Low Toxin Diet Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity


Sep 13, 2012
I was thinking about this the other day. Dr. Morse says that cholesterol (and lipids in general) is an antacid and that the sun/heat is an acid and so when we are exposed to the sun, our vitamin D levels rise to combat the acid produced by the sun. So I was thinking about meat and how its acidic but comes packaged with cholesterol, an antacid, or how nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. are rich sources of PUFAs, but also vitamin E which Ray says helps negate the negative effects of PUFAs. Now chemically process the seeds, destroying the vitamin E, is it then still packaged with its antidote? Anyway, just thinking out loud lol...

Seriously! It really bothers me how people are suffering and can't even meet one of their basic needs because they react negatively to so many foods, foods that hardly anyone reacted negatively to in the past. From my understanding, a food like beef is not typically an allergenic food yet I've met multiple people who are allergic to it. I never asked about the source of their beef, but I wondered if they were reacting to what the cows ate, maybe the type of feed or a chemical in the feed, and not the meat itself. I'm lucky that I have farms all around me that are 100% grass-based and biodynamic. Even the eggs are soy-free. Our weather is crud, but our farms are excellent. lol
Good thoughts! Yeah I have access to some good meat but the prices skyrocketed in the last 10 yrs unfortunately.


Jul 8, 2014
Good thoughts! Yeah I have access to some good meat but the prices skyrocketed in the last 10 yrs unfortunately.
Oh, yeah! I couldn't believe how much it had increased since I last purchased some. My body found its sweet spot with two of the most expensive diets out there — fruitarian and predominantly seafood based carnivore. I figure between all the fructose, phosphate and lack of calcium to balance out the phosphate, I should meet my demise before ever going bankrupt. lol


Sep 13, 2012
Oh, yeah! I couldn't believe how much it had increased since I last purchased some. My body found its sweet spot with two of the most expensive diets out there — fruitarian and predominantly seafood based carnivore. I figure between all the fructose, phosphate and lack of calcium to balance out the phosphate, I should meet my demise before ever going bankrupt. lol
Seems like you are doing fine not balancing phosphate!


Jul 8, 2014
Seems like you are doing fine not balancing phosphate!
Huh, that's true! I just hope it continues now that I'm including shellfish, eggs and lean poultry in my diet. Even though dairy clearly was a nightmare for me, it gave me a sense of safety when it came to my bones. I'm feeling awesome with the addition of the animal protein but just in case I notice things taking a turn for the worse, I made some eggshell powder. :)


Sep 13, 2012
Huh, that's true! I just hope it continues now that I'm including shellfish, eggs and lean poultry in my diet. Even though dairy clearly was a nightmare for me, it gave me a sense of safety when it came to my bones. I'm feeling awesome with the addition of the animal protein but just in case I notice things taking a turn for the worse, I made some eggshell powder. :)
Wow, I never thought you'd add in animal protein! Have you made an update about this?


Jul 8, 2014
Wow, I never thought you'd add in animal protein! Have you made an update about this?
Yeah, unfortunately, I had to. From the beginning, it was my intention to add back a variety of plants as I healed but despite my best efforts over the last decade, my body just wasn't tolerating any plants other than fruit and I couldn't go the rest of my life on fruit alone so I had to add the animal protein back in my diet. I wrote an update over a week ago but questioned posting it because I know there's at least one person here seeing benefits on the diet right now and I didn't want my experience to cause them to question their own.
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Sep 13, 2012
Yeah, unfortunately, I had to. From the beginning, it was my intention to add back a variety of plants as I healed but despite my best efforts over the last decade, my body just wasn't tolerating any plants other than fruit and I couldn't go the rest of my life on fruit alone so I had to add the animal protein back in my diet. I wrote an update over a week ago but questioned posting it because I know there's at least one person here seeing benefits on the diet right now and I didn't want my experience to cause them to question their own.
I hope you don't feel the need to be quiet because someone might question their own experience. I'm sure they would be happy for you regardless if they truly care about you. It's all part of the journey!
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
Diet and lifestyle in Bosnia

Anecdotes from a person who grew up in Bosnia, and her observations

"Hi Dr. Garrett,

I wanted to tell you since I have discontinued Vitamin A supplements, my calcification on my left wrist that was a size of a marble ball and very hard and painful at times dissolved completely within first two weeks. My wrist now looks normal and I have no discomfort or pain that it is coming back. I was not even doing low Vitamin A diet since that was very soon in your research and I did not have foods to avoid, but just stopping the supplements dissolved the wrist issue. The wrist ball calcification started when I started taking Vitamin A supplements at the beginning of your program. I never had it before. But I also think that my diet in general was low in Vitamin A since we mostly eat our traditional food which is rich in potatoes, meat and white flour. We eat mostly fruits than vegetables so I was lucky there not to eat so much of red/orange/green colored vegetables.

