Garlic Is Toxic, Kills Brain Cells According To Dr. Robert Beck


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Eat a garlic rich meal, then try telling me your not effected by it mentally.
Nov 26, 2013
I hear alphabet soup also has gluten and DMSO in it, as well as ABC, and can flatten EEG waves :-o

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
My Italian uncle lived to 86, drank tons of wine, beer, liquor, etc., but he grew his own vegetables, hunted and fished for food, ate all parts of the animal, etc., and ate tons of garlic, which I believed is what kept him alive and healthy despite all the booze he drank. I personally never felt bad on garlic, and there is not a better flavor component to add to food, that's why it is so popular around the world.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Garlic and Other Alliums: The Lore and the Science (summary)
Cooking should make any harsh compound less reactive in the body.

Robert Beck seems to be referring to the 'sulfenic acid intermediate'. Since it's highly reactive, it's useful to come in contact with pathogens and attack them or turn into something defensive for the plant really fast:

Composition, Stability, and Bioavailability of Garlic Products Being Used in a Clinical Trial
"it has been known since 1944 that allicin is absent from garlic and garlic powders until the enzyme, alliinase, has been activated, by the crushing of cloves or the wetting of powder, allowing the transformation of the amino acid, alliin, to allicin and other allyl thiosulfinates (Figure 1).(6,11,12) When fresh garlic is crushed or blended, allicin formation is complete in approximately six seconds, well before consumption.(74) With supplements the opportunity for allicin formation does not occur until after consumption, when the tablets dissolve. However, because the activity of alliinase is dramatically affected by the gastrointestinal environment (gastric acid, intestinal proteases) and by supplement processing procedures,(7,9,13) the amount of allicin produced in the body from supplements, and, hence, confidence in extrapolating clinical trial results to fresh garlic, can be highly questionable."​

I guess that the further it's modified, the less likely it's to react in the body without control. However it has to remain volatile because it would be useful to maintain protection for long. There can be destruction of the enzyme that acts on alliin through cooking, but for that there will be at the same time modification of alliin's reactivity.

I think it's most dangerous when eaten intact, because the compounds is in its maximum potential, ready to react with whatever it comes in contact with, but I don't think anyone is eating garlic in that form. Even in supplements, which are sold in a way that it requires hydration for the reactions to occur, (***t, observations between commas) there might be interaction with other compounds from a meal before digestion.

Some useless links:
- Allicin and related compounds: biosynthesis, synthesis and pharmacological activity
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of Organosulfur Compounds from Garlic
- Allicin: Chemistry and Biological Properties
- Garlic - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects
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Jan 1, 2013
@2:25 he claims bullets used to be rubbed in garlic in WW2, so even if someone was merely nicked, they would die.

So if someone has issues with intestinal permeability, then wouldn't consumed garlic be able to get into the blood stream (like endotoxin), and kill them?

Sounds bogus.

Well, Bob drew a blank here. This is most definitely untrue, and i have no idea why he didn't bother checking the facts before making this kind of announcement.

The potency of garlic (Allium sativum) has been acknowledged for >5000 years. In ancient times, the Babylonians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Vikings, Chinese, Greeks, Romans and Hindus used garlic frequently (Block 1985). They took garlic as a remedy for intestinal disorders, flatulence, worms, respiratory infections, skin diseases, wounds, symptoms of aging and many other ailments. The use of garlic to treat wounds surfaced repeatedly through the middle ages into World War II, when garlic was used to treat the wounds of soldiers (Essman 1984). Garlic was ground or sliced and was applied directly to wounds to inhibit the spread of infections.
Intake of Garlic and Its Bioactive Components | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic


