Don't go to Colorado, the people here are so miserable!


Oct 3, 2014
When I first came to Denver, I thought the culture would be laid-back and friendly. I heard there are a lot of hippies here too. Reality has been hitting me one stack of bricks after.

The first thing I found was that there aren't many hippies around here. In fact, the culture is terrible. People didn't legalize marijuana because they are laid-back, but because they are just plain miserable. I went to three different hostels, and there was a miserable owner or desk person in each of them. Everywhere there are miserable landlords too. An older friend from my hostel said he and another guy who moved here recently (first met here) got a job at the same place and they agreed the people who worked at their job were the most miserable people they have ever met! So this guy was looking for a place for months but decided to leave. Same with my best friend who just left yesterday.

I thought it was just me. The nightclubs here are run by rude and deceitful management and owners. I had a problem with all 3 of the most popular ones. I had a group of "friends" who stopped talking to me after I called out the leader of the group. The leader told me his friend always knew where to party, turned out to be false. He seemed so fake and ungenuine too, I could easily tell. He told me he hung out with a guy who had a name, which turned out to be his name. Later, I find out through caller ID that every single one of his friends had fake names. They pretended to like me, then just stopped talking to me after I called the leader out.

Another guy, he pretended to be my friend and he ripped me off, and stole from me as well. He told me he moved to CA, then I see him on the street. An ex-heroin junkie whose mom and brother were addicts as well.

Yet another guy, acted aggressively and dishonestly as well. I put up with the largely random incidents until something happened. He punched me and lied that I said something to him. His buddy knew his nature, but never warned him because he was just a puppy follower. After he punched me, I poured my orange juice all over him. PEAT ATTACK! LOL. Anyway, it ended with me knowing his true nature and not saying another word to him. This one was also substance and alcohol abuser.

I had a bunch of people plan to rent a party house with me, and all of them without exception (not knowing each other) stopped talking to me for no reason, changed plans without informing me.

Whenever I start conversations with women, they think I am sexually interested for no reason (when I'm obviously not). I had one incident where I sat down with a woman and said "How are you?", she said "No" and left. I had a woman tell me she has no email (obvious lie). I don't know how people can lie straight to someone's face like that.

I just had a horrible incident where I was resting after red light therapy in a tanning salon in a room and the lady asked me if I'm alright through the door. I said "Yeah, I'm just resting".

Like 15 minutes later there is this knocking on the fragile salon door so hard I thought it was gonna be knocked down. Without verbal warning. So I say "what", put a robe on, and peek through the door. I thought someone was waiting for the room, but it was unlikely since it was Halloween. There is 4 men, they tell me there's a fire and I have to get out right away. I ask where it is, one grabs my arm and escorts me out. There's an ambulance and firetruck outside. They ask me questions, turns out the lady called an ambulance on me.

I tell them it's probably hypoglycemia (by this time I was walking around, quite fine). They do tests on me, they took my ID out of my pocket WITHOUT MY PERMISSION OR INFORMATION back in the salon room. They tell me the salon said I'm no longer welcome there. I get dressed, leave, and plan to find out what my options are. Definitely refund for my membership, but this is a ridiculous situation that never should have happened.

Is legal action possible against the paramedics or the salon? This is ridiculous. I told the lady I'm fine and resting, and she calls in an ambulance on me, with a firetruck and a bunch of police standing there too (no fire).

My best friend just left home, my other friend is also leaving. What a shithole. I thought it was just me, or just people in general, until I asked my friend about it. He says he thinks marijuana is legalized here because everyone is so miserable here and needs it. He said there's something wrong here with the people. I completely agree.

Not just Denver. Boulder is a town of rich people who want to get all of the middle and lower class people out. They've banned smoking in their outdoor mall completely and they're trying to ban public smoking in all public places there. A guy who lives there told me bums can get beat up by police without trouble there, nobody cares about the lower class there. Golden banned public smoking too I think.

The friend I made who recently moved back home told me that the police always ignore him here in contrast to NC and D.C. But when I was walking with some friends to someone's house, the police stopped us and were very rude. We didn't do anything and he registered our names from our ID's. He just needed to fill a quota. Another cop car came along, of course we didn't do anything so we didn't get in trouble. Then he let us off the hook finally, saying I "better get used to" this and that police are that way around there. Yeah, right. There is so much illegal activity in the clubs that it's not even funny. What a waste of taxes! I honestly don't care who gets elected as Governer. It won't fix ***t here in Colorado. These people will just continue to drink, do drugs, and live in lala land.

Do not come here if you consider moving here for the high altitude, the high altitude is not worth the miserable people and social isolation. I bet your health would be worse off here.

I have no idea what to do now. I have to hurry up and get enrolled in school, but I really don't want to stay here for several months. I planned to come here to start a group which will work toward spreading awareness of the ego, and the fact that the only thing that fulfills us is doing good. People here just don't care, are miserable, and nobody was ever interested in what I had to say.

Now I don't know where to go. I should have realized sooner that the culture isn't like I thought it would be. At least I have the experience, but I need to figure out what to do now.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
PEAT ATTACK! That's a good one. :lol: Seriously though, I'm sorry Colorado isn't working out for you.


Aug 18, 2013
Aw honey :(

Get out of there. There are mountains in the Pacific Northwest and the people there are probably exactly the type of people you are looking for. It's legal to be homeless, and they just raised the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour in Washington State.

Nobody likes Colorado anymore. Crime in Denver, Boulder is bought up; even people 15 years older than you have come and left because they think people are fake there.

I've been all over the country and even the upper Atlantic coast has cooler people in my opinion.


Oct 3, 2014
messtafarian said:
Aw honey :(

Get out of there. There are mountains in the Pacific Northwest and the people there are probably exactly the type of people you are looking for. It's legal to be homeless, and they just raised the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour in Washington State.

Nobody likes Colorado anymore. Crime in Denver, Boulder is bought up; even people 15 years older than you have come and left because they think people are fake there.

I've been all over the country and even the upper Atlantic coast has cooler people in my opinion.
It's good to hear that more people agree with me. Oregon and Washington are actually my top considerations if I decide to travel on. But I'm really not sure about going to yet another state. If I did that, I would have to look for yet another room to stay in, and I can't afford to waste more school. I guess I have to think through this real hard and determine what would be best.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Money is probably an issue, which makes it tougher, but on the scale of a lifetime, losing a semester of school is not that big a deal. I lost several of them, LOL, and it worked out. It seems that it would be very hard to thrive in such a down tone environment and almost anything in an up tone city would be better. Good luck.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
My heart is in Tucson, AZ. Beautiful town and the people are laid back there. Sunshine like 350 days of the year. Surrounded by mountains on all sides that are easily accessible. The U of A is there too.


Aug 9, 2012
Kenobi said:
It's good to hear that more people agree with me. Oregon and Washington are actually my top considerations if I decide to travel on. But I'm really not sure about going to yet another state. If I did that, I would have to look for yet another room to stay in, and I can't afford to waste more school. I guess I have to think through this real hard and determine what would be best.

I was in Colorado for a while too, ended up not working out for me either.

Does your current university have a study abroad program or anything like that? Maybe you can go overseas, possibly with a scholarship, even.


Jan 22, 2013
ive travelled to colorado a few times, its different than living there obviously, but I had good experiences and people seemed nice enough. Maybe you ended up in a bad or unlucky area


Oct 3, 2014
So any Peaters in CO wanna meet me before I leave?


Feb 12, 2015
You hang out with wrong crowds. Hostel regular tenants aren't exactly normal people, and nightclub crowds aren't exactly real, either anywhere in the states. Every city has the shady part of town, and you happen to be in it.
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