100 LBS WEIGHT GAIN - Niacinamide/Niacin/Aspirin - PLEASE HELP


Oct 14, 2016
I’ve been reading recently about how Niacinamide can cause something like a FFA rebound, and leads to weight gain and can even lead to diabetes! Same with Niacin. Also apparently Aspirin works in a similar manner.

I’ve just got really scared because im experimenting with all 3 compounds, and ive got family history of diabetes, so im susceptible. Last thing I want to do is bring the dread on to myself quicker, especially after setting out to protect myself.

Could anyone explain to me what I need to be worried about and what I should do to protect myself?

My number 1 priority is controlling my weight, which has ballooned up uncontrollably after a really stressful period, taking some horrible drugs, along with the double vax in a period of 3-4months. So if my number one priority is to lose weight (as it’s reaching to really dangerous levels, put on nearly 100lbs in last year) should I even be taking these substances?


Jun 18, 2016
I’ve been reading recently about how Niacinamide can cause something like a FFA rebound, and leads to weight gain and can even lead to diabetes! Same with Niacin. Also apparently Aspirin works in a similar manner.

I’ve just got really scared because im experimenting with all 3 compounds, and ive got family history of diabetes, so im susceptible. Last thing I want to do is bring the dread on to myself quicker, especially after setting out to protect myself.

Could anyone explain to me what I need to be worried about and what I should do to protect myself?

My number 1 priority is controlling my weight, which has ballooned up uncontrollably after a really stressful period, taking some horrible drugs, along with the double vax in a period of 3-4months. So if my number one priority is to lose weight (as it’s reaching to really dangerous levels, put on nearly 100lbs in last year) should I even be taking these substances?
Only my experience, but I have started taking about 4,000-5,000 mg of niacin a day for the last two years. Really helps with normalizing weight for me.
Also Brewers Yeast (Trader Joes-$2.99) to add B vitamins.

Ben Gobeil

New Member
Nov 26, 2020
How much liquid are you drinking? How stopped massive weight gain for me was dialing back liquids, only drinking to thirst. And salting everything to taste (even liquids).


Jan 24, 2022
I’ve been reading recently about how Niacinamide can cause something like a FFA rebound, and leads to weight gain
I take like 320 mg a day of niacinamide and never experienced any abnormal weight gain, if at all. Idk who your source is, but its apparent your source did jackshit research


Oct 14, 2016
Only my experience, but I have started taking about 4,000-5,000 mg of niacin a day for the last two years. Really helps with normalizing weight for me.
Also Brewers Yeast (Trader Joes-$2.99) to add B vitamins.
I got the most horrible estrogenic side effects taking brewers yeast, it didn’t suit me. What protocol are you following with the niacin? Do you take it in one go, or split the doses?

How much liquid are you drinking? How stopped massive weight gain for me was dialing back liquids, only drinking to thirst. And salting everything to taste (even liquids).
I feel very thirsty most of the time with dry mouth. I’m not counting the liquid but it’s probably about 2-3litres a day. I think excessive thirst is one of the first signs of diabetes.


Oct 14, 2016
I take like 320 mg a day of niacinamide and never experienced any abnormal weight gain, if at all. Idk who your source is, but its apparent your source did jackshit research
I’ve started to take extremely small doses of the powder after food and I’ve felt much better. I’ve also started to take defibron so that’s definitely helping my liver cope with the niacinamide.


Jan 24, 2022
I’ve started to take extremely small doses of the powder after food and I’ve felt much better. I’ve also started to take defibron so that’s definitely helping my liver cope with the niacinamide.
Niacinamide give me a clearer mind, makes me very assertive as well, love it


May 6, 2022
Niacinamide and aspirin both suppress fatty acid oxidation and instead encourage the burning of glucose as fuel. This obviously means slower fat burning compared to someone in ketosis or on a low carb diet. But fat burning, especially in the presence of high PUFA, results in free radical production that causes a whole bunch of other bad outcomes - chiefly, it suppresses thyroid function and increases estrogen. By helping to switch off this fatty acid metabolism, niacinamide and aspirin should actually be preventative when it comes to diabetes. But they are not a silver bullet for weight loss if you are sedentary and also eating a high calorie, high PUFA, low calcium diet.


