Dec 25, 2014
Tesla's ether is probably the Akasha in Hindu religion, and Chi is Prana.
Akasha - Wikipedia
Prana - Wikipedia

I think electricity is Prana (Chi). Prana (Chi) and reality (ether, Akasha) together are Brahman (unity), and each one is a type of energy. Electricity (Prana) acts upon our bodies (ether) to create what we call life.

Further more, I think Prana is a type of dynamic Akasha - i.e. Akasha in motion. Electrons are nothing but vortices in the ether, but just like a wave in the ocean they are not separate objects. Milo Wollf's theory also gives a good description of the electron as a standing wave...a wave in the ether, but not a separate thing by itself. In Molo's there are only two "particles" - positron (Akasha) and electron (Prana). At least that's how I understand it.

Tesla claimed to have found another form of electricity that wasn't perpetuated via electrons. He called it cold or radiant electricity to differentiate it from the direct electricity that flows in wires. It was a gaseous form of energy, which I think makes more sense as chi than what we currently know of as electricity

In Tesla’s view, radiant electricity is a space flowing current, which is NOT made of electrons.

Tesla and others believed that both electrical and magnetic forces were actually streams of Aether gas, which had been fixated in matter. Materials were somehow “polarized” by various “frictive” treatments by which an Aether gas flow was induced in them. Most materials could maintain the flow indefinitely, since no work was required on their part. Matter had only to remain polarized, transducing the Aether flow. The Aether gas contained all the power. Unlimited power.

This Aether gas power manifested as the electromagnetic forces themselves, adequate reason to pursue the development of an Aether gas engine. Such an engine could run forever on the eternal kinetic energies of the Aether itself, it being both generated and driven by the stars.

Tesla believed that radiant electricity is composed of Aether gas. He based this belief on the fact that his zero current coils were not conducting the “slow and dense” charges usually observed in ordinary electrical circuits. Abrupt impulses produced distinctive and different effects … fluidic effects. The qualities ascribed by Tesla to “electricity” or things “electrical” in his numerous patent texts and press interviews are those, which refer to the Aether gas. Tesla did not refer to electron currents as “electricity”. He did not equate “electricity” with electron flow. Whenever Tesla spoke of “electrical” effects he always described their effusive, gaseous quality.

He had found a means by which this gaseous electrical flow could be greatly concentrated, magnified, and directed. He saw that this radiant electricity was, in reality, a gaseous emanation. An Aetheric emanation. This is why he made constant reference to fluidic terminology throughout his lectures.

Resistance, volume, capacity, reservoir, surface area, tension, pressure, pressure release: these were the terms upon which Tesla relied throughout his presentations. The terminology of hydraulics. Tesla also recognized that because Aether was a gas, it had aerodynamic requirements.

Aether, in Tesla’s lexicon, was space flowing electricity: a gas of superlative and transcendent qualities. Aether was the electricity, which filled all of space, a vast reservoir of unsurpassable power.​
Dec 25, 2014
Pretty much the same as what I mentioned about Akasha/Prana in an earlier post. Glad to see many others have thought along similar lines. So many things begin to seem more and more obvious, if a person is left to their own devices. As such, it also seem obvious that the world we live in is purposefully engineered so that no person is left to their own devices. The entire system is an attack on consciousness and its most fundamental property - the intuitive knowledge.

Yes to add on that, according to tesla the structure of aether seems to be liquid crystalline plasma

Some of Telsa’s unusual conceptualization of the ether had been nonetheless expounded piecemeal, in his preceding 1890’s lectures. He later railed against the limited and erroneous theories of Maxwell, Hertz, Lorentz, and Einstein.

Tesla’s ether was neither the “solid” ether with the “tenuity of steel” of Maxwell and Hertz, nor the half-hearted, entrained, gaseous ether of Lorentz. Tesla’s ether consisted of “carriers immersed in an insulating fluid”, which filled all space. Its properties varied according to relative movement, the presence of mass, and the electric and magnetic environment.

