Yellow Skin: Thyroid Vs Liver


Jul 30, 2019
For the past weeks people have commented on my yellow skin tone. It's mostly focused on my nasolabial folds, mouth and glabella. I also feel pretty nauseous, dizzy and tired. Bam, liver issues right? So I go get my blood work done for liver enzymes, TSH just in case – unfortunately the doc didn't give prolactin or PTH due to " it not judging it necessary" – to know what's going on. Result? Everything is perfect for my liver.

White blood cells 5,000 in a range of 3,500 to 10,000 (Discards hepatitis)

Fasting Glucose 91 - Just standard practice, not diabetic.

Creatine: 0.8mg/dL range is 0.7 to 1.3mg/dL
GPT: 10U/L range <41U/L
PT/INR: 11.5s range 10.1 to 12.8s
Bilirubin: 0.6mg/dL in a range of 0.2 to 1.1mg/dL
Total protein: 7.5g/dL in a range of 6.5 to 8.0g/dL, of which:
- Albumin: 5.0g/dL from a range of 3.5 to 5.2g/dL
- Globulin 2.6g/dL from a range of 1.7 to 3.5g/dL
-Albumin/Globulin ratio: 1.9, ideal is 0.9 to 2

So this discards most liver issues – despite all of my symptoms coinciding with liver issues, both nausea, pain in the liver area, yellow skin and fatigue. The ones I don't have are dark urine, clear stool, swelling and no yellow eyes. Plus, low bilirubin, so the skin tone can't be from that.

Cholesterol: 152mg/dL
Triglycerides: 63mg/dL
LDL 74mg/dL
HDL 65mg/dL

Almost as low as a vegan's, so probably good hormonal conversion and no problem with fat in the liver.

Now here's the interesting part

TSH: 2.9mUI/dL

It's the only thing off.

I know TSH by itself isn't such a great marker, but being that obvious – despite the range being until 4.5, which I know is off – is it an indicative of something? I know Peat says he never met someone over 2 who was healthy, and the ideal would probably be <1.

According to this study:
Thyroid hormone action on skin
"In addition, increased dermal carotene may appear as a prominent yellow hue on the palms, soles and nasolabial folds." I have symptoms of hyperkeratosis, but I am not sure if it's a liver issue or a thyroid issue. Also, that wouldn't explain the liver pain, nausea and fatigue.

Since thyroid conversion and liver are so intertwined, perhaps I am having hyperkeratosis and hypothyroid symptoms because of a liver issue, which manifests itself as thyroid issue?
I am so confused. I started Peating with a heavy fruit content, around 100-120g of fructose in total. Lots of protein and SFA – but still low fat around 25% – After some weeks, my mood was great, appetite was sky-high, sleeping like a princess. Yet I started having liver pain. After I ceased the fruit it went away, and I started a more "normal" diet: oatmeal with eggs, coffee and bananas at breakfast (coffee helps blunt the iron and support the liver). Rice, beans, potatoes and vegetables and meat at lunch and dinner. Low fat milk in between meals and heavy on the green tea and spices. Still try to keep the PUFA low, but it went from less than 4g a day to around 6-7g. Still pretty low honestly.

Result is I look like fricking Millhouse. I feel great, temps up, pulse up, more stable. But I have these liver symptoms, pain, nausea, and I didn't have before. I also had been taking aspirin 100mg daily since I changed my diet and beforehand was at about 250mg a week. Too low to cause liver damage, and if anything, it should be helping my liver. Since the blood work I have stopped taking both magnesium and aspirin.

Can anyone help, I don't know what to do honestly. I am just 18. My friends are drinking, partying and eating junk food and are all fine, I don't believe that 4-5 weeks of Peating would f*** me up so bad.
Dec 18, 2018
A member had this to say:

Mystery Of Yellow Skin Solved

"So I've been visiting my doctor since 2015 complaining about my yellow skin on my face, specifically around my mouth, chin and along the nose. All I was told that I had carotenemia and should avoid orange, red and green vegetables! LOL!
My skin discoloration was so bad that people used to ask me about it!
I've experimented with various things to improve the appearance of my skin, mainly by improving thyroid function. It turns out that it was caused by dairy products!
About 3 weeks ago I decided to quit dairy and some days later I noticed that my skin is pink!!..the first time after about 11 years!
Since then..I ate a little feta 2 times with no adverse reaction. I wish I could reintroduce dairy at some point but for now I'm being careful and supplement with eggshell powder.."

The milk protocol it seems,was responsible for banana-type complexion..
Also,iron,maybe as ferritin as a marker,but not so sure!,can produce liver issues,just to be clear.

Also,look at the similar Threads rubric below this textfield,a lot of members have yellow skin it seems.
But maybe we are imagining things? care to share a anonymised photo of your affliction.
Dec 18, 2018
..Keep the magnesium,drop the milk,substitute with meat and eggs,butter,avoid starch and eat ripe fruit.


Jul 30, 2019
..Keep the magnesium,drop the milk,substitute with meat and eggs,butter,avoid starch and eat ripe fruit.

