Candidiasis (Systemic) Help!



Jul 20, 2014
Thanks Lucy, Peat, Honeybee and all!

I was buying organic pulp free orange juice (PC brand). Confirmed no enzymes, not from concentrate or additives, just oranges. I do wonder whether they use ripe oranges or not. I knew we wouldn't have any locally but if it's processed in Canada, I never thought it's unlikely they use ripe oranges as well.

I've actually had to step back from the diet experimentation. I think I need to have better gut health to handle the foods he suggests. It was worsening the leaky gut symptoms. Ironically I need those foods for better gut health - go figure. I ordered the thyroid meds (thanks Lucy for the progesterone tip and order of supplementation). Hopefully it will make it across the borders from Mexico. I do worry a little as I have so many symptoms (both hyper/hypo) but my test results have not been out of range (only slightly once with a TSH of 2.3 and it's lowered since I stopped working). My temp/pulse, i'm not sure if it's because I'm under blankets and it's summer (no AC) but usually I'm around low to mid 36 -not that bad. Sometimes in the 35 range but not that often. I recall always freezing when working in an office and not being able to get the chill out of my body so I drank tea and wore scarves and fingerless mitts (Canadian). I sort of assume that having some undiagnosed illness for most my life (CFS) would suggest a lowering effect on the thyroid? I just worry about mis-diagnosing sometimes.

My GI effects results showed I am resistant to Garlic as a means to clear infection (along with oregano oil etc.). Great suggestion though Peata! I guess I exhausted those options over the years. I did order some [url]Monolaurin[http://www.healthna... else on this confusing journey some clarity!


Apr 17, 2013
honeybee said:
I used to have chronic yeast issues (all of my life I think) until I stopped being afraid of sugar. In my efforts to try to eradicate sugar from my diet, this created more issues with the yeast. IDK if it was ever candida, but sugar was really the cure for me. I eat lots of fruit, white sugar, some starches somewhat Peaty for the past 2 years. No more yeast issues. Ray Peat also mentions somewhere that eliminating sugar from diet will create more issues with candida. I will try to find that reference and post.
Someone else on here had success with garlic.

Was it specifically a yeast infection that you had? And how long did it take to go away? What were your symptoms? I've been eating plenty of sugar but still have this problem. :cry:


Apr 17, 2013
Blossom said:
Last year I tried a pinch of flowers of sulfur but that wasn't enough for my situation so I went ahead and took a whole tsp. That definitely worked! I did smell a bit like sulfur for a few weeks though. It was difficult to get the smell out of a few items of clothing too. It was well worth it and I haven't had another yeast infection since.

Ok, thank you, that is very helpful. Did you just take it with water or something? How long after that till the infection was gone?
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
Hi N, tb, I think for Peat every illness starts with the gut and an excess of endotoxins, which ultimately manifests in many degenerative diseases, and even in aging.

Fixing endotoxins, such as those produced by yeast, should fix your issues, too.

Just a thought, but if you're interested you could check out the digestion thread here.


Jul 20, 2014
Absolutely ;) however the Peat perspective has flared up and fed the endotoxins real bad -can't win.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
tomisonbottom said:
Blossom said:
Last year I tried a pinch of flowers of sulfur but that wasn't enough for my situation so I went ahead and took a whole tsp. That definitely worked! I did smell a bit like sulfur for a few weeks though. It was difficult to get the smell out of a few items of clothing too. It was well worth it and I haven't had another yeast infection since.

Ok, thank you, that is very helpful. Did you just take it with water or something? How long after that till the infection was gone?
It was gone within 3 days. I took it with milk. I'm not sure if there is a better way to take it. I just thought at the time it would go down easier with milk.


May 11, 2013
I too, have been eating more oranges and drinking more OJ and canker sores were what I woke up to the other day, 2 o 3 small ones on on side. I Looked up the cause and they said from too much fructose.


Jun 14, 2017
You can start with taking a teaspoon of flowers of sulphur. That should put it under control. After that you can try some Ceylon cinnamon (1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day) and the rest is metabolism, so enough protein and sugar definitely help. Some people have had success with oil of oregano as well.
where to get flowers of sulphur?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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