Blood Sugar Not Falling - Tried Everything Please Help


Oct 28, 2019
I've not seen anyone mention liver health. Tends to go hand in hand with insulin resistance. Has he had liver tests? How does he handle caffeine? that can be an easy test for liver health.

Also, as others have said it looks like he doesn't eat much protein.
Dec 18, 2018
I've not seen anyone mention liver health. Tends to go hand in hand with insulin resistance. Has he had liver tests? How does he handle caffeine? that can be an easy test for liver health.

Also, as others have said it looks like he doesn't eat much protein.
The protein is a huge issue,and also what typical comes with high protein foods,like bioavailable Phosphorus,and vitamins.


Mar 29, 2016
This is very interesting. Ive read your stores from time to time. Your posts are very informative and interesting. May I ask your protocols and results over the years?
I agree the gut is very important and your stools tell a lot. Actually even speaking to myself. Ive been drinking milk for almost 2 years and still get dirrhea and gas daily. I wonder why is that? Whenever i eat carrot the smell isnt there. Do you have any research on biofilms? I have read for many years on the bacteria/disease connection and how removing them is beneficial. But it can be dangerous. The huge bacteria die off. Not sure what would be released when such a large amount die off.

again very interesting posts. Would love to talk more! Any posts appreciated.

I've had reservations about taking antibiotics for the sake of improving my gut health. My gut is relatively healthy for one (easy morning plop, no flatulence, no gut pain I can remember) and I wouldn't want to fix when it ain't broken, as the saying goes. But I had been trying very hard to lower my blood pressure over the years, unsuccessfully. It's only last year that I realized that it had to do with periodontal bacterial biofilms - not in my gut, but in my blood vessels. The long and short of it, is that I needed to take antibiotics, as well as biofilm busters, as without biofilm busters to peel away the tough biofilm, antibiotics taken would only be mostly wasted.

As I took my protocol, I wasn't heading much improvement in my blood pressure. It just stayed steadily as high as it was. I had taken 100g doxycyline daily for 2 weeks, followed by Augmentin 625mg daily for 10 days, and have just concluded week 5 of a 7-week usage of Azithromycin, taking 500mg on a T-Th-Sa sked. On the 3rd week of Zpak, I began to take 1 ml copper acetate 3x daily. On the 4th week, I added colloidal silver 3x daily. After meals. On the 5th week, I added 4 cloves garlic minced, mixed in buckwheat honey, taken all at once on an empty stomach for 3x/week.

I experienced diarrhea the 1st week on Azithromycin. I took activated charcoal (1 tsp) when it happened, and diarrhea was gone. On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th week I had a similar one-time occurrence of diarrhea, and each time I took AC, and diarrhea was taken care of.

I think it's pretty remarkable what's going on gut-wise. As I said earlier, my stools became smaller - diameter and lengthwise. They were less pasty, indicating less liquid, and I guess it was because my colon was absorbing more of the gut liquid back -because it passes its "clean enough" test. With less liquid excretion, I'm also conserving potassium. The same could be said of my urine. I urinate much, much less both day and night, and I sleep better. I think there is less serotonin in my system disturbing sleep, and less bacteria both in the gut and in the blood stream to require much killing, where a lot of water is generated as a byproduct of oxidative killing of pathogens.

I also took some TCM herbs, and erythritol, and d-ribose to help in busting the biofilms. It's directed towards the biofilms in my blood vessels, but I think the immediate effect is felt more in my gut. I'll have to continue this in the next post, as I don't want to lack detail, as it's important to have a complete list.

As for your issue with milk and diarrhea, does it have a lactose-intolerance angle to it? I used to have that while I was an infant, and my first years I was on soya milk. But I dont know how I outgrew that. Maybe it was the slow and gradual buildup of milk intake that did it for me. Not sure what your context is, but if you can fill me in on it, it may be a different cause.

By the way, I took that many antibiotics because I was desperate to get my high blood pressure to go down. I think that it's important to have biofilm busters go together with the antibiotics in order to deal with the anaerobic bacteria biofilms. Otherwise, we'd be leaving them intact and alive and this would create an imbalance favoring pathogenic bacteria in the gut. I now am happy to see diarrhea occur when I introduce a new substance as it probably meant that more biofilm is being broken.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Thanks Yerrag. Regarding your blood sugar I remember you eliminated PUFA's. How long did it take to see results?

And how did you figure out about the biofilms? It does make sense now that I think about it, that they would be tough to break and make antibiotics useless. DO you have any research on how those supplements affect biofilms? If it is indeed biofilms would mainstream medicine be doing everything wrong?



Mar 29, 2016
Thanks Yerrag. Regarding your blood sugar I remember you eliminated PUFA's. How long did it take to see results?

