My brother got schizophrenia.Need some help.


Feb 3, 2020
I think increasing the amount of mineral-rich foods will help tremendously. I think „The Vertical Diet“ framework is pretty good as a basis. But everyone needs to find their own selection of foods that agrees with them, so take it more as a suggestion than a prescription. :)

I experimented with a ton of different supplements for many years and I just realized lately that I feel best without any supplements + focusing on eating a high quality diet.



If you do a blood panel that shows 'any' eosinophils that indicates parasites.
Doctors are taught by the Rockefeller establishment, which funded, and has made private, the largest research pool on parasites, so they will avoid diagnosis of parasites as their hidden trade secret.
They will probably say that the eosinophil count has to be at a certain number. Not so, if eosinophils are measurable at all that means there are parasites. 95% of the population has rope worm according to a Russian researcher. And that's just one species of parasite.
Humans are probably the most parasite ridden species on the planet by intentional design.
Parasites have been found in vaccines for decades.
Doctors are trained to think that only third world humans get viruses, Meanwhile they are injecting parasites into their patients and getting paid a 'lot' for it.
This is useful information. If the reading is say 0.1 does this mean there is parasite?


Nov 16, 2021
Alberta Canada
Yes, it means your body is trying to attack a parasite.
Parasites can mess with protein glycosylation to lower end state activation of different phages so the lower the count can actually mean the higher the infection rate.
Like cancer and nagalase. Nagalase cleaves proteins that formulate gcmaf. So cancer can lower th1 T cell activation. They use a nagalase test to see if chemo has reduced cancer.


Yes, it means your body is trying to attack a parasite.
Parasites can mess with protein glycosylation to lower end state activation of different phages so the lower the count can actually mean the higher the infection rate.
Like cancer and nagalase. Nagalase cleaves proteins that formulate gcmaf. So cancer can lower th1 T cell activation. They use a nagalase test to see if chemo has reduced cancer.
Thank you
Mar 10, 2021

my brother got schizophrenia. I need some advice regarding his diet and supplements.

He is 30 years old, 190cm and his weight is 102kg,

He has to eat every 1-2 hours because without constant eating his negative symptoms get worse. Do you have any Tipps to stabilize his blood sugar?

Current diet:

breakfast: 1 glass of OJ, 1 coffee with milk and 1 tbs of sugar and 30g of protein powder with skimmed milk

Till lunch he drinks maybe 1-2 coffees with milk and sugar.

lunch: some meat and fruit and a glass of OJ or Coca Cola

till dinner 1-2 coffees with milk and sugar. Dinner 30g protein powder, 3 oranges. And constant snacking till he goes to sleep, because his bloodsugar feels so unstable.

He has very low energy but tries to go outside and walks maybe 8000 steps in total. Other symptoms are muscle pain, constant hunger, poor concentration, cognitive decline.


200mg Vit B1
500mg niacinamide 3xweek (helps him with mood)
Magnesium 400-600mg

Thank you for reading
I recommend carrots. My mother had the same condition and they helped her.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2021
Thyroid, insomnia, and the insanities: Commonalities in disease
"Serotonin, an important mediator of stress, shock, and inflammation, is a vasoconstrictor that impairs circulation in a great variety of circumstances.

Stress impairs metabolism, and serotonin suppresses mitochondrial energy production.

Stress and shock tend to increase our absorption of bacterial endotoxin from the intestine, and endotoxin causes the release of serotonin from platelets in the blood.

Schizophrenia is one outcome of stress, both cumulative and acute. Prenatal stress commonly predisposes a person to develop schizophrenia at a later age.
Serotonin’s restriction of circulation to the uterus is a major factor in toxemia of pregnancy and related complications of pregnancy.

Hypothyroidism increases serotonin activity in the body, as it increases estrogen dominance.

Estrogen inhibits the enzyme monoamino oxidase (MAO), and is highly associated with increased serotonin activity. Progesterone has the opposite effect on MAO.

The frontal lobes of the brain are hypometabolic in schizophrenia. Serotonin can cause vasoconstriction in the brain.

Serotonin release causes lipid peroxidation.

Schizophrenics have high levels of lipid peroxidation.

Antioxidants, including uric acid, are deficient in schizophrenics.

Therapies which improve mitochondrial respiration alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Energy depletion leads to brain atrophy, but with normal stimulation and nutrition even adult brains can grow.

