Low Toxin Diet Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thanks for all the egg replies everyone. Sincerely appreciate it. :hattip

Yesterday I had two egg yolks, have not had them for months. Today, feels like a truck ran over me which are typical hard detox symptoms. Could be coincidence but definitely interesting.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I've been taking a cdp-choline supplement for one week and I'm noticing a lot of improvements: less hungry, better blood sugar stability, more energy, better body temperature regulation, almost ghost wipes.
Nice! Which brand are you taking?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
On a side note. We are 5,000 views away from 1 million views on this thread. :-o


Feb 25, 2020
I wonder if the high Vitamin A in beef liver is meant to be that high? Or is the animal also poisoned...

For anyone anemic here, highly suggest you dont take Iron, instead try 2 cloves of garlic. You might be amazed!
If you feel acidic afterwards, take some bicarbonate


May 8, 2017
Thanks for all the egg replies everyone. Sincerely appreciate it. :hattip

Yesterday I had two egg yolks, have not had them for months. Today, feels like a truck ran over me which are typical hard detox symptoms. Could be coincidence but definitely interesting.
Did you ever have your VA levels tested?

I have been eating 5-6 eggs daily the last 6-8 months and haven't been feeling great. Think I'm going back on low VA again (for probably the 5th or 6th time).


Feb 8, 2022
Just wanted to emphasize again (my opinion)
I think Vitamin A is another assault on copper
I think what's showing up on the tests is biounavailable copper from supplements and copper piping, copper 2, cupric oxide

Iron, vitamin C ascorbic acid, Zinc, and now Vitamin A to the copper antagonist list
I think true bioavailable copper is only found in organic plant foods, cuprous copper

Just a thought if you still react to Vitamin A foods
(And its just my opinion)

I'm currently using organic cacao powder as a copper source
You only need 1mg or 2 daily, luckily
Can you provide some sources on this whole bioavailable copper is different from toxic copper idea? The only place I've heard it is from Morley Robbins and a lot of what you say here seems to echo the ideas from his protocol, but I have looked at the few scientific studies he cites and found them to not be saying what he thinks they are saying. Given that he also promotes obscene amounts of retinol and PUFAs in the form of beef liver plus cod liver oil, and pulls all the magical numbers he believes are ideal out of his rear end, I don't think you can fault me for not trusting him. That and the fact that 7 months into his protocol I was getting worse. If this bioavailable copper is a thing, we should expect multiple sources to corroborate it, or at least a number of scientific studies suggesting it.


Feb 25, 2020
Can you provide some sources on this whole bioavailable copper is different from toxic copper idea? The only place I've heard it is from Morley Robbins and a lot of what you say here seems to echo the ideas from his protocol, but I have looked at the few scientific studies he cites and found them to not be saying what he thinks they are saying. Given that he also promotes obscene amounts of retinol and PUFAs in the form of beef liver plus cod liver oil, and pulls all the magical numbers he believes are ideal out of his rear end, I don't think you can fault me for not trusting him. That and the fact that 7 months into his protocol I was getting worse. If this bioavailable copper is a thing, we should expect multiple sources to corroborate it, or at least a number of scientific studies suggesting it.

Deleted my post! I'm not gonna get sucked into that copper world again, I also had bad effects from it whether food or supplements

I think we need less iron, less copper, less vitamin A
And more zinc, magnesium, and vitamin C


Feb 25, 2020
Can you provide some sources on this whole bioavailable copper is different from toxic copper idea? The only place I've heard it is from Morley Robbins and a lot of what you say here seems to echo the ideas from his protocol, but I have looked at the few scientific studies he cites and found them to not be saying what he thinks they are saying. Given that he also promotes obscene amounts of retinol and PUFAs in the form of beef liver plus cod liver oil, and pulls all the magical numbers he believes are ideal out of his rear end, I don't think you can fault me for not trusting him. That and the fact that 7 months into his protocol I was getting worse. If this bioavailable copper is a thing, we should expect multiple sources to corroborate it, or at least a number of scientific studies suggesting it.

I'm completely against Retinol, and dismiss the idea that we have copper in our bodies that just need retinol to make it bioavailable

I was talking about bioavailable copper from organic plant foods - by bioavailable I mean cuprous copper (copper 1 not copper 2 like that found in supplements and drinking water)

And since glyphosate is rampant in non-organic foods I think non-organic copper food sources are useless

Since I know for a fact retinol and iron are toxic and should be avoided, I'm worried about maybe we're wrong about copper from organic food sources, since those 2 are copper antagonists

I think I'm going to keep the organic cacao in my diet just in case

Fructose, iron, vitamin A, zinc, ascorbic acid, glyphosate being copper antagonists makes me weary about writing copper off


Feb 8, 2022
@Abcdefgmo I meant it's certainly possible. I'm just wondering what are the scientific studies that determine how much copper we need and in what form. From what I understand, the amounts we need are rather small and things get bad when there's too much. Copper is estrogenic, for example, and I'm not aware of any studies making a distinction between which form is estrogenic. Being copper toxic myself, I certainly stay away from consuming too much. I'm curious if you have any studies to point to on these matters though.


