The Real Vax Reason (Cast Your Vote)

What do you think the motivation is behind the Covid vaccines?

  • To depopulate by sterilization

    Votes: 179 36.3%
  • To depopulate by death

    Votes: 141 28.6%
  • To have a reason to implant micro-chips in people

    Votes: 74 15.0%
  • To make people sick, weak & more dependant on their government

    Votes: 305 61.9%
  • Freemasons

    Votes: 23 4.7%
  • Aliens

    Votes: 11 2.2%
  • Eventual mind control/Zombies

    Votes: 44 8.9%
  • To really protect people from Coronavirus

    Votes: 65 13.2%
  • Other (please explain the "other)

    Votes: 81 16.4%

  • Total voters


Dec 22, 2020
Gold Coast, Australia
The vaccine will also help build trust within the populous, the reason they promote the vaccine so much is to say I told u so when people drop dead because they didn't take it. This will help build trust in the population for the globalist regime.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
The vaccine will also help build trust within the populous, the reason they promote the vaccine so much is to say I told u so when people drop dead because they didn't take it. This will help build trust in the population for the globalist regime.

...this thread tells of more to come....



Apr 17, 2017
No, this
42.10. Acceptable Use; Safety-Critical Systems. Your use of the Lumberyard Materials must comply with the AWS Acceptable Use Policy. The Lumberyard Materials are not intended for use with life-critical or safety-critical systems, such as use in operation of medical equipment, automated transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, aircraft or air traffic control, nuclear facilities, manned spacecraft, or military use in connection with live combat. However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization.
AWS taking zombie apocalypse seriously in T&Cs Clause 42.10

From user "mooburger" on Reddit:

"Lumberyard is Amazon's cloud-based game engine. At the time it came out, the market was peak for releasing or announcing not just 1 but 2 games based on The Walking Dead, The Forest, 7 Days to Die, DayZ, Dying Light, along with the franchises of Dead Island, State of Decay, Killing Floor, The Last of Us and Doom reboot."
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Although the so-called regulatory agencies have served the giant drug corporations well, by suppressing their competition and approving the most profitable drugs, in exchange for lucrative drug industry jobs offered to the officials* who do their jobs satisfactorily, the current trend in the US is to remove all constraints from the powerful corporations. Vice President Quail, with major family interests in the drug business, was put in charge of a commission to make it even easier for businesses to avoid the regulations, and similar favors are being done for the timber industry, the mass media, the banks, and the insurance industry." -Ray Peat


Jan 25, 2014
Fall cabal producers on Veniamin saying they will make out theres a new pandemic soon called the Marburg virus which has a much higher death rate than covid and symptoms match what they put in the vaxx

Well, Covid hasn't killed anybody, and there is no proof it even exists (especially since no health agency has a sample of this "novel corona virus"), so really, it wouldn't be that hard.

I want to know when they are going to pivot to the "Dandruff Pandemic." Estimates are that 20% of the population already has dandruff, and if they count Dandruff Deaths the same way they counted Covid Deaths, it might have a legit chance at #2 cause of death (Prolly still wouldn't touch Heart Disease at number one).
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Well, Covid hasn't killed anybody, and there is no proof it even exists (especially since no health agency has a sample of this "novel corona virus"), so really, it wouldn't be that hard.

I want to know when they are going to pivot to the "Dandruff Pandemic." Estimates are that 20% of the population already has dandruff, and if they count Dandruff Deaths the same way they counted Covid Deaths, it might have a legit chance at #2 cause of death (Prolly still wouldn't touch Heart Disease at number one).

Our gardener of 20+ years died 3 weeks ago of Covid so I believe it exists, but I do also agree that numbers are exploited. He is proof that exercise does not keep you out of the hospital gasping for air until you die.


Jan 25, 2014
Our gardener of 20+ years died 3 weeks ago of Covid so I believe it exists, but I do also agree that numbers are exploited. He is proof that exercise does not keep you out of the hospital gasping for air until you die.

How do you know he died "OF Covid?" Or even had this non-existent virus? They admit they count any death within a certain number of days of a PCR test (which, as has been stated, can be easily manipulated, and doesn't detect the presence of ANY virus), or by simply writing it on the death certificate.

You even say you think "the numbers are exploited." Why do you think that this exploitation couldn't affect someone you know personally?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
How do you know he died "OF Covid?" Or even had this non-existent virus? They admit they count any death within a certain number of days of a PCR test (which, as has been stated, can be easily manipulated, and doesn't detect the presence of ANY virus), or by simply writing it on the death certificate.

You even say you think "the numbers are exploited." Why do you think that this exploitation couldn't affect someone you know personally?

He was fit, tested positive for Covid, and my husband talked to him on the phone from the hospital. He talked of his "classic" struggle with Covid symptoms and said, "at one point he thought he was gonna die," and then he did. He either died of Covid, and took a turn for the very worst, because he was getting well or they killed him. He thought he was on the other side of it and we were shocked to hear he died.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
How do you know he died "OF Covid?" Or even had this non-existent virus? They admit they count any death within a certain number of days of a PCR test (which, as has been stated, can be easily manipulated, and doesn't detect the presence of ANY virus), or by simply writing it on the death certificate.