Jun 18, 2016
I got the most horrible estrogenic side effects taking brewers yeast, it didn’t suit me. What protocol are you following with the niacin? Do you take it in one go, or split the doses?

I feel very thirsty most of the time with dry mouth. I’m not counting the liquid but it’s probably about 2-3litres a day. I think excessive thirst is one of the first signs of diabetes.
I do about 3 or 4 500 mg pills for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I think using Ideal Labs B vitamin product would be even better. I just haven't gotten around to ordering it.

I first started taking niacin thinking it may help regulate some "metabolic syndrome" problems that might me more vulnerable to the "spike protein" in Covid/vaccines (my husband took). I read a lot about it on doctoryourself.com and it does help me (with cholesterol, hunger and weight). I read TMG helps with niacin, and I take that sometimes, but not all the time.


May 13, 2015
I’ve been reading recently about how Niacinamide can cause something like a FFA rebound, and leads to weight gain and can even lead to diabetes! Same with Niacin. Also apparently Aspirin works in a similar manner
Whazza FFA rebound?? This all sounds like hokum.

Here's some quotes about niacinamide:
also see these articles:
Niacinamide reduces liver damage in alcohol addiction. — ELEMENTS OF RECOVERY

Please note that niacinamide REDUCES liver damage. Ray Peat advises to stick with niacinamide, never advises to take niacin as it causes a stress reaction. Dr. Peat advises small doses (around 90mg). When I increased the number of times that I take the 90mg of niacinamide from 2Xday to 4Xday, I began to drop the weight I had gained when my thiamine function got blocked by taking Bactrim antibiotic. I had held onto that weight for over a year. With the addition of the low dose niacinamide, the 25 pounds came off in a couple of months.

Aspirin is great stuff, especially if you are dealing with inflammation.

Keep in mind that metabolizing glucose and also metabolizing fat require thiamine. Thyroid hormone is needed too. If one of these are deficient your body will pack on the nutrients as fat instead of processing them.

I’ve just got really scared because im experimenting with all 3 compounds, and ive got family history of diabetes, so im susceptible. Last thing I want to do is bring the dread on to myself quicker, especially after setting out to protect myself.
Niacinamide, niacin, and aspirin? I'd suggest you ditch the niacin and keep niacinamide doses below 100mg. Aspirin is safer if you dissolve it in boiling water and let the excipients fall to the bottom and avoid them.

Could anyone explain to me what I need to be worried about and what I should do to protect myself?
suggested reading:
This one is written by Dr. Chandler Marrs. She is pretty rabidly anti-sugar. She has picked up the anti-sugar stance from Dr. Lonsdale. However, Dr. Lonsdale himself is not quite so rabidly anti-sugar as he believes fruit is just fine, it's the fruit juice you need to watch out for because there's no fiber so you can consume a lot more sugar drinking it than you'd believe and get yourself in trouble.

I'm a fan of Ray Peat's position on consuming sugar. He has suggested 2 quarts of milk plus one quart of orange juice in a day as an ideal amount of healthy sugars. He has also said that if you consume more than that you'll probably need to supplement some thiamine. Dr. Peat warned about consuming carbohydrates that are starchy because there's too much glucose and no fructose in them. So please note that the sugar in 2 quarts of milk plus one quart of OJ and NO STARCH in the diet is not a boatload of sugar/glucose.

