Low Toxin Diet Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity


Jan 30, 2014
Once I also did a vegetarian diet for up to a week, during this I really felt lightness and more strength, my mood improved, and although I did mostly potatoes (other tubers), rice, dates, apples, mushrooms, coconut nut, cocoa, coffee , onions, cabbage and vegetables with fruits and sugar, and all this against the background of low fat and low vitamin A content, but then I began to feel weak.
I think such a diet is more unloading and will make you deficient in some nutrients over time. In fact, I know that I am not very good at coping with protein, but protein products are for me a sort of compromise between the negative load of tryptophan, ammonia, but to some extent useful maintenance of the structure.
Somewhere it seems I have seen that you are doing something like a Travis now. What is your diet now?

Your experience mimics mine and many others. Feel great at first and then once you start going downhill you go quick! I never had a cavity then suddenly had 5 in three months following the Morse garbage. It’s non sustainable at all and downright risky long term.

My testosterone has sky rocketed eating only meat. I’m betting the chemicals and sprays on all the produce are much more estrogen promoting than red meat is.
Jun 16, 2017
Your experience mimics mine and many others. Feel great at first and then once you start going downhill you go quick! I never had a cavity then suddenly had 5 in three months following the Morse garbage. It’s non sustainable at all and downright risky long term.

My testosterone has sky rocketed eating only meat. I’m betting the chemicals and sprays on all the produce are much more estrogen promoting than red meat is.
When my liver wasn't in very good condition, lots of protein would make me feel bad( kidney pain, insomnia, poor mood), but when my liver health started improving( taurine and niacinamide were the most important ones for this, caffeine in small amounts also played an essential role), my protein intake naturally increased: my appetite for meat and gelatin was simply higher. I think this issue is similar to the fructose issue. A liver that isn't healthy will turn some of the protein into ammonia and that will be bad for your brain and kidneys, and a liver that isn't healthy won't utilize fructose correctly( a lot of it will turn into lactate). So, going low protein or low fructose will be good as to not stress bodily systems that are impaired, which is useful, but it isn't a cure. It's like not walking when you have a sprained ankle or a broken leg. It is beneficial because that function of the body is impaired, but in the long run, it will have lots of side effects, such as muscle atrophy. Maybe it's better to fix the system instead of not using parts of it.


Jan 25, 2014
Much better. I felt like death when my ferritin was that high. I found an old blood test from when I started feeling awful almost 9 years ago now and found my ferritin then was in the 300’s. But since that is “normal” range they didn’t say anything and I didn’t look into it. I also look better. My face was always red like an old alcoholics and couldn’t figure out why even though I didn’t drink. I was literally rusting from the inside out from all the iron.

I gave blood for over a year every 3 months and this helped a bit. I actually stopped eating red meat except occasional liver and upped my fruits and veggies. I stayed away from foods listed high in iron with subpar results. I was also taking Vitamin A supplements and eating and juicing a lot of carotenoids and beta carotene.

This last test where my iron dropped was after stopping all supplements and only eating red meat for 4 months. PD Magnum is big on iron overload and even wrote an ebook about it. He also find eating a high red meat diet had a positive effect on his iron levels as well.

So to be clear..... you were only eating red meat for four months before the iron test, but you did donate blood between the two blood tests you posted, correct?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Tried this last summer and it was an EPIC fail for me. Lost 25 lbs and all my muscle and got down to 125 lbs at 6’0 tall. Was working with some guy and he was telling me how protein from meat was so awful and blah blah blah. It was the dumbest of all health things I’ve ever tried. When I added back in meat after nearly 4 months without it I had a number of symptoms improve dramatically after that first meal no lie. Just sharing my two cents. Good luck man

It's probably not the best ideas if you wanna maintain or even gain weight. Why go vegan if you were already arguably underweight? I am extremely overweight, so losing weight will be welcome for me. I am extremely sensitive to tryptophan from most protein sources. Also, 3000 calories isn't even that much, especially if you're trying not to lose weight.

Your experience mimics mine and many others. Feel great at first and then once you start going downhill you go quick! I never had a cavity then suddenly had 5 in three months following the Morse garbage. It’s non sustainable at all and downright risky long term.