Also I think I told you this once, but farmers market here is full of Slavic people, mostly us and Russians. We never buy red, orange or green peppers. They are considered very hard on your stomach. If we ever buy peppers, we only buy Hungarian Gypsy peppers. They are very light yellow in color. Our staple vegetables are potatoes, cabbage, leeks, white onions, lots of garlic. I don’t remember eating much more vegetables than that. Also, we never ate potatoes once baked and cooled. They were considered a poison once cooled for few hours after baking. Potatoes are only eaten immediately after cooking them and thrown away after cooled. My grandma would throw them away at night after we had some left from dinner. She used to say that they convert to poison once cooled. She used to do the same with our tea. Poison after cooled for few hours. I was listening your last podcast and now I am listening the one from today. It is crazy how much connection I am making being raised back home and how much truth there is to everything you are saying.

I was thinking about how strong my father, his father and my aunts are back home. You mentioned how strong people were before. When we were back home few years ago, we were trying to get the couch up the stair to the 2nd floor and my aunt from my grandma’s side pushed us aside and pulled the couch upstairs all by herself. She was 87 at that time and is still alive. This was a full wood built quality couch as heavy as horse. She also got the fridge up all by herself. Older women back home are like Rambos and they can usually have anywhere between 5-10 kids. I have a video of my uncle flipping a bull upside down on his own. He had his own shop in the village where he would work with metal and make horse shoes and do something with horse and bulls legs, but that required him to tie the bull and flip him so he could work on his shoes. Here, I feel like no guy could do that. Guys are more like girls here.

I have been wondering this for many years now. How did we get so strong and tall back home if we never are this many vegetables and as much as Americans do or eat in general as much as Americans do? My brother is 6’7 and like a mountain, my husband is 6’5 and like a tank, I am 5’9, my father is the strongest man I have ever seen at 6’4 but like I told you before, he wakes up around 5am and makes his own bread. He eats the entire bread for breakfast with meat, and does same for lunch and dinner. His job was very physical but he would easily work 12-16 hours a day, seven days a week. He is unbelievable strong.

There is a lot of things now that I am connecting that you are saying. It just keeps spinning in my head. Like we never ate pumpkins. You said they are poison. My grandpa would only grow few so we can take the pumpkin seeds out and roast them with some salt. I never tried the pumpkin until we we came here. The only thing now that I am wondering about it that they never drank their coffee black. The reason for that would be that all old people used to say that black coffee would “bite” your stomach like a black snake. A splash of cream was always added so it does not bite their stomach. Probably to counter off the acid of the coffee. There are so many things that are coming up to my mind. Looks like they knew more than we do know now.

I also wanted to ask. On your last post about postpartum depression and Vitamin A, I read that Zn is stored in ovaries and sperm and highly needed and used to develop a baby while in mother. Could it be that Zn has something in raising Vitamin A if Zn gets depleted during pregnancy, and mother is left depleted which accumulates all that Vitamin A and rises Copper and gives her postpartum depression. I feel like Zn keeps Vitamin A in check. Does it work that way? Zn is also called an anti-depressant in one of the articles I read. I personally know that one starting the high doses of Zn, I am a completely different person than before. I wake up early on my own not exhausted, I can work like a horse now, my mental health is 1000x better, my motivation is back, my emotions are back to normal again and I am no longer feel despair and hopelessness."


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Quite possibly, one of the most important threads on the forum.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I wish we could hear from @franko on how he's doing. I think he would be close to 10 months of low A at this point.


Sep 13, 2012
Had Pizza yesterday and feel like crap today. Post nasal drip, achey, no appetite. I agree with Garrett Smith on tomatoes, they suck.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Had Pizza yesterday and feel like crap today. Post nasal drip, achey, no appetite. I agree with Garrett Smith on tomatoes, they suck.
They used to be called the devil’s apples here in the colonies for a reason. :)
I had a GF pizza one night last week with just olive oil for sauce, beef, mushrooms and a little cheese and it was fine.


