Why Does High Metabolism = Better Health?



May 21, 2016
Hear! Hear! And ironically my Facebook timeline today is plastered with 'high fat was the right thing all along' posts.
It is not only yours, don't worry! xD
And stresses, PUFA and other poisons have not yet run them down so much.
So what you are saying is that those kids that are now labeled with ADHD, ADD, etc, the real culprit is PUFA instead and not sugar? Because as far as I know, removing sugar is becoming very popular to treat those disorders.
If you are hearing it while resting, there may be other things going on.
I think you want a happy medium - you don't want to risk bleeding to death with every scrape, but too sticky can raise other risks - eg excessive clotting, and maybe harder for the blood to flow through capillaries, etc. I wonder if this affects pressure and hearing the heart beat. I occasionally hear/feel my heart beat when I wake up at night, and I take it as a sign that something is off. Sometimes a drink of water fixes it (I guess it dilutes and thins the blood?). Sometimes it's fuel/food I need. Sometimes it's that I've lapsed into open-mouthed breathing (hyperventilation), and sticking my head under the covers calms things down again. If it's too strong for all those tactics, I get up and move. Doesn't happen often now.
Not only hearing, but my whole body trembles. And having sticky blood, my arteries and veins are probably suffering a little bit...
If our glycogen storage is poor, fasting too long can do more harm than good. If we have low thyroid function, too much physical work can run us down more, so shorter exertion may suit better.
I did IF during 6 months, I wonder how harmful it was to my body... I wish I knew how my glycogen depots are atm. Is it possible to increase them? For example, the fact I am never hungry, what could that mean?
Boiling doesn't do this as much as frying/baking, right? Peat usually recommends well-boiled veges.
What about steaming? Is it better or worse? It is said that steam vegetables are richer in nutrients.
It takes a bit of reorganising and planning.
The problem is that atm, I don't know what to eat :|
Do you have severe trouble with milk? Some people apparently can readapt to it by strating very small ( a little with meals) and gradually increasing over a few weeks, t give the digestive enzymes a chance to work. Unless your reactions are severe - eg anaphylactic - I imagine it would be reasonable safe to try a little cautiously and see how it goes. It may not work for yo at this time, but if it does, it can be good food. Otherwise, eggshells.
Well, is a long story.
When I was depressed one year ago, I used to drink 1, 2L of milk in one day. But on that time, I was about to commit suicide.
Then I went to a physician and she said to remove milk, gluten and sugar.
Now here I am today: looking for even better health and not thinking about tactics to commit a suicide. Do you understand what I mean?
I see milk as a bad thing now, and I am really worried if I start taking it, I can get back to that state of depression. It is really complicated. Maybe it wouldn't do any harm to me, but the moment I choose to take that step and start drinking it again, everything I did in the past would be 'destroyed' so to speak. I can't take that step alone, at least.
Nevertheless, I am still ignorant on Peat's ideas. This is, for me, right now, milk doesn't make sense. If I see how Nature works, all mammals stop drinking milk after a certain time. Why should Human still continue drinking milk?
Ketones themselvesm ay be great, but I don't know that you can get into a state that produces lots of ketones without putting yourself through destructive stress (low carb - high stress hormones).
And High-Carb with IF?
It's the rate when relaxed/at low stress that says more about BMR.
Mine, if I am slightly relaxed, it is normally 60 BPM. Which is supposed to be the 'normal' heart rate. Wouldn't 70 BPM be Tachycardia also?
I strongly recommend reading/listening to Peat's articles and interviews, even if they don't seem to stick at first. I had to reread things a few times before I got much sense out of them, and I still have more to grasp. The interviews are easier. I found it amazing how much of what I though I knew was challenged.
Yeah, I have to do that. But I must feel comfortable and stable first. Not knowing what to eat is a little complicated. Besides, my finals are approaching and I am not giving any attention to them. I feel like I have to postpone my health in order to study first. Actually, this is how the world functions, unfortunately :S
is that means you dont take supplements? sorry i didnt understand.
What I was saying was, in my opinion, taking supplements on my own is a little risky. If some physician was following me, that would make sense. I am not a scientist. I can't start taking something just because I read it on the Internet. But this is my opinion. I think I have to be more careful and learn with my own mistakes. I am the type of guy that dives in head first over night (like Tara said). Today is still 'working'... But one day, that might kill me.
Also, I really like how Nature works by itself. Start taking some meds/supplements is cheating. I prefer to use food to change my health. Otherwise my body will be dependent from meds. I took SSRIs on my entire life and it works like this: you start with 50 mg, then increase to 100 mg, then to 150 mg, then 150mg + 50 mg from another med... For me, it is a never ending cycle that I prefer to avoid.
btw best fruits in my opinion are melons,papaya,mangos.well ripped sweet ones.
What's is the thing about being truly ripped? :eek:


Jan 6, 2015
@Ukall that is great , eating good quality food(and have variety) and it gives everything you need, peat also is not a big fan of sups because of impurities in them.