My testosterone has sky rocketed eating only meat. I’m betting the chemicals and sprays on all the produce are much more estrogen promoting than red meat is.

Glad it works for you, but I have never been more estrogen dominant in my life. Again it sounds like all the failed attempts here were due to a simple mistake - not enough calories. Calorie deficit = lose too much weight and feel like crap. Not a surprise.


Jan 30, 2014
So to be clear..... you were only eating red meat for four months before the iron test, but you did donate blood between the two blood tests you posted, correct?

Yes that is 100% correct. 9 weeks before the test I donated blood. I have donated blood probably 10x in the past 2.5 years and it would help lower my levels but not significantly. I’ve literally only eaten ribeye steaks for 4+ months now. About 1 lbs in the morning and another 1 lbs in the evening


Jan 30, 2014
It's probably not the best ideas if you wanna maintain or even gain weight. Why go vegan if you were already arguably underweight? I am extremely overweight, so losing weight will be welcome for me. I am extremely sensitive to tryptophan from most protein sources. Also, 3000 calories isn't even that much, especially if you're trying not to lose weight.

Glad it works for you, but I have never been more estrogen dominant in my life. Again it sounds like all the failed attempts here were due to a simple mistake - not enough calories. Calorie deficit = lose too much weight and feel like crap. Not a surprise.

I wasn’t in a calorie deficit at all. Go look at the fruitarians eating loads of bananas on YouTube. They look like complete ***t and most admit to eating meat and eggs


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
You can't lose weight on a calorie maintenance/surplus... eating high carb probably increased your metabolism so you under estimated your needs.

Nobody is saying eat zero protein or be a fruitairian either. I still get easily 70 gram protein a day. I would agree fruit is not enough protein.


Jan 30, 2014
It's probably not the best ideas if you wanna maintain or even gain weight. Why go vegan if you were already arguably underweight? I am extremely overweight, so losing weight will be welcome for me. I am extremely sensitive to tryptophan from most protein sources. Also, 3000 calories isn't even that much, especially if you're trying not to lose weight.

Glad it works for you, but I have never been more estrogen dominant in my life. Again it sounds like all the failed attempts here were due to a simple mistake - not enough calories. Calorie deficit = lose too much weight and feel like crap. Not a surprise.

I’ve had chronic fatigue/brain fog for 9 years. Started about 2 years after going full blown paleo and became an exercise fanactic. I’ve tried literally every supplement and healing modality that exists. This is the ONLY thing that has worked for me in this time. Just taking out everything and all the supplements except two and eating a very simple diet and all these things are very slowly and miraculously healing.

Yes the all fruit diet is definitely not a good one if you want to keep on body weight. Or keep your teeth for that matter. I met a woman on a FB group who absolutely ruined her health doing the Morse stuff. I’m not trying to tell you what to do or argue with it just trying to give you a heads up. I don’t think trying to get your protein from fruits and vegetables is good at all long term but do what you feel is best. We are unique. Good luck to you!


Jan 30, 2014
You can't lose weight on a calorie maintenance/surplus... eating high carb probably increased your metabolism so you under estimated your needs.

Nobody is saying eat zero protein or be a fruitairian either. I still get easily 70 gram protein a day. I would agree fruit is not enough protein.

Have you tried eating 3000+ calories on mainly fruit? It’s literally pounds and pounds and pounds of fruit and ounces oh juice. I pooped 3x a day because of all the fiber and the sheer amount of volume. The amount of sugar that is is insane. My teeth went to ***t immediately. I’ve never looked or felt worse. I guess I’m just saying it’s impossible to maintain long term.

