Aromatase Inhibitors (pharmaceutical) & What Does Very Low Estrogen Feel Like?


May 5, 2015
I'm just wondering, to those who have tried the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors, or some other powerful anti estrogen therapy, what did it feel like to have very low estrogen levels?

Are there any side-effects when estrogen gets too low? I have seen on other message boards of people using arimidex complaints that there can be joint paint and lack of sex drive. Would that be from too low estrogen, or is that a side-effect the drug is causing by another mechanism?


Jun 24, 2015
I'm just wondering, to those who have tried the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors, or some other powerful anti estrogen therapy, what did it feel like to have very low estrogen levels?

Are there any side-effects when estrogen gets too low? I have seen on other message boards of people using arimidex complaints that there can be joint paint and lack of sex drive. Would that be from too low estrogen, or is that a side-effect the drug is causing by another mechanism?
When I tried going off E2 (part of HRT) migraines & vertigo returned, bad hot flashes 24/7 therefore insomnia, gained 10lbs first 2 weeks, worsen body was horrible. I stuck it out 0ver 2 months, felt so awful I went back to my normal dose & it has taken another 2 months to return to where I was & the progress I previously made on RP. I had complete hysterectomy many years ago. I do take a healthy amount of progesterone. My doctor goes by blood tests. Maybe not everyone has too much estrogen? I am curious to other's responses. RP forum is all about estrogen is bad. Pages and pages of it. After my experience with low estrogen or stopping it anyway (weaned off), was so awful I am not messing with it.


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Nov 14, 2014
I'm currently using 6mg exemestane daily with 2g cal D glucarate twice daily. First thing I noticed is my scalp itch is non existent. My skin looks better overall, my erections are harder, my hair feels better (oil free), my dandruff is eliminated, I'm always hungry. These are changes I've noticed only the last 3 weeks. I was taking 250mg pyridoxine daily along with it. I stopped that about a week ago, can't say I feel any different. Perhaps the low E2 has throttled prolactin levels.


Nov 24, 2015
I'm currently using 6mg exemestane daily with 2g cal D glucarate twice daily. First thing I noticed is my scalp itch is non existent. My skin looks better overall, my erections are harder, my hair feels better (oil free), my dandruff is eliminated, I'm always hungry. These are changes I've noticed only the last 3 weeks. I was taking 250mg pyridoxine daily along with it. I stopped that about a week ago, can't say I feel any different. Perhaps the low E2 has throttled prolactin levels.

The exemestane molecule also looks very similar to DHT, so all of those effects may not be due to lowered estrogen. It would be interesting to see how exemestane compares to proviron or dht cream...


Mar 2, 2015
I'm just wondering, to those who have tried the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors, or some other powerful anti estrogen therapy, what did it feel like to have very low estrogen levels?

Are there any side-effects when estrogen gets too low? I have seen on other message boards of people using arimidex complaints that there can be joint paint and lack of sex drive. Would that be from too low estrogen, or is that a side-effect the drug is causing by another mechanism?
Yes I have used Anastrolzole and exemestane. If taken too ow (for me the sweet spot is 20-30)...I get very sore joints and muscles along with zero sex drive. Penis is hiding a tad and just doesn't feel NORMAL and HEALTHY. I have since done some liver work, added Calcium D Glucarate and DIM and I RARELY need AI's. I have been on TRT for 13 years and now 52 years old. I am strongly considering dosing down off Testosterone, elevate Vitamin A and some other add ins to see what will happen. Odds are that I will not be able to generate a nice healthy level of testosterone, but I may give it a go!!


Mar 2, 2015
By the way. I ran the DUTCH urine test on myself and you can actually see the metabolites of DHEA,Pg, Testosterone, Estrogen etc. Say if you are pushing to the 5a side (DHT issues), you can add in a supplement or 2 to push to the Beta side and so on. As a practitioner I love this lab and it will now be my GO TO first lab with all clients.


Oct 23, 2015
I'm currently using 6mg exemestane daily with 2g cal D glucarate twice daily. First thing I noticed is my scalp itch is non existent. My skin looks better overall, my erections are harder, my hair feels better (oil free), my dandruff is eliminated, I'm always hungry. These are changes I've noticed only the last 3 weeks. I was taking 250mg pyridoxine daily along with it. I stopped that about a week ago, can't say I feel any different. Perhaps the low E2 has throttled prolactin levels.

Is the 6mg daily a forever thing, or to knock estrogen down then stop after few weeks or months?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Is the 6mg daily a forever thing, or to knock estrogen down then stop after few weeks or months?

Exemestane is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, so it will destroy the actual enzyme and until you produce new ones there will be no new estrogen synthesized. Aromatase enzyme takes 2-3 days to produce de-novo provided sufficient protein is ingested. So, if you stop it make take about a week to recover aromatase levels if you eat normally. If you are malnourished, it may take much longer. There was a study with women athletes that had hypogonadism and were treated with exmestane. Their androgens and progesterone skyrocketed and their estrogen stayed low for months after discontinuing therapy. So, YMMV depending on health and nutritional status.


