The Single Most Effective Change That Boosted Your Thyroid

Dec 18, 2018
I cut a 10 mg tablet in eighths and I take it, in a single dosage, at the end of my breakfast (around 7h30).
I would say that the objective effects vanish around mid-afternoon.
My idea is that even a moderate dose of 10 mg begins to mess-up with endogenous synthesis and I consider the drug safe for a dose up to 2,5-3 mg. Beyond 10 mg, I feel that calcium and protective anabolic hormones (dhea, testosterone, pregnenolone...) need to be taken as well.

thank you very much indeed.For even more stable dosage levels,uneven distribution of material in tablets,a possibility is to crush the tablet finely and gauge visually an approximation of the amount needed.There are even Hydrocortisone sprays for skin irritation and eyedropsolutions with ingredients good for oral consumption if highly precise dosage is desired.
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Nov 26, 2012
@Tristan Loscha, thanks for your advice. Do you have any product in mind regarding the eye drop solutions?
I do sometimes use a B12 containing eye drop as an orally B12 supplement but never thought about it for hydrocortisone.
Dec 18, 2018
@Tristan Loscha, thanks for your advice. Do you have any product in mind regarding the eye drop solutions?
I do sometimes use a B12 containing eye drop as an orally B12 supplement but never thought about it for hydrocortisone.

Im living in Germany,what is your Worldregion?Probably USA?For Germany,i can post a recommendation,also for German,Swiss or Austrian onlookers and emigres.Good News is that probably all Eyedrop Solutions will be perfectly safe for oral consumption,in part due to the delicate fragility of the Human Eye.
0.4 Millilitres is one satchel or eyedrop-container,which would equate to 1.34mg of Disodium(hydrocortisone-21-phosphate) per 0.4ml container,which the manufacturer is saying equates to 1mg of Hydrocortisone.

Was Softacort enthält
- Der Wirkstoff ist: Dinatrium(hydrocortison-21-phosphat).

("What Softacort contains")
("Active Ingredient : Disodium(hydrocortisone-21-phosphate")

1 ml Augentropfen, Lösung enthält 3,35 mg Dinatrium(hydrocortison-21-phosphat) .

("1ml Eyedrops, Solution contains 3.35mg Disodium(hydrocortisone-21-phosphate").

- Die sonstigen Bestandteile sind: Natriummonohydrogenphosphat-Dodecahydrat (Ph.Eur.),
Natriumdihydrogenphosphat 1 H2O, Natriumchlorid, Natriumedetat (Ph.Eur.), Salzsäure (zur pH-Wert-Einstellung), Wasser für Injektionszwecke

("- further ingredients are:Sodiummonohydrogenphosphate-Dodecahydrate (Ph.Eur.)("USP"),Sodiumdihydrogenphosphate 1H2O,Sodiumchloride,Sodiumedetate(Ph.Eur.)("USP"),Hydrochloric Acid(pH-adjustment),Water for Injection")
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Jul 8, 2014
This is also fundamental. Acceptance and being aware of the aspects of your life/past which cause emotional pain can alleviate underlying physiological process which prevent growth and development. Which makes sense, seeing as a stressed organism will want to conserve resources, and not ramp up metabolic function. Which is why depression/mental disorders are almost always characterized by serotonin dominance / hypothyroidism state.

Chronic emotional stress is possibly the most powerful of stressor, and I've heard stories of people increasing their temperature significantly from leaving a toxic relationship, switching careers etc.

Improving conversion of T4 to T3 can take a long time, and probably involves lifestyle changes, and that is why Ray recommends higher T4:T3 ratios (with more T3 relative to T4) initially for very sick people. Frequent dosages of T3 are necessary and helpful, but often morning temperatures stay low for a long time, because of poor conversion of T4 to T3 during the night. NDT may be easier for really bad cases, but again, it should be increased slowly like Broda Barnes used to do and always taken with a lot of food.

Experimentation is key, but it's unreasonable to expect thyroid supplementation to work magic on its own without a host of other interventions to accompany it.
Yeah, absolutely! Emotional stress, how we perceive things and I'd add, how we perceive ourselves, definitely have an impact on the thyroid and adrenals IME. There were very adult things I experienced as a child that were outside of my control but then there were decisions I made that I thought were in my best interest when in reality, they stemmed from low self-worth and this nearly cost me my life. Diet and supplements helped, no doubt, but I would not have come as far as I have had I not made the effort to love myself like my life depended on it because it did/does. I no longer see it as selfish but as survival, meeting one of my basic needs. :)


