B1, Cannabis, cigarettes and workouts cause brain inflammation, LSD reverses it - I want your opinion


Jul 13, 2014
I don't think so, I have tried carnivore many times and it made everything worse. However, my diet is mainly centered around meat, fruits, honey, oriental sweet potato, a little bit of veggies and some dairy products from time to time.

For DOI, the total duration that is between 16 to 24h will just mess with sleep, It's not worth it. Not to mention the fact that it lacks D2 agonism which is the reason why I switched from microdosing Psylocibin to LSD which made a huge difference in digestion, libido and somehow reversed my tolerance to caffeine.

I used to grow magic mushrooms. I have done quit a lot of heroïc trips for 3 years straight, however my body couldn't tolerate mushrooms anymore after the 3 day fast.

Natural doesn't mean safe, mushrooms can exhaust your metabolism in the long run and can get you to some dark places too, not as intense/long as LSD for sure.
Hoewever LSD lacks the empathogenic space that can offer others naturals psychedelics compounds which is more favorable to anxiety and paranoïa.

At the end, I'm not a big fan either of high dose LSD trips. I'm using it mainly at around 10-15mcg 2 to 3 times a week for it's anti-serotonergic, and D2 agonist benefits.

I'd like to know what you mean by lasting mental issues, any psychedelic compound will if not used properly.
why would you ever do a 3 day fast before taking magic mushrooms?. complete insanity
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
why would you ever do a 3 day fast before taking magic mushrooms?. complete insanity
That's not what I said, I said that my body couldn't tolerate mushrooms anymore after an extended fast that I did, not that I took mushrooms right after an extended fast.

You don't have to be that rude.
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