Fevers Temporarily Ease Some Chronic Issues?


New Member
Sep 24, 2020
Hi all, I've been reading this forum for almost 8 years now, finally decided to make a post. I've had a fever three times this year, and some consistent observations have made me really curious.

So, for some context and backgournd:
My health started deteriorating in my mid-late teens, with digestive, spinal, and mood issues being the most pronounced, broad problems. I found out about Peat in my early 20s, prior to that I had messed around with keto-based and GAPS style stuff, during which I developed significant histamine intolerance and debilitating chemical sensitivities. Those issues aren't nearly as prominent anymore, thankfully.

A couple of years after finding Peat I finally got thyroid labs and stuff done, and was diagnosed hypo. For years I mostly used NDT, diet, supplements and to a smaller extent red light to manage symptoms, with mixed effect. Now on synthetic t3 and t4. I currently deal with on and off chronic fatigue, still have significant digestive issues that are sometimes better or worse, which I believe at this point to be primarily coming from liver/gallbladder issues, still have problems with temps but improved since the switch to synth t3 and t4, intermittent hyperhidrosis from hands and feet, something I would describe as "physiological anxiety"(mind is calm but body feels panicky - I think I have [relatively] mild PTSD from some things), and bacterial and fungal problems (teeth deteriorated very rapidly over the past few years, and if I don't rinse my mouth and chew xylitol gum after meals I can taste and feel bacterial activity and acidity, I suspect bacterial problems in the gut, and have a problem with jock itch that comes and goes). Antibioitics tend to have a temporary positive effect on oral health - not so much for gut.

Anyway, going back to the title of this post: usually once or twice a year at least I'll have some kind of low-mid fever for 2-3 days without many other significant symptoms. This year, I've gotten considerably ill three times. Early in the year I had a very very bad flu-like illness, which in retrospect may have actually been COVID, a few weeks ago I had strep throat, and for the past few days have had some illness for which I'm waiting on test results, mostly presenting medium fever and body aches. Whenever I've experienced the mild fevers with no other symtpoms, I actually feel great besides the fatigue that comes with them. My guts tend to ease up, my hyperhidrosis completely stops (it isn't constant anyway but frequent, sometimes it stops for weeks and then persists for more weeks/months), and I feel little to no anxiety. Even when sick with considerable symptoms, these "side effects" tend to happen, besides maybe my guts easing up.

Well, this has turned out to be very lengthy, but I was curious if anyone had any insight into why this might be, and if it might hold any clues to further solutions for some of my chronic problems, aside from the (obvious?) increase in temps possibly balancing my hypo state.


Jul 4, 2023
Hi all, I've been reading this forum for almost 8 years now, finally decided to make a post. I've had a fever three times this year, and some consistent observations have made me really curious.

So, for some context and backgournd:
My health started deteriorating in my mid-late teens, with digestive, spinal, and mood issues being the most pronounced, broad problems. I found out about Peat in my early 20s, prior to that I had messed around with keto-based and GAPS style stuff, during which I developed significant histamine intolerance and debilitating chemical sensitivities. Those issues aren't nearly as prominent anymore, thankfully.

A couple of years after finding Peat I finally got thyroid labs and stuff done, and was diagnosed hypo. For years I mostly used NDT, diet, supplements and to a smaller extent red light to manage symptoms, with mixed effect. Now on synthetic t3 and t4. I currently deal with on and off chronic fatigue, still have significant digestive issues that are sometimes better or worse, which I believe at this point to be primarily coming from liver/gallbladder issues, still have problems with temps but improved since the switch to synth t3 and t4, intermittent hyperhidrosis from hands and feet, something I would describe as "physiological anxiety"(mind is calm but body feels panicky - I think I have [relatively] mild PTSD from some things), and bacterial and fungal problems (teeth deteriorated very rapidly over the past few years, and if I don't rinse my mouth and chew xylitol gum after meals I can taste and feel bacterial activity and acidity, I suspect bacterial problems in the gut, and have a problem with jock itch that comes and goes). Antibioitics tend to have a temporary positive effect on oral health - not so much for gut.

