What Is Going On With Me?


May 1, 2016
Ok, so this may be fairly long and I apologize but I need help!

I've come to the conclusion something is wrong with me, not sure what, but thinking my thyroid may be a part of it.

I was fed soymilk as a baby. Growing up I was fine tolerating milk until in my early twenties discovered that it was contributing almost 100% to my acne.

I've had acne ever since I was about 17/18. I believe the acne I had then was normal teenage acne, but it later turned into cystic acne, and I am still suffering from it at age 26 which has created horrible scaring. For the most part, my acne is under control as long as my diet is controlled.

I started to get acne only on my right side of my face. Main areas were the jawline and neck, but also my cheeks. Years and years later, after taking either multivitamin or fish oil, I broke out on my left side.

Lately my breakouts have been my right jawline, right neck area, and center neck under chin.

Now, I find my acne culprits a little too late, damage has been done: sugar (added sugar, not fruit), dairy, fried foods.

What I do eat: meat, eggs, organ meats, veggies, fruit, nuts, beans (mostly chick peas) kefir (low-fat kefir from a certain brand is the only thing I can tolerate, it seems when I try whole milk kefir from a different brand, whole milk version of brand I buy is not available, I break out, which is puzzling me as to why)

I cut out all grains last summer and lots of the redness on my face has decreased greatly along with helping control my panic attacks. Another reason for cutting out grains is it causes nasal congestion, I already can't breathe well out of my nose (I know, terrible for health), but grains/rice always make it where I can't my nose clogs up 100%. I notice my breathing through my nose gets worse when I lie down to sleep. I feel as if I have been so accustomed to mouth breathing that it is something I need to concentrate on to even breathe out of my nose. I don't know why I can't breathe out of my nose, I really do need to go get it checked out, and the only thing I can think of is mold exposure, but that was years ago.

Ok, so back to the thyroid suspicions.

-feeling super tired (I don't feel that tired anymore after cutting out grains/rice/sugar/dairy)
-feeling cold (usually only with cold weather, my extremities feel cold, at times I've felt like a sheet of ice)
-winters are super hard to get through, dread them
-dry skin
-dry hair
-hair not growing (seems that it grows but breaks easily, therefore feels like it doesn't grow)
-very coarse
-drier eyes (i used to be able to wear contacts from morning til night, now I notice they are uncomfortable after a short period of time
-bad night vision (all lights now produce starbursts and or halos)
-dry mouth (suspect it is from mouth breathing, but I do feel like my saliva has decreased substantially)
-enamel problems (i don't know if this is from mouth breathing or not, but my teeth are seriously starting to suffer, i've never been the type to go to a dentist as my teeth were always fine even if i didn't brush them, but i am starting to see enamel wearing away/holes)
-yellow/orange skin tone especially hands and feet (even worse when eating sweet potatoes/kale,suspected problem with beta carotene, blood test years ago did show elevated bilirubin)
-anxiety/panic attacks/depression (never before did I experience panic or anxiety, just started a couple of years ago, the panic attacks are usually between 1-3 am, at times during the day i experience the adrenalin like feeling throughout my body. i began intermittment fasting last summer because I noticed eating before bed would create panic along with eliminating grains/rice/sugar. white potatoes also make me panic)
-brain fog
-bad memory
-horrible sleep (never feel well rested)
-no motivation

My pulse is around 60ish beats per minute. Need to get a thermometer and take my temperature. My periods are normal. I'm not overweight, but also not where I would like to be, there is visible fat on me though. Most of my fat is in my love handle area/stomach/thighs. I'm 5'7" and 135 lbs. Would like to be 120-125. It is very difficult for me to drop weight easily.

There has been heavy stress in these last few years, which I know is horrible. While I am still stressed, it is substantially less.

I do feel way better after changing my diet, most of the fatigue is gone, but still have a bunch of problems.

I started to eat beef liver last summer, went through a period where I fell in love with eating it, and then a period where I was sickened by the thought of eating it. I just started recently eating beef liver again and I love it.

I cook everything with coconut oil. I recently started eating coconut oil with 1-2 carrots. I started at 1 tblsp upped it to two quickly and noticed significant increased daytime anxiety/adrenalin feeling and may have triggered a nighttime panic attack). I am back to one tbls today.