Sep 13, 2012
They used to be called the devil’s apples here in the colonies for a reason. :)
I had a GF pizza one night last week with just olive oil for sauce, beef, mushrooms and a little cheese and it was fine.
Sounds good! Yeah I am going to make more of an effort to avoid red sauce pizza even though my family loves it.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sounds good! Yeah I am going to make more of an effort to avoid red sauce pizza even though my family loves it.
Maybe you can do a 1/2 and 1/2? I always have to get my own pizza because of the gluten issue so I guess in that way it makes it easier.
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA

"First look at the Unified Theory of Modern Chronic Disease"
Garrett Smith

I really dislike how he mocks people for promoting foods that he himself promoted only a year or two ago. I have no problem with people changing their minds about something, but that really irks me.

He says that "good milk" won't save you, but a major point in this video is that cows on grass will produce DHA and phytanic acid. And both of those "block" the RXR receptor so RA can't interface with it. Arachidonic acid will also do that, and eggs are a good source of that. Vitamin A is found in both eggs and animal fat, so these are co-nutrients, co-factors. They're supposed to be together.

People have been drawing comparisons to the iron toxicity question, but none of the people that promote minimizing iron intake are saying you need to eradicate every bit of it from your body. You'll become anemic. It's a balance. Get all the proper co-factors, and it's not a huge liability. Grant is not looking for any of these co-factors, I think Smith only views the co-factors as adjuncts to his "detoxification" program, not as an integral part of the story.

The liver stores both iron and vitamin A. They're dangerous, but perform critical roles in the body, so they are sequestered. Are phytanic acid and arachidonic acid stored in the liver? Remember that the function of the liver is not to store, but to metabolize and neutralize dangerous things. Where do all the other dangerous things end up in the body?

According to this paper https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=5124558431426701565&hl=en&as_sdt=5,39&sciodt=0,39 only cadmium concentrates in the liver. All the other dangerous elements like nickel, lead, tin, mercury, arsenic, aluminum -- they concentrate elsewhere.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
cadmium concentrates in the liver.
Thanks @Steven Bussinger.

From Grant's latest blog post on cholesterol and statins.

"My blood pressure is excellent. And somewhat recently, my resting heart rate has fallen a bit more to now being usually around 50. That’s reported to be a standard heart rate for a well-trained athlete. But, I’m not a well-trained athlete and I’m now in my late fifties. Go figure?"

I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

I have noticed my own cholesterol is following his same pattern with no ill effects so far. My total cholesterol went from 260 to 180. All my numbers are in range (except ldl) where as before they were all going up with each passing year. The experiment continues...
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
Thanks @Steven Bussinger.

From Grant's latest blog post on cholesterol and statins.

"My blood pressure is excellent. And somewhat recently, my resting heart rate has fallen a bit more to now being usually around 50. That’s reported to be a standard heart rate for a well-trained athlete. But, I’m not a well-trained athlete and I’m now in my late fifties. Go figure?"

I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

I have noticed my own cholesterol is following his same pattern with no ill effects so far. My total cholesterol went from 260 to 180. All my numbers are in range (except ldl) where as before they were all going up with each passing year. The experiment continues...

That's interesting. I just got my cholesterol results back and had a similar pattern. Total cholesterol went down (202), HDL went up (31 to 37), and LDL did drop but it's still in the "red zone" (136). Triglycerides have remained steady, around 170 for a year. I've been doing a somewhat low vitamin A diet for about 4 months, around 2000IU a day. But there are a dozen other things I've changed in the same time period.

This is just a crazy idea, but I wonder if low vitamin A doesn't accomplish some kind of psuedo thyroid supplementation effect. Grant's cholesterol lowered, yours and mine lowered. He says he lost weight, I have lost some weight (10lbs). But I don't think his metabolism is any stronger (hence the low heart rate). Likewise, my TSH actually bumped up a little (most likely from iodine supplementation). I haven't done my pulse/temp checks for a while, but I wouldn't expect them to be ideal, just "average" for someone in my demographic.

So there is some resolution of hypothyroid symptoms, but it's not the real deal.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I have noticed my own cholesterol is following his same pattern with no ill effects so far. My total cholesterol went from 260 to 180. All my numbers are in range (except ldl) where as before they were all going up with each passing year. The experiment continues...
According to Morse he says that cholesterol is used to buffer acidosis. I think retinoic acid is part of the acidosis puzzle and once a low vitamin A diet is deployed the body can bring down the cholesterol because it is not needed like it was before.

And with that said, you will not be pulling calcium from the bones, nails and teeth like before(again Morse says calcium is pulled from the bone matrix to buffer acidosis). So those will start showing improvement.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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