Tesla’s ether was rigidified by rapidly varying electrostatic forces, and was thereby involved in gravitational effects, inertia, and momentum, especially in the space near earth, since, as explained by Tesla, the earth is “…like a charged metal ball moving through space”, which creates the enormous, rapidly varying electrostatic forces which diminish in intensity with the square of the distance from earth, just like gravity. Since the direction of propagation radiates from the earth, the so-called force of gravity is toward earth.
And according to gerald pollock and gilbert ling the human body is made out of liquid crystal water or plasma water
  • Your body consists of over 99 percent water molecules, but the water in your cells is not regular water, but highly structured water with special properties
  • There is a fourth phase of water, not H2O but H3O2, and can be called living water. It’s more viscous, dense, and alkaline than regular water; has a negative charge, and can hold energy, much like a battery, and deliver energy too
  • The key ingredient to create this highly structured water is light, i.e. electromagnetic energy, whether in the form of visible light, or infrared wavelengths, which we’re surrounded by all the time
liquid crystal water can also conduct electricity faster than copper wires...meaning what I'm not sure

For decades, scientists have wondered whether [interfacial water] inside the cells could conduct electric charge in a very special way. If the water molecules were aligned with their positive and negative charges alternating in a chain...then a ‘jump’ conduction of positive electricity could, in theory, take place....Jump conduction is faster than ordinary electricity passing through a metal wire, which involves electrons actually moving, and much, much faster than conduction by charged ions diffusing through water. But it needs to have chains of water in a sufficiently ordered state and protein and membrane surfaces may impose that kind of order on water.

What role does interfacial [liquid crystal or plasma] water play in the life of an organism? Everything, it seems. Interfacial water accounts for some 70 percent by weight of most organisms including human beings, making organisms effectively liquid crystalline. I have proposed some years ago that proton-conduction through interfacial water may be how the body intercommunicates at all levels, enabling it to function as a perfectly coordinated whole.

And it acts as a battery, taking and holding charge seperation and powered by blue and red light

There was already a hint that the EZ has unusual electrical potential when pH sensitive dyes were used as solutes to see if they too, were excluded from the EZ. Indeed, they were, but they also showed up a zone of unusually low pH (red band) right above the clear EZ (see Fig. 4). A low pH means high concentration of protons (H+) immediately next to the EZ, and decreasing away from it. An excess of protons suggests that charge separation has taken place in the water molecules...

This macroscopic separation of charges is stable, as is the EZ itself. It is in fact a water battery. A battery, like any other, could be used to power light bulbs or your laptop, and could be the most exciting application of liquid crystalline water But what charges up the water battery? It takes energy to separate the charges, so where does the energy come from? That too was a surprise.​

It turns out that water is sensitive to light, as is revealed by the exclusion zone next to a gel. It thickens on being exposed to light, which means that light enhances the formation of liquid crystalline water. The entire spectrum of sunlight is effective, but the peaks are in the visible blue and especially the invisible near-infrared (3 000 nm) regions. A mere 5 minutes exposure to the infrared light will cause the EZ to thicken several-fold. And if you connect up the EZ and the bulk water above to an external circuit, there is a measurable current, which lasts for a considerable time after the infrared light is turned off.

So if people are made out of liquid crystal water which can be charged by red light and a charged object moving through the ether creates electrical displacement then....I'm not sure I've lost my train of thought.

But it is funny that both the ether and the human body act as liquid crystal which get their structure from electromagnetic energy

Anyways @haidut I was researching medium levitation and I came upon this very interesting back and forth between galton and newton


Newtons response:

Galton says that you can't move the needle when jaded which I assume to mean low metabolism but can move it when bright warm and comfortable after dinner which I assume to mean when high metabolism. Could it be that this needle is reacting to some sort of electromagnetic effect that is dependent of the persons current metabolic status??

Newton was very impressed by this finding and he thought it highly important it's a pity there was no follow up...