You even say you think "the numbers are exploited." Why do you think that this exploitation couldn't affect someone you know personally?

I KNOW that Covid is real because my sister-in-law is a nurse and so is one of my very best friend, so I hear the tragic stories of thrir friends, co-workers and their patients dying of Covid I also have heard from close friends the crooked stories. There are crooked hospitals willing to doctor the books for the bonuses and then there are privately owned hospitals who don't even offer a vaccination if you paid them, like my town's hospital and Urgent Care. Why do you think it is all or nothing? Do you think that everybody around the word is a lier?


Jan 25, 2014
He was fit, tested positive for Covid,
Again, on the same problamatic, easily manipulated PCR tests that don't directly test for ANY virus, and were made without any sample of said virus?
and my husband talked to him on the phone from the hospital. He talked of his "classic" struggle with Covid symptoms
"Covid Symptoms" are common cold and flu symptoms. From the CDC website-

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone
Every single one happens with the common cold, or flu, and most with several other conditions as well. They certainly aren't proof of a "Novel Corona Virus."


Nov 8, 2018
Our gardener of 20+ years died 3 weeks ago of Covid so I believe it exists, but I do also agree that numbers are exploited. He is proof that exercise does not keep you out of the hospital gasping for air until you die.
I do not believe that virus is the cause for the Covid symptoms, it's rather some kind of allergen or poison or EMF radiation, at least based on my experience. I felt first cold like symptoms - sore throat and fatigue, and literally in 3-5 minutes I was gasping for air, I do not believe that virus can do damage that fast. And again, in a couple of hours I gradually got better


Jan 25, 2014
I KNOW that Covid is real because my sister-in-law is a nurse and so is one of my very best friend, so I hear the tragic stories of thrir friends, co-workers and their patients dying of Covid I also have heard from close friends the crooked stories. There are crooked hospitals willing to doctor the books for the bonuses and then there are privately owned hospitals who don't even offer a vaccination if you paid them, like my town's hospital and Urgent Care. Why do you think it is all or nothing? Do you think that everybody around the word is a lier?

Because I believe a "Novel Corona Virus" either exists, or doesn't. I don't think it can be both. Viruses are real world, physical things (though tiny). Therefore, if there is no proof that a very specific one exists, then I would think that it doesn't exist, and certainly isn't making people sick in any way.

The following website is keeping tabs on FOI requests from around the world, and with 121 requests in, not a single health department, anywhere, is willing to share any evidence of the most popular virus for 22 months running-

So, again, what are your sister-in-law and her coworkers basing those "Covid" diagnoses on? Tests that were developed without any sample of this "Novel Corona Virus?" Eyeball diagnosis? Manipulated PCR tests with cycles of 35, 40, 45? Symptoms that overlap with the common cold and flu, and several other conditions?

Also, as Anthony Colpo notes in this article, 95% of so called "Covid Deaths" had Comorbidities, and an average of 4(!!!!!!)

95% of the CDC's current COVID death count equates to 533,288 people, each of whom had an average of 4 comorbidities. That's a total of 2,133,152 comorbidities.

Medicine is a top down system right now. My guess is that your sister-in-law and the hospital and urgent care you speak of are still subservient to the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, State Medical Boards, and/or insurance companies. If they are, they didn't come to the conclusion that "Covid Exists" by doing their own independent research.

Tragic stories and deaths don't prove the existence of a "new virus." Both of those things happened prior to December 2019.

Obviously, a lot of people have brought into the idea that Covid does exist, but if there was never a discovery of a "Novel Corona Virus" in the first place, then everything that stems from that supposed discovery is inaccurate.
Last edited:
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Again, on the same problamatic, easily manipulated PCR tests that don't directly test for ANY virus, and were made without any sample of said virus?

"Covid Symptoms" are common cold and flu symptoms. From the CDC website-

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Tank I am not in disagreement that the Covid tests are BS . I believe they are for several reasons. I also am certain the vaccines are destructive and serve a higher purpose. I believe Covid is real and is more deadly than the flu, but not enough to warrent a pandemic. The reason why this Covid pandemic has gained the traction it has is because of firm opposite stances. In my opinion you are as bad as the people lining up for the death shot, thinking Covid is nothing.


