Chronic health problem (Dehydration) - Faint hope somebody here might have some ideas


May 30, 2018
For the record:
No sources, he just said it's neurotoxic. My guess is that it improves symptoms by lowering histamine, but many things that lower histamine are bad for brain function (except salt, which seems to be one of the only things that simultaneously lowers histamine and is good for the brain).

If you're using borax to protect against excess copper, I think molybdenum helps to protect against excess copper, but I don't know any good food sources of it. The only good sources seem to be black-eyed peas and lima beans, but Peat doesn't recommend legumes.


Apr 17, 2017
I stumbled across this forum when searching for possible answers to my health problems, then realized I had an account from a couple of years ago. There seems to be much wisdom on this forum so I'm reaching out on the hope of finding some answers.

I am male, early 30s, normal/healthy weight. I've had problems with my health for some years now, one specific issue with dehydration is the most problematic. It sarted around 4 years ago. I feel dehydrated, depleted and my mouth is dry almost constantly, I urinate very frequently (more so in the mornings) and the urine is nearly always clear. This accompanied by fatigue, weakness, and generally feeling unwell. Along with the eventual toll this all takes on general physical and mental wellbeing.

It was initially suspected I may have Central Diabetes Insipidus after a water deprivation test showed I was concentrating urine less than normally. Further, more recent testing indicates this is not Diabetes Insipidus but there is definitely a problem with hydration, an inability to concentrate urine optimally and dry mouth/thirst. My urine is nearly always clear, even if I drink very little.

No amount of fluid intake hydrates me. Water actually feels as though it washes me out and worsens the dehydration. Juice / smoothie are better than water but still do not hydrate. Any fluid I put in is urinated out quickly. It's as if my water hemostasis level has somehow been lowered to a permanent state of dehydration.

After getting nowhere through the NHS I've begun paying for private more comprehensive blood tests. Most of the blood markers are in normal parameters but DHEA is very high, Progesterone is very low and testosterone is borderline low. My cholesterol and triglycerides are high but that has always been the case even before the health problems and with me being a healthy weight. I'm assuming it's genetic.

Does anything have any ideas what might be going on? The constant feeling of dryness and dehydration is destroying my life and I cannot find any answers thus far.



May 30, 2018

The transporter studied (SLC4A11, also called NaBC1) is involved in boron transport.

In the kidney, SLC4A11 is expressed in the thin descending limb of Henle loop. SLC4A11 is essential for urinary concentration, suggesting that SLC4A11 participates in the countercurrent multiplication that concentrates urine in the kidney medulla.

Apparently, borax is able to "stimulate" the transporter (which stimulates osteogenesis and muscle production):

This might explain the testimony that I posted previously.


Apr 3, 2019

The transporter studied (SLC4A11, also called NaBC1) is involved in boron transport.

Apparently, borax is able to "stimulate" the transporter (which stimulates osteogenesis and muscle production):

This might explain the testimony that I posted previously.

Thank you. I did read your last message as well, just been not very with it lately so haven't been posting. I am definitely going to look into this.


May 30, 2018
Thank you. I did read your last message as well, just been not very with it lately so haven't been posting. I am definitely going to look into this.
No problem :): Especially since you already tried boron (maybe higher doses could be useful).

Take care.


Apr 3, 2019
I had a hair mineral analysis done. Not sure if these tests are at all reliable but it wasn't particularly expensive and was worth a look to see if it might show anything that might give more of an idea of why I feel so dry and depleted all of the time.

Chromium and Iron appear high. Manganese appears bordering on low. If anyone has any thoughts please feel free to comment.

Test Results:

2021-11-23 (2).png
2021-11-23 (3).png
2021-11-23 (4).png


Jun 10, 2020
Earlier today, listening to an old interview with Dr. Peat, I heard someone ask him a question about dehydration, frequent urination, poor mineral balance, and low/high potassium symptoms.

