Feeling strange


New Member
Oct 19, 2013
Been peating for a few months, felt alright at first although I had a raging appetite, gained some muscle and appetite has gradually leveled off to normal now, I get plenty of sleep and avoid stress other than I weight lift with moderate duration couple of times a week and walk the dog every day

I am a 18 year old male

I was rather fat about 110kg from age 13-16 I drank a lot of aspartame sweetened drinks, up to 4 liters of pepsi max per day, I also ate pretty high PUFA.

then I dropped to 60kg in less than a year with an extreme calorie deficit and extreme fasting eating 600-800 Cal a day only beef, liver and lettuce and up to 800mg caffeine
It developed into anorexia and bulimia at times, Then I got very depressed and gained 20kg in a month ***t load of it being fat. Been struggling to loose it ever since.

running on stress hormones for little under a year I suffered low test and high TSH, i've been seeing an endocrinologist
last few months my TSH has lowered to about 1.9 Mu/L and testosterone has improved a bit but still in the low range.

My endo does not want to prescribe thyroid meds or TRT.

The body fat i gained was very estrogenic, most of it in lower abdomen and love handles etc.

my recent problem is dizziness and loss of balance, even at the computer as i am writing this my head feels very heavy and i am very drowsy. I feel ****88 up and weak also and I can barely weight lift in this condition. I feel like i am going to fall when walking and i am rather clumsy
this is tho not constant as it comes in waves and sometimes i feel a little better.

What could be the root cause of this ? And how can i improve


Feb 20, 2013
You can try fish head soup or chicken neck soup for thyroid hormone.
There are good amount of thyroid there. Check your temp and pulse
before breakfast and 1 hour after breakfast, this will give you an idea
about your thyroid status. RP only recommends concentric muscle building.
It would be easier for others to see if your diet is peat compatible
if you post a description of your diet.
RP has mentioned that extreme caloric restriction weakens liver's ability to
detoxify estrogen. Do you eat raw carrot salad daily?
80 grams of protein?
Here are links to basic dietary guideline


New Member
Oct 19, 2013
Mittir said:
You can try fish head soup or chicken neck soup for thyroid hormone.
There are good amount of thyroid there. Check your temp and pulse
before breakfast and 1 hour after breakfast, this will give you an idea
about your thyroid status. RP only recommends concentric muscle building.
It would be easier for others to see if your diet is peat compatible
if you post a description of your diet.
RP has mentioned that extreme caloric restriction weakens liver's ability to
detoxify estrogen. Do you eat raw carrot salad daily?
80 grams of protein?
Here are links to basic dietary guideline

Woke up feeling better, had some cheese and felt alright then i had some milk and cherries and then i started feeling like crap again, heavy legs and feeling strange

My diet consist of 1% milk, cheese, daily carrot, coconut oil, cottage cheese, cod, honey, cherries and grapes.

I am getting enough protein, and i'll try the soups thanks for the advice

Forgot to check before breakfast

1 Hour after breakfast
Temp 97.7 F
Pulse 79 beats per minute


Feb 20, 2013
After breakfast, by mid morning temperaturee should be around 98.5.
Keep taking temperature before and after 1-2 hours of breakfast and also
check temperature+pulse other times of the day. 97.7 is not that bad
but your goal should be to achieve 98.5. Though your TSH is normal
in medical world. RP thinks TSH should be below 0.4 for good health.

If you are not used to drinking milk it can cause problem in the beginning.
A large amount of fluid can be a big problem for hypothyroid people.
You can try substituting milk with cheese and follow a low liquid diet
for few days and see how it feels. Adding salt and other minerals
help with high liquid diet.If old cheese with high histamine level
causes problem then you can try soft and fresh cheese.
Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt both are good source of protein
but they lack calcium. Egg shell powder is a good source of calcium.
You can up your salt intake , it is warming.
Also make sure you get a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
1200 to 2000 mg of calcium with phosphorus lower than calcium.
You will see quick improvement when you fix your calcium, phosphorus ratio
and adequate vitamin D is also essential for optimal use of calcium.
Weekly liver ( 3-6 oz) is very important for vitamin A .Liver's B vitamins, copper
and other nutrient are very helpful too. You will need a good selenium source,
weekly serving of seafood and shellfish.
Light therapy can quickly improve metabolism and over all health.
It takes about 4 years to completely replace our fatty acid composition.
You will see some big improvement in the beginning by removing PUFA
and will continually improve. After 2 years you will have about half of the PUFA
you begin with and that is a major improvement.
keep experimenting with food and find foods that does not bother your intestine.
You can gelatine to your diet and it is a pro-thyroid protein with many
health benefits. Undigested gelatin can cause digestive issues.
Hydrolyzed gelatin is easier on digestion and gummy bear seems to be
well tolerated.