May 5, 2015
Exemestane is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, so it will destroy the actual enzyme and until you produce new ones there will be no new estrogen synthesized. Aromatase enzyme takes 2-3 days to produce de-novo provided sufficient protein is ingested. So, if you stop it make take about a week to recover aromatase levels if you eat normally. If you are malnourished, it may take much longer. There was a study with women athletes that had hypogonadism and were treated with exmestane. Their androgens and progesterone skyrocketed and their estrogen stayed low for months after discontinuing therapy. So, YMMV depending on health and nutritional status.

For someone who is experiencing low testosterone/androgens and progesterone, along with high estrogen, do you think it would be safe to experiment with Exemestane? It seems to be a more direct way of addressing the issue of high estrogen than taking supplemental pregnenolone or progesterone. Pregnenolone doesn't seem to be a strong anti-estrogen, and progesterone has the side-effect lowering androgens too (and also in some people such as myself actually causes elevated estrogen symptoms). On the surface, exemestane seems like the direct route to stopping estrogen problems. What do you think?


May 5, 2015
Exemestane is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, so it will destroy the actual enzyme and until you produce new ones there will be no new estrogen synthesized. Aromatase enzyme takes 2-3 days to produce de-novo provided sufficient protein is ingested. So, if you stop it make take about a week to recover aromatase levels if you eat normally. If you are malnourished, it may take much longer. There was a study with women athletes that had hypogonadism and were treated with exmestane. Their androgens and progesterone skyrocketed and their estrogen stayed low for months after discontinuing therapy. So, YMMV depending on health and nutritional status.

Also, can you post a link to that study, I'm very curious to read it


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Also, can you post a link to that study, I'm very curious to read it

I will try to find it. What are you trying to achieve with exemestane? Usually, lower dose DHEA + pregnenolone can achieve similar results.


Dec 17, 2015
The are several studies in hypogonadal men using a once weekly 2.5mg dose of letrozole and getting a good sustained increased testosterone response. May decrease the risks, sides, and costs compared to daily treatment.


Oct 10, 2012
Exemestane is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, so it will destroy the actual enzyme and until you produce new ones there will be no new estrogen synthesized. Aromatase enzyme takes 2-3 days to produce de-novo provided sufficient protein is ingested. So, if you stop it make take about a week to recover aromatase levels if you eat normally. If you are malnourished, it may take much longer. There was a study with women athletes that had hypogonadism and were treated with exmestane. Their androgens and progesterone skyrocketed and their estrogen stayed low for months after discontinuing therapy. So, YMMV depending on health and nutritional status.

In a facebook question to ray peat, Someone ask about Exemestane. He said that not enough studies have been done and it's possible for liver damage. He also said that bodybuilders who take Exemestane don't really care for their livers much stating that other safer aromatase inhibitors are a better option.

I think it's fine if someone want's to take it. But the side effects should be always be stated for legal and moral reasons.


Oct 10, 2012
Exemestane is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, so it will destroy the actual enzyme and until you produce new ones there will be no new estrogen synthesized. Aromatase enzyme takes 2-3 days to produce de-novo provided sufficient protein is ingested. So, if you stop it make take about a week to recover aromatase levels if you eat normally. If you are malnourished, it may take much longer. There was a study with women athletes that had hypogonadism and were treated with exmestane. Their androgens and progesterone skyrocketed and their estrogen stayed low for months after discontinuing therapy. So, YMMV depending on health and nutritional status.

I actually ended up finding the quote

On asking Ray about "Aromasin" and I also said bodybuilders use it regularly.

When a drug is that new, there is very little information about its harmful effects. Body builders often don't care much about their liver's well being. Thyroid, pregnenolone, guavas, orange juice, carrot or other resistant fiber, etc., are known to be safe for lowering estrogen.

Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 June; 121(3): 789–791.
Severe prolonged cholestatic hepatitis caused by exemestane
Ting Bao, John Fetting, Laura Mumford, Jane Zorzi, Karineh Shahverdi, Stacie Jeter, Frank Herlong, Vered Stearns, and Linda Lee"

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May 5, 2015
In a facebook question to ray peat, Someone ask about Exemestane. He said that not enough studies have been done and it's possible for liver damage. He also said that bodybuilders who take Exemestane don't really care for their livers much stating that other safer aromatase inhibitors are a better option.

I think it's fine if someone want's to take it. But the side effects should be always be stated for legal and moral reasons.

Which other aromatase inhibitors did he say are safer?


Oct 10, 2012


Oct 10, 2012
I was thinking more of the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors

I wouldn't know. I was just saying how he doesn't really know if Aromasin is safe or not. I don't know if he really approves of pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors. You could ask him though.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I wouldn't know. I was just saying how he doesn't really know if Aromasin is safe or not. I don't know if he really approves of pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors. You could ask him though.
I was thinking more of the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors

He said in an interview that nettle root is pretty safe and probably as effective as pharma AI.
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