Oh and all the Peat measures of high metabolism were sky high. My temps and pulse have never been higher. It was because of the extreme amount of sugar my body was in a constant state of a surplus of adrenaline. My hands and feet were ice cold all the time and I was pissing my brains out 20x a day including waking up 3x a night to pee. The smallest amount of stress would absolutely wipe me out. So the high temps and pulse were a direct result of my stress hormones being in overdrive 24/7. I developed severe acid reflux from eating all the melon and grapes and apples and had to eat nonstop.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Have you tried eating 3000+ calories on mainly fruit? It’s literally pounds and pounds and pounds of fruit and ounces oh juice. I pooped 3x a day because of all the fiber and the sheer amount of volume. The amount of sugar that is is insane. My teeth went to ***t immediately. I’ve never looked or felt worse. I guess I’m just saying it’s impossible to maintain long term.

haha yeah I don't recommend 3000 calories from just fruit... again I'm not a fruitarian... though I do eat lots of fruit too. I eat starch also. Yes nutritional deficiencies can easily occur if one just eats fruit. 100% agree.

I am also not hardcore 100% vegan. I'm not ruling out "cheat" meals of meat to make sure I have no deficiencies if I need to.
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Jan 30, 2014
haha yeah I don't recommend 3000 calories from just fruit... again I'm not a fruitarian... though I do eat lots of fruit too. I eat starch also. Yes nutritional deficiencies can easily occur if one just eats fruit. 100% agree.
I gotcha man. Just giving you a heads up if you start feeling like ***t to add back in meat or eggs or fish. I waited too long and ignored a lot of signals my body was giving me.

I also wasn’t strictly fruitarian for more than a few months. For a few months I added back in starches and vegetablesand found that combined fruits and starches together in the same meal was a digestive nightmare. Fruit digests so fast and takes different enzymes than starches and mixing them in the same meal was awful after a month.

My blood tests were also the worst they’ve ever been when I was eating plant based. I literally had no creatinine levels in my body. I basically wasted away.

Anyway don’t need to keep going on and on. I’m sure you’ve tried a lot of things like me. Just hope you don’t get tunnel vision on eating low protein or trying to get your protein from plants and starches. Just trying to give you my experience from going down that road and letting you know the detrimental effects it had on me


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I gotcha man. Just giving you a heads up if you start feeling like ***t to add back in meat or eggs or fish. I waited too long and ignored a lot of signals my body was giving me.

I also wasn’t strictly fruitarian for more than a few months. For a few months I added back in starches and vegetablesand found that combined fruits and starches together in the same meal was a digestive nightmare. Fruit digests so fast and takes different enzymes than starches and mixing them in the same meal was awful after a month.

My blood tests were also the worst they’ve ever been when I was eating plant based. I literally had no creatinine levels in my body. I basically wasted away.

Anyway don’t need to keep going on and on. I’m sure you’ve tried a lot of things like me. Just hope you don’t get tunnel vision on eating low protein or trying to get your protein from plants and starches. Just trying to give you my experience from going down that road and letting you know the detrimental effects it had on me

Yeah no doubt trying to minimize or even go zero meat is not an easy task to do and not be deficient, so it is not a surprise that most fail (not knocking you at all). I may very well find out I need to supplement meat. But my protein intake was just too high before & even disregarding the estrogen issues, excess protein intake is very acidic to the body and causes issues with ammonia, problematic AA's like tryptophan can jack up your serotonin levels (I am very sensitive to serotonin) etc etc... If I can even cut my meat intake to 25-50% that would be a huge win imo. I may very well settle on an amount like that. But I don't think I'll be bringing dairy back regardless. Dairy and me don't mix. Beef seems the "least" problematic meat to me.

I was eating upwards of 200-250 gram protein a day while sedentary. This is too much even for most bodybuilders imo lol.

Now you're probably kind of a special case, you probably had (have) intense meat cravings because your body is trying to repair so much muscle, 10's of pounds worth, it makes sense.
Jun 16, 2017
Oh and all the Peat measures of high metabolism were sky high. My temps and pulse have never been higher. It was because of the extreme amount of sugar my body was in a constant state of a surplus of adrenaline. My hands and feet were ice cold all the time and I was pissing my brains out 20x a day including waking up 3x a night to pee. The smallest amount of stress would absolutely wipe me out. So the high temps and pulse were a direct result of my stress hormones being in overdrive 24/7. I developed severe acid reflux from eating all the melon and grapes and apples and had to eat nonstop.
Well, Peat did warn that having cold hands and feet means high stress hormones, so even though the core temperature may be high, that doesn't mean metabolism is good. Also, all that liquid definitely was increasing prolactin, which will be bad for bones and teeth. And the insufficient amounts of protein made it easy for serotonin to be increased, since whole proteins are dopaminergic. Also, melons and apples are high in pectin, which causes inflammation( by raising serotonin and probably histamine), including acid reflux. Maybe using fruit pastes instead of raw fruits would have yielded better results.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Also I am acutely aware I have a history of taking things to "extremes" but since I am aware of this, I'll course correct immediately if I sense things are going wrong this go around =P. My suspicions are that dairy is worse than the meat, but I still wish to reduce overall intake. After all, when I was in pretty much my best health a couple years back, I ate a lot of beef. Dairy has never been a staple while I have been healthy however...