Jan 25, 2014
Tank I am not in disagreement that the Covid tests are BS .
I believe they are for several reasons. I also am certain the vaccines are destructive and serve a higher purpose. I believe Covid is real and is more deadly than the flu, but not enough to warrent a pandemic.
But, again, what are you basing this belief ON? Those same BS tests? A 22 month propaganda campaign? An inflated death count? 4.7 Million or so reported deaths of a "respiratory virus," when, during the same period of time, you would expect 8-13 Million Respiratory Disease deaths (based on 2017 mortality figures)?
The reason why this Covid pandemic has gained the traction it has is because of firm opposite stances.
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's because some powerful people decided to use the pandemic excuse to try and usher in totalitarianism, or cover up the US corporation missing a payments deadline and causing world trade to seize up. I think "firm opposite stances" are the only thing keeping us out of the final stage of NWO/WRM, which would basically be the outright enslavement and culling of humanity.
In my opinion you are as bad as the people lining up for the death shot, thinking Covid is nothing.
You are free to think what you want want of me, but I choose not to believe in viruses that have no proof they exist. I am willing to change my mind if someone shows me the paper where they discovered an isolated this virus after a lady ate a bat in Wuhan, China. If you based your belief in this virus on that paper, please post a link.

Although I will point out that just because I don't believe in this novel common cold virus (after all, corona viruses are thought to cause the common cold), that does NOT mean that I don't think anyone gets sick or dies. That's ridiculous. All the deaths attributed to so called "Covid" still only make up about 5% of the total deaths during that time. I still think people get sick, obviously some people get very sick, I think people still get cancer and heart disease and serotonin syndrome, and colds, and flus, and so forth.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I do not believe that virus is the cause for the Covid symptoms, it's rather some kind of allergen or poison or EMF radiation, at least based on my experience. I felt first cold like symptoms - sore throat and fatigue, and literally in 3-5 minutes I was gasping for air, I do not believe that virus can do damage that fast. And again, in a couple of hours I gradually got better

I am as baffled as you 74one because I know dozens of friends, family and aquaintences who have gotten it and some had barely any symptoms and some had it bad and I can't tell what the difference is. I WILL say I have noticed the cavalier "slightly" heavier people weather better. The dozens of people I know that have have had it have been in their 30's on up, nobody younger.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

But, again, what are you basing this belief ON? Those same BS tests? A 22 month propaganda campaign? An inflated death count? 4.7 Million or so reported deaths of a "respiratory virus," when, during the same period of time, you would expect 8-13 Million Respiratory Disease deaths (based on 2017 mortality figures)?

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's because some powerful people decided to use the pandemic excuse to try and usher in totalitarianism, or cover up the US corporation missing a payments deadline and causing world trade to seize up. I think "firm opposite stances" are the only thing keeping us out of the final stage of NWO/WRM, which would basically be the outright enslavement and culling of humanity.

You are free to think what you want want of me, but I choose not to believe in viruses that have no proof they exist. I am willing to change my mind if someone shows me the paper where they discovered an isolated this virus after a lady ate a bat in Wuhan, China. If you based your belief in this virus on that paper, please post a link.

Although I will point out that just because I don't believe in this novel common cold virus (after all, corona viruses are thought to cause the common cold), that does NOT mean that I don't think anyone gets sick or dies. That's ridiculous. All the deaths attributed to so called "Covid" still only make up about 5% of the total deaths during that time. I still think people get sick, obviously some people get very sick, I think people still get cancer and heart disease and serotonin syndrome, and colds, and flus, and so forth.

Be careful what you ask for Tank. You apparantly haven't been exposed to it all like I have in Southern California. Covid is real, in smaller does than advertised, AND someting evil is brewing, I have seen both sides. I have lots of friends and family double vaxxed and they are EQUALLY getting sick at the very same rate as the non vaxxed. I also have friends and family who have had Covid and never got sick UNTIL they got vaxxed.


Jan 25, 2014
Be careful what you ask for Tank. You apparantly haven't been exposed to it all like I have in Southern California.
Are you talking about a virus, or tyranny?
Covid is real, in smaller does than advertised, AND someting evil is brewing, I have seen both sides.
I don't know what "both sides" you are referring to. I just want to see proof that this "novel corona virus" exists. Again, can you link to a paper on pubmed where Chinese researchers discovered and isolated this "Novel Corona Virus" after a lady ate a bat? All other discussion is pretty much irrelevant. Call it "The Kary Mullis Challenge."
I have lots of friends and family double vaxxed and they are EQUALLY getting sick at the very same rate as the non vaxxed.
Equally sick with what?
I also have friends and family who have had Covid and never got sick UNTIL they got vaxxed.
Again, how do you know their sickness was due to a "Novel Corona Virus" that was discovered in Wuhan, China after a lady ate a bat at a wet market, and it jumped into her by "zoonotic transfer?" How do you know it wasn't potentially one of the other millions of viruses or bacteria or fungi or other germs out there? How do you know it wasn't caused by some other factor like stress, or a toxin? Or multiple factors?

I am not doubting you know people that got colds/flus/pneumonia or other illnesses. I don't doubt that they may have seemed worse than other years. I am ONLY disputing that the cause is a "Novel Corona Virus" that was discovered in Wuhan, China, after a lady ate a bat in a wet market. Because, remember, that's the "official storyline" of how this supposed "virus" got on the loose.

Again, you can believe in Covid all you want. All I'm asking for is the evidence for what you based your belief ON.
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