Gbolduev Q And A - Non Peat


Jan 6, 2015
I'm interested to know about animals fasting.

Especially to know how long they do it?

If you really be in touch with your instinct and it tells you refrain from eating, that's probably what you have to do.

But before that you need to check if you have some mineral or vitamin deficiency, maybe correcting that is all you need to do.


Jun 26, 2014
Thanks @Mito. **** Gboldeuv!!! I don't think I am going to be your friend anymore. There is no way I am going to drink pure water for 40 days. It is INSANE!! I would need to be hospitalised and placed on a drip. Simply could not do this with my insane crazy busy life. I would go absolutely mad and kill everyone around me.

Safer to stick to Peat's potatoe juice. Anyway has there been comparison studies between water only compared to potato juice or Breuss? Why just water? How are you going to get liver detoxification happening?? I guess from canabolising my body. Not doing that again. I would rather do it over the longer time span than subject myself to water torture therapy. I have seen what happens to these people. They end up dead - not going there. I don't want to end up looking anorexic either. I have just managed to get rid of the loose skin from all the weight lose.

I said either one will do. Water fast is more efficient, I do both . Breuss is good


Jun 26, 2014
Could you elaborate a little bit more on this one? I think we can all agree that sometimes there may be a need to use more than just water. After a bowel movement, for example. to wash your hands. After cleaning in the house. How about brushing your teeth? How do you get around body odor?

Sometimes if I don't use a little something in my arm pits, they smell, and I don't think people around me ignore it.

Thanks a lot.

No smells after a while. Body adjusts. 2-3 months, no grease , no smells. I use just water for a toothpaste, sometimes coconut oil and apples.

First month you will be greasy and smelly. your hair will have tons of oil in it, it will be bad and you will think that you will never get it clean again and will not be able to wash it thru with just water

In 2-3 months you will forget about these problems, your hair will be so fresh just from water , it will never get greasy and you actually dont have to wash it so much . it just does not seem to lose its volume and does not seem get greasy.

This will bancrupt most of the personal care industry. You simply dont need any of that toxic stuff.

I have my own company that makes creams, lotions, soaps from natural things here in Cyprus, I started it to make those for me. But then I just quit everything ,, I just don't need it. I use just water. Women use those products and happy - it gives them all kinds of smells. I don't need any smells( all raw pheromones LOL)
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Mar 23, 2017
What about a fast oxidizer who has crashed into four lows because of too much pufas, low carb diet and calcium/copper deficiencies/unavailabilities?
If a type like this is improving on a peat diet (sugar,milk,liver), would fasting be beneficial or contraindicated?

What happens if fast oxidizer fasts for a long time?


Forum Supporter
Oct 6, 2012
@opiath, if you are a low 4s, it would not be wise to fast especially water. I would make sure all your alkaline minerals are right + zinc/copper ratio. Low 4s are too scary to try and do anything until you have restored levels and balance. I have found Peat inspired eating with some individual specific modifications works nicely without any supplementation. Others will beg to differ on this however, I have never found a need to supplement. Food is powerful enough. If you are low in all 4s, then you are detoxing lots of heavy metals. I would want them cleared before doing a fast. The Breuss juice would be a wonderful juice to add, however, if you have an extremely sensitive gut lining, I would do cooked juice and not raw. Similar to the way peat does his leafy green extract and discard the fibres.


Dec 29, 2015
@gbolduev , thank you for all your help this last week, im grateful. Anyways, my dad has COPD. Im learning what you are saying about venous blood and co2. Will zinc/manganese help in his situation. he is always huffing and puffing when he is active, and I always thought he was "blowing off to much co2". now I know he needs to blow off his c02. Anything else he can do to "cure" his COPD>.thanks in advance


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
40 day fast = good night sweet pituitary.

It's been shown that people with PTSD undergo massive chronic high stress. That increases CRH to a point that it "punishes" the pituitary into downregulating pituitary hormones such as ACTH. ACTH signals your adrenals to release hormones like cortisol. If ACTH is downregulated after a fast, I surmise that is why your cortisol is lower after long fasts.

I will conservatively say a 40 day fast is beyond suspect and anyone imagining a "reset" magic pill to tread very carefully. It's all speculative theory until I see conclusive labs.


Mar 23, 2017
I have actually tried fasting multiple times since getting sick 2 years ago. Felt terrible every time.
Couldn't last more than 4 days. Terrible weakness.
I am not really detoxing any metals. Digestion is severely impaired and I have very little bile flow.
Few days ago I had some success. I drank beets + apple juice and I had a lot of bile squirts.
I have also been taking taurine and eating egg yolks for a while and they help.

I just want to hear @gbolduev 's input on whether fasting is recommended for a fast oxidizer overall.
These are my hair test results from 2 years ago:

During the test and since then I am basically in adrenaline mode 24/7.
Non-stop heart palpitations.
I've been doing peat diet for 6 months and I have a lot of improvements in everything except digestion.
My energy and temperature are better. PUFA is going away fast with all that adrenaline.
My ongoing problems are metabolic acidosis, candida, lack of gut flora, low liver/pancreas output.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
40 day fast = good night sweet pituitary.

It's been shown that people with PTSD undergo massive chronic high stress. That increases CRH to a point that it "punishes" the pituitary into downregulating pituitary hormones such as ACTH. ACTH signals your adrenals to release hormones like cortisol. If ACTH is downregulated after a fast, I surmise that is why your cortisol is lower after long fasts.

