Huge step in gallbladder function w/ TUDCA - now what?


Sep 11, 2020
(for me there is a huge connection between liver health & eye health, Chinese medicine recognizes this as well)
Can confirm, I noticed a serious improvement in eyesight the day after my first liver flush. Was not expecting that.


Aug 1, 2017

Can confirm, I noticed a serious improvement in eyesight the day after my first liver flush. Was not expecting that.
Keep hearing good things about liver flushes..which one did you do? The Moritz one?

@fever257 have you considered ox bile? Its a lot cheaper and more widely available than TUDCA and i seem to remember reading the benefits being similar


Jan 20, 2021
Hey everyone,

So I think I'll consider this an update to my last major post: Please Help: Endotoxin Overload & Post-parasite Gut Disaster . In this post, I described my persistent and near-debilitating gut issues. I long suspected the issue was rooted in some kind of dysbiosis / SIBO issue. I now consider that (and others) a symptom of the problem, and let me explain why.

Around 3 weeks ago, I started taking the supplement TUDCA. At first, I just noticed a jump in pulse, temp, warmness, good mood, and the like. I knew it was very positively affecting my metabolism but I didn't know why. Then, for the first time in 2-3 years, I noticed that my stool had normalized. I can't put into words how profound this experience was - I genuinely forgot what it was like to have peaceful, agreeable, not stressful, and proper bowel movements. I forgot what it was like to have normal digestion.

My original motivation with taking TUDCA came from 2 things - the benefits I saw from doing coffee enemas (though I had to stop this because regular use caused a hemorrhoid), so I knew I had issues with my liver. Additionally, I tried using North American Herb & Spice's Oregano product, and while it was helpful for SIBO / periodontal disease, my stool was still not normalized. Both of these experiences led me to try TUDCA for my liver, though as I mentioned, its effect on my digestion has been more notable than anything.

From there, I started experimenting with Urea. I started small (40g-60g) but eventually, used large doses - 120g, and my body responded significantly. I was incapacitated for about a day, but now I can do 120g and be fine. I'm planning on continuing with these doses until I run out. I have exhibited signs of liver issues for years now, and was definitely concerned about cirrhosis & liver cancer, so i wanted to take advantage of Urea's benefits to ensure that my liver is in good shape. I really wanted peace of mind. But both TUDCA and Urea have put my liver in a much better place now. In fact, my under eye circles have pretty much dissipated for the first time in my whole life. Overall metabolic function seems to be doing much better, and like I said, I my digestion is finally back to normal (pre-finasteride & pre-giardiasis.)

But now, I've run into an issue. I tried, twice, to stop taking TUDCA, but my digestion was so abysmal that I had to resume the supplement the following day. Without TUDCA, my stool resembles sediment or just dirt, its not formed or easy to pass. Without TUDCA, it would resume Type 6 or 7 on the Bristol stool chart. With TUDCA, my stool is normal and healthy - I would say type 2 or 3. It's just normal stool, and now that I've gotten it again, I really don't want to lose it. So I don't know what to do when I'm not taking TUDCA.

Additionally, I've determined that my other liver/gut issues are actually downstream (See .)My SIBO/thrush, my poor digestion, low cholesterol, high triglycerides, endotoxin overload, etc - whatever they may be - are actually a result of my poor bile flow. I'm not sure if this is a correct assumption, but if my health improves in multiple areas with TUDCA, and then subsequently, declines in multiple areas without it, I would think that my issues are with bile more than anything.

So now I've kind of focused in on this bile flow issue/subject. My inquiry is less of a question and more of a request for advice. Does anyone have any experience with this subject? I've seen people discuss ox bile on here. While I would be open to trying that, I was really hoping that I could rectify the issue on my own, and not have to keep taking something for the rest of my life.

From my own research, it appears that I need to focus on cholegogs. I found a few essential oils that are supposed to help with liver function, and they are agrimony, dandelion, rosemary, and burdock root. Dandelion and Agrimony are considered to be especially good for the gallbladder and inducing bile flow, so I'm definitely looking at these. Also used milk thistle in the past and may try it again.

Other than those, I don't really have any other ideas about it. There's not a whole lot of information in Peat world about bile flow and I'm not aware of any dietary and/or lifestyle changes I need to make to rectify this.

