Zinc and Vitamin A toxicity


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Could high vitamin A retinol in blood be a zinc deficiency? I’m not really of the camp that I’m toxic in A. I wasn’t supplementing. I was for sure eating a good amount of whole food vitamin A.

But with no other mineral or vitamin would you go above range from just eating adequate amounts. Something else has to be at play. Vitamin A is too important. I also have really high cholesterol. With low pregnenolone. Points to vitamin A deficiency to me.

I think vitamin A, iron, b12, copper, ceuroplasmin etc can rise under inflammation and infection.

Something is preventing me from using up the retinol. So yes that excess A can be intoxicating, but too much A isn’t the issue. It’s either a major zinc deficiency or a seriously struggling liver/bile issues. The retinal is recirculating and showing up as excess maybe.

The vitamin A toxicity/ people low vit diet I think feel better sometimes simply because they start eating more fiber and fix the liver. I wouldn’t attribute their success to low a diet.

Any thoughts on this. Not much info on this!


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Apr 28, 2019
Could high vitamin A retinol in blood be a zinc deficiency? I’m not really of the camp that I’m toxic in A. I wasn’t supplementing. I was for sure eating a good amount of whole food vitamin A.

But with no other mineral or vitamin would you go above range from just eating adequate amounts. Something else has to be at play. Vitamin A is too important. I also have really high cholesterol. With low pregnenolone. Points to vitamin A deficiency to me.

I think vitamin A, iron, b12, copper, ceuroplasmin etc can rise under inflammation and infection.

Something is preventing me from using up the retinol. So yes that excess A can be intoxicating, but too much A isn’t the issue. It’s either a major zinc deficiency or a seriously struggling liver/bile issues. The retinal is recirculating and showing up as excess maybe.

The vitamin A toxicity/ people low vit diet I think feel better sometimes simply because they start eating more fiber and fix the liver. I wouldn’t attribute their success to low a diet.

Any thoughts on this. Not much info on this!
Well Im sort of in the serious doubts about vitamin A camp but this is my take. I've actually decreesed (due to limited foodtype availability) my fiber in general since going low A so for me thats not the cause. Now that doesnt mean it cant be a contributing factor for some. If that is because it clears bile for them or something else I dont know. Its perfectly possible to be toxic just from food anyway. But its more likely if your liver is already burdened by anything from EMF to (prescription) drugs and possibly even pesticides. Some herbs also decrease the dehydrogenases helping to execrete (excess) retinol. Anyway what is sure is that zinc is important for clearing retinol from the system and of course that means the chanses of toxicity increases with lower zinc as it with any substance is the balance between tolerance and intake that deems if you go south or do ok. No need to label it. For me personally the wacky ironpanels, hyper-b12 and liver enzymes all got normal from going low A - I also eat a bit less fruit then I used to but my need seems lower now. I have stayed at about the same level of zinc intake before and after (roughly 1 mg per kg bw). Dont know if this confirms or contradicts but at least for me it seems that it worked the ohter way around


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Well Im sort of in the serious doubts about vitamin A camp but this is my take. I've actually decreesed (due to limited foodtype availability) my fiber in general since going low A so for me thats not the cause. Now that doesnt mean it cant be a contributing factor for some. If that is because it clears bile for them or something else I dont know. Its perfectly possible to be toxic just from food anyway. But its more likely if your liver is already burdened by anything from EMF to (prescription) drugs and possibly even pesticides. Some herbs also decrease the dehydrogenases helping to execrete (excess) retinol. Anyway what is sure is that zinc is important for clearing retinol from the system and of course that means the chanses of toxicity increases with lower zinc as it with any substance is the balance between tolerance and intake that deems if you go south or do ok. No need to label it. For me personally the wacky ironpanels, hyper-b12 and liver enzymes all got normal from going low A - I also eat a bit less fruit then I used to but my need seems lower now. I have stayed at about the same level of zinc intake before and after (roughly 1 mg per kg bw). Dont know if this confirms or contradicts but at least for me it seems that it worked the ohter way around
I see. So lowering vitamin A did indeed help you. How much were you eating prior. And now that you cut the A somewhat are you getting any A?

Can you attribute those improvements in iron etc from anything besides removal of A?


Apr 28, 2019
I see. So lowering vitamin A did indeed help you. How much were you eating prior. And now that you cut the A somewhat are you getting any A?

