
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I posted a study more than year ago, which examined the role of NO in aging and disease.
The Nitric Oxide (NO) Theory Of Aging

One of the main endogenous stimulators of NO synthesis is endotoxin (LPS). It turns out that the connection between LPS and CVD has been studied for a long time in Europe and especially the former Soviet Union, as the work of Hans Selye and Ilya Mechnikov was taken much more serious there. The good news is that even in the Western world the role of LPS is slowly starting to get recognized, even though it likely won't take central stage while genetics still rules academia and mainstream medicine.
Endotoxin And Iron Finally Recognized As Potential Causes Of Many Diseases
Bacterial Lipids (endotoxin), Not Cholesterol, May Be A Cause Of CVD

This study below examines the role of LPS in CVD and virtually all of its risk factors (diabetes, obesity, stress, hypercortisolemia, inflammation, hyperlipidemia, renal dysfunction, IBS, etc) and finds out that LPS is directly causative for every single one of these risk factors. It was interesting to see that LPS was causative even for conditions long thought to be primarily genetic, such as diabetes type I (officially labeled as an autoimmune condition). I strongly recommend reading the study (attached) as it can serve as an explanation of sorts on why Peat put so much emphasis on keeping the gut clean and digestion optimal.

[Endotoxin theory of atherosclerosis]. - PubMed - NCBI
"...The analysis of numerous published data and our own many-year experience allow us to state that EA causes the initiation and/or progression of atherosclerosis, because it induces systemic inflammatory response syndrome [SIRS] (in this case, with a chronic course) and, as a consequence, the development of endothelial dysfunction, microthrombosis, and consequent sclerosis. The causes of EA development are diverse; most of them are related to the risk factors of atherosclerosis or are its consequence, and this fact opens new prospects for the prophylactics of this disease. The genius of Ilya Mechnikov and Hans Selye is striking, as they predicted the role of intestinal factor in aging and adaptation in the pathogenesis of diseases, which are precursors of the endotoxin theory of atherosclerosis."

Aside from all the supplements for opposing TLR4, here is a study showing adding orange juice to high fat meals completely prevented the rise in endotoxin and lowered TLR4 and TLR2 expressions. Adding glucose or water to the meal had a detrimental effect.
Orange Juice Neutralizes The Proinflammatory Effect Of A HFHC Meal And Prevents Endotoxin Increase


  • endotoxin_theory_of_atherosclerosis.pdf
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Dr. Jeff Dach agrees..." Now that the cholesterol theory of atherosclerotic heart disease has been falsified, we are free to direct attention to the true cause of atherosclerotic vascular disease, leaky gut with low level endotoxemia and systemic inflammation. Prevention of atherosclerosis should focus on interventions which block leaky gut and reduce low level endotoxemia, and the associated systemic inflammation."......site Low Level Endotoxemia LPS Theory of Coronary Artery Disease - Jeffrey Dach MD

which led me to: http://atvb.ahajournals.org/content/28/2/272.full....thanks Haidut...this interests me immensly.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Great work Georgi. :hattip

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Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I am taking Zeta Aid for my mild arrhythmia and as long as I take it I don't have arrhythmia. Dr. T.C. McDaniel, who formulated Zeta Aid is now 103 years old. Zeta Aid prevents heart disease, it has to do with colloidal stability, which is governed by the Zeta Potential. Zeta Aid is an anionic surfactant that 'charges up' the blood particles, so there is no coagulation in the arteries or plaque buildup. It also removes kidney stones easily. Bacteria from leaky gut or gum disease or root canals can enter the blood stream and can form 'biofilms' on the arterial walls or the heart valves. Zeta Aid will dissolve them and will prevent any future buildup. I buy it in bulk at 25 pack and it comes to $10 per month, not a bad deal!


I found a nice write-up on the Zeta Potential:



Apr 30, 2015
This was a pretty cool study, couple things I took away from it:

•Blue Green algae in the ocean was a significant source of LPS. This is quite the eye opener. I wonder if Spirulina and Chlorella, which are fresh water, share this characteristic. It would definitely explain some of the weird effects people get on those supplements.

