Supplements/Medications You Regret Trying?


Jul 28, 2019

I ended up with 8 root canals, dead tonsils and multiple skull cavitations. I still can't stop rapid tooth decay one year after stopping the supplementation. I haven't had a single cavity before I started experimenting with NDT.
What was your diet like?


Mar 27, 2018

I ended up with 8 root canals, dead tonsils and multiple skull cavitations. I still can't stop rapid tooth decay one year after stopping the supplementation. I haven't had a single cavity before I started experimenting with NDT.

By what mechanism would NDT cause root canals?

Root Canals are caused by an infection of the pulp of the tooth, which then has to excavated, sterilized and filled with rubber material.

Infection of the pulp can happen exogenously (From outside the tooth) or internally (through infection of the gums or possibly translocation of bacteria.)

How do you know your issues weren't caused by something else?


May 19, 2017
Your teeth rapidly rot because the thyroid product worked too well?

By what mechanism would NDT cause root canals?

Root Canals are caused by an infection of the pulp of the tooth, which then has to excavated, sterilized and filled with rubber material.

Infection of the pulp can happen exogenously (From outside the tooth) or internally (through infection of the gums or possibly translocation of bacteria.)

How do you know your issues weren't caused by something else?
There are actually multiple pathways in which thyroid can do this. It could be due to raised PTH, which will leech calcium from bones and teeth. It could be by speeding up the metabolism to the point the body don't have enough energy and nutrients to properly support it. This will cause general malnourishment and tooth decay. It could be due to lowered saliva production. Hyperthyroidism could also suppress immunity, which is obviously bad when dealing with infection of the pulp. I think it is combination of all of the above.

Plenty of forum members (including @Charlie) lost some of their teeth like that. I've had absolutely perfect dental health for 30 years and lost my teeth in 30 days from starting thyroid. Sure, could be coincidence, it could be caused by something else, but I highly doubt it.


Mar 2, 2019

There are actually multiple pathways in which thyroid can do this. It could be due to raised PTH, which will leech calcium from bones and teeth. It could be by speeding up the metabolism to the point the body don't have enough energy and nutrients to properly support it. This will cause general malnourishment and tooth decay. It could be due to lowered saliva production. Hyperthyroidism could also suppress immunity, which is obviously bad when dealing with infection of the pulp. I think it is combination of all of the above.

Plenty of forum members (including @Charlie) lost some of their teeth like that. I've had absolutely perfect dental health for 30 years and lost my teeth in 30 days from starting thyroid. Sure, could be coincidence, it could be caused by something else, but I highly doubt it.


How did you go about diagnosing / treating the cavitations in your skull? Yikes, sounds pretty rough. Thanks for posting.

Makes sense to me, given all the other hormones that thyroid can affect. Namely progesterone. I was battling a chronic infection (C. pneumoniae) for a long time which loves to increase its replication in the presence of progesterone, and well controlled by the immune system in the presence of estradiol. My taking an AI no doubt massively exacerbated this. The only single drug I've seen reported that completely wipes out the infection is a progesterone antagonist. So yeah, I know once again this is a "taboo" here, but higher progesterone isn't always a good thing.
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May 19, 2017

How did you go about diagnosing / treating the cavitations in your skull? Yikes, sounds pretty rough. Thanks for posting.

Makes sense to me, given all the other hormones that thyroid can affect. Namely progesterone. I was battling a chronic infection (C. pneumoniae) for a long time which loves to increase its replication in the presence of progesterone, and well controlled by the immune system in the presence of estradiol. My taking an AI no doubt massively exacerbated this. The only single drug I've seen reported that completely wipes out the infection is a progesterone antagonist. So yeah, I know once again this is a "taboo" here, but higher progesterone isn't always a good thing.
Diagnosing is easy, the cavitations are visible on x-ray. Treating is basically getting rid of the infection, extracting teeth with bad chronic apical periodontitis and hoping the cavities won't expand further.

Cavitation (bone) - Wikipedia
Jawbone Cavitations, Holes in Jawbone | Millennium Dental Scottsdale
Could Hidden Jawbone Infections – Cavitations – Be Affecting Your Health?
Dec 18, 2018

my hair and nails became super brittle and pretty sure it tanked my thyroid

I also took mino on and off for acne,Doxycycline also.A thread was made in the forum lately,which had proof that tetracycline-type medications are staining the thyroid,and likely damaging it in the process,or being the process itself.Just a heads-up,as possible plausible cause of thyroid-damage.
Dec 18, 2018
Citrulline malate. Tasted great, increased vascularity during exercise, improved erections, and even sensitized the glans. Also made me impatient, irritable, intolerant, and flammable. Cost me quite a few relationships (at least partly responsible; had many lessons yet to learn).

Via this forum I learned about nitric oxide and connected the dots. Unsurprisingly, methylene blue, which causes an opposite effect, is my favorite supplement nowadays because of how calm and centred it keeps me.

Hahaha,holy moly!luving that part : "Cost me quite a few relationships (at least partly responsible)"Glad you are ok now though =]]

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I also took mino on and off for acne,Doxycycline also.A thread was made in the forum lately,which had proof that tetracycline-type medications are staining the thyroid,and likely damaging it in the process,or being the process itself.Just a heads-up,as possible plausible cause of thyroid-damage.
Yes I saw that too. I only took mino for 2 weeks but I think it did damage my thyroid. I know my neck started looking inflamed and the two rings of indented skin around my thyroid deepened, also developed a bunch of moles all over my arms and back.
Dec 18, 2018

There are actually multiple pathways in which thyroid can do this. It could be due to raised PTH, which will leech calcium from bones and teeth. It could be by speeding up the metabolism to the point the body don't have enough energy and nutrients to properly support it. This will cause general malnourishment and tooth decay. It could be due to lowered saliva production. Hyperthyroidism could also suppress immunity, which is obviously bad when dealing with infection of the pulp. I think it is combination of all of the above.

