2 Hour Radio Interview With Ray Peat On Wednesday The 20th


Jul 22, 2012
Re: 2 Hour Radio Interview With Ray Peat On Wednesday The 20

It is an economically friendly, ecologically friendly, very affordable, non egotistical, just simple humble diet. You don't have to stress about having to have certain rare foods or supplements or anything and everything you eat is widely available world wide and very inexpensive...so its a very low stress diet.

This evokes a very interesting aspect of Peat
and one he touches upon at the beginning of the interview.
Peat made it a point to interject that, before he pursued his science degree,
he was in the humanties,
where he studied philosophy and literature.

He then tried to explain--the host wasn't particularly swift on the uptake on this important connection--
that he looked at science much differently than most scientists because of that philosophical, literary influence.

What he was getting at, I think, is that he has a sensitivity to symbol, myth, narrative, disguised ideology,
hidden subtext, etc.
One can see this all over the place with Peat,
but it is very easily noted, for example,
in Peat's reaction to Paleo-type diets.
He thinks they are guilty of propounding a mythology of mankind and diet and health
that sounds persuasive
but is faulty logically, objectively, scientifically:
you know: this is how man used to eat when he was so great and perfect and healthy and Natural,
and so this is what we now should emulate.

Now back to your statement above, pboy.
It is reminiscent of why I was attracted to certain diets in my hippie youth.
Macrobiotics springs to mind.
It appealed to me for many of the same kinds of reasons you say
the McDougal diet appeals to you:

"...economically friendly, ecologically friendly, very affordable, non egotistical, just simple humble diet. You don't have to stress about having to have certain rare foods or supplements or anything and everything you eat is widely available world wide and very inexpensive...so its a very low stress diet."

With Macrobiotics--at least the Michio Kuchi strain--those elements also appealed very much to me:
-humble: just grab you some inexpensive, brown rice and eat mostly that!
-affordable: ditto!
-economically friendly: ditto!
-non-egotistical: the whole vibe was very much so: don't kill animals because we arrogant humans
think we are the center of the universe; don't wreck the planet like all the rich conservative sheep
by killing animals for food and thereby reducing dairy, messing up the environment, becoming too yang, etc
-widely available: eat local and seasonal and save the planet!

I do mock. But I also do find those goals appealing.
I just didn't find Macrobiotics to be very healthy for me.

And as I thought, over the years, about Macrobiotics
I became more aware of the mythology and ideology behind it.
It came to seem strongly collectivist to me.
I came to think that it reflected Kuchi's (and his teachers') ideology and mythology:
everybody sharing and caring, humbly, saving the planet, eating foods everybody could afford
(so there would be no rich and poor divisions), etc.
And I came to see that ideology/mythology as perhaps the primary motive and logic
behind Macrobiotics:
it really wasn't mainly about health--though it purported to be.
Rather, it was mostly about a ideology and mythology that had political ramifications.

Now, I know nothing of this McDougal,
and I am not saying his diet is wrong or bad.
I'm just saying that I have come to be skeptical of diets
which exert--perhaps in a submerged way--a strongly romantic poetry or ideology and mythology.
I used to trust those appeals
thinking they would lead me like a divining rod toward the healthiest diet.
In more recent years I've become distrustful of those appeals
and more persuaded by the cleansed objectivity and science of Peat.


Jan 22, 2013
Re: 2 Hour Radio Interview With Ray Peat On Wednesday The 20

I pretty much agree Narouz, always gotta be careful of ideals vs actual results (I think that's how I got myself into metabolic trouble in the first place)...also diets like the macrobiotic are probably based on culture and history and what was the best available / known in the past.
The funny thing about the Peat diet...a lot of the main foods he intakes and suggests (oranges, chocolate, coffee, sugar cane, milk to some extent) are the very crops that have been the most profound at changing the landscape of the world, influencing everything from the slave trade to the current world economy, countries interest in key regions, (Florida and Hawaii being important to the US for citrus, all the tropics for fruit / cane / chocolate ect ect) because, I assume, wherever people first got ahold of these they realized their benefits / ability to ease day to day life and incorporated them into their lifestyles.


Jul 22, 2012
Re: 2 Hour Radio Interview With Ray Peat On Wednesday The 20

pboy said:
I pretty much agree Narouz, always gotta be careful of ideals vs actual results (I think that's how I got myself into metabolic trouble in the first place)...also diets like the macrobiotic are probably based on culture and history and what was the best available / known in the past.
The funny thing about the Peat diet...a lot of the main foods he intakes and suggests (oranges, chocolate, coffee, sugar cane, milk to some extent) are the very crops that have been the most profound at changing the landscape of the world, influencing everything from the slave trade to the current world economy, countries interest in key regions, (Florida and Hawaii being important to the US for citrus, all the tropics for fruit / cane / chocolate ect ect) because, I assume, wherever people first got ahold of these they realized their benefits / ability to ease day to day life and incorporated them into their lifestyles.

Interesting, pboy.
Yes, the Peat diet doesn't fit neatly into a romantic, collectivist, Noble Savage, primal mythology.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: 2 Hour Radio Interview With Ray Peat On Wednesday The 20

You can download an mp3 of the show here from the Politics and Science web page:


Or, you can download it from our server. I have attached it below:


  • Politics&Science-RayPeat-2-hour-fundraiser_02-20-2013.mp3
    50 MB · Views: 163


Jul 22, 2012
Re: 2 Hour Radio Interview With Ray Peat On Wednesday The 20

I'm not quite finished listening, but approaching the end
the host read to Peat an email question:

"As your work increases in popularity, people are quoting you more and more
in an authoritarian context."--email question to Peat

Peat's answer was interesting, if unsurprising, if you know his general attitude along these lines.

But the question intrigued me.
I thought to myself when I heard it:
Is this really true?
I mean, I'm a pretty avid reader of all things Peat on the web,
and I can't honestly say that I agree with the premise.
I have not noticed any--really--people quoting Peat in "an authoritarian context."
Have you?
Where is this widespread and growing Peat Authoritarianism?
Are we as Peatians truly :eek: at risk!?

First of all, Peat's ideas are still so obscure:
-Who is out there as an audience vulnerable to being influenced or intimidated by
this supposed growing and widespread Authoritarian Quoting of Peat?
-Where are the hypothesized sheep-minded people seemingly so predisposed to bowing down to
Authoritarian Peat Quotes as ready victims?
-Who would feel bound in any event to obey such supposed Authoritarian Citations
even if they were being made, which as I say I haven't detected.

I think the question tells us something about a unique and prominent feature of Peatians.
Many Peatians are, I think, attracted perhaps first and foremost to
Peat the Subversive,
Peat the Anti-Authoritarian--
a very glamorous role.
They strongly identify with this aspect of Peat
and their overriding mission as Peatians
becomes reduplication of this Subversive Style, this Radical Chic.

It doesn't matter to them that no Evil Peat Authoritarians really exist.
They just imagine them in order to fight back valiantly and heroically against them! :lol:
and to become the Subversive, Radical Peat Rebels they imagine themselves to be.
They are so special!
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