Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Copper is the crucial element for producing the color in hair and skin, for maintaining the elasticity of skin and blood vessels, for protecting against certain types of free radical, and especially for allowing us to use oxygen properly for the production of biological energy. It is also necessary for the normal functioning of certain nerve cells (substantia nigra) whose degeneration is involved in Parkinson's disease. The shape and texture of hair, as well as its color, can change in a copper deficiency. Too much iron can block our absorption of copper, and too little copper makes us store too much iron. With aging, our tissues lose copper as they store excess iron. Because of those changes, we need more vitamin E as we age.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“One of the most potent solutions for greying hair, onion also promotes hair growth. When mixed with lemon juice, it lends a shine and bounce to the hair. Mix 2-3 tsp of onion juice, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and 1 tsp of olive oil. Massage evenly into the scalp and hair and wash off after an hour.”

“An effective solution for greying hair, onion also promotes hair growth. It increases the enzyme, Catalase, thus darkening the hair. When combined with lemon juice, it gives a shine and bounce to the hair.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“I recall my dad who enlisted in the military during the Korean War say that he left for Korea with a full head of thick hair and came back bald in just a few years. He was convinced he had contracted a parasite while there, that caused him to rapidly lose his hair. Maybe certain parasites can trigger this phenomenon, and it depends on each person’s constitution and gut micro biome as to whether they can overcome it or at leas keep it in check.” -Nicole W (forum member)

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Invasive organism such as parasites and fungi can cause hair loss. Both of these survive on the same food that you eat. This means that if you are infected with one of these organisms your body could lose nutrients and become undernourished.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Invasive organism such as parasites and fungi can cause hair loss. Both of these survive on the same food that you eat. This means that if you are infected with one of these organisms your body could lose nutrients and become undernourished.”

“How does MSM help with parasites?
MSM has proven to be a very effective treatment for parasites. Research shows that MSM works by laying a coating over the intestinal areas where some types of parasites normally attach themselves. This coating makes it impossible for parasites to attach themselves to your body. Since they are not attached to your body, the parasites are simply flushed out of your system through the process of elimination. MSM can be used against worms, giardia, trichomonas, and other types of parasites. Making sure that you have an adequate daily intake of MSM can help to ensure that the parasites do not have a chance to make themselves at home inside your body. MSM has the ability to return the parasite susceptible tissue to normalcy with no impairment or injury to host. MSM has an alleviating or curing effect on a variety of parasitic systemic microbial infections.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Many of you have seen / discussed the guy on youtube that has regrown hair by juicing onions, garlic and ACV then applying it to his head - he has a protocol referred to as OGV (Onion, garlic and Vinegar).

The protocol also includes Nizoral, but I'm not concerned with the Nizoral, its obvious what its role in the protocol is.

What seems obvious is that the OGV concoction, like the Nizoral, is also very much anti-fungal. But is that all it does? Is there something else at play here?“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Let’s dive a little deeper into how rosemary water helps hair growth, as that seems to be the most sought-after benefit. Again, the water can make your hair longer, but how? “It can boost hair growth by inhibiting hormonal changes that lead to hair loss, improving circulation to the follicles, acting as an antioxidant, and decreasing inflammation on the scalp,” Dr. Batra shares.