I probably forgot some things but hoping someone has some feedback. I do need to go see a doctor but trying to figure out who to find that is actually educated on this stuff. I just discovered Ray Peat so trying to understand all his findings.
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May 1, 2016
Here's something I found along the way that resonated with me


  • IMG_7427.PNG
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Apr 3, 2016
Going to breakdown some of your symptoms with my minimal knowledge and try to help out a bit.
  • Acne: It's a tough one, and there's no one-stop cure for everyone. I experienced acne for a brief period age 18-19. The culprit for me was literally just the soap I was using. Stopped using soap and it cleared up. Nowadays I don't wash my face with anything but water. For you, it could be you need to balance your vitamins and minerals. How much sun do you get daily? (Vitamin D) Do you take any Vitamin A supplements? Finding the optimal balance between A, E, D, and K can do wonders for your skin. Maybe get a basic metabolic panel blood test done. It could very well also be your hormones, so getting a hormone test done might benefit you as well. I think tests are great.
  • Can't breath out of nose: Do you have a history of having allergies? Have you tried taking an anti-histamine?
  • Feeling cold: I dealt with this one as well and was one of the main reasons I started following Peat. My extremities were also usually cold for the past 5 or so years. The main thing that has helped me with this is eating more! Especially sugars/carbs; they do wonders for warming up my body. Bag breathing also helps. You're supposed to do it through your nose, but breathing the recycled CO2 also helps warm up my extremities. Do for a few minutes a few times a day. Peat is a big advocate of bag breathing and raising CO2 levels.
  • Dry skin/hair: I have noticed improvements in this realm after getting on a Peat-inspired diet. A myriad of things could be influencing your skin/hair. Stress, lack/unbalance of vitamins/minerals, hormones, water quality, etc. If you live in an area with hard water, consider getting a Vitamin C water filter. Eat more butter/coconut oil. Avoid PUFA. Get an adequate amount of A, E, D, and K. Get out in the sun. Meditate. Be happy. :)
  • Yellow/orange skin tone: Could be elevated levels of beta-carotene. Try to just have one large carrot daily. Peel it long-ways. Rinse the carrot shreds to remove some of the beta-carotene. Maybe avoid eating sweet potatoes for a bit. See if this symptom improves.
  • Low pulse: It may very well be that you have compromised your metabolic rate over the years. You should focusing on eating to raise your metabolic rate. Fortunately, you're in the right place for learning how to do that. :)
Some general tips based on the things you've written:
  • Try eating more fruits/sugar. Drink a lot of OJ if your stomach can handle it. If not, try watermelon juice/apple juice/coconut water. Just find ways to incorporate more sugar into your diet. This is one thing that I feel is really helping me (and a lot of others would say the same on this forum). I really think this could help with your sleep, energy, anxiety, stress, coldness, and more.
  • Add salt to foods.
  • Drink water only when you're thirsty. Listen to your body. (These days I pretty much just drink juice/milk)
  • Go get some blood tests done if you can. Basic metabolic panel. Thyroid hormones. Stress hormones. Anything else you might feel you need.
  • For sleep, try eating something sugary/salty before bed. Sometimes I do warm milk with honey and then just shake some salt into my mouth because I don't like salty drinks haha. I've read a lot of people recommending the sugar/salt for sleep thing and it does seem to help.
  • Try goat milk or organic grass-fed milk if you have a hard time with regular milk.
  • Get some gelatin in your diet. Make jello, eat chicharones, oxtail, etc.
  • It's awesome you're eating liver. Keep that up! It's the most nutrient-dense food out there!
  • Meditate. Helps to clear the mind and restore peace.
  • Fill your life with things you love. Do more of the things you love.
Hope that helped you out a bit! Welcome to the forum!


May 1, 2016
Blood Test from 2012:
Bilirubin 2.6 mg/dL
Iron 169 mcg/dL
TSH 1.39 mcIU/L
Free Thryoxine (FT4) 1.5 ng/dL
Vitamin D: 37 ng/mL

Planning on getting a new test done. What should I be testing?


May 1, 2016
Also, I actually think my periods have changed in amount. They used to be what I would call a normal amount, now they seem to be lighter.


Make sure you have coffee and something sweet with any liver (or any meat for that matter).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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