He said that when cells don’t create enough carbon dioxide and instead produce lactic acid, when the lactic acid leaves the cell, it takes protons with it and leaves the cell alkaline, causing the cell to take up sodium and calcium, losing its balance of magnesium and potassium. Then, cells become waterlogged. This can lead to poor management of sodium by the body, high aldosterone, and sodium and magnesium loss.

Dr. Peat said that oxidative metabolism lies at the root of the issue because proper CO2 production will allow cells to maintain and proper PH. He said thyroid is the most basic thing in such issues.

It was this interview, at around 1:46:00 if I remember correctly:



May 30, 2018
I had a hair mineral analysis done. Not sure if these tests are at all reliable but it wasn't particularly expensive and was worth a look to see if it might show anything that might give more of an idea of why I feel so dry and depleted all of the time.

Chromium and Iron appear high. Manganese appears bordering on low. If anyone has any thoughts please feel free to comment.

Test Results:

View attachment 30566View attachment 30567View attachment 30568
Do you know what N/A (for the boron analysis) means in this context?


Earlier today, listening to an old interview with Dr. Peat, I heard someone ask him a question about dehydration, frequent urination, poor mineral balance, and low/high potassium symptoms.

He said that when cells don’t create enough carbon dioxide and instead produce lactic acid, when the lactic acid leaves the cell, it takes protons with it and leaves the cell alkaline, causing the cell to take up sodium and calcium, losing its balance of magnesium and potassium. Then, cells become waterlogged. This can lead to poor management of sodium by the body, high aldosterone, and sodium and magnesium loss.

Dr. Peat said that oxidative metabolism lies at the root of the issue because proper CO2 production will allow cells to maintain and proper PH. He said thyroid is the most basic thing in such issues.

It was this interview, at around 1:46:00 if I remember correctly:


Perfect timing. This is what was happening to me yesterday. Good to be reminded. Thanks


Apr 3, 2019
Do you know what N/A (for the boron analysis) means in this context?
It would usually mean 'not applicable' of course but I'm not sure in this context. Interesting it's one of the things you've mentioned and has cone back N/A. I've emailed the provider to ask for more information. I'll post here when they respond.


It would usually mean 'not applicable' of course but I'm not sure in this context. Interesting it's one of the things you've mentioned and has cone back N/A. I've emailed the provider to ask for more information. I'll post here when they respond.
You had to request the boron analysis seperately.


Apr 3, 2019
I had a hair mineral analysis done. Not sure if these tests are at all reliable but it wasn't particularly expensive and was worth a look to see if it might show anything that might give more of an idea of why I feel so dry and depleted all of the time.

Chromium and Iron appear high. Manganese appears bordering on low. If anyone has any thoughts please feel free to comment.

Test Results:

View attachment 30566View attachment 30567View attachment 30568

Does anyone know how to interpret these results. The information I've had back from the nutritionist and the advised supplements seem contradictory to me but that may well be because I don't fully understand hair tissue analysis.

For the high results they state this indicates that mineral is not being utilized by the body and therefore gets stored in the hair. Therefore they advise to supplement with the minerals that show a high result. This is where some of the advice seems contradictory to me. My Chromium is high / stored in the hair, so they advise taking chromium and co factors to increase the levels and improve utilization. On the same hand my Iron is also high but they suggest taking supplements to lower iron?

Also for the results that show low minerals in the hair sample, they suggest this means the body is low on such minerals and I should supplement them.

Anyone have any ideas on this?


Apr 3, 2019
I'm getting nowhere guys. I'm as bad as ever. I wake up in the night now feeling as though as though my heart barely has the engery to power my body. It's as though I'm sleeping but manage to wake up because my body is so fatigued that it needs some adrenaline to keep going.

The days also remain the same. Dehydrated and fatigued.

Life is unbearable like this at times and I'm running out of hope.


Jun 10, 2020
Hey @Callmestar.