I look forward to learning & the discussion here, thank you all so much in advance for your advice!

What is your favorite brand of TUDCA? This post has inspired me to try it! We have very similar issues.


Oct 13, 2020
Hey everyone,

So I think I'll consider this an update to my last major post: Please Help: Endotoxin Overload & Post-parasite Gut Disaster . In this post, I described my persistent and near-debilitating gut issues. I long suspected the issue was rooted in some kind of dysbiosis / SIBO issue. I now consider that (and others) a symptom of the problem, and let me explain why.

Around 3 weeks ago, I started taking the supplement TUDCA. At first, I just noticed a jump in pulse, temp, warmness, good mood, and the like. I knew it was very positively affecting my metabolism but I didn't know why. Then, for the first time in 2-3 years, I noticed that my stool had normalized. I can't put into words how profound this experience was - I genuinely forgot what it was like to have peaceful, agreeable, not stressful, and proper bowel movements. I forgot what it was like to have normal digestion.

My original motivation with taking TUDCA came from 2 things - the benefits I saw from doing coffee enemas (though I had to stop this because regular use caused a hemorrhoid), so I knew I had issues with my liver. Additionally, I tried using North American Herb & Spice's Oregano product, and while it was helpful for SIBO / periodontal disease, my stool was still not normalized. Both of these experiences led me to try TUDCA for my liver, though as I mentioned, its effect on my digestion has been more notable than anything.

From there, I started experimenting with Urea. I started small (40g-60g) but eventually, used large doses - 120g, and my body responded significantly. I was incapacitated for about a day, but now I can do 120g and be fine. I'm planning on continuing with these doses until I run out. I have exhibited signs of liver issues for years now, and was definitely concerned about cirrhosis & liver cancer, so i wanted to take advantage of Urea's benefits to ensure that my liver is in good shape. I really wanted peace of mind. But both TUDCA and Urea have put my liver in a much better place now. In fact, my under eye circles have pretty much dissipated for the first time in my whole life. Overall metabolic function seems to be doing much better, and like I said, I my digestion is finally back to normal (pre-finasteride & pre-giardiasis.)

But now, I've run into an issue. I tried, twice, to stop taking TUDCA, but my digestion was so abysmal that I had to resume the supplement the following day. Without TUDCA, my stool resembles sediment or just dirt, its not formed or easy to pass. Without TUDCA, it would resume Type 6 or 7 on the Bristol stool chart. With TUDCA, my stool is normal and healthy - I would say type 2 or 3. It's just normal stool, and now that I've gotten it again, I really don't want to lose it. So I don't know what to do when I'm not taking TUDCA.

Additionally, I've determined that my other liver/gut issues are actually downstream (See .)My SIBO/thrush, my poor digestion, low cholesterol, high triglycerides, endotoxin overload, etc - whatever they may be - are actually a result of my poor bile flow. I'm not sure if this is a correct assumption, but if my health improves in multiple areas with TUDCA, and then subsequently, declines in multiple areas without it, I would think that my issues are with bile more than anything.

So now I've kind of focused in on this bile flow issue/subject. My inquiry is less of a question and more of a request for advice. Does anyone have any experience with this subject? I've seen people discuss ox bile on here. While I would be open to trying that, I was really hoping that I could rectify the issue on my own, and not have to keep taking something for the rest of my life.

From my own research, it appears that I need to focus on cholegogs. I found a few essential oils that are supposed to help with liver function, and they are agrimony, dandelion, rosemary, and burdock root. Dandelion and Agrimony are considered to be especially good for the gallbladder and inducing bile flow, so I'm definitely looking at these. Also used milk thistle in the past and may try it again.

Other than those, I don't really have any other ideas about it. There's not a whole lot of information in Peat world about bile flow and I'm not aware of any dietary and/or lifestyle changes I need to make to rectify this.

I look forward to learning & the discussion here, thank you all so much in advance for your advice!

I’m curious how you’ve been doing now that some time has passed since your last post. I have also identified liver issues/bile flow to be a major factor in my digestive issues as well. I experienced much improvement this past January with a slew of supplements, in which TUDCA was one of them. I haven’t been able to determine what caused the improvement, but your experience is making me wonder if the TUDCA was a big factor. I am currently trialing it again.