Any ideia on why milk may cause this? It happened after reintroduced starch, but my digestion is perfect, actually a little better than when I was on only fruits. My guess is that the issue is the iron overload, since the starches are beans and oats (mostly). I will test this theory out by keeping the starch and donating blood. After the exame my complexion was a little better and I felt better also. I also dropped a little on the liver consumption for no particular reason, I just haven't had time to buy it, so the copper might help.

I think it's weird that this was my previous diet, and I had no issues. Perhaps Peating has made more sensitive to these changes.

I have seen a lot of threads also, but few provide blood work. My bilirubin is low, and it has actually LOWERED compared to my previous exams. My serum albumin is in the high end, while liver issues cause it to lower. All my markers have improved. It can only be hyperkeratosis.
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Jul 30, 2019
This is a photo of me in my worse and the other is my normal complexion. This usually happens at school for some reason, and at home I stay a little less. Days I don't go to school it stays even more faded, so I thought it might be stress and poor glycogen stores. But when I started eating at school, I still had it.

But maybe we are imagining things?

First thing I thought. But I didn't notice it. People did. And I started asking some people who didn't even know, so they wouldn't mess around. All of them say I am yellowish, and I am pretty nauseous and dizzy sometimes.


Jul 30, 2019
Also, as an addendum, I show no signs of hypothyroidism. No weight gain – I actually lost weight, despite eating around 2,500-3,000 to satiate – No gonadal swelling, no face puffing. Only hyperkeratosis
Dec 18, 2018
maybe its associated with being young and growing?

But dont know at all unfortunately.
i would advise towards a diet like outlined by me.


Jul 30, 2019
maybe its associated with being young and growing?

But dont know at all unfortunately.
i would advise towards a diet like outlined by me.

No, I know, I will try it out, thanks. The dairy part was ready interesting. I will just try to isolate certain aspects while trying what you said out. I don't just want to solve my problem, I wish to help figure out what is going on, who knows I can end up helping someone out later?


Dec 17, 2018
View attachment 15548 View attachment 15547 This is a photo of me in my worse and the other is my normal complexion. This usually happens at school for some reason, and at home I stay a little less. Days I don't go to school it stays even more faded, so I thought it might be stress and poor glycogen stores. But when I started eating at school, I still had it.

First thing I thought. But I didn't notice it. People did. And I started asking some people who didn't even know, so they wouldn't mess around. All of them say I am yellowish, and I am pretty nauseous and dizzy sometimes.

Maybe your issue is the extra fructose and saturated fats caused liver issues. Likely did not have enough choline and protein. Eating leaner meat and starch and limiting fructose and making sure to get extra choline should help.

It's possible dairy can be problematic. Full fat dairy has lots of saturated fat which will increase choline needs just like fructose does.
Dec 18, 2018
Maybe your issue is the extra fructose and saturated fats caused liver issues. Likely did not have enough choline and protein. Eating leaner meat and starch and limiting fructose and making sure to get extra choline should help.

It's possible dairy can be problematic. Full fat dairy has lots of saturated fat which will increase choline needs just like fructose does.

Good advice.
For choline and general health, 4 to 6 eggs a day,with as much liquid eggyolk as possible


Jul 30, 2019
Maybe your issue is the extra fructose and saturated fats caused liver issues.

But SFA and fructose are supposed to be protective of the liver. That being said, after almost turning vegan and low carb, I started taking everything with a grain of salt. Despite eating fruits, I never let go of starch, and always tried a lower fat diet. It was usually 50g with 30g coming from SFA, I can't see it getting better than that at least according to Peat's views. I also always ate a lot of meat and eggs, despite a lot of people on the forum not being on board with the meat part. So if anything, my Peat style of diet shouldn't have caused issues, the only explanation would be the fructose indeed.

Likely did not have enough choline and protein

100-130g of protein for 300g of carbs. Usually around the RDA of choline (550-650mg). Currently increased it to 135-150g, high blood albumin would also indicate good protein status.

Eating leaner meat and starch and limiting fructose and making sure to get extra choline should help.

What's strange is that's exactly what I am during Currently, and it was after that that that my skin changed color. I am not sure, perhaps the damage was made beforehand. But still, it's weird the complexion change only happened when I changed diet. The possible reasons might be higher iron consumption, fermentable carbs and a mild increase in PUFA. But again, why would they manifest now if what I did before peating was even worse – more PUFA, Iron and fermentable carbs –and aí didn't have issues. My diet after the liver pain and before the complexion change was really liver supportive from all sides. Oatmeal with low fat milk, eggs, 2 banana for sweetness, and coffee. Lots of choline, Caffeine, blunts the iron content. Cook the eggs in coconut oil to blunt PUFA.
Rice, beans, really cooked vegetables, and plenty of ground meat, which were I live is REALLY low fat. 30g of protein for 8g of fat. Low fat milk in between meals to keep blood sugar stable. Coffee in the afternoon and 1L of green tea throughout the day.

It's possible dairy can be problematic. Full fat dairy has lots of saturated fat which will increase choline needs just like fructose does.

