Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

“Sepsis-related death rates increased with age among adults aged 65 and over.​

  • In 2019, sepsis-related deaths increased from 150.7 per 100,000 among those aged 65–74 to 331.8 among those aged 75–84 to 750.0 among those aged 85 and over (Figure 2).
  • Among adults aged 65 and over, males had higher sepsis-related death rates than females overall (306.0 compared with 254.5).
  • Sepsis-related death rates for males were higher than rates for females among adults aged 65–74 (172.6 compared with 131.5), adults aged 75–84 (387.1 compared with 288.7), and adults aged 85 and over (892.4 compared with 669.9).”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

“For medical professionals​

  • Sepsis treatment protocol​

    Vitamin C: 1.5 g IV q 6 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from the ICU.
    Hydrocortisone: 50mg IV q 6 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from the ICU. Taper is not required.
    Thiamine: 200mg IV q 12 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from the ICU. Alternative dosing: 100mg IV q 6 hourly for 4 days.

    Read the entire Marik sepsis protocol”



Mar 15, 2014
Well this is interesting because my husband would get really bad stomach aches eating sushi, shrimp and lobster before finding out he had C. Diff. I thought it was because of the high glutamic acid in them, but it looks like it could be the trehalose!

"Trehalose is a naturally occurring glucose found in mushrooms, some seaweed, lobster, shrimp and foods in which baker's or brewer's yeast is used."
How does he react to soy sauce?

Is twitching one of his symptoms? (along with the stomach ache)


Aug 4, 2020

“For medical professionals​

  • Sepsis treatment protocol​

    Vitamin C: 1.5 g IV q 6 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from the ICU.
    Hydrocortisone: 50mg IV q 6 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from the ICU. Taper is not required.
    Thiamine: 200mg IV q 12 hourly for 4 days or until discharge from the ICU. Alternative dosing: 100mg IV q 6 hourly for 4 days.

    Read the entire Marik sepsis protocol”

I would add this as it pertains to COVID-19 and in some protocols melatonin is used. But again restoring OXPHOS is never a bad idea. Trying to stay out of the Warburg effect is one of my main goals.



Apr 28, 2018
Back to C-Diff...
I just now caught this thread, and only scanned it to here, but hope this can help a little:
During 16 years as a contract instructor training adults at State of Alaska Railroad, I used an MIT study that showed how and where C Diff was most powerfully present in America. The fine mist of urine and feces that rises from a flushed toilet when the user has failed to close the lid, was shown to cover all surfaces in the average home bathroom. We all know that the hospital toilets do not even have lids, and also pack a walloping industrial whoosh of a flush. If I recall this (2014?) material correctly, MIT findings showed CDiff traveling from the bathroom of the average patients room, into the room and 6ft beyond the outside door into halls. No wonder that home builders finally quit installing toothbrush holders with drinking cups on a bathroom vanity, eh?The same study also measured the uncovered sneeze in an airplane as having traveled 80ft. At any rate, the presentation of that study halted all the griping from women over men leaving the seat up, and made apparent to many that their toilet training was incomplete.
Its the sewer. The lid is not there to provide you a seat.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Back to C-Diff...
I just now caught this thread, and only scanned it to here, but hope this can help a little:
During 16 years as a contract instructor training adults at State of Alaska Railroad, I used an MIT study that showed how and where C Diff was most powerfully present in America. The fine mist of urine and feces that rises from a flushed toilet when the user has failed to close the lid, was shown to cover all surfaces in the average home bathroom. We all know that the hospital toilets do not even have lids, and also pack a walloping industrial whoosh of a flush. If I recall this (2014?) material correctly, MIT findings showed CDiff traveling from the bathroom of the average patients room, into the room and 6ft beyond the outside door into halls. No wonder that home builders finally quit installing toothbrush holders with drinking cups on a bathroom vanity, eh?The same study also measured the uncovered sneeze in an airplane as having traveled 80ft. At any rate, the presentation of that study halted all the griping from women over men leaving the seat up, and made apparent to many that their toilet training was incomplete.
Its the sewer. The lid is not there to provide you a seat.
This some eye opening information! Shocking that the hospitals haven’t addressed the obvious yet.


Aug 4, 2020
Back to C-Diff...
I just now caught this thread, and only scanned it to here, but hope this can help a little:
During 16 years as a contract instructor training adults at State of Alaska Railroad, I used an MIT study that showed how and where C Diff was most powerfully present in America. The fine mist of urine and feces that rises from a flushed toilet when the user has failed to close the lid, was shown to cover all surfaces in the average home bathroom. We all know that the hospital toilets do not even have lids, and also pack a walloping industrial whoosh of a flush. If I recall this (2014?) material correctly, MIT findings showed CDiff traveling from the bathroom of the average patients room, into the room and 6ft beyond the outside door into halls. No wonder that home builders finally quit installing toothbrush holders with drinking cups on a bathroom vanity, eh?The same study also measured the uncovered sneeze in an airplane as having traveled 80ft. At any rate, the presentation of that study halted all the griping from women over men leaving the seat up, and made apparent to many that their toilet training was incomplete.
Its the sewer. The lid is not there to provide you a seat.
I remember seeing something on this many years ago, thank you for refreshing my memory on this. It now seems even more reasonable given the knowledge that polio cases dropped substantially after good plumbing and sanitary potable water was made available, that could not be mere coincidence that the polio vaccine was introduced in relatively the same time frame. I also found fascinating (and disturbing) that polio cases increased in the vaccinated population after the vaccine was introduced causing Jonas Saulk to say,”that the increased prevalence of the disease was probably a result from the vaccine”. Not unlike the situation we are currently in right now.


