Low-dose niacinamide has striking anti-obesity effects


May 2, 2021
Just updating. I gave this a good long shot. No dice. I have however decided that all my issues are related to endotoxin, and shifted focus to managing bacteria on several fronts. Body composition and weight remain steady, not gaining, but I’d characterize my physique as estrogen dominant.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Just updating. I gave this a good long shot. No dice. I have however decided that all my issues are related to endotoxin, and shifted focus to managing bacteria on several fronts. Body composition and weight remain steady, not gaining, but I’d characterize my physique as estrogen dominant.
I've been taking 5 drops of Energin 3 to 5 times a day almost every day. That ks Idea Labs B vitamin. Been doing that for a few months and will continue. I got zero weight loss. My tummy kinda feels good but still fat and not losing anything. Don't know...

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Just updating. I gave this a good long shot. No dice. I have however decided that all my issues are related to endotoxin, and shifted focus to managing bacteria on several fronts. Body composition and weight remain steady, not gaining, but I’d characterize my physique as estrogen dominant.

what are you doing for endotoxin? bacterial die off will actually increase endotoxin won't it. are you using vitamin A, D3 and C for endotoxin?


May 2, 2021
what are you doing for endotoxin? bacterial die off will actually increase endotoxin won't it. are you using vitamin A, D3 and C for endotoxin?
In addition to my “old reliable” of activated charcoal here and there, (maybe three times a week, one tablespoon in 8 oz water) I’m using artemisinin, (200mg for four days, and three days off) pyrucet, (16 drops at every meal) and vitamin K2 MK4, (45mg 3 times a day).

I suspect that a biofilm or biofilms are shielding a pathogen/pathogens from being eliminated. Between charcoal, and intermittent use of camphosal, and oregano oil, I should not have a bacterial infection, YET endotoxin symptoms persist, (high blood glucose readings, low metabolic symptoms, excess body fat, etc).

I had been taking the pyrucet in capsules because the taste is so harsh, but I’ve swapped to just drinking it straight, (ethyl pyruvate is a great biofilm buster, and if there are any issues in my mouth or throat, I want to be sure it’s able to make contact there.

I’ve only been focusing on biofilms for about a week, but the first dose of artemisinin hit me with a sore throat, and cold like symptoms that persisted for about 4 days, so I theorize that perhaps a biofilm was degraded and released some hidden bacteria into my system.

One thing is sure though. All my metabolic issues are a product of endotoxin. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life!

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
In addition to my “old reliable” of activated charcoal here and there, (maybe three times a week, one tablespoon in 8 oz water) I’m using artemisinin, (200mg for four days, and three days off) pyrucet, (16 drops at every meal) and vitamin K2 MK4, (45mg 3 times a day).

I suspect that a biofilm or biofilms are shielding a pathogen/pathogens from being eliminated. Between charcoal, and intermittent use of camphosal, and oregano oil, I should not have a bacterial infection, YET endotoxin symptoms persist, (high blood glucose readings, low metabolic symptoms, excess body fat, etc).

I had been taking the pyrucet in capsules because the taste is so harsh, but I’ve swapped to just drinking it straight, (ethyl pyruvate is a great biofilm buster, and if there are any issues in my mouth or throat, I want to be sure it’s able to make contact there.

I’ve only been focusing on biofilms for about a week, but the first dose of artemisinin hit me with a sore throat, and cold like symptoms that persisted for about 4 days, so I theorize that perhaps a biofilm was degraded and released some hidden bacteria into my system.

One thing is sure though. All my metabolic issues are a product of endotoxin. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life!

what else can be done for endotoxin do you think olive leaf extract and apple cider vinegar supplements would help. ACV is in a freeze dried powder form, in a capsule. its not liquid but at the same time the capsule form could help it get delivered deeper in the stomach compared to liquid?
have you looked into or tried vitamin D3, vitamin A or vitamin C? some of these may block the inflammation from endotoxin, but vitamin C and maybe vitamin A can actually help excrete it faster?
wouldn't anti bacterial/anti biotic substances at least temporarily, actually increase endotoxin due to the bacterial die off?
why are you using such a high dosage K2, are you not getting side effects like hair loss or dry eyes from it? a lot of people got hair loss from K2 in much lower doses.


