Ray Peat Carrot Salad


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
-Coconut Oil

Grate the carrot and rinse out under water to get as much carotene out as possible. Then mix with coconut oil and vinegar, I also like to add a pinch or two of salt.

Quote from Dr. Peats website.

"Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of vinegar, coconut oil and olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, or arthritis."-Ray Peat


Jul 22, 2012
Charlie said:
-Coconut Oil

Grate the carrot and rinse out under water to get as much carotene out as possible. Then mix with coconut oil and vinegar, I also like to add a pinch or two of salt.

Quote from Dr. Peats website.

"Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of vinegar, coconut oil and olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, or arthritis."-Ray Peat

Why do I now hate eating carrot?
I used to like to eat carrot, like in a salad, or even by themselves a little,
before I did the Peat Thing.

Is it because I now am Supposed To Eat Them?
(in other words it's psychological.)

Or is it maybe because my body intuitively
knows that I am giving it a dose of Antibiotic?

It's actually a little repulsive.
Maybe the endotoxins are fighting for control of my digestive tract
and they somehow are expressing "themselves" in my appetite,
trying to make me stop eating the carrot...

Gotta run, their are some men in white coats at the door.
They have some big nets.... :eek:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

I never really ate carrots till now. Now you want to talk about tasting funky? Try the bamboo shoots from the can! :error That is some funky tasting stuff. I have some bamboo growing by the river near me, so going to see if fresh bamboo is better. But that stuff in the can, wow! :naughty


Aug 28, 2012
Ive also found, if you prepare it the night before and store in fridge, a lot of the beta carotene is lost. Evident by the very faded orange colour.


nwo2012 said:
Ive also found, if you prepare it the night before and store in fridge, a lot of the beta carotene is lost. Evident by the very faded orange colour.

I wonder if it also loses some of its beneficial properties. Do you feel any different than when you eat it immediately?


Oct 13, 2012
Charlie said:

I never really ate carrots till now. Now you want to talk about tasting funky? Try the bamboo shoots from the can! :error That is some funky tasting stuff. I have some bamboo growing by the river near me, so going to see if fresh bamboo is better. But that stuff in the can, wow! :naughty

I will second that. I bought a can of those shoots because that was the only kind I could find and I was getting pretty tired of the carrots. After trying those, uh, things, my appetite for carrots has been restored! :mrgreen:


Aug 28, 2012
j. said:
nwo2012 said:
Ive also found, if you prepare it the night before and store in fridge, a lot of the beta carotene is lost. Evident by the very faded orange colour.

I wonder if it also loses some of its beneficial properties. Do you feel any different than when you eat it immediately?

No I dont feel so and I highly doubt it as the fibre will not degrade for a while and essentially that is what we are benefitting from.


Aug 28, 2012
Jenn said:
I don't eat carrot salad because it backs me up, which defeats the purpose of eating it. Activated charcoal does the same thing. (Doesn't back me up, absorbs toxins.<G>)

Just be careful as it will also pull more nutrients out of the body compared with the carrot salad. Once ever 2-3 days would be safer. Have you tried smaller amount of carrot? Odd it would have that effect on you, are you sure it is the carrot fibre? Try it plain and well washed/squeezed and grated finely and see.


Nov 30, 2012
I may have already asked this, but just to clarify, does the carrot need to be grated to get the full effect?


Feb 24, 2013
nwo2012 said:
Jenn said:
I don't eat carrot salad because it backs me up, which defeats the purpose of eating it. Activated charcoal does the same thing. (Doesn't back me up, absorbs toxins.<G>)

Just be careful as it will also pull more nutrients out of the body compared with the carrot salad. Once ever 2-3 days would be safer. Have you tried smaller amount of carrot? Odd it would have that effect on you, are you sure it is the carrot fibre? Try it plain and well washed/squeezed and grated finely and see.

Actually, it is the beta carotene that stresses my system. I don't do activated charcoal every day, not by a long shot.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
I make my carrot salad with grated carrot (I think when it's grated it is digested easier - for myself anyhow), a couple teaspoons of melted coconut oil mixed with half a tbsp. of raw local honey. Add a little salt and you have a perfect mixture of coconutty, sweet and salty carrot goodness :D I love it so much it's easy for me to eat every day!


