Sleepless Nights


New Member
Feb 17, 2019
I was a call center agent for 2 years and a half. I worked in a graveyard shift so that's why I am awake at night and sleep the whole day. And suddenly I quit my job because of my personal problem. And now I am having a hard time to sleep at night because I get used to being awake at night. Maybe one of the reason also is about my family problem. I really don't know. So this is my problem now I want to sleep in a normal way but it didn't happen, so I told my friend about this then he told me to try this CBD as medicine I did not believe him at first coz i didn't know anything about it. I came across this Milwaukee Moose Knuckle - Taylor'd Genetics Seeds that marijuana can help me with my problem. I don't know if this will work or not. Can somebody help me with this? Or any suggestion. Thanks in advance.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I was a call center agent for 2 years and a half. I worked in a graveyard shift so that's why I am awake at night and sleep the whole day. And suddenly I quit my job because of my personal problem. And now I am having a hard time to sleep at night because I get used to being awake at night. Maybe one of the reason also is about my family problem. I really don't know. So this is my problem now I want to sleep in a normal way but it didn't happen, so I told my friend about this then he told me to try this CBD as medicine I did not believe him at first coz i didn't know anything about it. I came across this Milwaukee Moose Knuckle - Taylor'd Genetics Seeds that marijuana can help me with my problem. I don't know if this will work or not. Can somebody help me with this? Or any suggestion. Thanks in advance.
It took me a little time to switch my rhythm back to sleeping at night. These things helped:
Wearing blue light blocking glasses in the evening/night especially when looking at screens.
Getting outside some in the morning for as little as 15 minutes to get natural light.
Eating only during daylight hours if possible - @haidut made a post about feeding times controlling circadian rhythm (I'll try to find it).
Tiny amounts of melatonin (500 mcg or less) in the evening helped me transition back to sleeping at night. This is generally frowned upon in Peat circles but I was desperate to switch back to day shift life so I used it short term.
Best wishes, I hope you get more input.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Eating only during daylight hours if possible - @haidut made a post about feeding times controlling circadian rhythm (I'll try to find it).

Yes... This was the hidden key for me to fix my sleeping times too. Light is a factor, but unless you fix your eating times you can wear blue light blocker glasses as much as you want and it won't do any good.

Just to give you idea how powerful changing your eating habits can be in radically changing your circadian cycle almost miraculously overnight...

I stayed up too late on sunday (like 1 am). Yesterday I knew I needed to fix it, so I ate all my remaining calories as soon as I got home from work and fell asleep at 9 pm with almost zero issues. That's a 4 hr circadian cycle shift, overnight!

I should note that this is 1000% more effective than Flux apps, blue light blocker glasses, low-dose sleep meds (like over the counter melatonin). It's that important. So I agree with Haidut. I messed around for YEARS playing with light intake, but it did no good. I still think light does matter, but it's not enough.

Lately, I've been eating a large bulk of my calories at night. Eating drops stress hormones. So eating a huge meal at dinner shuts off stress entirely making falling asleep effortless.
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