Mar 29, 2014
I think it's most dangerous when eaten intact, because the compounds is in its maximum potential, ready to react with whatever it comes in contact with, but I don't think anyone is eating garlic in that form.
Most active, most effective - could be most dangerous, or could be most useful, depending on the use-case.
If I'm using it as an antibiotic, strength is a strength. Along with gargling a little zinc, my first-line approach to threatening colds, tummy bugs etc can include chopped raw garlic in carrot salad with a little lemon juice or vinegar. :)
If I had a wound I was worried about getting infected, I'd expect garlic to improve my odds, not reduce them.
Eat a garlic rich meal, then try telling me your not effected by it mentally.
My experience is that I've sometimes felt off the first day or so after eating garlic if I haven't had any for a while, which disappears if I keep eating it every day or two. I have speculated that it's consistent with the effects of bacterial die off/increased endotoxin on day 1, and reduced bacteria and endotoxin thereafter. I figure the carrot salad, and following up a little while later with activated charcoal after the first day's serving, could mitigate. A couple of days in my tongue has usually cleared up.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Most active, most effective - could be most dangerous, or could be most useful, depending on the use-case.
If I'm using it as an antibiotic, strength is a strength. Along with gargling a little zinc, my first-line approach to threatening colds, tummy bugs etc can include chopped raw garlic in carrot salad with a little lemon juice or vinegar. :)
If I had a wound I was worried about getting infected, I'd expect garlic to improve my odds, not reduce them.
I meant eating bits/slices of raw garlic; when it's crushed in mouth and swallowed the enzyme won't act in the stomach (too acid) and I don't know if it's inactivated to not act once the p of H increases in the intestines. They claimed above that it takes 6s on average for a reaction but from what I read it can take longer (10-60s) but still fast. I was thinking in terms of the riskiest way of consuming it to get those toxic effects that Robert Beck mentioned.


Jul 3, 2016
So in short, eating a raw clove or 2 of garlic for antibacterial reasons would not be harmful?


Jan 1, 2013
So in short, eating a raw clove or 2 of garlic for antibacterial reasons would not be harmful?

Definitely not.

Garlic does affect the brain, but it certainly doesn't kill any brain cells, and it's not a blood poison. This internet rumor was started by Bob Beck, which i'm a fan of, but he made a blunder here that sadly decredibilized the rest of his work with a lot of people.

Or maybe was this blunder so obvious as to be intentional? Maybe the price to pay for giving his discoveries to the world for free?


Aug 12, 2018

What’s the best way to consume garlic? I’m just consuming it for my gut problems, so I’m just making its juice rather than eating it by mouth.

- I crushed 2 cloves of garlic in a glass.
- waited 5 minute.
- Then I Added some water and waited 5 minute again.

And I drinked the water.

I’m wondering if should I chew the garlic rather than drinking its juice. I just want to eliminate toxic factors as possible.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA

What’s the best way to consume garlic? I’m just consuming it for my gut problems, so I’m just making its juice rather than eating it by mouth.

- I crushed 2 cloves of garlic in a glass.
- waited 5 minute.
- Then I Added some water and waited 5 minute again.

And I drinked the water.

I’m wondering if should I chew the garlic rather than drinking its juice. I just want to eliminate toxic factors as possible.

You really do not notice any brain or cognitive dampening effect from this ?


Aug 12, 2018
You really do not notice any brain or cognitive dampening effect from this ?

I’m already encephalopathic. I have extremely cognitive and mild to moderate motor dysfunctions since a year and I wouldn't mind any dampening effect that comes from garlic.

Anyway, I didn’t notice any sigificant effect yesterday. But I think it worked on my gut

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Just shoot me now somebody.

I've been taping a slice of garlic to the sole of my foot for years, at the start of any infection. Studies show its detectable in the blood after one hour.


Aug 12, 2018

‘Garlic kills pathogens and it causes too much endotoxin to flood for a while.’

I had read something like that but not sure if it’s the main cause. I wonder what do you think. I couldn’t read effectively but also it seems most of the guys here likes garlic. Am I right?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA

‘Garlic kills pathogens and it causes too much endotoxin to flood for a while.’

I had read something like that but not sure if it’s the main cause. I wonder what do you think. I couldn’t read effectively but also it seems most of the guys here likes garlic. Am I right?

I am not sure the cause of why it throws me off mentally, slows me down, and puts me out of sync. Weather it is from die off, or just sulphur compounds effecting the brain, who knows.
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