Help With Brain Fog


Feb 25, 2016
What would you guys suggest I do to lessen brain fog? I can barely think now a days unless I take a strogn stimulant like modafinil or adderall, or a strong nootropic like piracetam. Without them my thinking is rather sluggish and well honestly I feel almost retarded. Besides not being able to think clearly I have severe memory issues, lethargy and fatigue, and of course low mood. I suspect I have really high serotonin levels because strong dopaminerginics have a profound affect on me. I almost become different person, I'm much more thoughtful, confident, less anxious, have way more energy, and can actually accomplish things and not feel like a zombie.

I also suspect I have thyroid issues. I check out for the all symptoms of hypothyroid. Low temperature, low energy, low mood, etc. So how do I possibly lower serotonin, raise dopamine and also raise my thyroid levels? I think doing all those would help with the brain fog, memory issues, and low energy and metabolism.


May 5, 2015
Have you tried replacing those medications you use with coffee and coca cola?


Oct 5, 2014
What would you guys suggest I do to lessen brain fog? I can barely think now a days unless I take a strogn stimulant like modafinil or adderall, or a strong nootropic like piracetam. Without them my thinking is rather sluggish and well honestly I feel almost retarded. Besides not being able to think clearly I have severe memory issues, lethargy and fatigue, and of course low mood. I suspect I have really high serotonin levels because strong dopaminerginics have a profound affect on me. I almost become different person, I'm much more thoughtful, confident, less anxious, have way more energy, and can actually accomplish things and not feel like a zombie.

I also suspect I have thyroid issues. I check out for the all symptoms of hypothyroid. Low temperature, low energy, low mood, etc. So how do I possibly lower serotonin, raise dopamine and also raise my thyroid levels? I think doing all those would help with the brain fog, memory issues, and low energy and metabolism.

Regarding thyroid, although not reliable 100%, a thyroid panel would be useful. You have some numbers to start working on.

Things that can help you : Pregnenolone, Coffee (with plenty of fuel), Vitamin B1, Or good VitB complex, Methylene Blue. A good idea also is BCAA+Tyrosine since I find tyrosine helps a lot with mental power and will reduce serotonin as well. More carbs are also helpful.

Ask if you need more specific info. It's good you spend some time on the forum reading about those substances. For instance big doses of isolated B1 can't be taken for a long time. Caffeine needs fuel and a bit of tolerance building if you don't take it normally. Pregnenolone varies it's effects depending on brand, ammount, and administration route, etc.

Easily digestible carbs + good animal protein.

Check where you sleep. Lots of wifi signals ? mobile phones ? Are you comfortable when sleeping ? This is important as well.

Carrot salad with coconut oil can help since brain fog can be caused by endotoxins. For me, brain fog resembles a state of a serious hangover and endotoxin cause that.
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Feb 25, 2016
I've tried tyrosine and it's not really effective for me. I've also tried pregnenolone and it didin't do anything but I am willing to try it again using a different brand and dosage. Tried Vitamin b complex and it only makes my symptoms worse. I've also tried BCAA and they give me a little energy but nothing profound.

Also, take into consideration I suffer from depression as well. Any recommendations for that? Thanks guys.


Mar 29, 2014
Welcome blackkzeus,

In addition to Makrosky's suggestions above, a couple more thoughts/questions:
Are you getting regular sunshine?
Regular movement?
Breathing relaxed, nasal, diaphragmatic?
Wanna mention what and how much you are typically eating, typical resting heart-rate and body temps?

If you read a little of Peat's articles or here, maybe you've come across the idea that PUFAs can reduce metabolism in several ways. Many of us here try to keep PUFA intake as low as practical. There are more nutrition ideas that some people find really useful, but this is probably the one many of us give highest priority.

Thyroid function is kind of central, but meeting all the other needs helps support it.

Coffee has been shown to be effective as an anti-depressant for some people. Not for everyone, though - worth trying to see if it work for you.

I get trouble with concentration and memory, but my worst brain fog seems to be associated with excess milk. Lots of people thrive on it, so I'm not saying that's general. Just that some of us have intolerances to particular foods than can sometimes cause brain fog, in addition to and maybe partly caused by general low metabolism.


Feb 25, 2016
So I'm still suffering from these symptoms because I really haven't been working on myself much due to school. The only way I got through school
was using stimulants to reduce my brain fog, and increase mental and physical energy. So, As of now my symptoms are worse due to the prolonged stimulant usage. But now I have more time now that school is over to work on myselef.

I think my metabolism, thyroid is low as well as mitochondrial function. Besides, eating a lot, and getting sun what else would you guys recommend? I'm also trying to stay away from PUFAs and taking zinc, magnesium, and vitamin b6. I'm taking them because I think i'm deficient especially zinc. I check out for zinc deficiency symptoms which are dry skin/stretch marks, impaired immune system, chronic infections ( tinea veriscolor), and poor neurological health.