It shouldn't be that hard to recreate something like this and test it out. A glass blower a needle and a finger is all you would need. Perhaps the first step in practicing the manipulation of chi with direct tactile feedback. Imagine the possibilities!


This has been such an interesting thread Haidut and Pimpnamedraypeat. Haidut, I think you are seriously on to something with your explanations of Prana and chi. What a stunning interchange with Newton! How open minded he seemed compared settled scientists today.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Galton says that you can't move the needle when jaded which I assume to mean low metabolism but can move it when bright warm and comfortable after dinner which I assume to mean when high metabolism. Could it be that this needle is reacting to some sort of electromagnetic effect that is dependent of the persons current metabolic status??

Newton was very impressed by this finding and he thought it highly important it's a pity there was no follow up...

It shouldn't be that hard to recreate something like this and test it out. A glass blower a needle and a finger is all you would need. Perhaps the first step in practicing the manipulation of chi with direct tactile feedback. Imagine the possibilities!

Along that line of thought, the attraction and repulsion of a metal bar suspended by a thread was one of the main experiments of Kozyrev, who said that attraction was due to processes absorbing time (decreasing entropy) and repulsion was due to processes "producing" time (increasing entropy). Heat from body metabolism would be a process creating time and thus a repulsive force.
Nikolai A. Kozyrev - a Russian version of Nicola Tesla : Physics_AWT
"...Between many others Kozyrev postulated, that processes which increase entropy, such as evaporation of acetone, always repelled the small mass, thus serving as a source of antigravity. In his terminology such processes “emit time,” and create right handed torsion. No matter on which side of the arm the acetone was placed, it had the effect of pushing the small mass away. In some of his experiments a different type of torsion balance was used: a flat circle suspended in the center, instead of the long torsion arm. This is shown in the right diagram of figure bellow. Because of the symmetry of the suspended circle, the “gravitational” force of attraction or repulsion does not affect its motion in this case. However, Kozyrev found that placing evaporating acetone or some other irreversible process near the support point at the top of the thread had an effect. It caused the circular disk to rotate."
Dec 25, 2014
Along that line of thought, the attraction and repulsion of a metal bar suspended by a thread was one of the main experiments of Kozyrev, who said that attraction was due to processes absorbing time (decreasing entropy) and repulsion was due to processes "producing" time (increasing entropy). Heat from body metabolism would be a process creating time and thus a repulsive force.
Nikolai A. Kozyrev - a Russian version of Nicola Tesla : Physics_AWT
"...Between many others Kozyrev postulated, that processes which increase entropy, such as evaporation of acetone, always repelled the small mass, thus serving as a source of antigravity. In his terminology such processes “emit time,” and create right handed torsion. No matter on which side of the arm the acetone was placed, it had the effect of pushing the small mass away.

The entropy is actually ether or primary substance being pushed away

"The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance".


"Lord Kelvin drew attention to the general tendency in nature towards dissipation of mechanical energy [entropy]...This idea of the great philosopher...had a fascinating effect on my mind and in meditating over it I was struck by the thought that if there is energy within the substance it can only come from without. This truth was so manifest to me that I expressed it in the following axiom: "There is no energy in matter except that absorbed from the medium." Lord Kelvin gave us a picture of a dying universe, of a clockwork wound up and running down...I asked myself again and again, was there not some force winding up the clock as it runs down? The axiom I had formulated gave me a clue. If all energy is supplied to matter from without then this all important function must be performed by the medium. Yes--but how?"​

All matter is constantly absorbing ether and that incoming ether is what gives it structure and when matter decays or goes into entropy like the acetone it emits ether

From your link it says that ice cooling attracted the small mass

One problem I can see with kapton (polyimide) filament used in Kozyrev's torsion balance, which would decrease its elasticity module after absorption of solvent. On the other hand, when instead Kozyrev used a source of negative entropy, such as the freezing of ice, Kozyrev found that it caused an attraction of the small mass, which cannot be already explained in this way.