Were you able to find something else that helped you since TUDCA that was more lasting? Or have you continued with TUDCA since it seemed to be most effective for you?


Feb 26, 2018


May 10, 2018
Lokzo do you still find benefit from TUDCA, or did you replace that with Ancestrals Pancreas?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


Dec 28, 2021
Hey everyone,

So I think I'll consider this an update to my last major post: Please Help: Endotoxin Overload & Post-parasite Gut Disaster . In this post, I described my persistent and near-debilitating gut issues. I long suspected the issue was rooted in some kind of dysbiosis / SIBO issue. I now consider that (and others) a symptom of the problem, and let me explain why.

Around 3 weeks ago, I started taking the supplement TUDCA. At first, I just noticed a jump in pulse, temp, warmness, good mood, and the like. I knew it was very positively affecting my metabolism but I didn't know why. Then, for the first time in 2-3 years, I noticed that my stool had normalized. I can't put into words how profound this experience was - I genuinely forgot what it was like to have peaceful, agreeable, not stressful, and proper bowel movements. I forgot what it was like to have normal digestion.

My original motivation with taking TUDCA came from 2 things - the benefits I saw from doing coffee enemas (though I had to stop this because regular use caused a hemorrhoid), so I knew I had issues with my liver. Additionally, I tried using North American Herb & Spice's Oregano product, and while it was helpful for SIBO / periodontal disease, my stool was still not normalized. Both of these experiences led me to try TUDCA for my liver, though as I mentioned, its effect on my digestion has been more notable than anything.

From there, I started experimenting with Urea. I started small (40g-60g) but eventually, used large doses - 120g, and my body responded significantly. I was incapacitated for about a day, but now I can do 120g and be fine. I'm planning on continuing with these doses until I run out. I have exhibited signs of liver issues for years now, and was definitely concerned about cirrhosis & liver cancer, so i wanted to take advantage of Urea's benefits to ensure that my liver is in good shape. I really wanted peace of mind. But both TUDCA and Urea have put my liver in a much better place now. In fact, my under eye circles have pretty much dissipated for the first time in my whole life. Overall metabolic function seems to be doing much better, and like I said, I my digestion is finally back to normal (pre-finasteride & pre-giardiasis.)

But now, I've run into an issue. I tried, twice, to stop taking TUDCA, but my digestion was so abysmal that I had to resume the supplement the following day. Without TUDCA, my stool resembles sediment or just dirt, its not formed or easy to pass. Without TUDCA, it would resume Type 6 or 7 on the Bristol stool chart. With TUDCA, my stool is normal and healthy - I would say type 2 or 3. It's just normal stool, and now that I've gotten it again, I really don't want to lose it. So I don't know what to do when I'm not taking TUDCA.

Additionally, I've determined that my other liver/gut issues are actually downstream (See .)My SIBO/thrush, my poor digestion, low cholesterol, high triglycerides, endotoxin overload, etc - whatever they may be - are actually a result of my poor bile flow. I'm not sure if this is a correct assumption, but if my health improves in multiple areas with TUDCA, and then subsequently, declines in multiple areas without it, I would think that my issues are with bile more than anything.

So now I've kind of focused in on this bile flow issue/subject. My inquiry is less of a question and more of a request for advice. Does anyone have any experience with this subject? I've seen people discuss ox bile on here. While I would be open to trying that, I was really hoping that I could rectify the issue on my own, and not have to keep taking something for the rest of my life.

From my own research, it appears that I need to focus on cholegogs. I found a few essential oils that are supposed to help with liver function, and they are agrimony, dandelion, rosemary, and burdock root. Dandelion and Agrimony are considered to be especially good for the gallbladder and inducing bile flow, so I'm definitely looking at these. Also used milk thistle in the past and may try it again.

Other than those, I don't really have any other ideas about it. There's not a whole lot of information in Peat world about bile flow and I'm not aware of any dietary and/or lifestyle changes I need to make to rectify this.

I look forward to learning & the discussion here, thank you all so much in advance for your advice!

Haidut found a study that shows testosterone base improves liver function.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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