•Fasting massively decreases LPS in the blood. That is reaaalllyy interesting. It explains how fasting can be so rejuvenative. Once the fast ends though, the LPS spikes equally massively in the blood, and the digestive system is actually compromised. This intestinal permeability starts the cycle of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the person down the path of heart disease and obesity. This part basically exactly describes what happened to me, and many others, who got caught up in fasting and undereating, only to have great effects at first, followed by metabolic disease for years afterwards.

•In renal insufficiency in kids, as Endotoxin rises in the blood, so does body temp. This would definitely coincide with the idea that the guys who have heart attacks are generally very hot, presumably from all that inflammation. It also throws a wrench into the whole follow body temp for your bliss. I can tell you some of the times I felt the worse, my body temp was just fine.

As someone with type 1 diabetes, I can tell you that this article really syncs up with my experience. So many type 1s have eating disorders, which I wonder now if they are using that to try and manage the inflammation coming from their gut. Just really great paper. Now, what are the top treatments of endotoxin? Charcoal has to be one of the top ones. Carrot is great as well. Cypro seems to increase LPS absorption....

What about orlistat? I have not heard much about that.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Fasting massively decreases LPS in the blood. That is reaaalllyy interesting. It explains how fasting can be so rejuvenative. Once the fast ends though, the LPS spikes equally massively in the blood, and the digestive system is actually compromised. This intestinal permeability starts the cycle of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the person down the path of heart disease and obesity. This part basically exactly describes what happened to me, and many others, who got caught up in fasting and undereating, only to have great effects at first, followed by metabolic disease for years afterwards.

Peat said quite a few times that the benefits of fasting people report are most likely due to decrease of intestinal toxins in the blood and lowering of PUFA stores within the first 48 hours. I think cascara alone or combined with charcoal would be great as it would also kill some of the bacteria and emodin is also a TLR4 antagonist. Saturated fat, like the one found in MCT products or coconut oil is also a great antibiotic and when taken with insoluble fiber can reach the gut in high enough concentrations to probably rival the effectiveness of something like rifaximin.


Apr 30, 2015
Peat said quite a few times that the benefits of fasting people report are most likely due to decrease of intestinal toxins in the blood and lowering of PUFA stores within the first 48 hours. I think cascara alone or combined with charcoal would be great as it would also kill some of the bacteria and emodin is also a TLR4 antagonist. Saturated fat, like the one found in MCT products or coconut oil is also a great antibiotic and when taken with insoluble fiber can reach the gut in high enough concentrations to probably rival the effectiveness of something like rifaximin.

What do you think of Orlistat which was mentioned in the paper? Also, do you think intestinal permeability can be remedied?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What do you think of Orlistat which was mentioned in the paper? Also, do you think intestinal permeability can be remedied?

The side effects of orlistat are concerning. It can cause kidney injury when taken chronically and potentially colon cancer due to the increased presence of undigested fat in the colon. For people trying to stop cancer it probably has its uses but there are safer things like niacinamide and aspirin as both of them inhibit FAS and this is the main beneficial mechanism of orlistat.


Sep 13, 2012
This was a pretty cool study, couple things I took away from it:

•Blue Green algae in the ocean was a significant source of LPS. This is quite the eye opener. I wonder if Spirulina and Chlorella, which are fresh water, share this characteristic. It would definitely explain some of the weird effects people get on those supplements.

•Fasting massively decreases LPS in the blood. That is reaaalllyy interesting. It explains how fasting can be so rejuvenative. Once the fast ends though, the LPS spikes equally massively in the blood, and the digestive system is actually compromised. This intestinal permeability starts the cycle of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the person down the path of heart disease and obesity. This part basically exactly describes what happened to me, and many others, who got caught up in fasting and undereating, only to have great effects at first, followed by metabolic disease for years afterwards.