Sep 11, 2013
Some people do good with really high caffeine, like 400 mg 3 times a day.


Mar 29, 2014
Besides, eating a lot, and getting sun what else would you guys recommend?
Not just calories (though calories are important) but nutritious food. Protein - at least 80g/day, but possibly 100 - 120+. All the other micronutrients. You can use cronometer or similar to get a rough idea if you are covering the bases (as long as you can ignore their usually too low calorie recommendations). Go easy on foods that particularly irritate your gut. Peat has recommended at least as much calcium as phosphorus. Meat ans grains tend to be higher in phosphorus, milk and some veges higher in calcium.
Peat has suggested regular oysters for zinc, green broth for magnesium. Liver has B vits and, liver for foods for B vits and other nutrients.
How much are you eating?
Regular adequate sleep during hours of darkness.
Hanging out, doing useful/fun/interesting/relaxing stuff with people.

Monitor temps and resting heart rate to see if metabolism is improving.


Feb 25, 2016
Not just calories (though calories are important) but nutritious food. Protein - at least 80g/day, but possibly 100 - 120+. All the other micronutrients. You can use cronometer or similar to get a rough idea if you are covering the bases (as long as you can ignore their usually too low calorie recommendations). Go easy on foods that particularly irritate your gut. Peat has recommended at least as much calcium as phosphorus. Meat ans grains tend to be higher in phosphorus, milk and some veges higher in calcium.
Peat has suggested regular oysters for zinc, green broth for magnesium. Liver has B vits and, liver for foods for B vits and other nutrients.
How much are you eating?
Regular adequate sleep during hours of darkness.
Hanging out, doing useful/fun/interesting/relaxing stuff with people.

Monitor temps and resting heart rate to see if metabolism is improving.

I'm not eating much honestly. It's hard to get in a alot of calories when you're on a diet for candida. I just recently started the diet for candida. I assume I have a bad candida overgrowth so my priority as of now is to take care of that and hope that helps with some of my issues. What do you think about Candida and it's supposed relation to mercury toxicity from dental amalgams, which I actually have a lot of.

Do you eat gluten?

I recently stopped eating gluten a couple days ago when I started my candida diet. A couple of years ago I stopped eating gluten for a few a weeks and really didnt see much change in my energy level and cognitive problems.

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
Hi blackkzeus,

I have the same problems as you.
But my head goes the worst when I come in contact with cleaners and disinfectant on my working place.
Then I get brainfog, impaired concentration, confusion, memory loss, severe hypoglycaemia, tingling just below the eyes (like ants race in my head).
This lasts several hours or the whole day.

So far I have not found anything that helps with my cracy brain.

I have tried many of the recommended medications. Every time without success and with symptom worsening.

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
I recently stopped eating gluten a couple days ago when I started my candida diet. A couple of years ago I stopped eating gluten for a few a weeks and really didnt see much change in my energy level and cognitive problems.

Just like me

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
I found one cause for my brainfog and insulin sensitivity.
It is coconut milk. I took it as a milk alternative.

Maybe the high fat content?


Mar 29, 2014


Aug 14, 2015
So I'm still suffering from these symptoms because I really haven't been working on myself much due to school. The only way I got through school
was using stimulants to reduce my brain fog, and increase mental and physical energy. So, As of now my symptoms are worse due to the prolonged stimulant usage. But now I have more time now that school is over to work on myselef.

I think my metabolism, thyroid is low as well as mitochondrial function. Besides, eating a lot, and getting sun what else would you guys recommend? I'm also trying to stay away from PUFAs and taking zinc, magnesium, and vitamin b6. I'm taking them because I think i'm deficient especially zinc. I check out for zinc deficiency symptoms which are dry skin/stretch marks, impaired immune system, chronic infections ( tinea veriscolor), and poor neurological health.

I've had the same symptoms, and they've become about a million times worse since I quit smoking 3 weeks ago. I can't remember words and keep losing my balance. In fact just now I was conversing with a colleague, thought of a funny anecdote and went "oh my god!!!!!!" then when everyone turned to look at me and hear my story I'd forgotten what I was thinking about. I think this has been my worst moment yet :( I just sat there for about half a minute apologising and wanting to run away in embarrassment.

Have you checked adrenal/POTS symptoms? That's what I was just diagnosed with.


Mar 10, 2016
So I'm still suffering from these symptoms

Histamines maybe? I got even more sensitive to them when I peat-ed. Funny cause people in my log tried to tell me that I was sensitive but I didn't believe them
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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