Exposure to even ultra-low dose of RoundUp causes kidney/liver damage

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Hey great to know this info Dave, Ethiopian is one of my favs. Along with Yemen, which is hard or impossible to get at least here in Australia. (War on Yemen now for many years - usual disgusting geopolitical story). I figured that the drier (or arid) climates where coffee is grown would mean the possibility of NOT needing the pesticides, fungicides, etc. .Hmmmmmm. I did just now search up Yemen coffee and pesticides, and it seems they sometimes spray the coffee seeds with pesticides. WTF? Anyhow this is found here - some Yemenis went to NL and are helping to get more Yemen coffee into NL. https://www.mochacoffee.nl/blogs/news/helping-coffee-farmers-in-yemen-by-elevating-the-european-coffee-experience

{I have been an avid home roaster since 2005, and miss my sweet maria's green beans! https://www.sweetmarias.com/ . Price and selection is awesome. There are incredible 'Coffee Photo Journeys' there, and literally months of reading on his site. Some great info regarding how coffee is grown when you buy it. Altitude, climate, how it is processed : Wet, dry, natural, etc..
--Also of Note: Coffee quality is very very poor of late, at least here in Australia. I imagine world wide as the weather ruining large crops last few years and the plandemic messing with Cargo Ships/transport and increase in prices=expensive sh*te green beans. Dang it.}

Back to Organics: I have a farmer friend in Oregon, outside of Portland, who was certified Org, and he stopped being certified after 25 years as he has his strong Customer base, about 75% of his sales direct to Restaurants, and the rest is farmers market, where everyone knows him. (35 years farming there). Virtually no need to be certified!! Everyone knows and tastes how good it is. (Chem free except for Chem Trails.)
Hey, good to see you are enjoying coffee the best way, fresh roasted !! And, yes, since I stopped buying from major vendors and just became a home roaster, I too buy my beans from Sweet Marias. It takes some turning over the proverbial rocks, but you can find good clean food that isn't certified organic if you look hard enough. I 'do' buy organic green beans when the profile looks good, but Ethiopian dry process is some of the top coffee that is not sprayed for the most part. I hope someday they figure out the problems with Australian coffee growing, I know they are working on it, and when they can get production where it needs to be, I am sure it will be awesome coffee.


Mar 29, 2016
I am really glad that I can be of help to you finally yerrag. You have been so helpful to me over the last year. Yeah when you put it that way, one a days is 365 cups in year of toxins, that could add up to some health issues.
Grad to know I don't owe you one!

Small things add up and our job is to lessen one cut ot a time in keeping from dying from the proverbial thousand cuts.

I keep myself from going bankrupt eating all organic and while that keeps me from dying from poverty, that assures me the scenic route 66 to heaven. But I can afford the small libations of organic coffee, so that's what I'll settle for.

As I avoid the tyranny of paying for as well as getting sicker from healthcare insurance, as well as the spiralling cost of dependency on pharma drug cocktails that comes with getting old on health insurance, I get to have more for me to spend on enjoying the bounties of life.

And more time for hobbies such as coffee roasting that @AlaskaJono and @Dave Clark so indulges in.
Mar 10, 2021
Grad to know I don't owe you one!

Small things add up and our job is to lessen one cut ot a time in keeping from dying from the proverbial thousand cuts.

I keep myself from going bankrupt eating all organic and while that keeps me from dying from poverty, that assures me the scenic route 66 to heaven. But I can afford the small libations of organic coffee, so that's what I'll settle for.

As I avoid the tyranny of paying for as well as getting sicker from healthcare insurance, as well as the spiralling cost of dependency on pharma drug cocktails that comes with getting old on health insurance, I get to have more for me to spend on enjoying the bounties of life.

And more time for hobbies such as coffee roasting that @AlaskaJono and @Dave Clark so indulges in.
Well said.


Jan 1, 2013
While i had lately so many bad reactions (headaches) to common fruits and legumes that i literally stopped eating them altoegether ( i'm taking right now a crash course on growing your own stuff ), i've never experienced any bad reactions to coffee.

And i'm using regular , non organic one.
Mar 10, 2021
While i had lately so many bad reactions (headaches) to common fruits and legumes that i literally stopped eating them altoegether ( i'm taking right now a crash course on growing your own stuff ), i've never experienced any bad reactions to coffee.

And i'm using regular , non organic one.
I don’t reactions either when I have non-organic coffee out. I think it is more to yerrag’s point, a build up of it everyday and next thing you know you react to other things, and have unexplainable aches and pain, fatigue, headaches and such. Everything in the body is chain reaction, good and bad.


Dec 11, 2020
When i was l living in a cottage annex in Florida in January and airing it out on a beautiful day, the idiotic maintenance guy sprayed roundup right in front of my open door to the cottage while i was faced the opposite direction on the phone. Aside from wanting to ring his neck, I was insanely ill for over a week, had a vaginal infection emerge suddenly, and a horrid herpes 1 outbreak erupt on my chin (second time in my life). That ***t is horrid. I know it suppressed my immune system instantly and brought out all latent infections despite my robust health.

I try to look at all events from a spiritual perspective and interpreted this as a message from the Universe reminding me of my mission against Roundup and Bayer/Monsanto as an attorney. I actually had had a psychic dream of this very event the morning before it occurred. Serious message from the Divine for sure.

Covid has been one huge professional energy vampire- I am going to get back to this Glyphosate mission asap. I have a line to Stephanie Sneff- reaching out to her.


Jan 1, 2013
a horrid herpes 1 outbreak erupt on my chin (second time in my life). That ***t is horrid. I know it suppressed my immune system instantly and brought out all latent infections despite my robust health.

Next time, you can stop an herpes outbreak dead in it's track with a simple crushed garlic bulb pressed against it for 1 minute (if you have some DMSO it works even better)

Of all the remedies i've tried in my life against herpes outbreaks, the garlic solution has no concurrent.

I invented it myself out of curiosity, since it was so good against colds.( why not against herpes ??)

And it's dirt cheap


Dec 11, 2020
Next time, you can stop an herpes outbreak dead in it's track with a simple crushed garlic bulb pressed against it for 1 minute (if you have some DMSO it works even better)

Of all the remedies i've tried in my life against herpes outbreaks, the garlic solution has no concurrent.

I invented it myself out of curiosity, since it was so good against colds.( why not against herpes ??)

And it's dirt cheap
hmm thanks. hope i never have to try it but good to know. Dr. Peat once advised that keeping progesterone high prevents outbreaks and i practically guzzle the stuff so here is hoping that last glyphosate herpes outbreak was the last!!!


Jan 1, 2013
ha ha

don't worry about the pain

it tickles a little

but way less than the herpes sore itself


Feb 22, 2022
Just another sycophant and servant and front as a white man serving the interests of his puppeteer Talmudists. Whose aim is to realize the eventual subjugation of Gentile mankind to be used at the pleasure of their Talmudist masters.
Dangerously based, sir.


Apr 15, 2015
Not that I have read or heard yet.
They did talk about glyphosate ...
July 18, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 01:02:05 - Any solution for heavy metal toxicity or glyphosate toxicity? Stephanie Seneff has written a lot about glyphosate. Peat thinks it's an analogous process to endotoxin poisoning and estrogen. Glyphosate is a watery disruptor of the anti-estrogen and anti-endotoxin processes.
- Seems like glyphosate is everywhere.
- Hmm...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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