May 2, 2021
what else can be done for endotoxin do you think olive leaf extract and apple cider vinegar supplements would help. ACV is in a freeze dried powder form, in a capsule. its not liquid but at the same time the capsule form could help it get delivered deeper in the stomach compared to liquid?
have you looked into or tried vitamin D3, vitamin A or vitamin C? some of these may block the inflammation from endotoxin, but vitamin C and maybe vitamin A can actually help excrete it faster?
wouldn't anti bacterial/anti biotic substances at least temporarily, actually increase endotoxin due to the bacterial die off?
why are you using such a high dosage K2, are you not getting side effects like hair loss or dry eyes from it? a lot of people got hair loss from K2 in much lower doses.
I’ve been considering ACV, (having used it in my prior life of low carb fasting) but haven’t pulled the trigger. It tends to lower blood glucose, and I’ve read that it can disrupt biofilms, (but the study was in vitro). It seems to be predominantly “pro-metabolic” but it does introduce further bacteria in the gut, (“beneficial” or not).

I recently read a study that vitamin D3 as well as thyroid are essentially rendered useless by endotoxin. I wouldn’t be surprised because it seems so many people on this forum cannot get thyroid to work for them, (myself included).

I haven’t used vitamin C in any therapeutic dose in a long time. I may do some research and re-visit, (as obviously decreasing transit time will help).

I have been eating more olive oil recently after reading a study regarding both olive oil, and omega 6 oils being very effective against biofilms. I have not tried olive leaf extract however, so that may be another to research, thank you.

Yes, antibiotics would absolutely increase endotoxin, but I continue to use an intermittent dose of charcoal to mop that up. My general theory is: disrupt biofilms, use antibiotics, use charcoal and other TLR4 antagonists. Disrupt, kill, bind and remove.

The dose of K comes from a study and common practice in Japan where 45mg of K2MK4 is used three times a day to reverse osteoporosis. I have had issues with my oral health since I was a kid, and vitamin K consistently positively affects my teeth and gums, (as well as the quality of my skin). I am already bald, so I couldn’t perceive any hair loss one way or the other, but my eyes are moist, with clear irises and bright whites, (and this seems to even be an effect from the K as they have gotten better since beginning the large dose).

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I’ve been considering ACV, (having used it in my prior life of low carb fasting) but haven’t pulled the trigger. It tends to lower blood glucose, and I’ve read that it can disrupt biofilms, (but the study was in vitro). It seems to be predominantly “pro-metabolic” but it does introduce further bacteria in the gut, (“beneficial” or not).

I recently read a study that vitamin D3 as well as thyroid are essentially rendered useless by endotoxin. I wouldn’t be surprised because it seems so many people on this forum cannot get thyroid to work for them, (myself included).

I haven’t used vitamin C in any therapeutic dose in a long time. I may do some research and re-visit, (as obviously decreasing transit time will help).

I have been eating more olive oil recently after reading a study regarding both olive oil, and omega 6 oils being very effective against biofilms. I have not tried olive leaf extract however, so that may be another to research, thank you.

Yes, antibiotics would absolutely increase endotoxin, but I continue to use an intermittent dose of charcoal to mop that up. My general theory is: disrupt biofilms, use antibiotics, use charcoal and other TLR4 antagonists. Disrupt, kill, bind and remove.

The dose of K comes from a study and common practice in Japan where 45mg of K2MK4 is used three times a day to reverse osteoporosis. I have had issues with my oral health since I was a kid, and vitamin K consistently positively affects my teeth and gums, (as well as the quality of my skin). I am already bald, so I couldn’t perceive any hair loss one way or the other, but my eyes are moist, with clear irises and bright whites, (and this seems to even be an effect from the K as they have gotten better since beginning the large dose).

why/how does ACV introduce further bacteria in the gut? does it contain its own bacteria due to the fermentation process, and that's why it does this? so it could actually increase endotoxin then potentially, because of being a fermented food...?

doesnt vitamin D3 have anti endotoxin effects or maybe was at least a TLR4 antagonist? if you mean T3 for thyroid, Im not sure its about endotoxin, it seems to raise cortisol or negatively effect metabolism. taking just T3 isn't really normal, since the thyroid glandular for example has T1, T2, T3, T4, calcitonin, parathyroid all together. Bovine glandular does have a much higher ratio of T3:T4 compared to pork thyroid glandular. I think it was like 1:3 or 1:4 t3:t4.