Schizophrenics and depressed people have defective sleep.

Increasing the body’s energy level and temperature improves the quality of sleep." -Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
"Therapies that have been successful in treating “schizophrenia” include penicillin, sleep therapy, hyperbaric oxygen, carbon dioxide therapy, thyroid, acetazolamide, lithium and vitamins. These all make fundamental contributions to the restoration of biological energy. Antibiotics, for example, lower endotoxin formation in the intestine, protect against the induction by endotoxin of serotonin, histamine, estrogen, and cortisol. Acetazolamide causes the tissues to retain carbon dioxide, and increased carbon dioxide acidifies cells, preventing serotonin secretion. -Ray Peat



Apr 17, 2017
In TCM, schizophrenia is associated with gallbladder.

Blood sugar instability and constipation are symptoms of gallbladder disease.

Based on the results of limited studies, bile acids tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) may help treat schizophrenia.

TUDCA and UDCA have cholagogue and choleretic properties. Cholagogues stimulate gallbladder contraction to promote bile flow, whereas choleretics increase bile secretion by the liver. They also have a laxative effect on the digestive system.

Therefore, cholagogue and choleretic foods such as Apples, Aloe Vera, Asparagus, Artichoke, Beets Greens, Carrot, Celery, Fennel, Okra, Rhubarb, etc may be helpful for schizophrenia.



May 4, 2021
So he stopped the B vitamins and the magnesium. He stopped drinking milk and coffee. His depressive symptomps became worse but I think it will take a few days to getting used to it.

Today he was able to be without food for 5h after breakfast (bowl of rice, glass of OJ and two eggs). If he gets hungry after lunch he tries to eat potatoes and not sweets like chocolate or candy.

I recommend carrots. My mother had the same condition and they helped her.

If I can get him to try the carraot salad it would be great. I don´t know if his gallbladder is affected...but maybe he could try some of the cholagogue and choleretic foods.

If serotonin is an big issue here would it be okay to try out tianeptine?


Dec 17, 2018
So he stopped the B vitamins and the magnesium. He stopped drinking milk and coffee. His depressive symptomps became worse but I think it will take a few days to getting used to it.

Today he was able to be without food for 5h after breakfast (bowl of rice, glass of OJ and two eggs). If he gets hungry after lunch he tries to eat potatoes and not sweets like chocolate or candy.

If I can get him to try the carraot salad it would be great. I don´t know if his gallbladder is affected...but maybe he could try some of the cholagogue and choleretic foods.

If serotonin is an big issue here would it be okay to try out tianeptine?
Do not try more drugs. He needs to detox from the caffeine. It takes 7-9 days for receptors to readjust to no caffeine. This will worsen depressive symptoms and fatigue until then because he will have more serotonin, cholinergic, and gabaergic activity and less adrenergic and dopaminergic activity.


Nov 18, 2019
Do not try more drugs. He needs to detox from the caffeine. It takes 7-9 days for receptors to readjust to no caffeine. This will worsen depressive symptoms and fatigue until then because he will have more serotonin, cholinergic, and gabaergic activity and less adrenergic and dopaminergic activity.

knowing that acetylcholine antagonizes serotonin, if you are already high acetylcholine type, the witdrawal may Not causes a lot of serotonininergic symptoms no during this Time laps ?

but ofc fatigue may be high with crashed epinephrine (and maybe cortisol too ?)


May 4, 2021
Biochemical Individuality & Nutrition
Thank you. I bought his book and started reading it. The author describes Vitamin B6 and Zinc defficencies in schizophrenic patients. I took a look at my brothers bloodwork and found out that he had very low Vitamin B6 levels. He can´t remeber dreams and has a very bad memory too. Shall we supplement Vitamin B6 or is there enough Vitamin B6 in eggs and meat.
Nov 21, 2015
i would supplement 25mg to 40mg of B6 P5P per day. I find it helps my wife's essential tremors dramatically, BTW. Not that it's connected with schizophrenia but it seems a lot of people could benefit from more B6 P5P


Feb 3, 2020
Thank you. I bought his book and started reading it. The author describes Vitamin B6 and Zinc defficencies in schizophrenic patients. I took a look at my brothers bloodwork and found out that he had very low Vitamin B6 levels. He can´t remeber dreams and has a very bad memory too. Shall we supplement Vitamin B6 or is there enough Vitamin B6 in eggs and meat.
I would make sure that he eats at least a pound of (lean) beef every day. (or more of course)
That will give you a very good amount of zinc and B6 that you probably don‘t get from any other food (except maybe oysters)

You can try B6 but I‘d make sure that it is purely P5P (active B6) because the inactive B6 can cause some issues in regards to neuropathy.