Anyway, going back to the title of this post: usually once or twice a year at least I'll have some kind of low-mid fever for 2-3 days without many other significant symptoms. This year, I've gotten considerably ill three times. Early in the year I had a very very bad flu-like illness, which in retrospect may have actually been COVID, a few weeks ago I had strep throat, and for the past few days have had some illness for which I'm waiting on test results, mostly presenting medium fever and body aches. Whenever I've experienced the mild fevers with no other symtpoms, I actually feel great besides the fatigue that comes with them. My guts tend to ease up, my hyperhidrosis completely stops (it isn't constant anyway but frequent, sometimes it stops for weeks and then persists for more weeks/months), and I feel little to no anxiety. Even when sick with considerable symptoms, these "side effects" tend to happen, besides maybe my guts easing up.

Well, this has turned out to be very lengthy, but I was curious if anyone had any insight into why this might be, and if it might hold any clues to further solutions for some of my chronic problems, aside from the (obvious?) increase in temps possibly balancing my hypo state.
I literally just made a post about a fever and then found this one. I think the fever was resolving some persistent bacterial problems but it's possible you have structural issues in the gut that caused the bacteria to get a foothold again. I'm curious how to induce fever-like temperatures on purpose so I can get that reprieve from bacteria. I believe this would be a good point to build health up from since feeding yourself in a sick state is like feeding the sickness.


Feb 3, 2020
I also feel/felt pretty damn good when I got a fever. Unfortunately for a few years where I tried to quickly overcome a cold or an infections with vitamins and so on, I stopped having them.

For a while I thought that getting fevers is a sign of ill-health, but I think getting fever like once a year is more like a sign of a robust immune system.

A fever momentarily lowers iron and tryptophan (serotonin) from my limited knowledge on this subject.

Whole-body hyperthermia is also a well-known, safe, rapid-acting, antidepressant modality with prolonged therapeutic benefit.


Jul 4, 2023
I also feel/felt pretty damn good when I got a fever. Unfortunately for a few years where I tried to quickly overcome a cold or an infections with vitamins and so on, I stopped having them.

For a while I thought that getting fevers is a sign of ill-health, but I think getting fever like once a year is more like a sign of a robust immune system.

A fever momentarily lowers iron and tryptophan (serotonin) from my limited knowledge on this subject.

Whole-body hyperthermia is also a well-known, safe, rapid-acting, antidepressant modality with prolonged therapeutic benefit.
Didn't know about the iron and tryptophan thing. This would certainly explain the feelings i get during infectious diseases and shortly there after. You should read the post about niacinamide and fever I posted earlier. See if it gives you any insights into reaching fever temperatures.


Dec 2, 2022
I also feel/felt pretty damn good when I got a fever. Unfortunately for a few years where I tried to quickly overcome a cold or an infections with vitamins and so on, I stopped having them.

For a while I thought that getting fevers is a sign of ill-health, but I think getting fever like once a year is more like a sign of a robust immune system.

A fever momentarily lowers iron and tryptophan (serotonin) from my limited knowledge on this subject.

Whole-body hyperthermia is also a well-known, safe, rapid-acting, antidepressant modality with prolonged therapeutic benefit.
When my health was the worsest I almost never got seasonal ill.
Maybe hyperthermia explains why I feel better when I overheat myself while working almost naked in full sun. Just having a sunbath doesn't have this effect.


Jul 4, 2023
When my health was the worsest I almost never got seasonal ill.
Maybe hyperthermia explains why I feel better when I overheat myself while working almost naked in full sun. Just having a sunbath doesn't have this effect.
Yeah, same. I've only recently given consideration to the lack of fevers as a symptom of bad metabolism.
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