A Differential Diagnosis: How Pellagra Can Be Confused With Celiac Disease


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
"Since up to 58 percent of celiac patients might be co-morbid with Pellagra, could it be possible that Pellagra is the "parent disease," and the those diagnosed with celiac disease have symptoms derived from Pellagra? If we follow most normal paths for adoption it will take another 20 years (a generation) for the medical community to accept Pellagra as perhaps the proper diagnosis in some cases. So there is some evidence to suggest that medical science is, perhaps in many cases, identifying the wrong disease. If one is critically low in niacin, the 3 D's of Pellagra (Dementias, Dermatitis's, and Digestive Issues) show up.

Take the "Niacin (Niacinamide) Challenge" and see if taking it three times a day for six months don't cause a healthy GI pattern, including a once per day bowel movement that sinks and healthy burping without bloating. Taking the niacinamide Challenge may put co-morbid cases of Pellagra, including its digestive symptoms, into remission, and provide relief for many who do not recover on a gluten-free diet alone. The number one mistake people make when taking niacinamide is they don't take it for long enough. It takes 4 to 6 months to overcome a serious deficiency of this vitamin, and for your mucus membranes (GI lining) to heal itself.

Once you recover you can maintain your health, barring some future stress/trauma that depletes your reserves, at which time heartburn/GERD/IBS/diarrhea/constipation symptoms will return, and you will lose your ability to burp easily again. And the cycle repeats and the Pellagra symptoms come back with a vengeance."

More at link:
A Differential Diagnosis: How Pellagra Can be Confused with Celiac Disease


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


May 31, 2015
Low stomach acid is my oldest symptom..since I was little I have always required salty and acidic foods to digest anything and I and everyone in my family have always been prone to all manner of skin problems. I definitely have dysbiosis as starch causes depression and inflammation for me and I have to take s boulardii to feel normal. Two days ago I took 500 mg of niacinamide and it made my waist shrink dramatically overnight, clearly bloat that went away. Then the next day I took 1500 with no side effects, which is crazy becuase basically every nutrient/supplement including vitamin C gives me severe/abrupt side effects akin to induced deficiency of some kind (vitamin C will give me new spider/varicose veins within hours). I think I will keep going with niacinamide dosages in that range and see if it helps my issues (vein problems, mast cell activation, weak digestion, neuropathy, skin, mood). I already use topical niacinamide to keep my skin clear.

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
I started taking niacin (what I had) and got bad stomach pain. Sodium bicarbonate seemed to help. Might niacin increase stomach acid or something?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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