I will conservatively say a 40 day fast is beyond suspect and anyone imagining a "reset" magic pill to tread very carefully. It's all speculative theory until I see conclusive labs.

Yes this is my concern, along with suppression of thyroid hormone.


Oct 30, 2015
Yes carbs overload

I think in CFS you need to do contrarian endocrinology, you need to kill adrenaline receptors for the body to get methylation back on track.

As a patch yes, methylation will work. but I dont agree with it as a cure unless you tested that you have low dopamine noradrenaline and adrenaline in the urine. And this means you have some methylation block from aluminum mostly( mercury and lead sometimes)

Fasting does this very well, reloads adrenaline receptors, cortisol progesterone.

Fasting is a cure for CFS.( unless you have a methylation block) this you can tell from urine dopamine noradrenaline and adrenaline)
I do fasting with exercise. THIS IS SO NONPEAT. but results are crazy

fasting depletes you from PUFA in 30 days. NOT 4 years

research Breuss protocol.

Any thoughts on iron and zinc for CFS? Could they be worth try eating/supplementing for? Any additional cofactors or minerals?

Iron insufficiency and hypovitaminosis D in adolescents with chronic fatigue and orthostatic intolerance. - PubMed - NCBI
Lower serum zinc in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): relationships to immune dysfunctions and relevance for the oxidative stress status in CFS. - PubMed - NCBI

Looking at old labs I see consistently low, but not sub-range iron in my bloodtests.
Between 70-75 mcg/L, ref range 30-300, taken on 4 different occasions spanning about a year and a half. Might be a thing.
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May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Yes this is my concern, along with suppression of thyroid hormone.
Downregulating TRH, TSH, gonadatropins, and ACTH especially. I think it might be the hypothalamus taking the punishment, but all the same. What's interesting is goldbluv claims all of these increased in his labs, which appears contrary to anything I have ever heard.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Downregulating TRH, TSH, gonadatropins, and ACTH especially. I think it might be the hypothalamus taking the punishment, but all the same. What's interesting is goldbluv claims all of these increased in his labs, which appears contrary to anything I have ever heard.

He will tell you that unless it was a study conducted in his own private lab, then it is worthless. No use showing him studies from pubmed... it's been tried.


Feb 14, 2017
Did you try rubbing salt on your head as well like he suggested?

Yeah once but it didn't damage the skin at all. Using a derma roller and using salt water would be more effective if his theory is correct


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
When animals are sick they fast. that is the only way out. coconut oil, sugar, fruit, will make you worse. And you will have to go on hormones. That is what this forum turned into. DIET does not do anything. So most people go on hormones.

What I say to do will cure you in 1 year that you wont' have to take 1 single hormone or a supplement

first you see what you are fast or slow oxidizer , if slow as most here then:

1) fast
2) liver flushes
3) and then eat my diet

IN one year you will be 10-15 years younger. You will look like a teenager

Most forum members on here just use the Peat recommendation diet and feel very well. Supplements are an option too, but I rarely hear of people trying supplements talked about on this forum and complaining of their health getting worse. The general trend is very positive, in my experience.

I already look like a teenager on Peat's diet, sometimes I worry I look too young actually.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I was a slow oxidizer according to my hair test. I had panic attacks, I couldn't sleep longer than 2 hrs, no energy. I did no fasting other than at night. I did end up going off all caffeine, but sticking with a few mg of progesterone 2 weeks a month. I started using 1-4 grams ascorbic acid and about 50-100 mg niacinamide. I also did some nervous system regulation type work. I take .5 mg cypro a night. I don't need sugar all the time anymore. I have energy. I sleep pretty well. By all accounts I'm not sick, but maybe not healthy enough to go off everything yet. Have great insulin sensitivity still. I think the cypro gave me more cortisol sensitivity not sure. But I think the vitamin C had a lot to do with me not needing sugar all damn day. And giving me energy. Sunlight has also been a factor this summer.

I can agree with you on needing the sugar and caffeine all day is not good for slow oxidizers. In fact I am probably pretty against thyroid and caffeine for sick people.

A slow oxidizer is someone with a slow metabolism. The core concept of Peat's view is to increase the metabolism, to oxidize faster.

gbold doesn't see that sugar doesn't retain pufa, fat tissues will always be burned, at least at a minimum rate, even during glycoclysis. So even when you just had a smoothie, the muscles will feed on fat stores whether the fat is SFA or UFA. Consuming too many calories in fat, and more sugar than can be stored, will cause this, but not simply eating sugar.


Sep 13, 2012
I looked very young as well doing Peat stuff. Felt like I was in a wave of stress but I looked good! I quit caffeine and been on more starches, fats, and cypro and I'll say I look more my age.


Sep 13, 2012
A slow oxidizer is someone with a slow metabolism. The core concept of Peat's view is to increase the metabolism, to oxidize faster.

gbold doesn't see that sugar doesn't retain pufa, fat tissues will always be burned, at least at a minimum rate, even during glycoclysis. So even when you just had a smoothie, the muscles will feed on fat stores whether the fat is SFA or UFA. Consuming too many calories in fat, and more sugar than can be stored, will cause this, but not simply eating sugar.
I really don't understand it all though. I supposedly oxidized slow but I didn't gain weight easily, my pulse and temp were high at that time. Using thyroid boosting stuff just made all of that worse. Now I'd consider myself more balanced. Don't lose weight but don't necessarily gain either. Stable.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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