresses reductive stress. Latest research is showing it’s a redox modulator more so than an antioxidant. It’s just confusing now because it’s hard to know if things are helping by clearing the blood and stuffing the liver (vitamin E) vs. actually assisting detox. Consistent hydrogen use always got my bowels moving so I’m leaning toward the later.
I don't know anything about the hydrogen therapy but I'm intrigued, I'll probably look into this more.


Sep 13, 2012
What have you found to be most helpful in making sure protein digests well? At times I find I am craving more meat than normal but then I feel like some is not fully digested and feeds pathogenic bacteria.

Like niacin, I have found it to be a very useful supplement. But with both I got too excited about the benefits I was seeing and increased the dose too fast. It's probably best to start both at a very low dose (for ex. 25mg/day for either niacin or lactoferrin) and then increase slowly, like doubling every week and then reassessing.

Yes I am definitely copper toxic. That could be part of the issue with too much beans but I actually don't think I do worse with beans than any other fiber. I just can't do too much soluble fiber in general for too long without needing to give my gut a break from the bile.
I originally worked on digestion before trying out the toxic bile theory, I did betaine hcl with heavy meat meals and also enzymes, though I'm not sure if the enzymes really mattered in the end. Vinegar can also be helpful. Many people have healed GERD with apple cider vinegar. Not sure if you get any GERD symptoms, it can be silent though.

I hear ya on the fiber thing, I couldn't tolerate fiber for yrs. I think I had SIBO. The charcoal seems to have taken care of the side effects of fiber. I still get some gas at times though so my bile flow is not great yet.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I did not think I was pushing that hard or being that reckless, but I think I had a really toxic liver and very damaged bile ducts and really needed to be careful increasing supplements like niacin. I happened to double my niacin dose to 300mg during a major solar flare/solar proton radiation storm event and I was instantly very sick with a major bile dump/flu/covid-type illness for about a week, after which I felt like I had been endogenously poisoned with Accutane, with major anhedonia and depression. My intestines seemed to be swollen shut with major constipation. These symptoms also lasted over a week and the thing that really pulled me out of this was fasting with minerals and high dose lactoferrin for 2.5 days. My intestines and mood improved dramatically and the fast was a bit of a mystical experience as well. But a few days after breaking the fast, detox came back online and I think the lactoferrin really healed my bile ducts because I had never had this kind of toxic bile flow before. I had severe copper toxicity symptoms with anxiety, near total insomnia, and major brain fog for over a week. It was truly humbling.
This last round of solar flares caused a really deep long and hard detox for many people. And it lasted at least 3 or 4 weeks. Feeling much stronger on the other side though, and closer to God.
I wanted to share this experience because it truly showed me why Garrett Smith repeats these cheesy phrases: this is a marathon not a sprint, and this is not a game.
I am definitely guilty of pushing detox too hard. But once you see that this detox is a real thing, and the results are incredible and life just keeps getting better and better. Someone like me tends to go all in. And well, that can hurt especially if one is copper toxic. :ss
I have yet to try lactoferrin, I'm very cautious about that one! Glad there's been warnings about it!
Lactoferrin is to be respected no doubt.
Identical to when you push MMS/CDS too hard.
Trying to figure out where hydrogen fits in all of this. In theory, it should allow one to push detox harder while avoiding the setback. It’s already known that drinking/breathing hydrogen prior to oxidative therapies (separated by atleast an hour) allows for more tolerance. Basically creates a cushion against free radical and oxidative damage, but also addresses reductive stress. Latest research is showing it’s a redox modulator more so than an antioxidant. It’s just confusing now because it’s hard to know if things are helping by clearing the blood and stuffing the liver (vitamin E) vs. actually assisting detox. Consistent hydrogen use always got my bowels moving so I’m leaning toward the later.
Interesting, thank you for sharing. If you find more info please let us know.


Sep 27, 2015
This last round of solar flares caused a really deep long and hard detox for many people. And it lasted at least 3 or 4 weeks. Feeling much stronger on the other side though, and closer to God.
While I do think the space weather was a big contributor to why this detox period ended up getting so difficult for me, I think the principle of being a bit more careful applies all the time. One cannot know what is going to happen with factors out of our control like the sun, but also regular life stresses that may come along at an inopportune time and exacerbate a period of already too strong detox. I was very lucky that my work situation and other obligations were such that I was able to adjust for this extended "sick" period without it being too major of a disruption.
I am definitely guilty of pushing detox too hard. But once you see that this detox is a real thing, and the results are incredible and life just keeps getting better and better. Someone like me tends to go all in. And well, that can hurt especially if one is copper toxic. :ss
Once you see the results from a medium strong detox period it's hard not to want to push even harder but I do think there's a point at which the short term damage can cancel out the detox benefits, at least for a little while. Now that I'm mostly out of this I don't think I feel more improvements than I did from an equal period of more moderate detox symptoms.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I do think there's a point at which the short term damage can cancel out the detox benefits, at least for a little while.
I agree. There is no need to rush through this.


Mar 26, 2014
SpaceWeatherLive is a good app that pings out notifications for all sorts of space weather events. It's less than £1/$1 a month.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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