Ostracized for opting out of vaxx


Dec 8, 2016
Change the narrative. Be proud. Chest out and stand for what you believe.

How I did this:
In the gas crisis my boss/company owner- said he would drive with me to get gas at his membership club.
When I put my mask on in my car- I told him it was for my safety- because of the concern of shedding.
How his choice could make me sick.
No emotion. Just quick and to the point.

He received it- and has never questioned me again.
He knows where i stand and I wont apologize or waiver.

If you don’t personally or internally deal with this now- it will only get rockier.
Root and don’t waiver.

as @Pina said: u r not alone.

Best to you.


Nov 29, 2017
My father just called me a fanatic because i questioned his blanket statement/universal truth of the following:

“We know that the vaccine works because if people get covid after the vaccine, it’s not deadly for them”

I simply said if that’s what you believe then ok. I have a difference of opinion but won’t debate with you...He persisted so I asked, why are “numbers” going up in Israel if majority of the population is vaccinated now... Anyways, these are the same circular arguments we all get roped into...

luckily he hasn’t taken the jab yet but eventually he will when they offer the J&J here in Canada. Like the J&J is any different at the end of the day...


Sep 10, 2019
Unless you are a new employee and voluntarily disclosing vaccination status was part of the contract you signed when starting, I am pretty sure this is illegal under both state and federal laws. While being employed may be more important for now (instead of suing), you may want to consider the BBB reporting option I mentioned in a post above. It will usually get the company's attention and spur change in policies, and in many states you can file the BBB report anonymously and even email a copy to the local attorney general.
For clarity, it’s only required if one wishes to not wear a mask at work. I don’t think it’s mandatory. But that’s good info. I’m sure it won’t be long before some workplaces do make it mandatory.


I am yet to speak to a vaccinated person who knows that they are part of phase 3 of the clinical trials, one of them was a nurse. I am shocked at how ill informed people are. It looks like roll up your sleeve in the informed consent.

This is a good article to share, its states that the spike proteins have been found in high concentrations in the ovaries


Jul 31, 2014
Cannot thank-you all enough! Reading these responses has really comforted me in reassuring I am not alone, that I am not crazy. I live in nyc and it has been tough to say the least. I know that if i ever buckled it would be for the wrong reasons and for someone else. I’ve been thinking about relocating for a while now and have been unfulfilled in my work for a long time. Trying to take the positive spin that if I lose work it was the push I needed to make a big change. Thank-you @haidut for offering some legal insight into our rights in the workplace. Thanks again, sending support to everyone during this incredibly disorienting time.


Nov 22, 2017
My father just called me a fanatic because i questioned his blanket statement/universal truth of the following:

“We know that the vaccine works because if people get covid after the vaccine, it’s not deadly for them”

I simply said if that’s what you believe then ok. I have a difference of opinion but won’t debate with you...He persisted so I asked, why are “numbers” going up in Israel if majority of the population is vaccinated now... Anyways, these are the same circular arguments we all get roped into...

luckily he hasn’t taken the jab yet but eventually he will when they offer the J&J here in Canada. Like the J&J is any different at the end of the day...

I have an eerily similar relationship with my dad, I brought every argument I could but now for the first time in my life our relationship has totally imploded. There is circular logic going on. I show him data, he says it can't be real, the experts are not lying, then he doesn't believe the data, on and on.

Long story short. He thinks I'm nuts. And people in his family don't want me around because they think I'm nuts and dangerous. I've always been on great terms with all those people so you can see how severe the situation is. It is what it is, and frankly, on some level I really don't care.

Going back to my dad, was very sick this year and then went ahead and got vaxxed twice. His health is worse than ever. Tons of problems and I'm not betting on him having a long life moving forward, something which I'm very sad about.

Be thankful your dad still hasn't gotten the vax, you can probably influence him positively still. Novavax is apparently much safer, if it ever becomes available in Canada.


Oct 1, 2019
I would tell them that new vaccines and treatments usually go through years of testing and that I think it's completely irresponsible of them to get injected with highly experimental pharma products.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I am yet to speak to a vaccinated person who knows that they are part of phase 3 of the clinical trials, one of them was a nurse. I am shocked at how ill informed people are. It looks like roll up your sleeve in the informed consent.

This is a good article to share, its states that the spike proteins have been found in high concentrations in the ovaries
I mentioned this to coworkers before the vaccine came to our area but my coworkers had no clue. And we don’t talk about it now just like we don’t talk about religion and politics. I am concerned for them.


Nov 29, 2017
I have an eerily similar relationship with my dad, I brought every argument I could but now for the first time in my life our relationship has totally imploded. There is circular logic going on. I show him data, he says it can't be real, the experts are not lying, then he doesn't believe the data, on and on.