Unlike other natural hair growth remedies, there’s evidence to support that rosemary water does improve hair growth. “A study in mice found that rosemary leaf extract can decrease the conversion of testosterone to the form which contributes to hair loss as well as block the hormone receptors in the follicle,” Dr. Batra details. “It is also thought to dilate blood vessels, increasing circulation on the scalp. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects are also thought to improve scalp health and strengthen hair.” Safe to say we’re convinced.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Subcutaneous testosterone therapy was found to have a beneficial effect on scalp hair growth in female patients treated for symptoms of androgen deficiency. We propose this is due to an anabolic effect of testosterone on hair growth. The fact that no subject complained of hair loss as a result of treatment casts doubt on the presumed role of testosterone in driving female scalp hair loss. These results need to be confirmed by formal measurements of hair growth.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“In the 1940s, pregnenolone was tested in people who were sick or under stress, and it was found to have a wide range of beneficial actions, but the drug industry never had much interest in it. Its very generality made it seem unlike a drug, and its natural occurrence made it impossible to patent. Thus, many synthetic variants, each with a more specialized action and some serious side effects, came to be patented and promoted for use in treating specific conditions. The drug companies created an atmosphere in which many people felt that each disease should have a drug, and each drug, a disease. The side effects of some of those synthetic hormones were so awful that many people came to fear them. For example, synthetic varieties of "cortisone" can destroy immunity, and can cause osteoporosis, diabetes, and rapid aging, with loss of pigment in the skin and hair, and extreme thinning of the skin.”
-Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Poisons that can cause hair loss include arsenic, thallium, mercury, and lithium. If you ingest a large amount of warfarin, which is found in rat poisons, it can also cause hair loss. Taking large amounts of vitamin A or selenium is also toxic and can cause hair loss.”



Dec 27, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat
Apologize if this has already been asked, but am wondering how long you took the Nettle capsules before you noticed gray hair reversal? I do get the occasional reversal but am hoping I can super charge it.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat
Apologize if this has already been asked, but am wondering how long you took the Nettle capsules before you noticed gray hair reversal? I do get the occasional reversal but am hoping I can super charge it.
The nettle leaf worked right away for me, but not conducting a clean experiment back then, I was cutting out my grain intake too, back then at some point. Even now I take it for a month, start to see results, get busy and forget. Still I don’t eat grains, iron, red meat and other high tryptophan foods so my success keeping grays at bay isn’t just nettle leaf now.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
I have created this thread because I get asked a lot about nettle, and how it restored my natural hair color. I have told of my good results, here and there on this forum, but now I want to talk about other factors that may have played a part in my results.

My first hearing about nettle having this magical ability was in my kitchen, overhearing my cousin talking about it. Someone accused him of dying his graying hair black, which he denied, and said nettle had reversed his gray. He said he read about a Chinese man going from totally gray to having naturally black hair again taking nettle. I looked it up and it was true, so I started taking nettle and it worked!

I have had a few advantages that may have given me a headstart. Number one I have never dyed my hair in all of my 58 years. I imagine reviving dead follicles is a bit tougher. First of all our hair has a short life and then it falls out and regenerates new hair. Those new hairs are the ones that have a better chance of growing in again with color. So don't lose hope young graying people! After I had taken the nettle for awhile, I could pull out a gray hair and see inches of new growth with color. Everyone I showed was amazed! The really thick stiff ones did not respond so I just pulled them out as I saw them disrupting my view in the mirror.

Secondly I am a pretty "happy go lucky" person so stress is not graying me in the least. I have seen a person go gray in a couple of years just going through the stress of a divorce. So turn on that happy music for your hair's sake!

Thirdly I am relatively grain free and not heavy on red meat, both of which Ray Peat says accelerates aging. I eat my copper via beef liver, which is also known to restore natural hair color, and get lots of other anti-aging nutrients eating shellfish. Now with that being said, my cousin who restored his natural hair color has always been overweight, eating an ordinary Western diet and his gray reversed in his middle 30's. Considering that, your mileage my vary.

Below are some of the reasons I have read that causes premature graying. I have attached a couple of pics of my hair at 58 years old. The side pic was from last year and the other was from March of this year. I will work on getting a more recent pic.


*Anti-nutrients from grains, high iron foods like red meat and fortified cereals

* Dying & bleaching hair

* Protein & other nutritional deficiencies

*Thyroid & other disorders.



You look beautiful! May I please ask you what exactly you are referring to by "nettle?" What is the molecule name? Is it stinging nettle or something else? What brand do you use?
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