** sorry i meant ripe,well ripened fruit.:)
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May 21, 2016
Well, what are you trying to fix?
If you don't want to eat sugar or milk, have you considered going on a potato diet?
Potato diet? Hmm, never heard about it. But isn't that bad because it will feed bacteria a lot?
just eating fruit and vegetables help to get calcium
Maybe this will be my solution for now...

James IV

To answer to your original question; metabolism in adulthood, is basically the rate at which your body can cleanse itself of toxicity. Toxicity comes from every aspect of our internal and external environment.
Better metabolism means more efficient detoxification. Aging is primarily the result of a buildup of toxicity since these toxins damage cellular energy production. When the build up surpasses the rate of removal and repair, you age, and eventually die. A higher metabolism keeps the detoxification at a higher rate, and therefore decelerates aging. I believe some have the idea that increased caloric need always equates to a higher metabolic rate, but that is usually not the case. In fact, the more efficient your metabolism is, the less calories you will likely need to run at maximum efficiency. Quality of calories also make massive difference. Sucrose (with accompanying minerals) likely being the most efficient source of energy.
Fasting sort of side steps this process by limiting the amount of toxins you ingest, which takes some burden off the system and allows for more energy towards detoxification. This can actually be beneficial in the short term, if you have excess fat(toxins) and damaged proteins/cells built up in your body. However, once you reach the point where you have burned the toxic fat, and damaged proteins from your system, and continue to fast, you start to enter an energy deficit and are forced to break down healthy tissue for energy, and this will cause your metabolism to down regulate in order to conserve energy. Which means you will again, enter a state where toxin removal is less efficient. This is the point at which fasting becomes damaging. Saying that fasting is bad for you is incorrect, it only becomes bad for you when you have used all of your stored energy, and you try to push below your bodies natural bodyfat set point.
Clear as mud, right?


Jan 6, 2015
calcium, this one you cant get all you need without supplement!just like sodium.


May 21, 2016
This is the point at which fasting becomes damaging. Saying that fasting is bad for you is incorrect, it only becomes bad for you when you have used all of your stored energy, and you try to push below your bodies natural bodyfat set point.
Clear as mud, right?
You're right and it is very clear indeed.
The only problem for me I think, is that I can't really listen to my body. This is, I was continuing fasting and I believed it was doing wonders for my health. It is really hard to know when to stop or continue, at least for me. Or maybe, my body gave me some signals and I just ignored them...
But not only on fasting. For example, now I don't know when I should stop or continue eating, because I don't feel any hungry at all.
calcium, this one you cant get all you need without supplement!just like sodium.
But isn't excess calcium bad too?


Jan 6, 2015
yeah in excess is bad! and some factors like vitamin a/d/k are important to manage the calcium in body..


Sep 5, 2015
Saying that fasting is bad for you is incorrect, it only becomes bad for you when you have used all of your stored energy, and you try to push below your bodies natural bodyfat set point.
Clear as mud, right?

Now to find that magic sweet spot.. hunger is definitely a help here. I have been following a rule lately never to eat if I aint hungry. I never seem to enjoy or digest well enough if I aint hungry when eating :) Maybe hunger signals that sweet spot? Or can hunger be felt before beneficial point?