I don't know the solution to your body's problem. Just here to say that there is a solution. Nothing about the body's behavior is random, there's always a cause. Sometimes solutions need to be implemented in certain dosages in a certain order. You never know when you'll strike upon a healing goldmine and the healing dominos start to fall. It could be a little dietary change. On this forum, which I can imagine you've combed and researched scrupulously, you'll find evidence of a lot of people not healing, but a lot of people healing.

But I do know this: If you believe you can heal, your chances of healing become exponentially higher. I wish I could offer the solution to your issues, which I can't even imagine. That's your own battle. I have my battle too, incomparable with yours. Learned helplessness is a true killer, so please do your best to always believe that at some point, you will solve your issues. Because they're not unsolvable. There exists a solution. Your body is counting on you not to give up on it, because your body has npot given up on you; your body is fighting for you every moment. It's not random.


Apr 3, 2019
Hey @Callmestar.

I don't know the solution to your body's problem. Just here to say that there is a solution. Nothing about the body's behavior is random, there's always a cause. Sometimes solutions need to be implemented in certain dosages in a certain order. You never know when you'll strike upon a healing goldmine and the healing dominos start to fall. It could be a little dietary change. On this forum, which I can imagine you've combed and researched scrupulously, you'll find evidence of a lot of people not healing, but a lot of people healing.

But I do know this: If you believe you can heal, your chances of healing become exponentially higher. I wish I could offer the solution to your issues, which I can't even imagine. That's your own battle. I have my battle too, incomparable with yours. Learned helplessness is a true killer, so please do your best to always believe that at some point, you will solve your issues. Because they're not unsolvable. There exists a solution. Your body is counting on you not to give up on it, because your body has npot given up on you; your body is fighting for you every moment. It's not random.

Thank you Vileplume. Your post helped.

I will never give up and I always remain in the belief I can heal. I don't feel I have any other option than to believe that really. It's either heal or have an extremely limited life and die.

The thing is, the toll it's taking on me also becomes something I dwell on, which is a problem. The years of life it's taken away, the negative change in appearance I see in the mirror. The thoughts of how it may have shortened my life, the lack of vitality I feel. I watch myself getting older and weaker when I should be in my prime. 10 years I've been fu***d. The first 5 being mentally with anxiety and PTSD and the most recent 5 being ill health.

I'm not sure if this is self pity, it might sound like it but to me it's more of an anger and frustration that I'm not able to live a normal/good life like many around me. I feel trapped in my poor health and limited in life. But at the same time I look at some who have a hellish life and awful health conditions or disabilities and remember it could be worse. It doesn't stop the desperation to want to get better though.

Kaur Singh

Could you remind me what your ADH levels were when tested - towards high or low on the normal range?
idem for sodium

and vitamin D

and your cholesterol history - considering that below 180 whatever-the-units is low
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Apr 3, 2019
Could you remind me what your ADH levels were when tested - towards high or low on the normal range?
idem for sodium

and vitamin D

and your cholesterol history - considering that below 180 whatever-the-units is low

They don't typically measure ADH here in the UK as a one off, they see it as unreliable but I did have a hypertonic saline test to measure my response to hyperosmolar stimulation and measure my Copeptin which is supposedly representative/equivalent to ADH. The first/lowest copeptin result was before the start if the test. I'll attach the screen shot here. The results were normal. Although I had two water deprivation tests where I did not concentrate urine to normal levels.

Vitamin D (25 OH) at most recent test was 81nmol/L. My cholesterol is always high rather than low. Ranging from 5.0 to 8.0mmol/L total.

2021-12-15 (2).png


I'm getting nowhere guys. I'm as bad as ever. I wake up in the night now feeling as though as though my heart barely has the engery to power my body. It's as though I'm sleeping but manage to wake up because my body is so fatigued that it needs some adrenaline to keep going.

The days also remain the same. Dehydrated and fatigued.

Life is unbearable like this at times and I'm running out of hope.
I don't know if it's been suggested but have you considered acidosis? Do you take probiotics or have taken them in the past? Eat fermented foods like yogurt or kombucha? Get muscle soreness / stiffness? The lactobacteria in probiotics and some fermented food can be very nasty IMO.