•In renal insufficiency in kids, as Endotoxin rises in the blood, so does body temp. This would definitely coincide with the idea that the guys who have heart attacks are generally very hot, presumably from all that inflammation. It also throws a wrench into the whole follow body temp for your bliss. I can tell you some of the times I felt the worse, my body temp was just fine.

As someone with type 1 diabetes, I can tell you that this article really syncs up with my experience. So many type 1s have eating disorders, which I wonder now if they are using that to try and manage the inflammation coming from their gut. Just really great paper. Now, what are the top treatments of endotoxin? Charcoal has to be one of the top ones. Carrot is great as well. Cypro seems to increase LPS absorption....

What about orlistat? I have not heard much about that.
What makes you say cypro increases LPS absorption. I've been taking it a yr and it raised my liver enzymes. But with good effects otherwise.


Apr 30, 2015
What makes you say cypro increases LPS absorption. I've been taking it a yr and it raised my liver enzymes. But with good effects otherwise.
I notice that sometimes with the slower transit time, you can get increase endotoxin absorbtion. I have seen this personally with myself and having deep dark cirlces under the eyes after one use. Cypro is weird, I have heard that it both lowers endotoxin and ups it. Maybe it depends on how long you take it, with the longer periods lowering endotoxin but short term use increasing.


Sep 13, 2012
Oh ok, then yes I know what you mean. I have to keep things moving. I do this with ascorbic acid.


Jun 19, 2016
•Fasting massively decreases LPS in the blood. That is reaaalllyy interesting. It explains how fasting can be so rejuvenative. Once the fast ends though, the LPS spikes equally massively in the blood, and the digestive system is actually compromised. This intestinal permeability starts the cycle of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the person down the path of heart disease and obesity. This part basically exactly describes what happened to me, and many others, who got caught up in fasting and undereating, only to have great effects at first, followed by metabolic disease for years afterwards.

I just dont buy this. Humans and animals have fasted since the beginning of time, it cant be that dangerous, unless your talking about chronic intermittent fasting. Using theraupetic longer 24h+ fasts occasionally i just see benefits to it. And im very pro Peat but this fasting propaganda is just unnecessary fear mongering, its not like we here tell people to fast, but there are more toxic things to human body than fasting, like PUFA and gluten and environmental toxins etc. Sure if you are chronically stressed and underweight, think twice but still.


Apr 30, 2015
I just dont buy this. Humans and animals have fasted since the beginning of time, it cant be that dangerous, unless your talking about chronic intermittent fasting. Using theraupetic longer 24h+ fasts occasionally i just see benefits to it. And im very pro Peat but this fasting propaganda is just unnecessary fear mongering, its not like we here tell people to fast, but there are more toxic things to human body than fasting, like PUFA and gluten and environmental toxins etc. Sure if you are chronically stressed and underweight, think twice but still.

Did you read the paper and see the study? They mention 20 days of fasting and things like anorexia. I am not sure what you are talking about with propaganda, fear mongering, or IF, maybe try reading the subject of the thread?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This was a pretty cool study, couple things I took away from it:

•Blue Green algae in the ocean was a significant source of LPS. This is quite the eye opener. I wonder if Spirulina and Chlorella, which are fresh water, share this characteristic. It would definitely explain some of the weird effects people get on those supplements.

•Fasting massively decreases LPS in the blood. That is reaaalllyy interesting. It explains how fasting can be so rejuvenative. Once the fast ends though, the LPS spikes equally massively in the blood, and the digestive system is actually compromised. This intestinal permeability starts the cycle of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the person down the path of heart disease and obesity. This part basically exactly describes what happened to me, and many others, who got caught up in fasting and undereating, only to have great effects at first, followed by metabolic disease for years afterwards.

•In renal insufficiency in kids, as Endotoxin rises in the blood, so does body temp. This would definitely coincide with the idea that the guys who have heart attacks are generally very hot, presumably from all that inflammation. It also throws a wrench into the whole follow body temp for your bliss. I can tell you some of the times I felt the worse, my body temp was just fine.

