Extremely elevated Arachiodonic Acid


Sep 22, 2021
new york
If you look my arachiodonic acid is very high. Pufa is on high end. I need my Saturated fat higher. My diet for past 3 years has been lots of eggs.10 a day. Too much pufa. 1-2lb red meat a day. 3-4 cup raw milk and 3oz cheese a day. Lots of fruit and honey too.

No eating out or processed pufa. What do you think is contributing to these high arachiodonic acid levels? High pufa consumption in my earlier years and poor detox? I’m 25. Or maybe all my eggs?

Apparently red meat has arachiodonic acid too even tho AA is a pufa? Would lean meat be void of arachiodonic acid? I want to structure my diet mostly around cheese and lean ruminant animal to lower that arachiodonic acid! What foods do you think should be staples?

I’m unclear what foods actually contain AA. Online it says found mostly in meat dairy eggs. But I don’t get how it would be found in ruminant. AA is a pufa and ruminant is saturated.


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Dec 17, 2018
If you look my arachiodonic acid is very high. Pufa is on high end. I need my Saturated fat higher. My diet for past 3 years has been lots of eggs.10 a day. Too much pufa. 1-2lb red meat a day. 3-4 cup raw milk and 3oz cheese a day. Lots of fruit and honey too.

No eating out or processed pufa. What do you think is contributing to these high arachiodonic acid levels? High pufa consumption in my earlier years and poor detox? I’m 25. Or maybe all my eggs?

Apparently red meat has arachiodonic acid too even tho AA is a pufa? Would lean meat be void of arachiodonic acid? I want to structure my diet mostly around cheese and lean ruminant animal to lower that arachiodonic acid! What foods do you think should be staples?

I’m unclear what foods actually contain AA. Online it says found mostly in meat dairy eggs. But I don’t get how it would be found in ruminant. AA is a pufa and ruminant is saturated.
Its clearly because you eat almost a dozen eggs a day. That where you are getting all your AA. Poultry and pork fat would also have some. All meat even beef will have a little even its lean but the main sources are what I just mentioned. Why is this a problem? Don't worry excessively over a lab result unless you think you are overly inflamed or something that is related to high AA but even then AA metabolizes to prostaglandins that have both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory compounds.

If you want to bring it down, try just 2-3 eggs a day and avoid poultry and pork fat. How ripped are you that you need 10 eggs, 1 to 2 lbs of meat, 3 cups of milk and 3 oz of cheese worth of protein?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Its clearly because you eat almost a dozen eggs a day. That where you are getting all your AA. Poultry and pork fat would also have some. All meat even beef will have a little even its lean but the main sources are what I just mentioned. Why is this a problem? Don't worry excessively over a lab result unless you think you are overly inflamed or something that is related to high AA but even then AA metabolizes to prostaglandins that have both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory compounds.

If you want to bring it down, try just 2-3 eggs a day and avoid poultry and pork fat. How ripped are you that you need 10 eggs, 1 to 2 lbs of meat, 3 cups of milk and 3 oz of cheese worth of protein?
I see, I already cut the eggs, and lost my taste naturally all of a sudden. Been making strides past few months, just trying to optimize. I had some chronic issues for a couple Years that are residing. That AA is probably the most worrisome marker left. And also my very elevated TMAO. Do you think the eggs caused the TMAO rise too?

I mean Im 6’3 was about 220. Maintence calories about 4500. I was pretty dang ripped haha. Turn heads when I walked into a room type physique. I say that humbly im just trying to give a reference point. But I think my maintence was just so high because I was under so much stress I was burning through my body’s reserves. Once I hit a wall and couldn’t work out any longer my metabolism crashed and i became very catabolic. Down to only 180lbs ish in less than a year.

I have the appetite to drive calories up and bring weight up a little more but my Gut health is so poor I can’t eat enough on that front. It’s a tough bind to be in.


Dec 17, 2018
I see, I already cut the eggs, and lost my taste naturally all of a sudden. Been making strides past few months, just trying to optimize. I had some chronic issues for a couple Years that are residing. That AA is probably the most worrisome marker left. And also my very elevated TMAO. Do you think the eggs caused the TMAO rise too?

I mean Im 6’3 was about 220. Maintence calories about 4500. I was pretty dang ripped haha. Turn heads when I walked into a room type physique. I say that humbly im just trying to give a reference point. But I think my maintence was just so high because I was under so much stress I was burning through my body’s reserves. Once I hit a wall and couldn’t work out any longer my metabolism crashed and i became very catabolic. Down to only 180lbs ish in less than a year.

I have the appetite to drive calories up and bring weight up a little more but my Gut health is so poor I can’t eat enough on that front. It’s a tough bind to be in.
You shouldnt cut eggs completely. You still need some choline and arachidonic acid. AA stimulates testosterone secretion. Just don't eat a ton. 2-3 is a good amount. The research I have seen showed egg derived phosphatidylcholine does not increase TMAO but I am sure the amount of choline you get from 10 eggs could to some degree.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
You shouldnt cut eggs completely. You still need some choline and arachidonic acid. AA stimulates testosterone secretion. Just don't eat a ton. 2-3 is a good amount. The research I have seen showed egg derived phosphatidylcholine does not increase TMAO but I am sure the amount of choline you get from 10 eggs could to some degree.
I see. I mean my testosterone is low w high AA. Just stress induced low T I guess. I have enough eggs in reserve to go at least a few months w out eggs I think


May 10, 2018
Other than obviously eating less, is there a way to lower aranchiodonic acid in the body?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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