Mar 25, 2019
I’ve had chronic fatigue/brain fog for 9 years. Started about 2 years after going full blown paleo and became an exercise fanactic. I’ve tried literally every supplement and healing modality that exists. This is the ONLY thing that has worked for me in this time. Just taking out everything and all the supplements except two and eating a very simple diet and all these things are very slowly and miraculously healing.

Those supplements would be: zeolite? And ... ascorbic acid?

I'm beginning to suspect that glyphosate (or perhaps other pesticides/herbicides) may be something I need to be more careful to avoid. There are several supposedly low VA foods that are still bothering me, and I think the common factor in all of them is glyphosate.


Oct 13, 2014
Your experience mimics mine and many others. Feel great at first and then once you start going downhill you go quick! I never had a cavity then suddenly had 5 in three months following the Morse garbage. It’s non sustainable at all and downright risky long term.

My testosterone has sky rocketed eating only meat. I’m betting the chemicals and sprays on all the produce are much more estrogen promoting than red meat is.
That’s what I’m interested in causing endogenous skyrocketing testosterone


Mar 3, 2016
It's probably not the best ideas if you wanna maintain or even gain weight. Why go vegan if you were already arguably underweight? I am extremely overweight, so losing weight will be welcome for me. I am extremely sensitive to tryptophan from most protein sources. Also, 3000 calories isn't even that much, especially if you're trying not to lose weight.

Glad it works for you, but I have never been more estrogen dominant in my life. Again it sounds like all the failed attempts here were due to a simple mistake - not enough calories. Calorie deficit = lose too much weight and feel like crap. Not a surprise.
What symptoms do you get from tryptophan?
Jun 16, 2017
It's interesting that, per gram of protein, rice has almost 3 times more tryptophan than beef and almost 5 times more tryptophan than melons.


Dec 17, 2018
What is Magnum's hypothesis for why red meat reduces iron levels? I know some people here posted their belief that heme iron is actually safer than non-heme iron because the body more tightly regulates it. That flies in the face of common advice to avoid heme iron due to the higher absorption rate. I eat a decent amount of red meat and suspected high iron levels, but my iron panel showed everything was fine.

Especially in the case of lean beef, if you look at the nutritional profile of beef, very high in most B-vitamins(especially B6, B12, B2, B3) allowing the iron in the red meat to be utilized properly. Iron is needed to create L-dopa then B6 to make dopamine for example. Iron fortified foods(enriched flour products) contain iron that is not only hard to absorb, but harder to utilize because its not a natural occuring form(heme is superior to nonheme because the iron in our bodies is heme, in the same way we do better with natural B12 then synthetic B12), lacking the natural B vitamins and high quality protein to utilize the mineral.

Iron is given a bad rap because the body has no method of excretion of iron in appreciable quantities and its blamed for many health problems especially in peatland. Its common to suggest avoiding iron especially heme iron and yet if iron was so dangerous why would our bodies hold onto it so desperately?

The likely answer is its heme-iron sources that are whats going to keep bodily iron regulated and utilized properly, not enriched flours or plant iron. Thats why red meat eating is causing a drop in iron levels, because the iron is being utilized properly because its a natural iron source which the human body is familiar with as opposed to iron shavings or plant irons which we are terrible at absorbing feeding bacterial growth in the gut while lacking cofactors for whatever iron is absorbed. Red meat builds the body and the brain(through increased production of neurotransmitters, especially dopamine). Iron shavings build up the iron stores letting iron sit there and literally kill you.
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