How Do Followers Of Ray Peat Take Care Of Their Skin?


Jul 25, 2017
I'm curious as to how peatarians take care of their skin(both face and body). I just started going the caveman route because I'm so tired of breaking out(yes, I do eat liver and go into the sunlight a lot) and I want to see what if any of the products I was using are breaking me out and to also see what my skin does on it's own naturally. Before going caveman, I was using cold cream, BHA, toner, mist, and squalane because my face was feeling and looking really rough, dry, broken out, and I looked older than I actually am because my digestive system was out of whack, which made my PCOS much worse.

I've went down much darker and extreme paths like the 10 step Korean skincare routine a long time ago. I DO NOT recommend it. You'll be in the bathroom forever and it'll mess up your skin.

I have bacne and red spots on my thighs. I used to have red bumps on my shins from shaving, but dry brushing and coconut oil really helped with that. I think I have the health aspect of things down because ever since I started drinking more coffee, my armpits are no longer yellow, it removed the toxins from my system and I no longer have BO. I'm also taking olive leaf extract to clean up my digestive system and has really helped regulate my period.


Jan 25, 2014
The things that really improve my skin are Urea (especially dry skin), Niacinamide, Coconut Oil or MCT oil (sometimes with Vitamin E), and Red Light.

Also, I've noticed some benefits from Inclined Bed Therapy. This is a longer term thing, but noticed improvements after two months, and those benefits seem cumulative the more nights you sleep inclined.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I just use plain coconut oil/cocoa butter based soaps, sometimes rose water as a toner and once a week I try to remember to exfoliate with baking soda and water. I sometimes use jojoba oil as a moisturizer after showering. Milk of magnesia for deodorant. I've used cocoa powder as a bronzer but that's more along the lines of make up.
I think @lisaferraro has a pretty interesting skincare routine that she talked about in the Female Corner thread.
Like @tankasnowgod I find red light and inclined bed therapy nice for healthy looking skin. I've used urea and liked it too but it reminds me too much of the smell of urine. It works great though and I'd probably use it more if I were single!
Eating collagen seems helpful. @Dan Wich posted a study on Methylene Blue improving the skin of middle aged women. I'll try to find it for you.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
My skin has historically been clear and complexion balanced, and this is generally why I think that is:

1) exfoliate with medium vigor in the shower with a loofa
2) supplementing with vitamin E. Eating liver once a week. Eating dairy and eggs regularly.
3) avoiding intestinal irritants. Common ones are in cheap supplements, dairy creamer, ice cream, soft cottage cheeses, raw vegetables. These will also help to sleep better.
4) running hard for a few sets, a few times per week. I find nothing substitutes for circulation.

I notice my skin gets dry when I eat lots of white sugar. Probably depletes my reserves for a short while.

A. squamosa

Sep 27, 2016
I follow a lot of this beauty editor's* advice: The Skincare Edit
obviously don't follow it like gospel, but a few things she's advised that have worked for me (things for face):
COSRX BHA liquid (you could probably use this on your back as well)
Consonant HydrExtreme
Consonant foaming cleanser
Any squalane
Herbivore Botanicals Brighten skin mask
Caudalie grape water
RMS makeup
Lanolips for lips and hands

- I'm not using all these constantly, I keep my routine pretty pared back and often stop using anything at all, I think it's healthy to leave the skin a long for a while sometimes.

I also use red light, the plainest soap for my underarms imaginable and no body wash, shea butter/coconut oil for body moisturiser, and try to hold off showering as long as possible (considering smell and comfort).

My skin isn't perfect and I have rosacea, but it's generally pretty calm and easy to manage with this routine.

I have noticed that eating oysters and prawns are excellent for skin healing.

*it might be worth noting that she implements Ray Peat in her own diet/skincare
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Feb 18, 2018
I use salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide due to my acne prone skin. It works to keep my acne at bay, and hopefully I can eventually progress enough with my health to where the acne goes away. I'm just too androgenic/anabolic.


Jul 25, 2017
The things that really improve my skin are Urea (especially dry skin), Niacinamide, Coconut Oil or MCT oil (sometimes with Vitamin E), and Red Light.

Also, I've noticed some benefits from Inclined Bed Therapy. This is a longer term thing, but noticed improvements after two months, and those benefits seem cumulative the more nights you sleep inclined.
I already do red light therapy. I think it has made a difference. I will definitely look into inclined bed therapy.


Jul 25, 2017
I just use plain coconut oil/cocoa butter based soaps, sometimes rose water as a toner and once a week I try to remember to exfoliate with baking soda and water. I sometimes use jojoba oil as a moisturizer after showering. Milk of magnesia for deodorant. I've used cocoa powder as a bronzer but that's more along the lines of make up.
I think @lisaferraro has a pretty interesting skincare routine that she talked about in the Female Corner thread.
Like @tankasnowgod I find red light and inclined bed therapy nice for healthy looking skin. I've used urea and liked it too but it reminds me too much of the smell of urine. It works great though and I'd probably use it more if I were single!
Eating collagen seems helpful. @Dan Wich posted a study on Methylene Blue improving the skin of middle aged women. I'll try to find it for you.
Hmm I haven't tried methylene blue because I'm worried that I might respond to it by increasing my stress hormones, but it wouldn't hurt to try.


