Gbolduev Q And A - Non Peat


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Any thoughts on iron and zinc for CFS? Could they be worth try eating/supplementing for? Any additional cofactors or minerals?
If I understood well, no way to answer this sort of question without a hair test for minerals.
Trials cannot be always trusted either, as the right actions can induce feeling worse at the beginning... And the bad decisions can feel good at the beginning!

@sladerunner69 please, this is a non peat topic, and I can even answer what you say myself and this has been debated, so better not go back to this.
- You increase metabolism if it is too low, not if it is high.
- Eating sugar etc... GB says himself that he tells SOME people to eat P ways!

The point here is to get tested and know what to take, accordingly and without the risk to wreak havoc. But you have to commit to get retested, as going on with the 1st set of changes can be bad when you change. It is like fasting, when you correct something, you do it while necessary and then you change if needed, and it will certainly be needed.

@Janelle525 Have you read about intermediate oxidizers? and that we can read, see other threads with pdf from Eck, about the main types, BUT there are much more types, depending on the results of other minerals than calcium, Mg, sodium and potassium! They test 21 minerals.
That is why we cannot understand all...
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I really don't understand it all though. I supposedly oxidized slow but I didn't gain weight easily, my pulse and temp were high at that time. Using thyroid boosting stuff just made all of that worse. Now I'd consider myself more balanced. Don't lose weight but don't necessarily gain either. Stable.

When you say boosting thyroid made that worse, do you mean made your pulse lower? Or that it made your panic attacks worse? (I remember you posting about those) Because too high thyroid function can certainly cause increased anxiety, especially if the resting pulse is over 90 or 100. I feel best when it's around 85, but more than that and I get anxiety probs.


Aug 7, 2013
but I rarely hear of people trying supplements talked about on this forum and complaining of their health getting worse. The general trend is very positive, in my experience.

You could be right, but I think more people are willing to share positive experiences than negative ones. I think that is just the nature of the beast.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
If I understood well, no way to answer this sort of question without a hair test for minerals.
Trials cannot be always trusted either, as the right actions can induce feeling worse at the beginning... And the bad decisions can feel good at the beginning!

@sladerunner69 please, this is a non peat topic, and I can even answer what you say myself and this has been debated, so better not go back to this.
- You increase metabolism if it is too low, not if too high.
- Eating sugar etc... GB says himself that he tells SOME people to eat P ways!

The point here is to get tested and know what to take, accordingly and without the risk to wreak havoc. But you have to commit to get retested, as going on with the 1st set of changes can be bad when you change. It is like fasting, when you correct something, you do it while necessary and then you change if needed, and it will certainly be needed.

@Janelle525 Have you read about intermediate oxidizers? and that we can read about the main types, BUT there are much more, depending on the results of other minerals than calcium, Mg, sodium and potassium!
That is why we cannot understand all...

Clearly eating in the contradictory way is going to lead to a lower metabolism, at least eventually, at which point you are going to need peat's recommendations.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
There are not only 2 ways.... and if you reach balance... this is the goal.
There is not 1 way and the contrary, and there are other solutions than being a pendulum going from an excess to another.
Please again, we have many topics about Peat, and GB says ONLY that there are other cases than P's metabolism, and we are here to learn about what we do not know, and not about what we know!!!

Balance is not about being a slow metabolism and hoping for a fast one, because it would bring other issues! We all want a balanced metabolism.

Leave this, about dreaming for fast oxidizer! faster if you are too slow is enough!

He links it to the nervous system, and this changes all the time according to context! We need :
- action and then rest and then action,
- and a system for urgencies, and then go back to daily life,
- and a system to help you when you are stuck in a loop instead of being in the flow of life! This is what I want to know better here.
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Dec 10, 2016
A slow oxidizer is someone with a slow metabolism. The core concept of Peat's view is to increase the metabolism, to oxidize faster.
Another important distinction is that Peat seems to think if you are a slow oxidizer, it's because of PUFA or other nutritional deficiencies and everyone can correct these with diet/lifestyle/supplements to become a fast oxidizer. Gbolduev seems to think people have a genetic predisposition of being a fast or slow oxidizer and diet/lifestyle/supplements should match your body chemistry (slow or fast oxidizer).


Mar 22, 2017
Gbolduev- Thank you for your logically proved and consistent input. It's opposition to science / medical world where logical thinking is almost banned by Critical theory (Especially in western world). It's sign of our times, that random people like you are sorting out real problems, not the people with science degrees.


Jun 26, 2014
I have actually tried fasting multiple times since getting sick 2 years ago. Felt terrible every time.
Couldn't last more than 4 days. Terrible weakness.
I am not really detoxing any metals. Digestion is severely impaired and I have very little bile flow.
Few days ago I had some success. I drank beets + apple juice and I had a lot of bile squirts.
I have also been taking taurine and eating egg yolks for a while and they help.