Assuming your metabolism is on fire and you have no negative reactions to additional sugar in the diet and your thiamine and thyroid are optimized then additional sugar in your diet might be fine. Not everybody can tolerate lots of sugar.
My number 1 priority is controlling my weight, which has ballooned up uncontrollably after a really stressful period, taking some horrible drugs, along with the double vax in a period of 3-4months. So if my number one priority is to lose weight (as it’s reaching to really dangerous levels, put on nearly 100lbs in last year) should I even be taking these substances?
Are you willing to share the names of the horrible drugs? There are a lot of drugs that block thiamine function. Bactrim blocked my thiamine function in 2020 and I packed on 25 pounds in about 30 days while living on 1% milk, oranges, gelatin, and orange juice. What happened to me exemplifies what can happen if your thiamine function gets blocked. All the nutrients get shuffled over as fat storage while your body starves.

About the covid vaccine and thiamine:

The covid vaccine is known to cause blood clotting issues. Aspirin is an anti-coagulant/blood thinner and also anti-cancer per Dr. Peat. I am not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. Ray Peat has said that low dose niacinamide is pretty safe. I don't think niacin is a good idea; Dr. Peat never recommends it.

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Jun 18, 2016
I understand
Whazza FFA rebound?? This all sounds like hokum.

Here's some quotes about niacinamide:
also see these articles:
Niacinamide reduces liver damage in alcohol addiction. — ELEMENTS OF RECOVERY

Please note that niacinamide REDUCES liver damage. Ray Peat advises to stick with niacinamide, never advises to take niacin as it causes a stress reaction. Dr. Peat advises small doses (around 90mg). When I increased the number of times that I take the 90mg of niacinamide from 2Xday to 4Xday, I began to drop the weight I had gained when my thiamine function got blocked by taking Bactrim antibiotic. I had held onto that weight for over a year. With the addition of the low dose niacinamide, the 25 pounds came off in a couple of months.

Aspirin is great stuff, especially if you are dealing with inflammation.

Keep in mind that metabolizing glucose and also metabolizing fat require thiamine. Thyroid hormone is needed too. If one of these are deficient your body will pack on the nutrients as fat instead of processing them.

Niacinamide, niacin, and aspirin? I'd suggest you ditch the niacin and keep niacinamide doses below 100mg. Aspirin is safer if you dissolve it in boiling water and let the excipients fall to the bottom and avoid them.

suggested reading:
This one is written by Dr. Chandler Marrs. She is pretty rabidly anti-sugar. She has picked up the anti-sugar stance from Dr. Lonsdale. However, Dr. Lonsdale himself is not quite so rabidly anti-sugar as he believes fruit is just fine, it's the fruit juice you need to watch out for because there's no fiber so you can consume a lot more sugar drinking it than you'd believe and get yourself in trouble.

I'm a fan of Ray Peat's position on consuming sugar. He has suggested 2 quarts of milk plus one quart of orange juice in a day as an ideal amount of healthy sugars. He has also said that if you consume more than that you'll probably need to supplement some thiamine. Dr. Peat warned about consuming carbohydrates that are starchy because there's too much glucose and no fructose in them. So please note that the sugar in 2 quarts of milk plus one quart of OJ and NO STARCH in the diet is not a boatload of sugar/glucose.

Assuming your metabolism is on fire and you have no negative reactions to additional sugar in the diet and your thiamine and thyroid are optimized then additional sugar in your diet might be fine. Not everybody can tolerate lots of sugar.

Are you willing to share the names of the horrible drugs? There are a lot of drugs that block thiamine function. Bactrim blocked my thiamine function in 2020 and I packed on 25 pounds in about 30 days while living on 1% milk, oranges, gelatin, and orange juice. What happened to me exemplifies what can happen if your thiamine function gets blocked. All the nutrients get shuffled over as fat storage while your body starves.

About the covid vaccine and thiamine:

The covid vaccine is known to cause blood clotting issues. Aspirin is an anti-coagulant/blood thinner and also anti-cancer per Dr. Peat. I am not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. Ray Peat has said that low dose niacinamide is pretty safe. I don't think niacin is a good idea; Dr. Peat never recommends it.

