The Single Most Effective Change That Boosted Your Thyroid


Jul 8, 2014
At times, I'll get this insatiable thirst and craving to chug down a lot of OJ or apple juice. My cells must be craving the fruit sugar badly.
That would happen to me when I was experiencing a hypoglycemic episode.
I might have to try an NDT product.
Where do you get your Calcium from?
From mainly nettles -- I take a concentrated nettle tincture with a 1:1 ratio.
Dec 18, 2018
Lately, a low morning dose of hydrocortisone (around 1,25 mg) has made a net improve feeling of resilience, fatigue and stamina.

Can you advise how to get such low dosages?compounding Pharmacy?Single dosage in the morning?How long does the subjective effects last.This dose is low,what is your idea of onset of suppression of endogenous synthesis,10mg,15mg?
Dec 18, 2018
At times, I'll get this insatiable thirst and craving to chug down a lot of OJ or apple juice. My cells must be craving the fruit sugar badly.

If you are doing high Carb,you should check for insulin resistant type of hyperglycemia associated signs and measure glucose and such.What were your energylevels on Carnivore?Have you had an background of ketogenic Dieting and decreased also vegetables for deeper ketosis or Carnivore from the get-go?


Aug 9, 2019
@Tristan Loscha I have hypoglicemia episodes. Have had before Carnivore, I just didn't realize that at that point.
I also did strict Keto before. On Carnivore, I was in confirmed deep ketosis as long as I kept my fat intake very high. I would often hit therapeutic levels, very deep ketosis.
Very pool energy levels on Carnivore, they never improved.
I have a blood sugar meter in my house, I'm just out of stripes.


Nov 22, 2017
There's no magic bullet here, but anything which lowers your stress contributes to improved thyroid function

This is absolutely true. ANY stress will prevent conversion of T4 into T3. Schizophrenics for example, need more b-vitamin supplements or they can't convert T4 into T3. Sometimes the stress can mean severe nutritional deficiencies (solved by liver and shellfish), or a chronic source of a toxin (fluoride, estrogen in water) or mold exposure.

Aside from practicing self-love/self-acceptance

This is also fundamental. Acceptance and being aware of the aspects of your life/past which cause emotional pain can alleviate underlying physiological process which prevent growth and development. Which makes sense, seeing as a stressed organism will want to conserve resources, and not ramp up metabolic function. Which is why depression/mental disorders are almost always characterized by serotonin dominance / hypothyroidism state.

Chronic emotional stress is possibly the most powerful of stressor, and I've heard stories of people increasing their temperature significantly from leaving a toxic relationship, switching careers etc.

Improving conversion of T4 to T3 can take a long time, and probably involves lifestyle changes, and that is why Ray recommends higher T4:T3 ratios (with more T3 relative to T4) initially for very sick people. Frequent dosages of T3 are necessary and helpful, but often morning temperatures stay low for a long time, because of poor conversion of T4 to T3 during the night. NDT may be easier for really bad cases, but again, it should be increased slowly like Broda Barnes used to do and always taken with a lot of food.

Experimentation is key, but it's unreasonable to expect thyroid supplementation to work magic on its own without a host of other interventions to accompany it.


Aug 9, 2019
When I was stuck in learned helplessness, I could barely motivate myself to clean my apartment. I live alone. The floor, desks in my bedroom were often filled with dust.
Also, my balcony wall is not well insulated, so in the winder it gets condensed and mold forms. I leaved it be, didn't bother with it.
How close do you have to be to mold to hurt you? Do the effects last after you've gotten rid of it?


Nov 22, 2017
When I was stuck in learned helplessness, I could barely motivate myself to clean my apartment. I live alone. The floor, desks in my bedroom were often filled with dust.
Also, my balcony wall is not well insulated, so in the winder it gets condensed and mold forms. I leaved it be, didn't bother with it.
How close do you have to be to mold to hurt you? Do the effects last after you've gotten rid of it?

Are you more motivated now? Sadly the mold effects linger long after you've gotten rid of it, because it's in your system?
If you eat right, and ramp up your thyroid you should have extra energy to clean your apartment, and make it as clean
as possible. Watch YouTube videos, and learn to clean with basic products, give yourself a challenge to keep your apartment
tidy and clean, that alone will remove a powerful stressor from the allergens (dust etc.) and mental (a messy apartment is a constant source of stress)
Dec 18, 2018
@Tristan Loscha I have hypoglicemia episodes. Have had before Carnivore, I just didn't realize that at that point.
I also did strict Keto before. On Carnivore, I was in confirmed deep ketosis as long as I kept my fat intake very high. I would often hit therapeutic levels, very deep ketosis.
Very pool energy levels on Carnivore, they never improved.
I have a blood sugar meter in my house, I'm just out of stripes.

interesting,thank you for the reply.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
A fellow 'Peater' sent me a PDF of Broda Barnes book, "Solved, the Riddle of Heart Disease". Dr. Barnes draws the conclusion that low thyroid function is leading to heart disease. Aside a few references to iodine, just recommendations on thyroid supplementation.

Any thoughts on supplementing with iodine and iodide? E.g. Lugols' solution?


Sep 27, 2018
When I was stuck in learned helplessness, I could barely motivate myself to clean my apartment. I live alone. The floor, desks in my bedroom were often filled with dust.
Also, my balcony wall is not well insulated, so in the winder it gets condensed and mold forms. I leaved it be, didn't bother with it.
How close do you have to be to mold to hurt you? Do the effects last after you've gotten rid of it?

Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome in Patients Exposed to Indoor Air Dampness Microbiota Treated Successfully with Triiodothyronine


Nov 22, 2017
A fellow 'Peater' sent me a PDF of Broda Barnes book, "Solved, the Riddle of Heart Disease". Dr. Barnes draws the conclusion that low thyroid function is leading to heart disease. Aside a few references to iodine, just recommendations on thyroid supplementation.

Any thoughts on supplementing with iodine and iodide? E.g. Lugols' solution?

Ray doesn't recommend it at all. He argues quite convincingly that we already get too much of it.
Iodide is different, as Japanese people eat tons of seaweed with no adverse thyroid effects.
The problem is, and it's gotten worse since Fukushima, seaweed is often contaminated.

Best bet is to eat regular quality shellfish, and supplement with some thyroid for a while.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
A thought on mold (reposted my former post):

I know of a person that lived in an apartment here I Reno with mold problems. He got so sick that his doctor gave him not much longer to live. He couldn’t move out of the apartment because he was out of work and couldn’t afford the deposit on a new apartment. He sat in a death trap. He learned about chlorine dioxide and tried it out. Over the course of a couple month he recovered to the point that his doctor gave him a clean bill of health!


Nov 22, 2017
A thought on mold (reposted my former post):

I know of a person that lived in an apartment here I Reno with mold problems. He got so sick that his doctor gave him not much longer to live. He couldn’t move out of the apartment because he was out of work and couldn’t afford the deposit on a new apartment. He sat in a death trap. He learned about chlorine dioxide and tried it out. Over the course of a couple month he recovered to the point that his doctor gave him a clean bill of health!

I've just gone through a 2+ year illness with severe respiratory distress (partly) because of mold. There are therapies which help, but the single best thing to do is to get outta dodge. No one can expect to be healthy with mold exposure.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I've just gone through a 2+ year illness with severe respiratory distress (partly) because of mold. There are therapies which help, but the single best thing to do is to get outta dodge. No one can expect to be healthy with mold exposure.

Absolutely! The fellow I mentioned was out of work due to his mold exposure and couldn't move because he didn't have the money to pay for a deposit plus one month's rent. So he was trapped! He couldn't move. It could have killed him. The chlorine dioxide got him back on his feet, got him go back to work, and finally made him able to move out of that dreadful place. It was a friend of a friend of mine. I met him maybe a year later and he was fine. My friend recommended the chlorine dioxide (MMS drops) to him, and told me that his friend had tears in his eyes, when this person told my friend that his doctor had given him a clean bill of health.


Nov 22, 2017
Absolutely! The fellow I mentioned was out of work due to his mold exposure and couldn't move because he didn't have the money to pay for a deposit plus one month's rent. So he was trapped! He couldn't move. It could have killed him. The chlorine dioxide got him back on his feet, got him go back to work, and finally made him able to move out of that dreadful place. It was a friend of a friend of mine. I met him maybe a year later and he was fine. My friend recommended the chlorine dioxide (MMS drops) to him, and told me that his friend had tears in his eyes, when this person told my friend that his doctor had given him a clean bill of health.

I can see how that would get him emotional. Sickness from mold exposure has robbed many people of years of their lives. If I had known what I know now, I would have left even faster, and used anti-histamines like cyproheptadine or even vitamin C in large doses.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Ray doesn't recommend it at all. He argues quite convincingly that we already get too much of it....

Thanks! I did a search and found this post here:

Ray Peat On Iodine

Interesting. Regards, Stephan

EDIT: I looked up how much one drop of Lugol's solution contains.

Calculating Number of MG's of Iodine per Drop of Lugol's Solution

5% solution: 6.25mg, 2% solution: 2.5 mg.

The long term side effects:

"Side effects may include nausea and stomach pain, runny nose, headache, metallic taste, and diarrhea.

In sensitive people, iodine can cause side effects including swelling of the lips and face (angioedema), severe bleeding and bruising, fever, joint pain, lymph node enlargement, hives, and death. However, such sensitivity is very rare.

Large amounts or long-term use of iodine are POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Adults should avoid prolonged use of doses higher than 1100 mcg per day (the upper tolerable limit, UL) without proper medical supervision. In children, doses should not exceed 200 mcg per day for children 1 to 3 years old, 300 mcg per day for children 4 to 8 years old, 600 mcg per day for children 9 to 13 years old, and 900 mcg per day for adolescents. These are the upper tolerable limits (UL)."

Iodine: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning

So a single drop of Lugol's solution per day is already too much...
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Nov 26, 2012
Can you advise how to get such low dosages?compounding Pharmacy?Single dosage in the morning?How long does the subjective effects last.This dose is low,what is your idea of onset of suppression of endogenous synthesis,10mg,15mg?
I cut a 10 mg tablet in eighths and I take it, in a single dosage, at the end of my breakfast (around 7h30).
I would say that the objective effects vanish around mid-afternoon.
My idea is that even a moderate dose of 10 mg begins to mess-up with endogenous synthesis and I consider the drug safe for a dose up to 2,5-3 mg. Beyond 10 mg, I feel that calcium and protective anabolic hormones (dhea, testosterone, pregnenolone...) need to be taken as well.
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