Extremely pale skin - insecure & avoiding life - debating intentional carotenosis


Jul 8, 2014
And you can only do that when you accept yourself, and then make that quality you have been trying to accept for so long your strength not your weakness so it adds depth to your character and personality, and it can no longer be used as ammo against you.


@Callmestar, have you ever tried to counter negative comments with something positive about yourself? For example, you mentioned having very blue eyes. They sound beautiful. Maybe when someone says something negative about your skin, immediately think about how nice your eyes are until their words, or your own negative thoughts about your skin, no longer affect you? So basically, slowly replacing the low/uncomfortable feeling that is experienced with a perceived negative with the high vibe feeling that is experienced with positive reinforcement until the negative feels positive?


Jul 29, 2014
am male, but a similar skin tone to this young lady. Although I am slightly more pale.

That lady has lovely skin. I'm not sure how it would be on a guy as I am not attracted to men, but on her it looks quite nice.

Girls like the men in vampire movies and those actors are made to look extra pale. Brad Pitt in Interview With the Vampire or that Twilight movie with Robert Pattinson.

Anyway I think you could totally rock some pale skin if you try and change your mindset (obviously harder than it sounds)

Ray mentioned vitamin D deficiency can cause someone not to tan (paraphrased... I don't remember his exact words)


Nov 27, 2016
Just take carotenoids and get a tan if it bothers you that much.

Short tanning periods in the early morning or late afternoon will cause minimal skin ageing.


Mar 28, 2015
I am considered pale for a person from my country of origin. I tan quite easily though, so when I went back to my home country (for the first time) with tanned skin; most of my relatives thought I was ugly compared to the photos they received years earlier. They all expected to meet a beautifully pale young woman. Many of them commented on how different (read ugly) I looked.

The point is....beauty is in the eye of the beholder/culture. I’m sure if you moved to the Middle East or Far East people would stare at you excessively, not because you have ugly skin color but quite the opposite.

Nevertheless, growing thick skin is always good thing, especially for males. My husband has extremely thick skin both literally and figuratively and it serves him well in business and in life. I think high testosterone/dht helps with that. You may want to check your hormones to ensure that serotonin is not at play causing you to ruminate on surface level issues.

I wish you all the best.


Jan 1, 2020
Maybe you could try to acquire an interest in national socialism to turn your weakness into a strength?:chaplin


Apr 15, 2020
I hope you are well.

I simply don't understand why you would not simply go out into the sun and tan naturally. Ideally after a good Peaty meal and some B Vitamin complex.
Ray has said something about this 'issue' of paleness. If anybody can find the quote it'd be great. I think it goes something like going out into the sun, maybe get sunburnt if you are pale, but keep doing it.

I recommend checking out your Thyroid, my skin definitely looked worse in-general when I was really Hypothyroid. Ask for T4, TSH, T3 and rT3 (reverse T3; and if possible of course) blood tests.
Read more Peat articles on RayPeat.com and maybe ask around forum more if you have any questions or want clarifications, it takes a while to figure Peat out I'm pretty sure. It just doesn't sound like you read much of his work, forgive me if I'm mistaken.


Nov 3, 2020
I used to be a little on the pale side until I started taking thyroid and getting full nutrition.


Apr 3, 2019
I hope you are well.

I simply don't understand why you would not simply go out into the sun and tan naturally. Ideally after a good Peaty meal and some B Vitamin complex.
Ray has said something about this 'issue' of paleness. If anybody can find the quote it'd be great. I think it goes something like going out into the sun, maybe get sunburnt if you are pale, but keep doing it.

I recommend checking out your Thyroid, my skin definitely looked worse in-general when I was really Hypothyroid. Ask for T4, TSH, T3 and rT3 (reverse T3; and if possible of course) blood tests.
Read more Peat articles on RayPeat.com and maybe ask around forum more if you have any questions or want clarifications, it takes a while to figure Peat out I'm pretty sure. It just doesn't sound like you read much of his work, forgive me if I'm mistaken.

For one there isn't a lot of sun here. Secondly, I already look haggared and wrinkled for my age so extra sun exposure and skin damage on my face is not something I'm looking for. Happy to get the sun on my body but then I'm left with a ghost-like face in comparison to the rest of me! Oh well.


Jun 10, 2020
I used to be a little on the pale side until I started taking thyroid and getting full nutrition.
Hey miraddo, how is it going with the thyroid?

I remember a while back, you took a large dose and felt better. What’s your dosing like these days?


Feb 3, 2020
Get checked if you have copper deficiency. (serum copper/ceruloplasmin)

It can cause paleness. I became very pale last year due to copper chelation and the „healthy glow“ is having a great come-back at the moment. I think paleness indicates a hypoxic state of the cells. Copper greatly improves oxygenation.


Oct 4, 2019
I am extremely pale white, it has caused me a great deal of anxiety throughout life, enduring negative comments to the point where I now pretty much avoid life in the daylight, especially in summer months. The weather is now brightening up where I live and it's the usual reminder that while everyone is outside enjoying life, I am avoiding being seen due to such lack of self-worth and insecurity about being pale.

I've tried all sorts of fake tans but unfortunately, none look natural and I don't really want to be known as the guy who wears fake tan. If I was to get any sort of decent colour using fake tan it would be too obvious that it's fake. I used tanning beds throughout my teens and twenties which helped but this has caused premature aging and I don't think it's a good idea to continue. My face is already haggard as it is. I used Melonotan briefly, helped a little, but again it means I need to spend lots of time in the sun which will cause further skin damage / wrinkles. I also have quite a lot of moles and Melanotan makes these darker / increase in size etc so again, it's not a good idea. So currently I'm left glowing like a flash light, bright white, casper the ghost looking human.

I'm wondering if there are any other options and currently the only thing I can think of is taking high dose Beta Carotene to create Carotenisis. I know it's not exactly going to give me a tan but may give me a subtle colour.

Is there any problem with Carotenisis and do I have any other options?
Move to Asia and blend in they value very pale faces


Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA
I'm very pale and pretty indifferent about it, but I recommend against carotene, not least of all because the color achieved is mediocre and concentrated on the palms and areas like that. Berberine and St. johns wort both seem to increase my tanning in the sun, although I never get tan by normal people's standards, just tan for me. Taking enough vitamin D seems to prevent sunburn for me, but I've also carefully titrated my sun exposure to get better tolerance so its hard to know for sure. Melanocortin agonist drugs like Melanotan 2 work, and may have other beneficial effects but the jury is still out. The relationship between neuromelanin and brain function is complex, and I'm trying to be very careful about avoiding parkinsons disease risks since I have mc1r mutations. Melanotan2 interests me as a potential boon, but as with people's concern with melanoma, there is uncertainty about whether it could help or hurt. I'm leaning towards it helping.
My sister is less pale than me and she gets pretty tan when taking st. johns wort and carefully sunning. I first noticed this tanning effect while living in the tropics and being depressed, st. johns wort helped my mood a lot and suddenly I was tanner than I had ever been.
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