Jun 12, 2013
To answer to your original question; metabolism in adulthood, is basically the rate at which your body can cleanse itself of toxicity. Toxicity comes from every aspect of our internal and external environment.
Better metabolism means more efficient detoxification. Aging is primarily the result of a buildup of toxicity since these toxins damage cellular energy production. When the build up surpasses the rate of removal and repair, you age, and eventually die. A higher metabolism keeps the detoxification at a higher rate, and therefore decelerates aging. I believe some have the idea that increased caloric need always equates to a higher metabolic rate, but that is usually not the case. In fact, the more efficient your metabolism is, the less calories you will likely need to run at maximum efficiency. Quality of calories also make massive difference. Sucrose (with accompanying minerals) likely being the most efficient source of energy.
Fasting sort of side steps this process by limiting the amount of toxins you ingest, which takes some burden off the system and allows for more energy towards detoxification. This can actually be beneficial in the short term, if you have excess fat(toxins) and damaged proteins/cells built up in your body. However, once you reach the point where you have burned the toxic fat, and damaged proteins from your system, and continue to fast, you start to enter an energy deficit and are forced to break down healthy tissue for energy, and this will cause your metabolism to down regulate in order to conserve energy. Which means you will again, enter a state where toxin removal is less efficient. This is the point at which fasting becomes damaging. Saying that fasting is bad for you is incorrect, it only becomes bad for you when you have used all of your stored energy, and you try to push below your bodies natural bodyfat set point.
Clear as mud, right?
Do you know anything about why, if someone was fasting (or at least IF'g) why they wouldn't clear estrogen? (or other toxins). I know when I used to do IF years back, I lost a lot of weight and gained muscle, but still had the hormonal imbalance I had when I was heavier. Sorry to but in here, just had to see if you had ideas.


Nov 9, 2012
In fact, the more efficient your metabolism is, the less calories you will likely need to run at maximum efficiency. Quality of calories also make massive difference. Sucrose (with accompanying minerals) likely being the most efficient source of energy.

Completely agree with the first part. I observe that healthy people are able to not worry about food for a long time, without the need for an energy fix nor rise in stress. Good metabolism means energy is used well, so the needs are satisfied and therefore you don't need a fix as often. It's called "metabolic flexibility" in studies, where ageing and disease are associated with inflexibility and broken fat or glucose metablisms. However I'm very suspicious about solving hunger by very frequent sugar feedings. Is it efficient? Yes in the short term in, it will be used. But that's almost irrelevant because if it quickly goes back into stress before the next feeding, then stress actually increased over the long term. I imagine hunger frequency and type (is it sudden and stressful or peaceful and gradual?) are excellent indicators of metabolic health.
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Mar 29, 2014
So what you are saying is that those kids that are now labeled with ADHD, ADD, etc, the real culprit is PUFA instead and not sugar? Because as far as I know, removing sugar is becoming very popular to treat those disorders.
My guess is that ADHD labels get used for some quite varied situations:
- sometimes because a child is having trouble producing enough basic energy to handle things well, and is stressed and running on adrenaline a lot
- sometimes because they are not getting enough helpful attention to deal with whatever emotional stresses they have to deal with
- sometimes because healthy children are naturally and healthily energetic, and this doesn't always fit in to the adults plans easily enough, and the adults being stretched for time and attention etc - children have lots of energy, and often get cooped up and expected to sit still and be bored and frustrated too much.

It wouldn't surprise me if PUFA is sometimes implicated, but there could be lots of other potential factors/stresses too, including insufficient nutrition on several fronts.

For example, the fact I am never hungry, what could that mean?
Lack of appetite = anorexia? Lack of available food you actually want to eat because you have been restricting too to too narrow a range?

Yeah, I have to do that. But I must feel comfortable and stable first.
Take a bit at a time as you can. Listening to interviews may be easier than complex reading when you are struggling.

The problem is that atm, I don't know what to eat :|
BTDT, still struggle some of the time. Experiment and notice what happens.

Mine, if I am slightly relaxed, it is normally 60 BPM. Which is supposed to be the 'normal' heart rate. Wouldn't 70 BPM be Tachycardia also?
"Bradycardia, also known as bradyarrhythmia, is a slow heart rate, defined as a heart rate of under 60 beats per minute (BPM) in adults.[1] Bradycardia typically does not cause symptoms until the rate drops below 50 BPM. When symptomatic, it may cause fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and at very low rates fainting."
Bradycardia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Tachycardia, also called tachyarrhythmia, is a heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate.[1] In general, a resting heart rate over 100 beats per minute is accepted as tachycardia in adults."
Tachycardia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peat has mentioned 80-90bpm being probably good.

Potato diet? Hmm, never heard about it. But isn't that bad because it will feed bacteria a lot?
If the bacteria are giving you trouble. Lots of people seem to do well on potatoes (but not everyone). Worth a try if you haven't recently.


