Dyshidrotic Eczema



Nov 29, 2017
i tried miconazole nitrate when i first suspected my eczema was fungal...it seemed to irritate my hands so i gave up on it. i'm glad to hear it worked for you though annie. DE really suckssssssssss.

as an update:

my hands got better on the 22% urea cream until it seemed to stop working and i gave up on it as well. probably due to the less than desirable additives in the cream and not the urea. i'm awaiting a delivery of urea crystals so i will experiment with them when it arrives.

lately though i have been experimenting with white vinegar and pau d'arco extract in hand soaks (diluted with some water) and this seems to lessen the tiny bumps. following the soaks i've been applying pure shea butter and am most surprised with the results. probably the best my hands have felt in almost 2 years :) hoping the shea butter proves to be a permanent solution for me as its pretty cheap and absorbs much better then coconut oil.

try and try again...until something works i guess


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017

I recently had a flare of symptoms and my TCM gave me this: CHINA BOOKS :: Eczema (Chronic) Formula - Liang Xue Xiao Feng San: Dang Gui & Arctium [CM116] ChinaMed CM116

Liang Xue Xiao San

now- chinese med looks at other markers so this may not be the formula for you but it worked very quickly for me- within 2-3 days there was a significant downgrade in vesicles and within 10 days my skin looked completely clear. May be worth speaking to your local TCM and see if this might be appropriate for you.

Personally urea is just so foul and full of crap that I wouldn't put it anywhere near my skin.. petrochemical crap might mask the symptoms but won't deal wiht the issue.


Apr 9, 2015

I recently had a flare of symptoms and my TCM gave me this: CHINA BOOKS :: Eczema (Chronic) Formula - Liang Xue Xiao Feng San: Dang Gui & Arctium [CM116] ChinaMed CM116

Liang Xue Xiao San

now- chinese med looks at other markers so this may not be the formula for you but it worked very quickly for me- within 2-3 days there was a significant downgrade in vesicles and within 10 days my skin looked completely clear. May be worth speaking to your local TCM and see if this might be appropriate for you.

Personally urea is just so foul and full of crap that I wouldn't put it anywhere near my skin.. petrochemical crap might mask the symptoms but won't deal wiht the issue.
How is urea full of crap? You can get 99% pure urea USP grade from health natura. Works wonders for my skin.


Nov 24, 2016
liquify niacinamide and aspirin ; pitta foods ( tomatoes, garlic, hot spices, etc.) from an Ayurvedic standpoint create a hot irritating condition;
plenty of sun shine always helps


Nov 29, 2017
So i think i've finally found my cure....

shea butter mixed with a little mct oil applied topically (in addition to everything else I take orally). my hands are practically clear of DE :) try it out and let me know if it works for you. i hope it does!


New Member
Jan 13, 2019
I have suffered for two decades with dishydrotic eczema myself, so I know how miserable it can be. In fact, my case was so terrible I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I understand the frustration of wanting to know about ANYTHING that will help so here is what has worked for me, when NOTHING else has worked, and trust me, I've tried it ALL. So I know this may sound crazy, but I swear on all I hold dear, that IT WORKS!!! I discovered it while I was taking a severe course of combination antibiotics and I broke out in this weird itchy rash on my hands where the skin came sloughing off. My roommate told me it was a yeast infection on my hands and to use MICONAZOLE NITRATE 2% on my hands. (It's the cream used on "lady parts" to treat yeast infections. Aka "Monistat 7.") The itch from my dishydrotic eczema was also driving me insane, so I put some on there as well. I swear it to you, it help started to CLEAR IT UP!! It instantly takes the crazy itch away, and it calms the irritation and redness. It clears up the plaques and the new red blisters. I apply it whenever I feel it itching, and it is starting to clear it up in full. I went to the store and bought a generic tube for $5.00. Honestly, it is the BEST thing I can recommend for it!! I haven't had to change my diet, or do anything different. Seriously, just give it a try and let me know if it also works for you. I swear, I feel like I've found the cure! Best Wishes!
Wow.. I will definately try that with my next flare up.. Over the past 6 yrs, I have tried everything.. Even crazy off the wall things.. I recently found something that actually helped in 24hrs! I was at work and I was in the middle of a terrible flareup and just needed something. All I had with me was my blistex medicated ointment, the one in the white tube. Well, to my surprise, my hands stopped
I have suffered for two decades with dishydrotic eczema myself, so I know how miserable it can be. In fact, my case was so terrible I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I understand the frustration of wanting to know about ANYTHING that will help so here is what has worked for me, when NOTHING else has worked, and trust me, I've tried it ALL. So I know this may sound crazy, but I swear on all I hold dear, that IT WORKS!!! I discovered it while I was taking a severe course of combination antibiotics and I broke out in this weird itchy rash on my hands where the skin came sloughing off. My roommate told me it was a yeast infection on my hands and to use MICONAZOLE NITRATE 2% on my hands. (It's the cream used on "lady parts" to treat yeast infections. Aka "Monistat 7.") The itch from my dishydrotic eczema was also driving me insane, so I put some on there as well. I swear it to you, it help started to CLEAR IT UP!! It instantly takes the crazy itch away, and it calms the irritation and redness. It clears up the plaques and the new red blisters. I apply it whenever I feel it itching, and it is starting to clear it up in full. I went to the store and bought a generic tube for $5.00. Honestly, it is the BEST thing I can recommend for it!! I haven't had to change my diet, or do anything different. Seriously, just give it a try and let me know if it also works for you. I swear, I feel like I've found the cure! Best Wishes!
I have suffered for two decades with dishydrotic eczema myself, so I know how miserable it can be. In fact, my case was so terrible I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I understand the frustration of wanting to know about ANYTHING that will help so here is what has worked for me, when NOTHING else has worked, and trust me, I've tried it ALL. So I know this may sound crazy, but I swear on all I hold dear, that IT WORKS!!! I discovered it while I was taking a severe course of combination antibiotics and I broke out in this weird itchy rash on my hands where the skin came sloughing off. My roommate told me it was a yeast infection on my hands and to use MICONAZOLE NITRATE 2% on my hands. (It's the cream used on "lady parts" to treat yeast infections. Aka "Monistat 7.") The itch from my dishydrotic eczema was also driving me insane, so I put some on there as well. I swear it to you, it help started to CLEAR IT UP!! It instantly takes the crazy itch away, and it calms the irritation and redness. It clears up the plaques and the new red blisters. I apply it whenever I feel it itching, and it is starting to clear it up in full. I went to the store and bought a generic tube for $5.00. Honestly, it is the BEST thing I can recommend for it!! I haven't had to change my diet, or do anything different. Seriously, just give it a try and let me know if it also works for you. I swear, I feel like I've found the cure! Best Wishes!