I just want to hear @gbolduev 's input on whether fasting is recommended for a fast oxidizer overall.
These are my hair test results from 2 years ago:

During the test and since then I am basically in adrenaline mode 24/7.
Non-stop heart palpitations.
I've been doing peat diet for 6 months and I have a lot of improvements in everything except digestion.
My energy and temperature are better. PUFA is going away fast with all that adrenaline.
My ongoing problems are metabolic acidosis, candida, lack of gut flora, low liver/pancreas output.

you are a fast oxidizer. No fasting for you , I stated that many times here. Ray peat diet is good for you


Jun 26, 2014
Most forum members on here just use the Peat recommendation diet and feel very well. Supplements are an option too, but I rarely hear of people trying supplements talked about on this forum and complaining of their health getting worse. The general trend is very positive, in my experience.

I already look like a teenager on Peat's diet, sometimes I worry I look too young actually.

Why don't you do a hairtest and see if you are fast oxidizer. I dont see positive trend with Peat at all, I get 100s of messages from people. Slow oxidizer cant do good on Peat.


Mar 18, 2016
No smells after a while. Body adjusts. 2-3 months, no grease , no smells. I use just water for a toothpaste, sometimes coconut oil and apples.

First month you will be greasy and smelly. your hair will have tons of oil in it, it will be bad and you will think that you will never get it clean again and will not be able to wash it thru with just water

In 2-3 months you will forget about these problems, your hair will be so fresh just from water , it will never get greasy and you actually dont have to wash it so much . it just does not seem to lose its volume and does not seem get greasy.

This will bancrupt most of the personal care industry. You simply dont need any of that toxic stuff.

I have my own company that makes creams, lotions, soaps from natural things here in Cyprus, I started it to make those for me. But then I just quit everything ,, I just don't need it. I use just water. Women use those products and happy - it gives them all kinds of smells. I don't need any smells( all raw pheromones LOL)

Thanks. I can see the thought process behind this.

I am still curious about cases more related to hygiene, and not just cosmetics, looks or appearance.

Examples: washing your hands after a bower moment, washing hands after cleaning in the house, washing genitalia.

Not sure water is enough in such situations.


Jun 26, 2014
Clearly eating in the contradictory way is going to lead to a lower metabolism, at least eventually, at which point you are going to need peat's recommendations.

This is non Peat thread, especially made for that. If you don't agree with what I have to say , just please stay off this thread and give others an ability to understand.

I don't want to waste my time here discussing Peat as we did on PFS thread with you, Slader.
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Jun 26, 2014
A slow oxidizer is someone with a slow metabolism. The core concept of Peat's view is to increase the metabolism, to oxidize faster.

gbold doesn't see that sugar doesn't retain pufa, fat tissues will always be burned, at least at a minimum rate, even during glycoclysis. So even when you just had a smoothie, the muscles will feed on fat stores whether the fat is SFA or UFA. Consuming too many calories in fat, and more sugar than can be stored, will cause this, but not simply eating sugar.

Wrong again. Sedentary people always consume more calories than they burn, and they eat plenty of fat to be stored. That is why they got sick. And now we have other people like you who work out, who are most likely fast oxidizers, since you activate your sympathetic nervous system at all times. Peat diet is good for you. but you are a minority. Fast oxidizers are minority, and your metabolism is not slow it is fast.And by eating Peat you are slowing it down. You decrease your sympathetic nervous system and you ventilate slower this puts the pressure off your calcium metabolism and your venous PH gets more alkaline and your cell gets more acidic. IN fast metabolism you have acidosis in venous blood and calcium gets in to buffer it. You feel good on calcium on milk on Peat. In slow oxidizer you will feel like crap on calcium since you have alkalosis in venous blood and taking calcium will lead to atherosclerosis and major problems.

Slader how old are you ? 20s?
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Aug 18, 2015
Thanks for this,

I want understand his philosophy.of curse he said he is not here for teaching.

I think he mentioned for hair loss you need to increase metabolism, increase co2 inside cells, so some similarities, but idk why he wants more co2 inside of cells.

And some parts of it contradictory, maybe its a miss type,

i bet anyone with PFS has sky high potassium in the cell. This what makes you not sensitive to progesterone. and this leads to alkalosis, which then supports itself. And thus it can last for 10 years.

but the easiest way is to regulate minerals, you dont even need these hormones

potassium makes progesterone and cortisol sensitive in the cell.

I'm trying to understand all of these theories, people keep throwing these ideas out there that potassium is in the cell, what is the mechanism behind this?

Peat saya when you have less salt, aldosterone goes up which makes you waste potassium, so if you "retain" potassium, how is that bad exactly?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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