the things posted about vitamin A, someone on here said it cuts endotoxins half life in half? and that vitamin C helps "deactivate" endotoxin? so it doesn't seem like vitamin A and C have a physical laxative effect that excretes the endotoxin faster, it seems to be something else they're doing. whatever deactivating and shortening the half life mean.

i didn't know omega 6 were effective on biofilms that's interesting. I heard omega 3 is useful for endotoxin, did you look at omega 3? and would you need to actually supplement omega 3 and 6 or couldn't you just drink a half gallon whole grass fed milk, which would have 64g total fat, and about 1g omega 3 and 1g omega 6 in it? or if you want to add in more, the most you could do while still staying low PUFA would be something like 1g fish oil and 1g black seed oil? and that would mean no other fat sources in the diet besides a small amount coconut oil or ghee maybe.

what are you using to disrupt the biofilms. do you know which substances are TLR4 antagonists, I heard vitamin D3 is one? maybe C and A as well. I didn't know charcoal was a TLR4 antagonist.

how long have you been following this anti endotoxin protocol, have you noticed any improvements? and what is your current diet like? diet also factors into endotoxin, like starchy foods or anything hard to digest can promote endotoxin whereas the faster something digests the less it can promote endotoxin. I wonder if this is why gelatin seems to cause issues for some people. if digestive rate/metabolism is slow, it could take very long to digest the gelatin? and ideally to minimize endotoxin you'd want to cut out all breads and starches and replace them with fruit juices and organic cane sugar and milk sugars. even the type of fiber matters I think it was said insoluble fibers promote endotoxin excretion whereas soluble fibers actually increase endotoxin? but you can also do lower fiber, you don't need much fiber if the diet is milk, juices, dried fruits, sugar.

doses as low as 5mg K2 or even 1mg K1/1.5mg MK4/300mcg MK7 if used daily, cause things like hair shedding and drier eyes for me.

how long have you been doing that 45mg K2 3x a day protocol? have you noticed extreme changes in your bone structure, jaw structure/mass, height or anything else? do you get severe calcium cravings with doses that high?


Oct 21, 2013
I’ve been considering ACV, (having used it in my prior life of low carb fasting) but haven’t pulled the trigger. It tends to lower blood glucose, and I’ve read that it can disrupt biofilms, (but the study was in vitro). It seems to be predominantly “pro-metabolic” but it does introduce further bacteria in the gut, (“beneficial” or not).

I recently read a study that vitamin D3 as well as thyroid are essentially rendered useless by endotoxin. I wouldn’t be surprised because it seems so many people on this forum cannot get thyroid to work for them, (myself included).

I haven’t used vitamin C in any therapeutic dose in a long time. I may do some research and re-visit, (as obviously decreasing transit time will help).

I have been eating more olive oil recently after reading a study regarding both olive oil, and omega 6 oils being very effective against biofilms. I have not tried olive leaf extract however, so that may be another to research, thank you.

Yes, antibiotics would absolutely increase endotoxin, but I continue to use an intermittent dose of charcoal to mop that up. My general theory is: disrupt biofilms, use antibiotics, use charcoal and other TLR4 antagonists. Disrupt, kill, bind and remove.

The dose of K comes from a study and common practice in Japan where 45mg of K2MK4 is used three times a day to reverse osteoporosis. I have had issues with my oral health since I was a kid, and vitamin K consistently positively affects my teeth and gums, (as well as the quality of my skin). I am already bald, so I couldn’t perceive any hair loss one way or the other, but my eyes are moist, with clear irises and bright whites, (and this seems to even be an effect from the K as they have gotten better since beginning the large dose).
where do you apply?