May 21, 2016
Now to find that magic sweet spot.. hunger is definitely a help here. I have been following a rule lately never to eat if I aint hungry. I never seem to enjoy or digest well enough if I aint hungry when eating :) Maybe hunger signals that sweet spot? Or can hunger be felt before beneficial point?
I think listening to our body is the better approach indeed. After doing IF, it is said that we become Leptin Sensitive. I don't know whether this is true or not. Normally, while IF, I would feel hungry only after doing intense exercise. But later on, I was less and less hungry. I really don't know how it works... Eating started to be less pleasurable. However, there were also another variable here: I was only eating raw food. Cooked food is more addictive than raw.
But that's almost irrelevant because if it quickly goes back into stress before the next feeding, then stress actually increased over the long term.
But if the food is more complex, starch for example, that stress may be less since we are constantly receiving energy. Am I wrong?
I imagine hunger frequency and type (is it sudden and stressful or peaceful and gradual?) are excellent indicators of metabolic health.
What is being hungry for you: is it when your stomach start making noises? Or is it when you feel that you need something sugar/salt in your mouth?
My guess is that ADHD labels get used for some quite varied situations:
- sometimes because a child is having trouble producing enough basic energy to handle things well, and is stressed and running on adrenaline a lot
- sometimes because they are not getting enough helpful attention to deal with whatever emotional stresses they have to deal with
- sometimes because healthy children are naturally and healthily energetic, and this doesn't always fit in to the adults plans easily enough, and the adults being stretched for time and attention etc - children have lots of energy, and often get cooped up and expected to sit still and be bored and frustrated too much
I completely agree with you. This picture explains it very well: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BVffPix3b...GyfTL3zVjWg/s1600/Please-climb-that-tree1.png
It wouldn't surprise me if PUFA is sometimes implicated, but there could be lots of other potential factors/stresses too, including insufficient nutrition on several fronts.
Still, I don't get it why no one seems to mention PUFA and only sugar when talking about ADHD. Are they completely wrong? Sugar and ADHD - Diagnosis:Diet
Lack of appetite = anorexia? Lack of available food you actually want to eat because you have been restricting too to too narrow a range?
People who began doing IF, start having this problem too. I mean, in the beginning they had 'normal" hunger. But, after a long time, their hunger is less and less. I wanted to believe that I was using ketones as energy...
Nevertheless, I would always compensate at night even if I was not hungry. I would eat basically 2400Kcal on a feeding window of 4-6 hours. (Still, I think my body needed more protein than what I was giving it to it...). However, maybe during the day, my body was consuming itself, that's why I didn't feel hungry (or was I using ketones...?). And it got used to that (that's what Anorexia is all about?)
BTDT, still struggle some of the time. Experiment and notice what happens.
So complicated. I have been eating some random foods lately, because I seriously don't know where to start yet.
I'm experiencing some diarrhea, probably because since I stopped eating cooked foods, my body is still not adapted to it. I wonder how much time it will take to get used to it again... Maybe there, I'll reconsider what is the best food for me.
Bradycardia typically does not cause symptoms until the rate drops below 50 BPM.
I had a surgery few months ago and my heartbeat during the operation was 40 BPM :S
Peat has mentioned 80-90bpm being probably good.
I don't remember having such higher bpm. I mean, the other day after eating coconut oil + carrot I had that rate. But it was really scary :|
If the bacteria are giving you trouble.
What kind of trouble?
The diet would basically be only potatoes? Boiled potatoes all day? :O
I mean, I liked when I was only drinking OJ. Still didn't get why I was so cold all the time...


Jan 6, 2015
But if the food is more complex, starch for example, that stress may be less since we are constantly receiving energy. Am I wrong?
if you have glycogen stores in account then it doesnt differ much, and sugar is better to refill glycogen stores.


Mar 15, 2014
You bring out an interesting discussion. Native Asians tend to be lower metabolically due to lower calorie diet compared to Westerners, but they also age well and live longer. Maybe @tyw can gives his two cents in this?

Could it just be that Asians naturally have lower levels of excitatory substances than Caucasians? That would lead to greater energy expenditure without actually having better mitochondrial function. Excitatory substances increase energy expenditure as long as there is stored energy available to meet those demands, or as long as the metabolic rate is high enough to compensate.

They seem to tolerate a lot of glutamate compared to Caucasians. They also seem to shun excess sugar, eat a lot of starch, and fiber. They also undergo puberty at later ages, and don't experience thymal atrophy.


Sep 11, 2013
Very interesting.
Do people here, who start having high metabolism, start feeling more 'intelligent' (less brain fog, better memory, etc)?

I feel more like a human being :) Much less brain fog as well indeed.
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