As someone with type 1 diabetes, I can tell you that this article really syncs up with my experience. So many type 1s have eating disorders, which I wonder now if they are using that to try and manage the inflammation coming from their gut. Just really great paper. Now, what are the top treatments of endotoxin? Charcoal has to be one of the top ones. Carrot is great as well. Cypro seems to increase LPS absorption....

What about orlistat? I have not heard much about that.

I just re-discovered this gem. I guess this would be the simplest dietary method, aside from taking supplements.
Orange Juice Neutralizes The Proinflammatory Effect Of A HFHC Meal And Prevents Endotoxin Increase


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Oct 15, 2016


Sep 13, 2012
I used to drink a lot of orange juice. It never helped my anxiety attacks.


Apr 30, 2015
I just re-discovered this gem. I guess this would be the simplest dietary method, aside from taking supplements.
Orange Juice Neutralizes The Proinflammatory Effect Of A HFHC Meal And Prevents Endotoxin Increase
I wonder if that is simply because orange juice is more acidic and aids in breaking down the meal where as the water would dilute gastric juices? I looked through the study and could not find why they thought Orange Juice did this other then:

"This potent effect of orange juice is probably attributable to its flavonoids, naringenin, and hesperidin because they exert a significant ROS suppressive effect (5) in vitro at concentrations of 50 μmol/L. These concentrations are consistent with a flavonoid content of 5–10 mg/100 mL in the consumed orange juice in our studies, assuming a complete absorption from the gut and its distribution in 5.0 L. However, the concentrations usually achieved in plasma after orange juice consumption are far lower than the concentrations used in vitro. The potent effects of these flavonoids were observed in experimental animal models (3538) in relation to endotoxin-induced inflammation in vivo and in cells in vitro. However, further studies elucidating the antiinflammatory effects of these flavonoids in the human in vivo are required."
Feb 4, 2015
They say "There were altogether 107 volunteers, 25 to 82 years old (43.6 ± 1.0 years), divided into four age groups; their blood serum samples were analyzed.." but there's no data on what the peoples diets and other markers were like. Not objective. This study also used mice for some of its data. This study also contends that obesity is a factor in CVD, something that contradicts other studies you've posted.

Peat said quite a few times that the benefits of fasting people report are most likely due to decrease of intestinal toxins in the blood and lowering of PUFA stores within the first 48 hours.

Quite a few times? I've only seen him say it once in response to my email in which he then said that "fasting has often eliminated all symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.." Not an endorsement but nor a censure either. All of his other comments on fasting are on rodent and human calorie restriction and not human water-only in appropriate selection and setting.

They mention 20 days of fasting and things like anorexia.

The word "fast" is only mentioned once in the study. They use the word "starvation" which shows their ignorance. Starvation is when you're burning your muscles and organs for sugar after all fat is gone. This can be achieved through anorexia nervosa but the context is not comparable to MSWOF. Anorexics take in just enough calories to keep them alive. That has nothing to do with MSWOF.

They say: "After studying one of the most frequent variants of alimentary mechanism of the induction of atherosclerosis (crapulence and obesity), we believed it would be important to consider also the opposite aspect: how starvation can influence the SE indices, the more so that fasts are present in the ceremonial laws of all religions and are hardly hazardous to health.."

saying "hardly hazardous to health" referencing the work of Dr. Yuri Nikolayev which shows positive results from MSWOF. They said "In this research group, we also studied the patients (the mean age is 41.3 ± 3.6 years) with obesity (but only first degree one) who had received actually no food for a long time (starvation diet by the method of Prof. Nikolayev [12])."

The Five Stages of Fasting – Dr. Nikolayev [Russian Case Studies]

"However, it turned out that the situation was reversed already in a few days, when the LPS concentration increased twofold.." we don't know what the context was there because they don't say what they ate and other markers.

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