Jul 25, 2017
My skin has historically been clear and complexion balanced, and this is generally why I think that is:

1) exfoliate with medium vigor in the shower with a loofa
2) supplementing with vitamin E. Eating liver once a week. Eating dairy and eggs regularly.
3) avoiding intestinal irritants. Common ones are in cheap supplements, dairy creamer, ice cream, soft cottage cheeses, raw vegetables. These will also help to sleep better.
4) running hard for a few sets, a few times per week. I find nothing substitutes for circulation.

I notice my skin gets dry when I eat lots of white sugar. Probably depletes my reserves for a short while.
I do 2,3, and 4, not 1 because I'm worried that it might be too harsh. I also got lazy with #4 for a couple of weeks, but I got back on the horse this week. Hopefully that'll help with my skin.


Jul 25, 2017
I follow a lot of this beauty editor's* advice: The Skincare Edit
obviously don't follow it like gospel, but a few things she's advised that have worked for me (things for face):
COSRX BHA liquid (you could probably use this on your back as well)
Consonant HydrExtreme
Consonant foaming cleanser
Any squalane
Herbivore Botanicals Brighten skin mask
Caudalie grape water
RMS makeup
Lanolips for lips and hands

- I'm not using all these constantly, I keep my routine pretty pared back and often stop using anything at all, I think it's healthy to leave the skin a long for a while sometimes.

I also use red light, the plainest soap for my underarms imaginable and no body wash, shea butter/coconut oil for body moisturiser, and try to hold off showering as long as possible (considering smell and comfort).

My skin isn't perfect and I have rosacea, but it's generally pretty calm and easy to manage with this routine.

I have noticed that eating oysters and prawns are excellent for skin healing.

*it might be worth noting that she implements Ray Peat in her own diet/skincare
I do follow her, but I don't follow everything she suggests because my skin can't handle having so many things done to it and I'm also a minimalist at heart. I did use the COSRX BHA on her recommendation. That wrecked my skin. I know it was purging, but after 5 weeks of going through that I had to stop because my self esteem was suffering from it and I don't have much self esteem to begin with.

A. squamosa

Sep 27, 2016
sorry to hear that @Carina! Seems like you need a gentler approach, the brighten skin mask you can just use occasionally, it's much gentler. Also you can crush up aspirin and mix it with honey (teeny bit of water too) for a face mask, it's a gentle hydrating one. Maybe try red light too? You can get small hand held ones which are cheaper and easier for the face.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I think men have an advantage in the skin department because we shave, and shaving is the ultimate way to exfoliate.

My ex gf had what I would consider very minor acne, but I saw the effect skin imperfection can have on a woman. I always thought she was being too hard on herself tbh. She also thought she had PCOS.

How long have you been Peating, meaning, avoiding and limiting PUFA, getting lots of calcium and reducing stress?

From learning on this board, I have to think PCOS or PCOS-like symptoms are estrogen related. Besides vitamin E, do you take any further steps to block PUFA, like aspirin, extra saturated fat (in diet)? Do you know your usual waking temperature and pulse, and do you supplement with any thyroid? Protein intake?

I remember being intrigued to learn that those with acne have different bacteria on their faces than those without acne.


May 17, 2018
Avoid cow dairy, chocolate, egg yolks and PUFA in general.

Take aspirin a few days leading up to your period to prevent prostaglandins. Will help with acne and period pain.

Use a simple cleanser once per day after washing with cold water. Followed by a safe oil (rosehip, jojaba, squalene etc) to moisturise. Nothing else is needed until the skin is clear.

If you want to do more. I recommend mixing your own topical niacinimide, zinc, caffeine and methylene blue spray with alcohol/water to sprits your face before applying one of the oils above.


Jun 10, 2016
The things that really improve my skin are Urea (especially dry skin), Niacinamide, Coconut Oil or MCT oil (sometimes with Vitamin E), and Red Light.

Also, I've noticed some benefits from Inclined Bed Therapy. This is a longer term thing, but noticed improvements after two months, and those benefits seem cumulative the more nights you sleep inclined.

Any advice for a good urea topical?


May 17, 2018
The person I know did improve significantly upon starting a vegan diet...
I don’t doubt it. Not that I recommend veganism but I don’t think it would be possible to get acne on a diet like that outside of steroid use or hormonal fluctuations caused by menstruation.

Acne is not natural however the mainstream western world tells people it’s completely normal but it will resolve itself if you throw a bunch of chemicals at it; accutane, spiro, benzoyl peroxide etc. Never once addressing the underlying cause.


Jan 25, 2014
Any advice for a good urea topical?

For a pre-made product, this one is great-

Only three ingredients, very moisturizing, and the scent is pretty good. Blosssom noticed that Urea smells like urine (which likely gets it scent in part from urea), but this one doesn't have that at all, and has a very high urea content.

Otherwise, I got some USP Urea crystals, and dissolve them in a water/ethanol combo, or simply water, and use that as a spray. Not only is it good for skin, but it's also pro metabolic. That's what I use.
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