I've had issues relating to acidosis, and didn't get much relief by trying to eat Peaty (high sugar and dairy, low starch). I think the most important thing is modulating bacteria, and that doing something drastic like a fruit fast can make a significant difference in a short amount of time. That's probably not a popular recommendation here but is highly beneficial IMO. Maybe an antibiotic or antibiotic substance like Idealabs camphosal would help too.

The other thing I recommend is b vitamins. I've been having good experiences with yeast and breads made with active dry yeast (not sourdough) lately because of the active and seemingly very bioavailable b vitamins produced in the process. I also take a b complex though.
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Apr 3, 2019
I don't know if it's been suggested but have you considered acidosis? Do you take probiotics or have taken them in the past? Eat fermented foods like yogurt or kombucha? Get muscle soreness / stiffness? The lactobacteria in probiotics and some fermented food can be very nasty IMO.

I've had issues relating to acidosis, and didn't get much relief by trying to eat Peaty (high sugar and dairy, low starch). I think the most important thing is modulating bacteria, and that doing something drastic like a fruit fast can make a significant difference in a short amount of time. That's probably not a popular recommendation here but is highly beneficial IMO. Maybe an antibiotic or antibiotic substance like Idealabs camphosal would help too.

The other thing I recommend is b vitamins. I've been having good experiences with yeast and breads made with active dry yeast (not sourdough) lately because of the active and seemingly very bioavailable b vitamins produced in the process. I also take a b complex though.

Acidosis has been mentioned as a possibility but going by the testing I followed from someone else here such urine and saliva PH and measuring breath rate, it appeared I was alkaline. If this testing is in any way reliable.

At this point I have no idea.

I have a 6 week course of Doxycycline here which I was prescribed for prostatitis. I hadn't started the course as I took antibiotics for 2 weeks previously and saw no improvement in the prostatitis or anything else. I may just start the course on the off chance it might do something for me. I did a hair mineral test a couple of weeks ago and it indicated possible high iron, which they also advised could be sign of infection. I've read Doxycline is good for iron chelation, so who knows maybe that's another reason so give the 6 weeks of antibiotics a try.


Acidosis has been mentioned as a possibility but going by the testing I followed from someone else here such urine and saliva PH and measuring breath rate, it appeared I was alkaline. If this testing is in any way reliable.

At this point I have no idea.

I have a 6 week course of Doxycycline here which I was prescribed for prostatitis. I hadn't started the course as I took antibiotics for 2 weeks previously and saw no improvement in the prostatitis or anything else. I may just start the course on the off chance it might do something for me. I did a hair mineral test a couple of weeks ago and it indicated possible high iron, which they also advised could be sign of infection. I've read Doxycline is good for iron chelation, so who knows maybe that's another reason so give the 6 weeks of antibiotics a try.
Not sure how reliable those tests are. Also don't know that I had acidosis in a clinical sense, but definitely had/have high lactate and a tendency towards conversion to lactic acid rather than c02. It was worst when I came out of a pattern of over-exercising, intermittent fasting / a paleo-ish diet, and drinking kombucha/taking probiotics daily. I was extremely dehydrated, constipated, urinating frequently and even ended up in the hospital a couple of times. Some things that helped early on were avoiding caffeine (diuretic that can also raise lactate), eating a more conventional diet, and cyproheptadine which suggests the problem was at least in part hormonal.

Anyways, if it is bacterial issue I don't know how effective antibiotics are at modulating the gut microbiome in a lasting way by themselves. I've taken monocycline and camphosal at separate times and had issues return afterwards, maybe partly because they are so constipating. Fruit fasting has maybe worked because it promotes fast transit time and frequent elimination, bile elimination, and maybe helps with breaking up and eliminating biofilms too (especially if you're eating pineapple or papaya). No idea really, but it really does help to adjust the balance of bacteria in the gut IME. I did have to eat A LOT of fruit to get enough calories and keep things moving just FYI. I think taking antibiotics concurrently would be super effective, but I've never tried.
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