Well that's easilly explainable once you realized that all matter gets it's energy from the ether and the more structured the matter the more energy it absorbs. So as unintuitive as it seems, it is actually an influx of energy that is responsible for turning water into ice and the reason ice is cold is because it is constantly absorbing energy from the environment to keep it's highly structured crystaline structure

From louis Hissink:

If carbon based life forms are dominated chemically by water, then as a result of metabolism producing heat, this organic water will be in the molecular form of Gerry Pollack’s EZ water. EZ water is liquid crystal water that is deficient in protons. It is electrically negative. All living things exist in this peculiar watery form.

If the wooly mammoth is suddenly engulfed by a solar or ionospheric irruption of proton rich plasma, then the EZ water can be almost instantly be converted to ICE. As the formation of ice requires energy, the irruption of the plasma protons into EZ water will draw energy from the surrounding environment causing a rapid drop in temperature.

The mercury level in a thermometer can serve as a detector of torsion, because mercury, as well as other materials, expands or contracts in reponse to torsion (Kozyrev, 1982). Temperature effects must be carefully removed first, since obviously thermometers also respond to temperature. This can be done by placing the thermometer in an insulated container. Kozyrev found that torsion is created in abundance by fields of flowers in the springtime, and is also present in sunshine. This was also discovered by von Reichenbach. When he created an “irreversible process,” such as mixing two liquids together, or dissolving sugar in water, Reichenbach found the process created large quantities of subtle energy, which he called “od” and which Kozyrev calls “torsion” or “time density.”

I think the "od" or "time density" is aetherial and that is why it is found in such high quantities in springtime flowers and sunshine. blooming flowers take in a lot of ether which according to Kozyrev would be left handed torsion or left handed vortice


Ok so the absorption of ether creates structure which reduces entropy which reduces time. It makes sense because time is motion and if everything was structured and staying still there would be no time. So the less ether there is the more time something experiences which explains why low metabolism people decay so quickly.

The emittance of ether creates torsion in the opposite direction and increases time and entropy. So sunshine and melting sugar emits ether which is absorbed by the body or by springtime flowers creating more energy and structure in those organism and slowing down time

Ying and yang. In and out. Wax on wax off.

Other processes which can serve as detectors include electrical resistance, water viscosity, chemical reaction rate, and the growth rate of plants and bacteria. In each case, the effects are small so they must be implemented with some care and sophistication. Although they penetrate through materials, each substance is different. Aluminum is said to reflect about 50% of a torsion wave, and materials with chiral (twisting) organic molecules each reflect torsion differently, based on the polarization of the wave. This creates a “torsion filter.”

Kozyrev claims, that torsion balances can be shielded, to a considerable extent, from these influences by placing near them an organic substance consisting only of right-handed molecules: for example, sugar. The left-handed molecules – e.g. turpentine – cause the opposite effect. It may be connected to the “twist” in acupuncture points when they become stimulated, as reported by Dr. Joie Pierce Jones (Jones, 2002, 2004a).

Yes seems about right. Sugar, when digested or melted, emits high amounts of ether and the body absorbs the ether and has more energy and structure and that is why it is metabolically beneficial.

Ice absorbs ether which is why it is cold and the reason it melts in your hand is because you are also absorbing ether and you slowly absorb ether from the ice reducing it's structure and turning it into structureless bulk water :eek:

It's all starting to make sense

And then there's this nutcase




I think descending would be turning into ether while ascending would be turning into ponderable matter

descending = time speeding up = entropy
ascending = time slowing down = structure
life = the balance between ascending and descending i.e the balance between order and chaos[/QUOTE]
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Oct 11, 2016
And then there's this nutcase




Which book are these from?
Is anyone on this forum a physicist or chemist - or knows anyone actually studying these topics in their own labs? Pretty sad that the entire field is full of charlatans these days who are studying matter that is by definition unobservable (they fabricated) and just change their math models every time an observation doesn't fit. #KaliYuga