Plenty of forum members (including @Charlie) lost some of their teeth like that. I've had absolutely perfect dental health for 30 years and lost my teeth in 30 days from starting thyroid. Sure, could be coincidence, it could be caused by something else, but I highly doubt it.

How did you feel whilst taking it?The more subjective Sensations would be interesting.Do you think in hindsight that you had hyperthyroidism or was it more subtle?
Dec 18, 2018
high doses of Fish Oil :hairpull

What did you got from it?trichotillomania? =] I too took high doses of Fishoil,like i bought myself Pharmacy-1Liter-Bottles (lol!),and consumed 30g (mega-lol!!) a day for a couple of months,wasnt bad at all,but also not of much help.
Dec 18, 2018
2,206 own bad supplement exp were very Hi-Dose repletion-Dosages of Retinol,first as Palmitate,later as Acetate,I wanted to use it for inflammatory type Acne,because i seemingly exhausted all other Avenues before.

Got very dry bodyskin from it,like so dry,that i probably got infection from it.Had Staphylococcus Aureus infection of Parts of my Arm,and was so anxious,i still have PTSD from it.Topical Fusidic Acid didnt cut it,i researched everything,i get sick just from thinking about the sessions,gee!

Turns out,wasnt so much the alleged superbug,but my newly very dry skin.No physician DX-ed that of course.Higher Fat intake alone cured it eventually.

Still have an exczema type-micro lesion,which gets better and better with my new found regimen of increased vitamin d,10000IU,and increased intake of Linoleic Acid and Alpha-Linolenic Acid,now about 5gram/d from both,+3grams of Fishoil(lol..).Also,remission of inflammatory acne,no kidding.
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Mar 2, 2016

There are actually multiple pathways in which thyroid can do this. It could be due to raised PTH, which will leech calcium from bones and teeth. It could be by speeding up the metabolism to the point the body don't have enough energy and nutrients to properly support it. This will cause general malnourishment and tooth decay. It could be due to lowered saliva production. Hyperthyroidism could also suppress immunity, which is obviously bad when dealing with infection of the pulp. I think it is combination of all of the above.

Plenty of forum members (including @Charlie) lost some of their teeth like that. I've had absolutely perfect dental health for 30 years and lost my teeth in 30 days from starting thyroid. Sure, could be coincidence, it could be caused by something else, but I highly doubt it.
apparently too much t3 too fast brings out dormant viruses/bacteria. that's so crazy & scary that thyroid ruined your teeth. had you ever taken thyroid before the thai thyroid? was it the thiroyd or thyroid s? were u using it sublingually?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
1. Licorice
-Got hyper-aldosteronism/hyper-cortisolism within 1 day of using

2. Yohimbine HCl
-Extremely strong and uncomfortable heart palpitations

3. Finasteride
-Screwed up my libido and ability to get an erection for almost a year after.

Finasteride ruined me for the last 10 years.

Why did you take licorice?


May 19, 2017
@JanP that's terrible, I really hope you get it sorted.
Thank you very much, Peater!

I also took mino on and off for acne,Doxycycline also.A thread was made in the forum lately,which had proof that tetracycline-type medications are staining the thyroid,and likely damaging it in the process,or being the process itself.Just a heads-up,as possible plausible cause of thyroid-damage.
Wow, that might explain why I always feel worse for a long time after a course of tetracyclines.

How did you feel whilst taking it?The more subjective Sensations would be interesting.Do you think in hindsight that you had hyperthyroidism or was it more subtle?
It was extremely subtle - like slow worsening of my pre-existing symptoms and weird unspecific feeling of overall unwellness or illness - it is hard to describe. I think the thyroid was forcing my already compromised metabolism to the speeds that was just unsustainable with my current nutrition and poor health at the time, exacerbating my pre-existing nutritional deficiencies.

apparently too much t3 too fast brings out dormant viruses/bacteria. that's so crazy & scary that thyroid ruined your teeth. had you ever taken thyroid before the thai thyroid? was it the thiroyd or thyroid s? were u using it sublingually?
This is interesting, I have read just recently that Buteyko breathing is not recommended when one is dealing with certain chronic infections, because it usually makes the viruses/bacteria go haywire. This is really a catch-22 situation, you can't improve your breathing and thyroid because of your poor health, but you can't improve your health without fixing breathing and thyroid.
I never took thyroid before. It was thiroyd brand and I have experimented with both sublingual delivery and swallowing the pills.


Mar 25, 2020
This is interesting said:
Can you please show me where you have read that buteyko breathing is not recommended during chronic infections? In the past I have used the buteyko method for several months with my CP going higher slowly over time. But then after a while my lymph nodes in my neck started to grow and get painfull, so I have stopped. I would like to know what's the mechanism behind this.


May 19, 2017
Can you please show me where you have read that buteyko breathing is not recommended during chronic infections? In the past I have used the buteyko method for several months with my CP going higher slowly over time. But then after a while my lymph nodes in my neck started to grow and get painfull, so I have stopped. I would like to know what's the mechanism behind this.
Focal Infection Theory and Buteyko Breathing Practice
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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