May 2, 2021
why/how does ACV introduce further bacteria in the gut? does it contain its own bacteria due to the fermentation process, and that's why it does this? so it could actually increase endotoxin then potentially, because of being a fermented food...?

doesnt vitamin D3 have anti endotoxin effects or maybe was at least a TLR4 antagonist? if you mean T3 for thyroid, Im not sure its about endotoxin, it seems to raise cortisol or negatively effect metabolism. taking just T3 isn't really normal, since the thyroid glandular for example has T1, T2, T3, T4, calcitonin, parathyroid all together. Bovine glandular does have a much higher ratio of T3:T4 compared to pork thyroid glandular. I think it was like 1:3 or 1:4 t3:t4.

the things posted about vitamin A, someone on here said it cuts endotoxins half life in half? and that vitamin C helps "deactivate" endotoxin? so it doesn't seem like vitamin A and C have a physical laxative effect that excretes the endotoxin faster, it seems to be something else they're doing. whatever deactivating and shortening the half life mean.

i didn't know omega 6 were effective on biofilms that's interesting. I heard omega 3 is useful for endotoxin, did you look at omega 3? and would you need to actually supplement omega 3 and 6 or couldn't you just drink a half gallon whole grass fed milk, which would have 64g total fat, and about 1g omega 3 and 1g omega 6 in it? or if you want to add in more, the most you could do while still staying low PUFA would be something like 1g fish oil and 1g black seed oil? and that would mean no other fat sources in the diet besides a small amount coconut oil or ghee maybe.

what are you using to disrupt the biofilms. do you know which substances are TLR4 antagonists, I heard vitamin D3 is one? maybe C and A as well. I didn't know charcoal was a TLR4 antagonist.

how long have you been following this anti endotoxin protocol, have you noticed any improvements? and what is your current diet like? diet also factors into endotoxin, like starchy foods or anything hard to digest can promote endotoxin whereas the faster something digests the less it can promote endotoxin. I wonder if this is why gelatin seems to cause issues for some people. if digestive rate/metabolism is slow, it could take very long to digest the gelatin? and ideally to minimize endotoxin you'd want to cut out all breads and starches and replace them with fruit juices and organic cane sugar and milk sugars. even the type of fiber matters I think it was said insoluble fibers promote endotoxin excretion whereas soluble fibers actually increase endotoxin? but you can also do lower fiber, you don't need much fiber if the diet is milk, juices, dried fruits, sugar.

doses as low as 5mg K2 or even 1mg K1/1.5mg MK4/300mcg MK7 if used daily, cause things like hair shedding and drier eyes for me.

how long have you been doing that 45mg K2 3x a day protocol? have you noticed extreme changes in your bone structure, jaw structure/mass, height or anything else? do you get severe calcium cravings with doses that high?
I think we’re kinda hijacking this post, (since it was about niacinamide). PM me, and I can try to answer what you’re wondering about?


Jan 9, 2019
If you take niacin in unphysiological doses, it will mess up your substrate balance. Initially, niacin will significantly depress free fatty acids and enhance glucose oxidation. If you take too much niacin with regards to your current metabolic situation, there will be a rebound of free fatty acids to supranormal levels. If you repeat this to an extreme you'll compromise your ability to oxidize glucose and end up with chronically elevated free fatty acids. You basically end up with the exact opposite of what you wanted to achieve by taking niacin in the first place.

View attachment 37540

This is referencing Nicotinic acid (flush niacin) not nicotinamide (or niacinamide).

I'm guessing Masterjohn was referencing the same thing as Nicotinic acid is what's frequently used to lower cholesterol where as niacinamide can lower triglycerides.


Apr 21, 2014
In addition to my “old reliable” of activated charcoal here and there, (maybe three times a week, one tablespoon in 8 oz water) I’m using artemisinin, (200mg for four days, and three days off) pyrucet, (16 drops at every meal) and vitamin K2 MK4, (45mg 3 times a day).

I suspect that a biofilm or biofilms are shielding a pathogen/pathogens from being eliminated. Between charcoal, and intermittent use of camphosal, and oregano oil, I should not have a bacterial infection, YET endotoxin symptoms persist, (high blood glucose readings, low metabolic symptoms, excess body fat, etc).

I had been taking the pyrucet in capsules because the taste is so harsh, but I’ve swapped to just drinking it straight, (ethyl pyruvate is a great biofilm buster, and if there are any issues in my mouth or throat, I want to be sure it’s able to make contact there.

I’ve only been focusing on biofilms for about a week, but the first dose of artemisinin hit me with a sore throat, and cold like symptoms that persisted for about 4 days, so I theorize that perhaps a biofilm was degraded and released some hidden bacteria into my system.