Feb 25, 2020
@Abcdefgmo I meant it's certainly possible. I'm just wondering what are the scientific studies that determine how much copper we need and in what form. From what I understand, the amounts we need are rather small and things get bad when there's too much. Copper is estrogenic, for example, and I'm not aware of any studies making a distinction between which form is estrogenic. Being copper toxic myself, I certainly stay away from consuming too much. I'm curious if you have any studies to point to on these matters though.

The daily value is usually set at 1 or 2 mg, and I believe there are studies showing cupric oxide to be useless

Cuprous copper is what's found in foods and it's considered bioavailable

Estrogen comes from testosterone, so unless copper raises testosterone or boosts aromatase , I dont think it's true copper raises estrogen
I think it's the other way around, estrogen raises copper levels

You very well could be toxic in inorganic copper that's not usable
I think this is what's happening, people are inorganic copper toxic, then they make cuprous copper deficiency worse


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Milk, Butter, Meat, Liver, Eggs, Carrots, Oranges, Fish, are all the most ancestral food that earth is aware of. I have the feeling that most people having vitamin A issue are in fact eather hypothyroid, low vitamin D, high endotoxin or bacterial overgrowth on the intestin and react badly to any food. I myself experimented milk digestion problems before fixing enzyme with thyroid (I could have said it's because of the milk while it was because of me). On the other side, Ray's vision about food makes sense : Pufa are something new in the humanity, and we can see how pasta and resistant starch are "new" in a way as well as it is a sedentary consequence. So Meat/carb/fruits/butter/Milk based regiment is making a lot of sense when you live in low stress country. Also people struggling with vitamin A seems to have some skin problem and histamine could be a problem as well. By stopping anything (almost) you eat on daily basis you will eliminate probably a toxic food that created histamine reaction and say "its vitamin A". I do think vitamin A is bad in excess in some condition (like going crazy dosage) or beeing extremly low vitamin D, but saying that vitamin A is THE problem is strange and reductive.


Feb 8, 2022
@Mr Joe Milk consumption outside of infancy is something people have adapted to, especially in Europe and India. Outside of those places, a lot of people are lactose intolerant. Liver tends to be an acquired taste, so that might indicate that there's a reason why many people initially dislike it. Carrots and oranges have been cultivated to be what they are by people as well. Before the Dutch got excited about spreading orange carrots around the world, other colors were more common. The rest I'd agree with you on, but my point is that it's somewhat meaningless to call something ancestral when the amount of generations between the appearance of one staple or another is magnitudes apart.

As for impaired vitamin A metabolism, you might be right. There are some people looking into that on the low vA group on Facebook. Perhaps those of us who are sensitive to vA are hurt by it because our mechanism to take it through all the conversion steps and expel it properly is blocked, leading to a very quick buildup and harm to us. I would very much like to get to the bottom of what is the culprit, but in the meantime it is still a good idea not to consume too much vA while we figure it out.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
@orangebear, I agree with you, if someone feels that an element is messing up he should stop it and try to find the underlying problem. I don't agree with you concerning the "something people have adapted", until recent ***t propaganda against Milk, in EU 50 years ago people were used to consume milk and animal protein based food on a daily basis, all cooked with butter. The thing is that we are currently witnessing an explosion in all kind of diseases since last 30/50 years and people are trying to find the cause going full avoiding ancetral things like vegans, keto, no vitamin A etc... instead of focusing on things as simple as gut, serotonin, stress, food quality, sun exposure etc...

"A survey done by Chinese scientists found traces of milk more than 3,000 years old at a site of ancient ruins in Namling county of the Tibet autonomous region.
Meat products, such as beef and mutton, were common foods on the plateau, providing abundant protein and fats for the human body to maintain its metabolism."

Universality of the "meat - fruit - milk" diet is probably a clue to what the world was before introduction of concepts like Omega3, probiotics, resistant starch etc..


Oct 21, 2018
So it may have already been said but like why would we need more vitamin A when its stored in the liver? Like why? Am I missing something? How much vitamin A does the body use up a day.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019

Do we have any idea what these people were eating before ?
Depleting Pufa leads to same results.




The vitamin A and E used in this study were synthetic vitamins.

Dr. Peat talking about refined vitamin E used in studies

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOEqOd4ceGA&t=5646s

I don't think synthetic vitamin E has the same anti-estrogen qualities as natural vitamin E. The benefits of vitamin E was always it's anti-estrogenic qualities rather than it's role as an antioxidant.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0gr02HZ4XQ&t=1466s
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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