Jun 1, 2016
@haidut @pimpnamedraypeat this is the most fascinating read, thank you guys! Not mind blowing at all, but more like mind solidifying (in the best possible way).
So then ATP (and Ray Peat and @haidut already mentioned that) is cardinal adsorbent (as per Gilbert Ling) that changes structure of proteins and water, so we can absorb more energy from the ether? And current mainstream description of ATP as the energy molecule itself is inaccurate? And CO2 as well may be a cardinal adsorbent? As for the red light, it's not about (not only about) cytochrome c oxidase absorbing red light, but the light changes the structure of water itself? Or am i missing something?
EDIT: about ATP @haidut already posted quite a bit, I guess my main question: is ATP (and red light, and CO2, and progesterone and etc.) is a tool to change the (protein -> water) structure in a way that we could absorb more energy from the ether? Or a tool to make the body more of a conductor? Or am i getting it wrong?
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Which book are these from?
Is anyone on this forum a physicist or chemist - or knows anyone actually studying these topics in their own labs? Pretty sad that the entire field is full of charlatans these days who are studying matter that is by definition unobservable (they fabricated) and just change their math models every time an observation doesn't fit. #KaliYuga

Plenty of people study these things, but as you can imagine not many of their studies make it to mainstream media. There is an entire institute, which was formed by Kozyrev himself and it is called Institute for the Study of Time. It is part of the Moscow State University, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Home - Institute for Time Nature Explorations

There are other smaller groups spread throughout Europe and South America, and maybe some in Japan (but conspicuously missing in China). They do try to publish in more mainstream journals but the peer review process usually stops a lot of these studies because anything that contradicts Einstein's theories is automatically labelled as hoax, and blocked from publication. As you said, there is a lot of incentive (financial) to keep fabricating unprovable stuff that nobody really understands (including its authors). The only reason you even hear about the Electric Universe Theory is that most of its proponents are in the USA and some of them are well-connected and can get some publicity. I am guessing real physics research probably flourishes in poorer and less "controlled" countries and we never get to hear about it.
Dec 25, 2014
Which book are these from?
Is anyone on this forum a physicist or chemist - or knows anyone actually studying these topics in their own labs? Pretty sad that the entire field is full of charlatans these days who are studying matter that is by definition unobservable (they fabricated) and just change their math models every time an observation doesn't fit. #KaliYuga

I don't know Its victor schauberger. There’s enough data out there for a lifetime if ur willing to look especially in the older books
Dec 25, 2014
@haidut @pimpnamedraypeat this is the most fascinating read, thank you guys! Not mind blowing at all, but more like mind solidifying (in the best possible way).
So then ATP (and Ray Peat and @haidut already mentioned that) is cardinal adsorbent (as per Gilbert Ling) that changes structure of proteins and water, so we can absorb more energy from the ether? And current mainstream description of ATP as the energy molecule itself is inaccurate? And CO2 as well may be a cardinal adsorbent? As for the red light, it's not about (not only about) cytochrome c oxidase absorbing red light, but the light changes the structure of water itself? Or am i missing something?
EDIT: about ATP @haidut already posted quite a bit, I guess my main question: is ATP (and red light, and CO2, and progesterone and etc.) is a tool to change the (protein -> water) structure in a way that we could absorb more energy from the ether? Or a tool to make the body more of a conductor? Or am i getting it wrong?

I think you’ve got it. I think atp and red light and such might also donate ether


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut @pimpnamedraypeat this is the most fascinating read, thank you guys! Not mind blowing at all, but more like mind solidifying (in the best possible way).
So then ATP (and Ray Peat and @haidut already mentioned that) is cardinal adsorbent (as per Gilbert Ling) that changes structure of proteins and water, so we can absorb more energy from the ether? And current mainstream description of ATP as the energy molecule itself is inaccurate? And CO2 as well may be a cardinal adsorbent? As for the red light, it's not about (not only about) cytochrome c oxidase absorbing red light, but the light changes the structure of water itself? Or am i missing something?
EDIT: about ATP @haidut already posted quite a bit, I guess my main question: is ATP (and red light, and CO2, and progesterone and etc.) is a tool to change the (protein -> water) structure in a way that we could absorb more energy from the ether? Or a tool to make the body more of a conductor? Or am i getting it wrong?