Nov 22, 2017
Yeah, absolutely! Emotional stress, how we perceive things and I'd add, how we perceive ourselves, definitely have an impact on the thyroid and adrenals IME. There were very adult things I experienced as a child that were outside of my control but then there were decisions I made that I thought were in my best interest when in reality, they stemmed from low self-worth and this nearly cost me my life. Diet and supplements helped, no doubt, but I would not have come as far as I have had I not made the effort to love myself like my life depended on it because it did/does. I no longer see it as selfish but as survival, meeting one of my basic needs. :)

I relate to your story more than you can imagine. It's important to work on our emotional well-being, and how we perceive our past, and our sense of self. I too developed some coping mechanisms to certain events as a child/young teenager, which seemed to work for a while, but also stunted my development at some point. Making an effort to love ourselves, and break free of shame, regret etc. which are low-energy emotions, is necessary to go back to being human, and this can have a powerful influence on thyroid. Simply having a purpose and accomplishing concrete things makes a big difference to morning temperatures.

It's a two-way street. Thyroid supplementation can help you make the changes to your environment, and those changes can in turn increase thyroid function. I think many people on this forum expect their problems to be magically solved with thyroid supplementation, and it can help a lot, but there is a lot more factors at play which affect the conversion of T4 to T3. I think synthetic thyroid can be a problem because people don't take small doses and in a stress state they can't convert T4 to T3 and you start creating a backlog, and rT3 and a host of other problems.

NDT is metabolized differently (seeing as the supplement doesn't contain hormones in of itself), and won't typically cause rT3 problems, especially if the doses are increased very progressively, and taken with food.


Aug 9, 2017
Eating >3500 calories of nutritious low PUFA foods everyday for 2-3 years was the main thing for me; T3/T4 helped too when I was at my lowest but after some time it actually hindered my progress and everything got more "stable" (mood, energy, temp...) after I stopped taking them.
Dec 18, 2018
Lately, a low morning dose of hydrocortisone (around 1,25 mg) has made a net improve feeling of resilience, fatigue and stamina.

Can you elaborate more on the effects you are experiencing,it is very low dose,but do you already get more Puffiness in the Face,even transient?appetite and appearance,does it intensify the morning nausea,since when are you consuming it,do you have augmentation effects like need for increase of dosage.


Feb 23, 2020
I relate to your story more than you can imagine. It's important to work on our emotional well-being, and how we perceive our past, and our sense of self. I too developed some coping mechanisms to certain events as a child/young teenager, which seemed to work for a while, but also stunted my development at some point. Making an effort to love ourselves, and break free of shame, regret etc. which are low-energy emotions, is necessary to go back to being human, and this can have a powerful influence on thyroid. Simply having a purpose and accomplishing concrete things makes a big difference to morning temperatures.

It's a two-way street. Thyroid supplementation can help you make the changes to your environment, and those changes can in turn increase thyroid function. I think many people on this forum expect their problems to be magically solved with thyroid supplementation, and it can help a lot, but there is a lot more factors at play which affect the conversion of T4 to T3. I think synthetic thyroid can be a problem because people don't take small doses and in a stress state they can't convert T4 to T3 and you start creating a backlog, and rT3 and a host of other problems.

NDT is metabolized differently (seeing as the supplement doesn't contain hormones in of itself), and won't typically cause rT3 problems, especially if the doses are increased very progressively, and taken with food.
And what about if I'm not hungry for eating
a considerable amount of nutritious food (tubers, meat, fish, eggs, liver, milk, fruit, butter) to achieve a minimum of calories (2000 calories).
Is it better to eat more calories from bread, refined flour, refined sugar, etc.?
I'm always bloated.


Jul 8, 2014
I relate to your story more than you can imagine. It's important to work on our emotional well-being, and how we perceive our past, and our sense of self. I too developed some coping mechanisms to certain events as a child/young teenager, which seemed to work for a while, but also stunted my development at some point. Making an effort to love ourselves, and break free of shame, regret etc. which are low-energy emotions, is necessary to go back to being human, and this can have a powerful influence on thyroid. Simply having a purpose and accomplishing concrete things makes a big difference to morning temperatures.

It's a two-way street. Thyroid supplementation can help you make the changes to your environment, and those changes can in turn increase thyroid function. I think many people on this forum expect their problems to be magically solved with thyroid supplementation, and it can help a lot, but there is a lot more factors at play which affect the conversion of T4 to T3. I think synthetic thyroid can be a problem because people don't take small doses and in a stress state they can't convert T4 to T3 and you start creating a backlog, and rT3 and a host of other problems.