One thing is sure though. All my metabolic issues are a product of endotoxin. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life!
can you give us an update on how youre doing with this? Things you've learned/takeaways?


May 2, 2021
can you give us an update on how youre doing with this? Things you've learned/takeaways?
Hey, sure, happy to. The whole bioenergetic/Peat thing is a constant re-evaluation of what I think I know, layering deeper understanding on top of the core tenants we all know, (PUFA, thyroid, digestion, joy). So it goes without saying that while I’m doing many things different than this last post, I’m actually doing so much the same.

Niacinamide - man, I experimented heavily with this at first, (with no noticeable effect-though I’m beginning to recognize that I was so numb when I found Peat’s work that I wouldn’t have felt much of anything anyway). I think niacinamide does work for weight loss, but what I’ve found is that I need to take it with 8oz of juice, (about 20 grams of sugar-something I stumbled upon in Haidut’s posts). Once I did that, the blood sugar issues I had had for about a year or two went away, (like instantly).

Antibiotics - another class of substances that I had no ability to feel for so long. Artemisinin was being used essentially as an antibiotic in this case, but the dose was just too high, (for me at least). I’ve settled into liberal use of tiny dosages of antibiotics/antiseptics, (camphosal,doxy,etc). Rather than full doses that caused intense die-off I use tiny doses throughout the day, and I use charcoal occasionally to sop everything up. This has a profound effect on my body temperature and heart rate.

Glucose metabolism helpers - like in this case pyrucet, (or vitamin B1) I just don’t need anymore. I seem to be able to utilize carbs, (not sure I ever really had an issue there in hindsight, rather I think elevated free fatty acids were to blame for my blood sugar issues, (alleviated by niacinamide)).

Something I’m looking to trial in the near future is policosanol. It can detox PUFA stores, and since I only just figured out what lypolisis actually is, and why it’s trouble, I’m not sure, (despite avoiding PUFA for three years) that my fat stores are as monounsaturated/saturated as I might hope they are.

Overall I am very well. I’m really making legit progress, and I don’t feel like anything I want from a health perspective is out of reach. I’m 42, and I work full-time from home and watch my 4 and 1 year olds full time. It’s a lot of work, but I feel good, and I have as much energy as I’m wanting everyday. Can’t ask for more than that really.


Mar 20, 2021
@EvanHinkle thank you! I just discovered this thread as you guys rejuvenated it and I am going to spread the niacinamide out throughout the day tomorrow. I was all gung ho to do it right now, but I'm laying in bed and a lot of people complain that B vitamins keep them away...

Way in the back of my cupboard somewhere there is my bottle of 500 mg niacinamide capsules that I did not take for long because they made me feel terrible. Now I know why!


May 2, 2021
@EvanHinkle thank you! I just discovered this thread as you guys rejuvenated it and I am going to spread the niacinamide out throughout the day tomorrow. I was all gung ho to do it right now, but I'm laying in bed and a lot of people complain that B vitamins keep them away...

Way in the back of my cupboard somewhere there is my bottle of 500 mg niacinamide capsules that I did not take for long because they made me feel terrible. Now I know why!
Good idea waiting for tomorrow. I’m one of the “it affects me at night” people. I take my niacinamide with breakfast, lunch, and a 2-3pm snack. When I first started I tried taking the third dose at dinner and I felt like I slept very lightly. That was enough of a sign for me and I moved it to that snack before dinner. Let us know how your experiment goes?


Mar 20, 2021
The new Energin has 100 mg niacinamide per 25 drops, so for me, I need 147 mg per day, spaced out... So I'm going to take 11 or 12 drops 3x/day...

Energin is my favorite B complex and I've tried MANY


Mar 25, 2016
At least not for what I was intending, no. I will say that it makes my teeth much stronger/smoother, and seems to make them better able to repel plaque or tartar, (which is nice).
I've had no plaque since I began using K2 over six years ago. My theory is that dental plaque is calcium that is forming where it shouldn't and that when I supplement K2, it is either (or both) ensuring that the calcium goes to where it should in my body (the bones) and/or by dropping the K2 in my mouth, it is dissolving any build-up around my teeth.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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