Hmmm that's interesting. I will try increasing choline while decreasing Fats even more – although I am already on 40g, and it's hard to get lower than that without cutting animal products – Maybe that will help

(I am not trying to jinx the tips, I am really thankful for the information I am getting and will implement certain changes, primarily choline. I just like to clarify somethings and pose some other interesting point. Thank you all for your time nontheless)
Dec 18, 2018
"I also always ate a lot of meat and eggs, despite a lot of people on the forum not being on board with the meat part. So if anything, my Peat style of diet shouldn't have caused issues, the only explanation would be the fructose indeed."

Maybe the Milk,the OJ,the Oyster-Protocol isnt as good as it seems..?
I would consume lots of lean meat,eggs,and ripe fruit,and pro sat fat.


Dec 17, 2018
But SFA and fructose are supposed to be protective of the liver. That being said, after almost turning vegan and low carb, I started taking everything with a grain of salt. Despite eating fruits, I never let go of starch, and always tried a lower fat diet. It was usually 50g with 30g coming from SFA, I can't see it getting better than that at least according to Peat's views. I also always ate a lot of meat and eggs, despite a lot of people on the forum not being on board with the meat part. So if anything, my Peat style of diet shouldn't have caused issues, the only explanation would be the fructose indeed.

100-130g of protein for 300g of carbs. Usually around the RDA of choline (550-650mg). Currently increased it to 135-150g, high blood albumin would also indicate good protein status.

What's strange is that's exactly what I am during Currently, and it was after that that that my skin changed color. I am not sure, perhaps the damage was made beforehand. But still, it's weird the complexion change only happened when I changed diet. The possible reasons might be higher iron consumption, fermentable carbs and a mild increase in PUFA. But again, why would they manifest now if what I did before peating was even worse – more PUFA, Iron and fermentable carbs –and aí didn't have issues. My diet after the liver pain and before the complexion change was really liver supportive from all sides. Oatmeal with low fat milk, eggs, 2 banana for sweetness, and coffee. Lots of choline, Caffeine, blunts the iron content. Cook the eggs in coconut oil to blunt PUFA.
Rice, beans, really cooked vegetables, and plenty of ground meat, which were I live is REALLY low fat. 30g of protein for 8g of fat. Low fat milk in between meals to keep blood sugar stable. Coffee in the afternoon and 1L of green tea throughout the day.

Hmmm that's interesting. I will try increasing choline while decreasing Fats even more – although I am already on 40g, and it's hard to get lower than that without cutting animal products – Maybe that will help

(I am not trying to jinx the tips, I am really thankful for the information I am getting and will implement certain changes, primarily choline. I just like to clarify somethings and pose some other interesting point. Thank you all for your time nontheless)

From what you just told me then the major change was the fructose, perhaps cutting it down substantially would help a lot. Meat and eggs always have choline that comes with them as well as lipotropics like B12, methionine as well. Fructose has no lipotropic agents in it, no choline, no B12, little folate(depends on the fruit), no methionine. Starch does not increase choline requirement and from what I understand will not increase liver fat. Ironically polyunsaturated fats are the least "fattening" to the liver and saturated fats increase liver fat the most in comparison.

The Sweet Truth About Liver and Egg Yolks -- Choline Matters More to Fatty Liver Than Sugar, Alcohol, or Fat | Chris Masterjohn, PhD
Aug 21, 2018
Try this one. Just 1 real for a vial. Choline-betaine-metionine


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Jul 30, 2019
Try this one. Just 1 real for a vial. Choline-betaine-metionine

WHAAAT!?Finally a Brazilian supplement on the forum.

Lol. Jokes aside, thanks, I have to be really cautious though. I already get all of these nutrients in high amounts. But I may try it out a sip at a time, who nows.


Jul 30, 2019
From what you just told me then the major change was the fructose, perhaps cutting it down substantially would help a lot. Meat and eggs always have choline that comes with them as well as lipotropics like B12, methionine as well. Fructose has no lipotropic agents in it, no choline, no B12, little folate(depends on the fruit), no methionine. Starch does not increase choline requirement and from what I understand will not increase liver fat. Ironically polyunsaturated fats are the least "fattening" to the liver and saturated fats increase liver fat the most in comparison.

The Sweet Truth About Liver and Egg Yolks -- Choline Matters More to Fatty Liver Than Sugar, Alcohol, or Fat | Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Interesting point, I have been trying to increase my choline intake, but hadn't thought it was that important. My fructose consumption is already pretty low. Dropped 100g cold turkey. Usually around 20g only, from a little sugar in coffee, bananas and less than a cup of OJ. Had to start being really careful. Perhaps it's an issue of time. I will wait some weeks and do some other bloodwork. I have suspicions of Addison's Disease or Gilbert's Syndrome. If it's Addison it will be pretty ironic since I'll have to take corticóides.

Regarding PUFA. Coincidentally I conducted and experiment just now. Ate some sardines for my meal. Started getting liver pain similar to fructose. Not so sure of the PUFA fattening theory lol. I had seen some posts on the forum that although SFA may increase liver FAT, PUFA increases liver fat OXIDATION, which is what leads to toxic metabolites. Fat by itself isn't the issue I think I saw @haidut 's post on if the fat in the liver is saturated, it might actually protect it somewhat.
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