NDT is metabolized differently (seeing as the supplement doesn't contain hormones in of itself), and won't typically cause rT3 problems, especially if the doses are increased very progressively, and taken with food.
Ah, so we have more than our love of B2M in common. :) But yeah, it helps to see how everything is connected and affects our health, even our connection to each other/external energy, though, being sensitive to energy can be challenging. It has taken me a long time to realise that not everything I'm feeling is my own energy. It can make social interactions hard sometimes, especially if someone is secretly suffering and it's your nature to want to make things better. And I agree that having something to accomplish makes a difference. My dangling carrot is a mountain. The need to climb it one last time keeps my internal fire stoked, for sure.

I think I may have misunderstood how NDT works because I was under the impression that it does contain active hormones, though, I think they remove calcitonin to sell as a separate product. I know that a lot of over the counter thyroid glandulars aren't standardized, but supposedly WP Thyroid is -- 1 grain (my dose) is said to contain 38 mcg of T4 and 9 mcg of T3. So it doesn't actually contain hormones or they're not metabolized like our own and the synthetics/sodium salts?


Nov 22, 2017
NDT contains T4/T3. Mrchibbs is wrong.

I am always open to being wrong, but I'm pretty certain I heard Ray speak about this, saying that you shouldn't be able to measure any T3 or T4 directly in any extract, but that it would get metabolized in the body into a certain ratio depending on the the glandular product taken. I think it was on One Radio Network last year. At the end of the day it's semantics, but that is what I meant when I said there is no active hormones.
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Nov 29, 2017
I am always open to being wrong, but I'm pretty certain I heard Ray speak about this, saying that you shouldn't be able to measure any T3 or T4 directly in any extract, but that it would get metabolized in the body into a certain ratio depending on the the glandular product taken. I think it was on One Radio Network last year. At the end of the day it's semantics, but that is what I meant when I said there is no active hormones.

I recall hearing Peat say something along those lines. I’ve never taken thyroid hormones or NDT so i can’t comment either way though.


Nov 22, 2017
I recall hearing Peat say something along those lines. I’ve never taken thyroid hormones or NDT so i can’t comment either way though.

Oof it's comforting to know I didn't just dream that. And good for you for not taking thyroid, you don't have to deal with all the drama of thyroid supplementation :laughing:


Sep 3, 2016
Aside from practicing self-love/self-acceptance, the most effective change for boosting my thyroid so far has been the addition of NDT (WP Thyroid) and pairing salted gelatinous protein (for me, shellfish and marine collagen) with freshly pressed juice at every meal. I experienced benefits from raw fruitarianism and carnivore (honey and dairy free), but didn't experience both high temps and warm extremities until I combined the two diets -- I now consistently wake with 98.6° (37°) temps that rise to 99°+ (37.22°+) during the day, with toasty extremities. :)

do you just take NDT or take T3 as well? Do you dose the best in the AM or PM?


Nov 28, 2014
I am always open to being wrong, but I'm pretty certain I heard Ray speak about this, saying that you shouldn't be able to measure any T3 or T4 directly in any extract, but that it would get metabolized in the body into a certain ratio depending on the the glandular product taken. I think it was on One Radio Network last year. At the end of the day it's semantics, but that is what I meant when I said there is no active hormones.
Yes, I remember that too. In NDT the t4 and t3 are bound to something, carrier proteins I think. As the NDT is digested, the t4 and t3 are freed. In synthetics, such as Cynoplus, the t4 and t3 are already free, so they tend to work faster. People with poor digestion might have trouble using NDT for this reason.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017

And what about if I'm not hungry for eating
a considerable amount of nutritious food (tubers, meat, fish, eggs, liver, milk, fruit, butter) to achieve a minimum of calories (2000 calories).
Is it better to eat more calories from bread, refined flour, refined sugar, etc.?
I'm always bloated.
Histamine, serotonin, glutamate and the catecholamines are often involved in satiety. Most people that take cyproheptadine experience an increase in appetite, because it blocks serotonin and histamine.
Dec 18, 2018

And what about if I'm not hungry for eating
a considerable amount of nutritious food (tubers, meat, fish, eggs, liver, milk, fruit, butter) to achieve a minimum of calories (2000 calories).
Is it better to eat more calories from bread, refined flour, refined sugar, etc.?
I'm always bloated.

Does the bloating come from milk?Ever tried Lactase to troubleshoot a part of the issue?


Aug 28, 2018
Eating easily-digestible foods that you enjoy in sufficient quantities evenly spaced throughout the day.


Sep 27, 2018
Yes, I remember that too. In NDT the t4 and t3 are bound to something, carrier proteins I think. As the NDT is digested, the t4 and t3 are freed. In synthetics, such as Cynoplus, the t4 and t3 are already free, so they tend to work faster. People with poor digestion might have trouble using NDT for this reason.

Exactly. Which means that there actually is T4/T3 in the glandular product, which upon digestion gets freed up and then acts like regular synthetic thyroid.
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