Apr 28, 2018
I remember seeing something on this many years ago, thank you for refreshing my memory on this. It now seems even more reasonable given the knowledge that polio cases dropped substantially after good plumbing and sanitary potable water was made available, that could not be mere coincidence that the polio vaccine was introduced in relatively the same time frame. I also found fascinating (and disturbing) that polio cases increased in the vaccinated population after the vaccine was introduced causing Jonas Saulk to say,”that the increased prevalence of the disease was probably a result from the vaccine”. Not unlike the situation we are currently in right now.
I agree, and have noticed during this "situation we are in right now" is making some impact on the slackers who cough, sneeze, spit, and blow bodily liquids with rare concern of other humans in proximity. We have all seen the dismal handwashing studies, and can see the lack of teaching personal hygiene in recent generations. Consequently, I do not mind living in "my own private idaho" as the old song by the B-52's goes...


Apr 28, 2018
This some eye opening information! Shocking that the hospitals haven’t addressed the obvious yet.
In those classes we all asked why hospital toilets... There were many who said heyyyy maybe thats why I got sick after visiting someone in the hospital...who knows. Prob the same reason toilet seats went from a full circle to the "U" shape.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“But while fecal transplants have been successful, they require either a colonoscopy or a naso-gastric/duodenal tube and can, in rare cases, transmit other dangerous bacteria to patients. The emergence of SARS-CoV2 added another layer of complexity to doing fecal transplants.

By contrast, the Firmicutes treatment developed by Seres Therapeutics, called SER 109, is taken orally. After patients are treated for the acute recurrence with standard-of-care antibiotics, they are given four capsules daily of SER 109 for three days.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Early researchers speculated that Staphylococcus aureus, a common pathogen, was the cause. The usual treatment for staph is the antibiotic vancomycin, and many patients improved. But the true cause was C. diff — it was a stroke of simple luck that vancomycin is effective against both.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, can cause diarrhea and a life-threatening infection of the intestines. The bug was associated with nearly 30,000 deaths in 2011.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Overuse of an antibiotic – medicine designed to kill bacterial infections – leads bacteria to build resistance to these drugs, thus becoming what is commonly called a “superbug.”Patients who are admitted to a U.S. hospital have a one in seven chance of acquiring a superbug while in the hospital.

This overuse does not have to happen. According to the CDC, almost 50 percent of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions for patients with acute respiratory conditions are unnecessary.

Each year in the United States, at least two million people become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of these infections.

In the hospital setting, one in two patients will receive an antibiotic.

The CDC published a report in 2013 that lists the top 18 drug-resistant threats to the United States. One of the bacteria listed as an urgent threat is clostridium difficile, C. difficile which causes diarrhea that is potentially life threatening. C. difficile diarrhea or C. diff., is a known side effect that can occur from any antibiotic.

The CDC estimates about 15,000 people die from C. difficile infections every year. The more sobering statistic is that many of these deaths are preventable because the antibiotic that causes the C. difficile diarrhea is actually unnecessary.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Malabsorption causes diarrhea, bloating, nausea and weight loss; an infection is a possible cause. People often talk about it as a cause of a vitamin or mineral deficiency, but sometimes it’s just an idea to sell nutritional supplements.” -Ray Peat


Mar 6, 2022
No it is not the true cause of Covid-19 deaths.

It has been killing people for decades especialy geriatrics! Barring immune diseases antibiotics is the most common way that C. Diff is able to gain a strong hold in someone's gut microbiome!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
No it is not the true cause of Covid-19 deaths.

It has been killing people for decades especialy geriatrics! Barring immune diseases antibiotics is the most common way that C. Diff is able to gain a strong hold in someone's gut microbiome!
I am not disputing any of why C. diff has gotten so deadly, but rather, like the article I posted earlier in this thread suggested, people are going in to the hospital with Covid and catching bacterial infections, like staph, pneumonia and C.diff, which is what is really killing them. Then of course like car accidents and othe pre-existing conditions, it gets counted as a Covid death, because of the positive test withing 60 days.
Last edited:
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Sepsis can waste nutrients even if they are absorbed, by making their metabolism inefficient.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Sepsis means that bacteria, instead of being confined to the intestine, have moved into the blood stream and/or body fluids. There, they consume whatever they like, and shed toxic materials, such as lactic acid or endotoxin. The body reacts, with its own wasteful metabolism when it’s being poisoned. In malabsorption, caused by infection or surgery, the unused food feeds bacteriis, that irritate the bowel, causing it to secret water and minerals (and probably other things) from the body into the bowel.” -Ray Peat
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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