New Member
Oct 19, 2013
still feeling strange, i have a mild feeling like when u have been running in circles fast and then walk normal,
i feel like i am not in complete control of my feet and that they are heavy, not extreme tho but to the point it is very uncomfortable
my urine is very foamy and i have sweet taste in my mouth all day.

sugar intake about 200gr per day and no starch, usually my sugar is lower and protein higher but last 2 days carbs total around 250-300gr and protein about 100gr and fat around 40gr

Urine is very foamy, i have sweet taste in my mouth all day,


Feb 20, 2013
I think you need to consult with your doctor about your problem with legs.
According to RP foamy urine is a result of stress,when liver detoxify
fatty acid and steroid hormones. Sweet taste in mouth sounds like diabetes.
You can listen to RP interview on weight loss to learn more about foamy urine.


New Member
Oct 19, 2013
Thanks your very helpful,

in June i had a blood test just before i started peating,
fasting glucose 4.7 (4.2 - 6.1) mmol/L
a1c 4.5 % (4.5 - 6.3)

sweet taste and very thirsty at the moment
never had a symptom of diabetes until now,

this sucks, but i will be seeing the doctor

what is causing this i don't know
just strange that it is showing up now
my dad was a diabetic type 1 tho


Feb 20, 2013
You wrote that your protein content was higher than your carbohydrate content for a while.
RP recommends good amount of carbohydrate with protein to keep blood sugar and cortisol in check. The need for amount of sugar depends on quality of protein. Egg protein requires more sugar to keep blood sugar in check. eating carbohydrate before protein helps with keeping blood sugar normal, protein strongly stimulate insulin secretion.
I think you need to study his articles in depth before you make major dietary changes.

You can develop high sugar problem if you increase your sugar intake but your metabolic system, especially liver is not energized enough to handle all these sugar. Sugar/carbohydrate increases metabolism and this increase need for extra nutrients. Fructose is metabolized in liver and you need a healthy liver to do that. B vitamins, Thyroid and selenium are essential for healthy liver.
Increasing lactose and lowering fructose can lower pressure on liver.

Core of RP recommendation is avoiding PUFA. There is no withdrawal when you stop
ingesting PUFA. Your health continually improve with avoiding PUFA.
It is a good idea to slowly introduce dietary changes.
I hope your doctor will be able to find out the cause of the problem you are having.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
afilol123 said:
Urine is very foamy,
Possibly stress hormones being dumped by the body. This happens to me when I am over medicated on thyroid. So it's good to look out for that if you are supplementing thyroid.

One of the times it was really foamy and I was worried that maybe it was my kidneys and that protein was getting dumped. Went to the Dr. and the test showed negative for protein.


May 16, 2013
I get heavy legs occasionally, usually when everything seems to go array. Usually it is because my silly compartmentalising brain forgets that this whole thing is supposed to be holistic and I shouldn't focus and obsess about one particular thing. However, feeling weird is vague and has multiple causes for me (e.g. experimental supplementation of things), but the heavy legs I usually blame on edema/poor circulation caused by (in my case) too low protein, low salt and the witch that is estrogen.

So now, when it happens, I nibble on more thyroid (as appropriate to current dosage, or not at all, if applicable at the time), I make a really salty soup full of labour and nutrition. I up protein drastically, dose up on coconut oil, eggshell, vit D, aspirin, K, E, etc. I have some OJ. Same old stuff that some people probably have no problems sticking to. I make time for the things I usually forget, and make sure to eat and not just drink coffee and cane sugar. I lie down, and I take naps.

I am going through this right now. It may be physiologically appropriate to target something in particular according to your symptoms, but if I am generally feeling weird then it takes less time to just try to cover everything than figuring it out. I'd say try to see your situation objectively and figure out if you are missing anything major.


Jun 12, 2013
my recent problem is dizziness and loss of balance, even at the computer as i am writing this my head feels very heavy and i am very drowsy. I feel f***ed up and weak also and I can barely weight lift in this condition. I feel like i am going to fall when walking and i am rather clumsy
this is tho not constant as it comes in waves and sometimes i feel a little better.

Sounds like when I've had electrolytes off balance, like potassium. Went through something like it last weekend from chronic diarrhea. I drank salty broth which seemed to help the symptoms. And try to keep up the nutrition - fruits, supplements, etc.


Jun 12, 2013
I know this is old, but in case anyone else has a similar problem... based on my own experiences over the last year, the symptoms I had like this also came about when I tried to reduce calories in the midst of lower metabolism. It took me a long time to figure out that was causing the symptoms. Once I got metabolism going better as described in some other posts (eating frequent heat-producing meals, basically), then after a while I've been able to reduce calories without the bad symptoms. So, it's another possible thing to look into for some.
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