Can you attribute those improvements in iron etc from anything besides removal of A?
I am quite convinced it has. I was eating a ridiculous amount for many years. I discovered Peat in like 2011 and have been more or less following his advice since then. Not saying he says eat all this but my interpretation made me eat a lot when I add it up. I ate f.ex much more liver then he recomends. I ate a pound a week, lots of OJ, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, salads and berry powder so I was doing 135.000 IU a day on average I have realized. Its hard to say as I eat very restricted now but I didnt add anything just removed stuff. I eat the same amount of iron from food as I used to. I have a bit concern about my low calcium intake but I seem to be doing fine . My blood levels are good and my PTH is improving so it doesnt seem to be damaging my skeleton and my nails and hair and teeth are better not worse. My magnesium intake is about as before. To be honest I dont completly understand it myself. I should add I started a grounding practice half a year after starting low A and that aslo seems to be affecting me in a generalized positive way but many of the effects was observed before I started..


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I am quite convinced it has. I was eating a ridiculous amount for many years. I discovered Peat in like 2011 and have been more or less following his advice since then. Not saying he says eat all this but my interpretation made me eat a lot when I add it up. I ate f.ex much more liver then he recomends. I ate a pound a week, lots of OJ, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, salads and berry powder so I was doing 135.000 IU a day on average I have realized. Its hard to say as I eat very restricted now but I didnt add anything just removed stuff. I eat the same amount of iron from food as I used to. I have a bit concern about my low calcium intake but I seem to be doing fine . My blood levels are good and my PTH is improving so it doesnt seem to be damaging my skeleton and my nails and hair and teeth are better not worse. My magnesium intake is about as before. To be honest I dont completly understand it myself. I should add I started a grounding practice half a year after starting low A and that aslo seems to be affecting me in a generalized positive way but many of the effects was observed before I started..
135k IU? !?! Liver has that much? Isn’t a high dosed supplement even only 10k iu?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
my PTH is improving so it doesnt seem to be damaging my skeleton and my nails and hair and teeth are better not worse
Dr. Garrett Smith has two clients on low vitamin A that provided documented proof that their DEXA scans (bone density) have improved since implementing the diet.
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2019
135k IU? !?! Liver has that much? Isn’t a high dosed supplement even only 10k iu?
it was combined with the other stuff. I think I was over 200.000 some days. but yes you are right supplement is max 10 and daily upper recomendation varies between 3000 and 5000. Most huntergatherers average under 2000 (not saying they necessarily are the pinnacle of health but in comparison)
:) (at about 300.000 you approach lethal(1 time) dose in some instances. but yeah liver has a lot
thats how vit A toxicity was discovered during arctic expeditions. polar bear liver is not eatable


Feb 3, 2020
If your biliary excretion is impaired, almost everything can become very dangerous.

This includes certain vitamins, minerals, heavy metals, certain medications and endogenous/exogenous hormones. Basically everything that needs to be processed via the liver and eliminated into the bile.


Jul 18, 2018
If your biliary excretion is impaired, almost everything can become very dangerous.

This includes certain vitamins, minerals, heavy metals, certain medications and endogenous/exogenous hormones. Basically everything that needs to be processed via the liver and eliminated into the bile.
How do you fix biliary issues @youngsinatra ?


Feb 3, 2020
How do you fix biliary issues @youngsinatra ?
Optimal methylation functionality is important to produce phosphatidylcholine to prevent the bile from becoming to sludgy. Dietary adequacy of B-vitamins (esp. B9/B12), animal protein (1g/lbs BW) for methionine and the hardest thing — ruling out things that hinder mitochondrial energy production (deficiencies, toxins, hypothyroidism) because Mg-ATP is needed to produce SAMe from methionine. SAMe is the universal methyl donor.

Having at least 10g of dietary fat with each meal to maximally contract the gallbladder is helpful as well.

If you have low acetylcholine symptoms, having more dietary choline, B1 and B5 can help. Acetylcholine (rest & digestive state) promotes bile secretion while Norepinephrine (sympathetic/fasted state) inhibit it.

Excessive fasting needs to be avoided.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
Optimal methylation functionality is important to produce phosphatidylcholine to prevent the bile from becoming to sludgy. Dietary adequacy of B-vitamins (esp. B9/B12), animal protein (1g/lbs BW) for methionine and the hardest thing — ruling out things that hinder mitochondrial energy production (deficiencies, toxins, hypothyroidism) because Mg-ATP is needed to produce SAMe from methionine. SAMe is the universal methyl donor.

Having at least 10g of dietary fat with each meal to maximally contract the gallbladder is helpful as well.

If you have low acetylcholine symptoms, having more dietary choline, B1 and B5 can help. Acetylcholine (rest & digestive state) promotes bile secretion while Norepinephrine (sympathetic/fasted state) inhibit it.

Excessive fasting needs to be avoided.
What do you think about TDUCA? I have been taking some lactose rein and it seems to help.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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