More On My Neuro Symtoms


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Well, remove burdens one after another!
This one will be good to remove.
But sure you cannot have panick attacks just because you have an infection...
But anyway, any felt danger triggers, so you need to remove all those bacterias from where they should not!
Also, you can eat better if you have good teeth, so this is an important step: care your teeth.
Then I hope that I made myself understood better about SE, when I answered you, that it is really not like relaxation nor even a psychotherapy, and Janelle had talked about it before as well, and I have written more in other posts. Also, just understanding more about your own nervous system is helping.


Sep 19, 2013
Yes, definitrly will explore that route. Hopefully it's budget friendly.


Sep 19, 2013
Yeah. My story is terrible. Never wish it upon anyone. No doctor or dentist seems to think this can cause any of the symptoms, so who knows.


May 6, 2014
I had the same overwhelming dizziness, exhaustion and all the negative symptoms you have described. Many people get labeled with CFS/ME; Some get diagnosed with Dysautonomia. Not all doctors are familiar with this, so if a person goes to a doctor who has no knowledge of this, and because blood tests are usually in average ranges (blood tests are not the diagnostic tool for this; a tilt table test is), the doctor will proclaim that nothing is wrong with you.

But if you go the allopathic medical route, there are drugs that treat this condition -Florinef and Midodrine, and like all drugs there can be side effects. I never took these drugs, but before I discovered Ray Peat's articles, I was on a slew of drugs and with my integrative doctor and Peat's knowledge, I am much improved and take no prescription drugs at all. You can get better, ILoveSugar; it just takes time.

If you do indeed have what I experienced, you would be suffering with Neurally Mediated Hypotension; This can be tested by a tilt table test, but I never had one as my Integrated MD knew what was wrong with me. What is happening physiologically in this condition is that excess estrogen and serotonin are causing the blood vessels in the legs and lower abdomen to dilate and go slack not having rhythmic movement of the blood to circulate; that pools in the lower extremities, and doesn't get up to the heart to sufficiently pump the heart and then get up to the brain. It is the worst feeling to have those waves of dizziness, weakness and brainfog.

In addition to lowering PUFA, increasing milk and oj and finding a diet that worked well for me, everyone's case is individual. I found Progest-E, Pregnenolone, Aspirin, cascara, Cypro (I have mast cell sensitivities. This has helped a lot because allergies and mast cell degranulation can cause blood vessel dilation, and if bad enough can cause faint or near faint). Niacinamide, magnesium, baking soda, bag breathing...getting fresh air at home, staying away from as many toxic chemicals as possible.

I don't know how you would approach some of these hormones because I am female and I see your in your profile that you are male, and other males on this forum can give you better suggestions in the male hormone perspective.

Is there any way that you could get through to Dr. Peat for a consult-does he still do that? Are you ok with your current GP? It is really important that your doctor will work with you and for you. I ditched my previous GP as he was arrogant, rude and unhelpful.

Heart and Hormones (go to R. Peat website and read this again)

(Ray Peat explaining 'Neurally Mediated Hypotension')

Problems that seem relatively trivial become more meaningful when they are seen in terms of these mechanisms. Some problems that become very common by middle age are "palpitations," orthostatic hypotension, orthostatic tachycardia, and varicose veins. The negative inotropic effect of estrogen in the heart has a parallel in the smooth muscle of veins, in which the muscles are weakened, and their distensibility increased, when estrogen isn't sufficiently opposed by progesterone. This allows the veins in the lower part of the body to be distended abnormally when standing, reducing the amount of blood returning to the heart, so that the volume pumped with each stroke is small, requiring faster beating. The reduced blood volume reaching the brain can cause fainting. When it becomes chronic, it can lead to the progressive distortion of the veins. An excess of estrogen is associated with varicose veins in men, as well as women. (Raj, 2006; Ciardullo, et al., 2000; Kendler, et al., 2009; Asciutto, et al., 2010; Raffetto, et al., 2010).


In addition to the hypotensive near faints, I also experienced rapid galloping heart rates, tachycardia, too. It was a nightmare.

Don't let that term 'middle aged' throw you. Teenagers and even toddlers are being diagnosed with this now!

If you have any questions or need any help, please PM me.

I have literally exactly the same thing. ALL the same symptoms that you describe. Even spent a ton of money at Mayo Clinic for the tilt table testing along with other neurological workups. Official diagnosis was POTS and CFS. I've been on florinef and a whole cocktail of other drugs that only seemed to give me other symptoms and offer no relief. By far the most important thing for me is stress avoidance. Meditation is a must. I went on vacation a few months ago for 2 weeks and felt almost completely symptom free by the end of it. As soon as I returned to my normal lifestyle, all the symptoms came surging back stronger than ever. Keeping my stress levels low and and staying calm is very difficult for me and is an ongoing battle.

I'm really hoping some of Ray Peat's suggestions will help me. I'm starting to implement the diet this week!


May 16, 2017
Hi Xhale

I have literally exactly the same thing. ALL the same symptoms that you describe. Even spent a ton of money at Mayo Clinic for the tilt table testing along with other neurological workups. Official diagnosis was POTS and CFS. I've been on florinef and a whole cocktail of other drugs that only seemed to give me other symptoms and offer no relief

I think that the tilt table test is brutal, unnecesary and stupid, but it is a big moneymaker for large medical centers. All the doctor has to do would be to take blood pressure readings in the upper and lower extremities for a half hour to make the diagnosis.

Florinef and Midodrine don't have a great track record for being all that effective. I took beta blockers and had trouble with them.

Good luck with the diet. Its a learning curve, and well worth the effort.


May 21, 2018
@iLoveSugar Hey man how are you now ? I don't want to hijack your thread but I have exactly the same issues. Very strange neurological symptoms which seem to get worse over time with adrenalin flare ups. I'm also very worried about my health, not a lot of people (friends/family/partner) seem to understand my situation. I lost all my muscle mass the last year and fat deposits have come into place. I'm doing a peat inspired diet but it does not yet help me that much. Know that your not alone in this
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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