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Wow.. I will definately try that with my next flare up.. Over the past 6 yrs, I have tried everything.. Even crazy off the wall things.. I recently found something that actually helped in 24hrs! I was at work and I was in the middle of a terrible flareup and just needed something. All I had with me was my blistex medicated ointment, the one in the white tube. Well, to my surprise, my hands stopped
@AnnieOmiss do you not think that perhaps this is a fungal infection then.. since an anti-fungal works so well on it..


Nov 29, 2017
So my dyshidrotic eczema flared up again something terrible....

I bought some benzocaine spray because I couldn’t wait any longer for my lidocaine spray.

Lanacane - 20% benzocaine aerosol.

First application removed redness substantially.


Jan 6, 2019
Betacarotene poisoning and excess grains are two things that trigger this for me.


Sep 18, 2019
So my dyshidrotic eczema flared up again something terrible....

I bought some benzocaine spray because I couldn’t wait any longer for my lidocaine spray.

Lanacane - 20% benzocaine aerosol.

First application removed redness substantially.

How is the lanacane working for your DE? Did you try lidocaine?

on my right hand, I have DE on my middle finger and recently a patch on the top near the right knuckle.

i have battled flares of DE ever since my first pregnancy in 2015. I would love to know what the root cause is.

I have been pregnant or lactating continuously since 2015 and feel like my body is redirecting stuff from my skin and vein walls—and probably from all tissues—to build babies and make milk. Nature is hard on mothers.

Currently I put petroleum jelly on middle finger and wrap it with medical tape when it gets really itchy and inflamed.


Nov 29, 2017
Have not received the lidocaine spray yet and have not been very consistent with the lanacaine either.... Eve

Atm i have a terrible scaly patch on my middle finger on my right hand ... i find that since I’ve been taking gentian/ginger powder 3 times a day, the itching is subsiding and my skin in general is clearing up. I think DE has to do with congested liver/gallbladder. That’s where my focus has been atleast recently .


Dec 28, 2019
hey everybody,

so I've been dealing with dyshidrotic eczema on my hands for a little while now and was wondering if anybody has any recommendations. My diet is pretty peaty and supplements are peaty as well. Any suggestions for topical creams or solutions? Ive been using white vinegar soaks, glycerin and whatever cream i have on hand when it flares up. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

i have got this to when i start drinking orange juice.
When i stop drinking it, eczema stops

topical creams or medicine are only symptoms fighters.
Thats never a good thing.. you want to take out the


Jun 11, 2018
How is the lanacane working for your DE? Did you try lidocaine?

on my right hand, I have DE on my middle finger and recently a patch on the top near the right knuckle.

i have battled flares of DE ever since my first pregnancy in 2015. I would love to know what the root cause is.

I have been pregnant or lactating continuously since 2015 and feel like my body is redirecting stuff from my skin and vein walls—and probably from all tissues—to build babies and make milk. Nature is hard on mothers.

Currently I put petroleum jelly on middle finger and wrap it with medical tape when it gets really itchy and inflamed.

This is interesting. Sounds like due to a deficiency the body can´t control inflammation. I watched a video where it was said that in Jamaica the soil is depleted of boron, which causes a 70% of arthritis rate. Boron sounds like a great option against eczema because it is antifungal and without it inflammation runs wild. Generally I think one certain type of eczema can be caused by different factors in different people, like fungi, deficiencies, GI problems and so on.
Has anybody had success with boron against eczema?


Aug 23, 2018
i have got this to when i start drinking orange juice.
When i stop drinking it, eczema stops

topical creams or medicine are only symptoms fighters.
Thats never a good thing.. you want to take out the

For me, the trigger was frozen mixed berries, Kirkland brand.


Sep 18, 2019
I would love to identify an environmental/dietary trigger, but the eczema has persisted for five years in which my diet has varied somewhat and I haven’t noticed any triggers.

Has anyone resolved eczema with boron supplementation ?


Nov 29, 2017
ive been using boron for quite some time orally and my eczema hasn't improved much tbh @YamnayaMommy. If it is a fungal issue, maybe it takes time to flush it out of the system?


Nov 29, 2017
@YamnayaMommy so out of desperation as my eczema on one finger was horrible, I began to apply ozonated olive oil that I have had in my fridge for a long time. It's been three days and my finger is starting to resemble an appendage....It got so bad I was concerned about infection..... I've ordered some more ozonated coconut oil to continue testing it out. Just thought I'd share---one of the 50 things I try and seem to work for a short period of time..... only to stop working at some point.

Will keep you update if it actually resolves my issue.
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