Apr 17, 2013
Jenn said:
nwo2012 said:
Jenn said:
I don't eat carrot salad because it backs me up, which defeats the purpose of eating it. Activated charcoal does the same thing. (Doesn't back me up, absorbs toxins.<G>)

Just be careful as it will also pull more nutrients out of the body compared with the carrot salad. Once ever 2-3 days would be safer. Have you tried smaller amount of carrot? Odd it would have that effect on you, are you sure it is the carrot fibre? Try it plain and well washed/squeezed and grated finely and see.

Actually, it is the beta carotene that stresses my system. I don't do activated charcoal every day, not by a long shot.

You said it you don't eat carrot because it backs you up; so you're saying the beta carotene backs you up not the fiber ?
I thought Ray recommended the carrot to just about everyone with any issues; so if it's just for the sake of cleaning out the bowels, would cascara bark be just as good to get the colon clean and moving? Carrot salad seems to make my digestion move slow too that's why I was wondering. I usually have to force down 2-3 cups of coffee a day to compensate for that.


Sep 22, 2013
tomisonbottom said:
I thought Ray recommended the carrot to just about everyone with any issues; so if it's just for the sake of cleaning out the bowels, would cascara bark be just as good to get the colon clean and moving? Carrot salad seems to make my digestion move slow too that's why I was wondering. I usually have to force down 2-3 cups of coffee a day to compensate for that.

The carrot goes through me very slowly, too. For the past couple of days I have been doing the carrot first thing in the morning and adding cascara to the routine and it's helped immensely. Pour hot water over a teaspoon of the bark powder, let it steep for a few minutes, then drink the water (leaving the powder at the bottom of the mug). Around 8-10 hours later the carrot comes out the other end.

A potato ricer or fine mesh bag (paint strainer bag which you should be able to find at any hardware store) works well for squeezing carotene out of the grated carrot. Bag also doubles as a tool to strain out the pulp from fresh squeezed OJ.


Nov 1, 2012
I have had both effects from carrot/carrot salad.

I stumbled upon an article by an M.D. while trying to understand the liver detoxification of estrogen. I thought there were some interesting points made, although, there are some recommendations in the article that are your typical mainstream advice. It seems vitamin E and magnesium play a role in estrogen detox.

The ultimate biologic effect of estrogen in the body depends on how it is metabolized. The metabolism of estrogen takes place primarily in the liver through Phase I (hydroxylation) and Phase II (methylation and glucuronidation) pathways, which allow the estrogen to be detoxified and excreted from the body.

Dietary fiber intake can promote the excretion of estrogen by binding estrogens in the digestive tract and also increases serum concentrations of SHBG, thus reducing levels of free estradiol.22,23

Vitamin E and Magnesium?Low serum vitamin E is associated with elevated estrogen levels, and may negatively affect estrogen detoxification. Women with PMS have experienced improvements of their symptoms when given supplemental vitamin E.31 Magnesium promotes estrogen detoxification by promoting methylation and glucuronidation, key estrogen detoxification pathways. Ovarian hormones influence magnesium levels, triggering decreases at certain times during the menstrual cycle as well as altering the calcium to magnesium ratio. These cyclical changes can produce many of the well-known symptoms of PMS in women who are deficient in magnesium and/or calcium.32

Sourcehttp://www.meta-ehealth.com/site/ ... nutrition-

Nutritional Influences on Estrogen Metabolism: A Summary
By Douglas C. Hall, M.D.


Jan 3, 2014
For some time, the thought of carrot has been nauseating, but charcoal goes down well. I think it was mentioned here that carrot can hang around in inefficient digestive systems and ferment counter-productively, and I wonder if aversion might be a helpful indicator in this regard.


Mar 29, 2014
Really thorough rinsing of grated carrot makes the difference between enjoying or being averse to raw carrot. I had carrots but no grater to hand for a couple of days last week. I enjoyed the first raw whole raw carrot I ate, felt OK with another the next day, and couldn't eat more than a couple of bites on the third day. I've had an aversion to cooked carrot since I was pregnant several years ago. I assume there is a reason, and I guess it's the beta carotene. I don't intend to override an aversion.


Jan 3, 2014
Same here. Interesting that the feeling builds up over a few days .suggests cumulative effect of something your body can't deal with. Maybe.


Nov 30, 2012
I dislike raw carrots also. I just gagged a few down. Always makes such a difference, immediately. Often my temps will go up and I sweat a little while sleeping (signs of hormonal shifts, just like Peat says). Charcoal doesn't have the same effect. I've noticed lately that I can't afford to skip it. I've even though of growing my own and making special dressing, anything to make myself eat it daily.
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