I understand your thought, and have read Peat's thoughts on this subject. As someone involved in chronic dieting for 30 years, niacinamide did not do anything for me that I could detect. Ray Peat has a healthy metabolism. I am using niacin based on the "starvation" experiments in restoring health to those in concentration camps, taken at high levels. I believe I placed my body for many decades (voluntarily, yet ignorantly) in a similar state. Based on my blood tests, niacin is helping (and how I feel/weight, etc).


May 13, 2015
I understand

I understand your thought, and have read Peat's thoughts on this subject. As someone involved in chronic dieting for 30 years, niacinamide did not do anything for me that I could detect. Ray Peat has a healthy metabolism. I am using niacin based on the "starvation" experiments in restoring health to those in concentration camps, taken at high levels. I believe I placed my body for many decades (voluntarily, yet ignorantly) in a similar state. Based on my blood tests, niacin is helping (and how I feel/weight, etc).
Suit yourself by all means. I took high dose niacin around 12 years ago. It made me flush and I sure could tell something was happening. But it did not improve my situation. My main problem for many years has been heavy metal poisoning. It causes the same symptoms as thiamine deficiency. It turns out lead chemically bonds to thiamine making it unavailable for the body's use.

Although high dose thiamine supplementation, a good diet, plus prescription thyroid with dosage optimized improved my health, it did not take any weight off me even when I added 30 minutes of daily exercise. Only when I changed taking niacinamide to 90mg, 4Xdaily did the weight come off.

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Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
I’ve been reading recently about how Niacinamide can cause something like a FFA rebound, and leads to weight gain and can even lead to diabetes! Same with Niacin. Also apparently Aspirin works in a similar manner.

I’ve just got really scared because im experimenting with all 3 compounds, and ive got family history of diabetes, so im susceptible. Last thing I want to do is bring the dread on to myself quicker, especially after setting out to protect myself.

Could anyone explain to me what I need to be worried about and what I should do to protect myself?

My number 1 priority is controlling my weight, which has ballooned up uncontrollably after a really stressful period, taking some horrible drugs, along with the double vax in a period of 3-4months. So if my number one priority is to lose weight (as it’s reaching to really dangerous levels, put on nearly 100lbs in last year) should I even be taking these substances?
I see you’ve got another thread outlining some overeating that has been happening. I would probably look this this first before pointing the finger at those supplements. Though I agree with others that you could fax the niacin.
Jun 16, 2022
Only my experience, but I have started taking about 4,000-5,000 mg of niacin a day for the last two years. Really helps with normalizing weight for me.
Also Brewers Yeast (Trader Joes-$2.99) to add B vitamins.
I bought some brewers yeast recently for the B vitamins as well and can barely stomach it and I’m not squeamish. How do you take it and how much per day? Any issues with bacterial overgrowth in your opinion?


Oct 14, 2016
I bought some brewers yeast recently for the B vitamins as well and can barely stomach it and I’m not squeamish. How do you take it and how much per day? Any issues with bacterial overgrowth in your opinion?
Careful with the brewers yeast, as it can have estrogenic effects on some people.


Feb 25, 2015
Nothing will cause you more estrogenic effects then beeing overweight. Loose the fat and everything will resolve. Take 150mg niacinamide a day that will not hinder anything in terms of fat burning or fat loss. Take aspirin max 1g a day and it will not hinder anything just make it better.
Aug 21, 2018
One more niacinamide victim. How many ppl ended up fat doing things from the forum?
Jun 16, 2022
One more niacinamide victim. How many ppl ended up fat doing things from the forum?
I have been using niacinimide and other things and following the principles of peat and my health has greatly improved personally. I’ve also recently stopped formally exercising using weights and the drop in stress has allowed me to lean out much more than expected.

My point is maybe it’s not the niacinimide but some other factors in someone’s life causing the weight gain. Could just be dietary issue as well of course.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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