And how did you figure out about the biofilms? It does make sense now that I think about it, that they would be tough to break and make antibiotics useless. DO you have any research on how those supplements affect biofilms? If it is indeed biofilms would mainstream medicine be doing everything wrong?


I wasn't keeping count when I stopped taking PUFAs but it must have been at least 4 years, and I'm saying at least 4 years only because it's what's been mentioned as the time it takes for PUFAs to be removed from the system. And I didn't actually measure for PUFA, as I don't know if there's a way, but I felt the effect in improved blood sugar regulation.

As for the biofilms in the gut, I was taking biofilm busters and antibiotics intended for my blood vessels, which I had determined to be lined with periodontal biofilms along with plaque. Since these have to be taken orally, I figured it would somehow affect the gut. I started thinking that way when my stools became smaller and I was starting to experience more incidences of ghost wipe. I began to think that if the blood vessels have biofilms, maybe the gut lining would also have them. As I had been experiencing the effects of higher planktonic bacteria (from released bacteria from broken biofilms in the blood vessels) by way of increased blood pressure, and not being alarmed, I was primed to see a diarrhea in the same way, as a sign of disrupted biofilm in the gut releasing bacteria and/or toxins that would induce a diarrhea.

I began to look at biofilms more closely and more seriously when I read this article:

I began to incorporate some of the biofilm disruptors mentioned in my protocol for eliminating my hypertension. While I wasn't having success on the hypertension front, I was seeing improvements in my gut.

Mainstream medicine isn't built to allow doctors to try substances that's not in the standard toolbox. They are as standard as McDonald's burgers, and not expected to go outside the orthodox approach. It takes a long time, or even never, for them to adopt any better way. It was in the 1930s that carbogen was proven to improve tissue oxygenation. Ninety years later, hospitals are still using pure oxygen. Not only that, the medical system would phase out the use of effective substances that they had been using if its replacement would be more costly, and would provide more profits, and if there were harmful side-effects, it would be seen as a positive as the harm would generate future business for them.


Oct 23, 2018
I guess if the situation is so desperate, use of drugs would be necessary. But I hope that drugs are just going to be a temporary solution, so that a dependence on such drugs is not going to be the final solution. Take serotonin, for example. If most serotonin is coming from the gut, and is mainly produced by bacteria, shouldn't reducing the bacterial load in the gut also be a final goal here?

I've recently felt a large reduction in serotonin from the intake of not just antibiotics, but also biofilm disruptors. While the intake wasn't directed at the gut, the gut was a beneficiary nonetheless because oral intake necessitates the drugs and supplements going through the gut. I was wary that the antibiotics might destroy the gut microbiome, but I had no choice (I was dealing with pathogenic bacterial biofilm colonies in my blood vessels), but it turned out to have given me even better gut health. I was experiencing smaller stools, and the reduction was due to it being composed of less water. This meant that my gut lining was absorbing more liquid because the liquid was cleaner - less bacteria and less endotoxins. Because of the lower amount of bacteria, there was less serotonin. With less serotonin, I was sleeping a lot better. Since I already have sufficient magnesium stores, I didn't need serotonin to help with bowel movement.

One thing I learned is not to see diarrhea as a bad side effect when on a protocol of antibiotics and biofilm busters. The diarrhea occurs because bacteria from biofilm being burst is being released into the gut, either dead or alive, and is being killed by antibiotics. The toxins from the dead bacteria cause the diarrhea, and taking activated charcoal does the trick. So, instead of stopping my protocol, I would continue on, as this would continue with the destruction of anaerobic biofilms in my gut. Getting rid of the pathogenic anaerobes is key to gut health.

I think that when people experience worse gut health after taking antibiotics, it's because what's left behind are the anaerobic bacterial biofilm colonies. Without other bacteria to compete with them, the microbiome becomes unbalanced towards the pathogenic bacteria. While it helps to take probiotics, which is composed of the good anaerobic bacteria such as lactobacilli, it only is about balancing the bad anaerobic bacteria with the good anaerobic bacteria. Yet, this kind of balance still meant that the gut continues to produce serotonin profusely. If the objective is to leave the gut with very little anaerobic bacteria, the use of biofilm disruptors is necessary to go along with antibiotic treatment.

I thought I already had good gut health. But it turns out my gut health was only so-so. I progressed from having smelly to no-smell stools, while already having good bowel movement. It got better still. My stools turned from large long chunks to smaller and shorter chunks, while maintaining good bowel movement. From using a lot of toilet paper to wipe, I'm now using only one piece of toilet paper, only because I had to be sure. I'm consistently having ghost wipes now.

I can confidently say my gut now produces low serotonin. Ray and Haidut and Danny has been saying this for a long time, about sterilizing the gut being good, and I didn't believe that until now. I got my sleep back, and I'm very happy and thankful for it. Don't worry- the gut will never get sterilized.