Yes, to almost all of these except the red light and cytochrome C oxidase. That enzyme does absorb energy from red light and that energy activates the enzyme so that it can handle more electrons coming from Complex III, and thus electrons flow easily from food to oxygen. Red light also increases the expression of cytochrome C oxidase, so that more units of it are available in a cell. In addition, the oxidase is the last step in this process and can get blocked by things like NO, CO, cyanide and several other poisons. The red light can "free" the enzyme from its bond with those toxins, which allows the enzyme to resume its function. Other things that both increase the expression of the enzyme and improve its function by removing various blocking toxins include methylene blue, CO2, thyroid, progesterone. Steroids like DHEA, T, DHT, etc are known to increase its expression but I don't think they can remove blocks such as NO, CO, etc.
So, overall, it is not only about absorbing ether but also about flow of the "material" ether (electrons) through the structure. Sugar and few other food types are great sources of "ether" but it also needs to flow in order for the proper structure to be maintained. Otherwise, the accumulation of the electrons eventually leads to creations of pathological add-hoc structures that can channel these extra electrons and those structures are what we see in various diseases, especially cancer. A tumor is an attempt to create a new organ when the sick one is not allowing proper flow of electrons through it. If the flow is restored then the need for alternative structures disappears and health is restored.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think you’ve got it. I think atp and red light and such might also donate ether

In addition to absorbing ether, there also needs to be a proper flow of the ether (electricity being ether associated with matter as Tesla called it). Just absorbing ether can lead to variety of issues - i.e. build up of free electrons. If the ether does not flow then it leads to solidification similar to the ice example. Peat said that old age and disease are basically a type of "freezing" but unlike the ice example where its structure increases, the "freezing" in people is associated with decreased structure of the "living water" - i.e. it becomes bulk water similar to the one seen in cancer.


Jun 1, 2016
In addition to absorbing ether, there also needs to be a proper flow of the ether (electricity being ether associated with matter as Tesla called it). Just absorbing ether can lead to variety of issues - i.e. build up of free electrons. If the ether does not flow then it leads to solidification similar to the ice example. Peat said that old age and disease are basically a type of "freezing" but unlike the ice example where its structure increases, the "freezing" in people is associated with decreased structure of the "living water" - i.e. it becomes bulk water similar to the one seen in cancer.
Wow, I just looked at Bruce Lee (and anyone with exceptional athletic abilities for that matter) very differently: vertical jump is still the golden standard of athleticism (can't be faked, it is a skill, that can be improved with training but not by much, more like innate skill, you either have it or you don't) or in other words athletes ability to generate force against the ground, is actually an innate ability to absorb, conduct and expel (produce, generate) ether. It's like "perceive, think, act" &copy just in terms of ether.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Wow, I just looked at Bruce Lee (and anyone with exceptional athletic abilities for that matter) very differently: vertical jump is still the golden standard of athleticism (can't be faked, it is a skill, can be improved with training but not by much, more like innate skill, you either have it or you don't) or in other words athletes ability to generate force against the ground, is actually an innate ability to absorb, conduct and expel (produce, generate) ether. It's like "perceive, think, act" &copy just in terms of ether.