Dec 17, 2018
knowing that acetylcholine antagonizes serotonin, if you are already high acetylcholine type, the witdrawal may Not causes a lot of serotonininergic symptoms no during this Time laps ?

but ofc fatigue may be high with crashed epinephrine (and maybe cortisol too ?)
You will have higher gaba activity which will partially prevent higher serotonin. Gaba will also inhibit all the other excitatory neurotransmitters. And all your stress hormone secretion will drop as well because of this.

Its histamine that primarily has anti-serotonin effects. Acetylcholine doesn't really. I think you confused the two.


Nov 18, 2019
You will have higher gaba activity which will partially prevent higher serotonin. Gaba will also inhibit all the other excitatory neurotransmitters. And all your stress hormone secretion will drop as well because of this.

Its histamine that primarily has anti-serotonin effects. Acetylcholine doesn't really. I think you confused the two.
Oh ok sorry so,
high avetylcholine type are often lowish serotonin type too but it may be because of the acetylcholine-histamine-estrogen- dopamine synergy/ correlation


May 4, 2021
I would like to update this thread...

- Since starting the new diet my brother has to pee very often and it is aftecting his sleep, because he has to go around five times per night. If he drinks less he still has to go but is peeing tiny amounts. The urine is always clear as water and never yellow

- His muscle pain got worse
- anxiety is still pretty high
- sleep is bad because of the frequent urination
- not able to focus
- bad short term memory

Diet: BF = Rice, butter, sugar, 2 eggs and OJ
Lunch = Beef + potatoes + butter
Snack 2-3 oranges
Dinner = Poteatoes + butter + 2 eggs+OJ
After dinner he gets very hungry and starts to crave chocolate or candy. He goes to bad very early because he even does not have the energy to read or watch a movie.

Is this a normal reaction to a new kind of diet and how long will it take till he getting better?


Dec 17, 2018
I would like to update this thread...

- Since starting the new diet my brother has to pee very often and it is aftecting his sleep, because he has to go around five times per night. If he drinks less he still has to go but is peeing tiny amounts. The urine is always clear as water and never yellow

- His muscle pain got worse
- anxiety is still pretty high
- sleep is bad because of the frequent urination
- not able to focus
- bad short term memory

Diet: BF = Rice, butter, sugar, 2 eggs and OJ
Lunch = Beef + potatoes + butter
Snack 2-3 oranges
Dinner = Poteatoes + butter + 2 eggs+OJ
After dinner he gets very hungry and starts to crave chocolate or candy. He goes to bad very early because he even does not have the energy to read or watch a movie.

Is this a normal reaction to a new kind of diet and how long will it take till he getting better?
How many days has it been since he's last consumed any form coffee/caffeine?

By the way chocolate does have some caffeine so its kind of missing the point of the caffeine detox. He needs to lay off all sources of caffeine so this can work properly.

If hes eating a lot of potatoes, than likely he is getting cholinergic reaction from them. Potatoes have solanine which inhibits acetylcholinesterase (which breaks down Ach). It has a long half life of 21 hours so frequent consumption of potatoes can lead to mild cholinergic toxicity symptoms because Ach is not being broken down at the normal rate. This higher activity of Ach at muscarinic receptors in the bladder triggers the detrusor muscle to contract too much, which gives the urge to urinate even if you little urine. This Ach build up also contributes to fatigue.

He should stop the potatoes and replace the starch with rice, yams, sweet potatoes (they dont contain toxic glycoalkaloids like solanin), white flour products (occasionally). His frequent urination should go away and so he'll be able to sleep. His focus, anxiety and other things should improve once he can sleep through the night again.


May 4, 2021
How many days has it been since he's last consumed any form coffee/caffeine?
Thank you for your detailed answer. He consumed it 8 or 9 days ago. I did not know about caffeine in chocolate. I will tell him to quit it.

I will tell him to stop eating potatoes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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