You mentioned the use of "biofilm disruptors". What would you suggest for this?

I am currently doing a trial of Berberine, Oil of Oregano, and Neem. I have had good results with this protocol in the past and usually follow it for at most 2-3 weeks.

I recently had just started this again and after only about 2 days had significant and frequent loose watery stools that night.

The next day (yesterday), I gave my digestion a rest by doing a 24-28 hour fast. All the while still taking the natural antibiotics as I feel they may work better on an empty stomach.

Again, what would you suggest as a biofilm disrupter to help with the effectiveness of the antibiotics?

I'm looking to improve gut health, as at the moment I got quite a bit of bloating when eating just about any type of food. And even belching on an empty stomach.

Sorry if this has been answered above. I saw your post and immediately replied.

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Mar 29, 2016
You mentioned the use of "biofilm disruptors". What would you suggest for this?

I am currently doing a trial of Berberine, Oil of Oregano, and Neem. I have had good results with this protocol in the past and usually follow it for at most 2-3 weeks.

I recently had just started this again and after only about 2 days had significant and frequent loose watery stools that night.

The next day (yesterday), I gave my digestion a rest by doing a 24-28 hour fast. All the while still taking the natural antibiotics as I feel they may work better on an empty stomach.

Again, what would you suggest as a biofilm disrupter to help with the effectiveness of the antibiotics?

I'm looking to improve gut health, as at the moment I got quite a bit of bloating when eating just about any type of food. And even belching on an empty stomach.

Sorry if this has been answered above. I saw your post and immediately replied.

If you had loose stools as a result of taking those (berberine, oil of oregano, neem), at least one of those would be disrupting biofilm - oregano and berberine does, not sure about neem. I'd like to take them one at a time, and in increasing amounts per day, until I get a watery stool. Then take 1 tsp of Activated Charcoal, to arrest the watery stool condition. I'll contine on with that dose the next few days. Usually the loose stool condition would stop, without the need for activated charcoal. And I'd take that to mean that enough biofilm sensitive to that disruptor has been removed. Then I'd proceed to using another disruptor. Just remember with each loose stool, you lose a lot of potassium, so be sure to take more potassium, preferably with fruits or vegetable juicing.

Some more disruptors - chitosan (fungal-directed), systemic enzymes (ZymEssence is a safe blend, careful with large dosing with nattokinase as it could thin out the blood with excess use, and with serrapeptidase, it lyses a lot of plaque I feel fair warning needed - could release chunks of plaque and cause thrombosis, or release a large onslaught of bacteria coming off the biofilms). Hydrogen peroxide (see for info), copper acetate, colloidal silver, and some antibiotics (Zithromax) also disrupt.

Proanthocyanidin Type A (from cranberry extracts, and from ceylon cinnamon) also. Some more disruptors (of anaerobic biofilms):


Oct 23, 2018
If you had loose stools as a result of taking those (berberine, oil of oregano, neem), at least one of those would be disrupting biofilm - oregano and berberine does, not sure about neem. I'd like to take them one at a time, and in increasing amounts per day, until I get a watery stool. Then take 1 tsp of Activated Charcoal, to arrest the watery stool condition. I'll contine on with that dose the next few days. Usually the loose stool condition would stop, without the need for activated charcoal. And I'd take that to mean that enough biofilm sensitive to that disruptor has been removed. Then I'd proceed to using another disruptor. Just remember with each loose stool, you lose a lot of potassium, so be sure to take more potassium, preferably with fruits or vegetable juicing.

Some more disruptors - chitosan (fungal-directed), systemic enzymes (ZymEssence is a safe blend, careful with large dosing with nattokinase as it could thin out the blood with excess use, and with serrapeptidase, it lyses a lot of plaque I feel fair warning needed - could release chunks of plaque and cause thrombosis, or release a large onslaught of bacteria coming off the biofilms). Hydrogen peroxide (see for info), copper acetate, colloidal silver, and some antibiotics (Zithromax) also disrupt.

Proanthocyanidin Type A (from cranberry extracts, and from ceylon cinnamon) also. Some more disruptors (of anaerobic biofilms):

Thank you for the information!


Mar 29, 2016
Thank you for the information!

This is the reason why the use of biofilm disruptors together with antibiotics potentiates the effect of antibiotics. Just taking antibiotics alone is much less effective.
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Oct 23, 2018
This is the reason why the use of biofilm disruptors together with antibiotics potentiates the effect of antibiotics. Just taking antibiotics alone is much less effective.


I had some relief in the past after taking the herbal antibiotics but had a recurrence only a couple months later.

I am hoping this time around in combination with the biofilm disrupters I may have better and or longer-lasting results.

Again thank you! And I hope I didn't derail this thread too much, but I'm sure gut health also plays a major role in blood sugar regulation as well.
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