I think it is more about flow of electrons, not so much strength. Maybe @pimpnamedraypeat can chime in as well.
Both of you may have seen Peat's comments about Warburg, Selye, Pauling, etc saying that people in good health almost don't feel the weight of their bodies. They can jump around, run, wrestle, swim, etc and feel light as feather. On the other hand, old or sick people feel like they are carrying enormous weight. It has been shown that this feeling of weight is present even in quite strong older people, people that can bench or squat twice their own weight. On a similar note, some VERY strong people (think along the lines of the Strongest Man competitions) cannot really jump even if their life depended on it. Some people may counter that this is due to stronger people carrying more weight but it is not true. There are many people that can generate a lot of force in lifting a weight but cannot really jump much. On the other hand, people that do not really generate much lifting/pushing force can jump like rabbits.
My point is that it has more to do with metabolism than muscle mass/strength. Fast electron flow probably generates enough of a levitation force to allow these people to jump much higher than a person with stronger muscles and similar BMI. Similar phenomena have been seen in some martial artists, monks, etc who perform feats that do not really correlate with their strength.
We discussed a similar idea some time ago in another thread related to boxers and their strength. The hardest punching boxers are not the most massive ones that can bench press a bus. It is usually dudes with wiry frame and large neck/waist ratio. One forum user @Sam Suska looks like that and seems to be doing quite well as a boxer.
Just Started Methylene Blue
Just Started Methylene Blue
Just Started Methylene Blue

This is also illustrated in the discussion we had in the 3M thread and the force field the plastic sheet produces. The force was only produced when the sheet was moving very fast and when it stopped the repulsive/levitating force it was generating disappeared. Same with people - the faster the metabolism the more levitating force their bodies exert against "gravity" (the electrostatic force of Earth acting upon our charged bodies). The slower the metabolism, the less levitating force and the more Earth's gravity is felt.
At least that's how I see it in the framework of electrical nature of "gravity" and the superhuman feats reportedly performed by some people.
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
it is an incredible topic,since 2020 when i started to eat only grass fed grass finished lamb liver/kidneys fat and some muscle meat,honey,exposing my self to the intense sun of summer 2020 multiples hours per days,including sunset and sunrise,and not ejaculating,i started to have very specific dreams,very specific phenomenons,even if i never experienced these phenomenons prior,i still experienced it authentically physically and mentally in these dreams,i could not figure out how to do a muscle up despit i tryed episodically for 1 year before that,one night i dreamed,in this dream i did a muscle up,as i went through the motion i experienced the physical feeling of the muscle up,wich muscles got activated,i woke up,went to the parc,i did a muscle first try,with no strenght,pure of the reccuring phenomenon that occur in my dreams during this time frame,was flying at a very high speed most of times,the authenticity of the physical and mental feeling,it was real,and i had a very specific physical feeling of energy channeling through my body.

it happened independently of what i watched/did read/listened as hobbies,my dreams were almost entirely devoid of elements of my life or environnement,it was mostly explorations dreams in vegetation environnements i have never been before,where i did cultivate some physical and mental skills,that when i woke up of these dreams i had significants improvements in these skills from unable to do it,to do it well,i had 0unpleasants feelings in these dreams,i had characteristics associated with very low serotonin at that time,my strengh relative to my weight was far better than it has ever and better than anyone i knew personally,and it didnt even feel like an effort,it was just my body accomplishing my will effortlessly,no stiffening of the muscles,just motion, i learned one arm pull up and front lever in 2 weeks with out training, a copples of try on different days at different times of the days in a different energetic state,and i could do it.considering the reccurence of the flying dreams and certain very specific phenomenons independently of what i did,exept still eating the foods i mentionned ,and that my dreams were almost entirely devoid of elements of my own past experiences,it made me wonder if flying among other things is one of human tendencies,that we can reach given the right state.

@haidut the phenomenon you mentionned of peoples with great strengh/weight ratio not feeling their own body weight is exactly it,one day of may 2021 i ate like 5 kilos of perfectly ripe semi-blood tarroco oranges in one go ,and i had for the first time in my life this intensity of a very specific feeling,energy in my body repelling gravity,like my energetic force being stronger of the one surrending my body surrending environnement even while sitting,i was not feeling neutral,or collapsing anymore,and i was the strongest i have ever been when i exerted my strengh,despit i did not train from july 2020 to may 2021,and it felt like my will ordering motions,i did not feel any resistance/stiffening,and i had a enjoyable feeling in my body of using my energy
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