Long story short. He thinks I'm nuts. And people in his family don't want me around because they think I'm nuts and dangerous. I've always been on great terms with all those people so you can see how severe the situation is. It is what it is, and frankly, on some level I really don't care.

Going back to my dad, was very sick this year and then went ahead and got vaxxed twice. His health is worse than ever. Tons of problems and I'm not betting on him having a long life moving forward, something which I'm very sad about.

Be thankful your dad still hasn't gotten the vax, you can probably influence him positively still. Novavax is apparently much safer, if it ever becomes available in Canada.
It’s like we have the same father :)

He takes it as a shot to his ego (or he thinks it’s my ego trying to be all knowing because my sources are apparently wango tango). I didn’t even debate him at first just saying that’s your opinion and I won’t debate. Eventually I got sucked into a debate and it end with me purposely getting into my condo elevator to drop signal).

did I mention my father gets his news from CBC and the lame stream media 100% of the time..... enough from me. Sorry to make everyone cringe with these posts

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Reading all this I'm grateful I live in Montana. In a moderate size college town, in fact the most "liberal" area in the state, no one asks about the jab, no one cares. If the topic arises, people that got the shot seem more nervous than those that didn't and accept the reasoning that I chose not to because it's novel, un-safety-tested and issued under an EUA. Almost never see a mask anywhere now - even store clerks and wait-people stopped the nonsense weeks ago.

In May the state outlawed vaccine passports and made it illegal to discriminate based on vax status. In fact, it's hard to tell there was ever a plandemic at all save for what i read online. What's happening in the rest of the world seems almost unreal although i know it to be true; a police state mentality has seized hold of the people.


Dec 10, 2016
She may also be out of a job, as her asking such questions in front of other people counts as multiple violations of HIPAA,

HIPAA and Proof of Vaccine Status​

Vaccination information is classed as PHI and is covered by the HIPAA Rules. However, HIPAA only applies to HIPAA-covered entities – healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses – and their business associates. If an employer asks an employee to provide proof that they have been vaccinated in order to allow that individual to work without wearing a facemask, that is not a HIPAA violation as HIPAA does not apply to most employers.

It would not be a HIPAA violation for an employer to ask an employee’s healthcare provider for proof of vaccination. It would however be a HIPAA violation for the employee’s healthcare provider to disclose that information to the employer unless the individual had provided authorization to do so. If an employer is running their own vaccination program and an employee chooses to have their vaccine privately, that individual may have to authorize their healthcare provider to disclose certain information about their vaccine to their employer as proof that they have been vaccinated.


Here in France, every night on the news you hear them complaining that barely half of the population is vaccinated.
(Yes, I watch the news to keep up with where the rulers are heading with this BS).

And they are genuinely asking themselves every night why. Why has only 50% of the population received the jab in spite of all the government TV spots and the opening of it to all age brackets.

Well, because 50% of France doesn't care if the vaccine is free, doesn't care if it's available, THEY SIMPLY WON'T ACCEPT AN EXPERIMENTAL DRUG INTRAMUSCULARLY.

Don't worry, it's just been a few months that the vaccine is available, and from where we are it looks like everyone wants it and will give you the look of you are unvaccinated.

But we've reached a plateau in vaccination numbers. Next week they will make it mandatory for healthcare workers here in France.
And a few months from now, they will make it mandatory for the other half of the population.

That's why we need to stay strong.
We didn't just "forget to get vaccinated" like they all think.
We are purely against it.


Nov 22, 2017
Reading all this I'm grateful I live in Montana. In a moderate size college town, in fact the most "liberal" area in the state, no one asks about the jab, no one cares. If the topic arises, people that got the shot seem more nervous than those that didn't and accept the reasoning that I chose not to because it's novel, un-safety-tested and issued under an EUA. Almost never see a mask anywhere now - even store clerks and wait-people stopped the nonsense weeks ago.

In May the state outlawed vaccine passports and made it illegal to discriminate based on vax status. In fact, it's hard to tell there was ever a plandemic at all save for what i read online. What's happening in the rest of the world seems almost unreal although i know it to be true; a police state mentality has seized hold of the people.

You make me want to move to Montana, seriously haha!


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut I've been told it's ok to ask co-workers if they have been vaccinated. But it's not ok to ask why/why not.
Have you seen any specific language around this (in the US)?

Well, with the disclaimer that IANAL - it is never OK to ask anybody about their medical status unless you are legally entitles to do so (which is rare and usually involved govt agency or medical personnel). It is very much a grey area for this to happen in a person-to-person conversation among fellow employees in a corporate/work setting, and it is even riskier for an employer/boss to "casually" ask about this too as it can be interpreted as a form of coercion - i.e. if your boss asks you then you may feel compelled to answer or otherwise face consequences even if the boss claims you "volunteered" this information. A good HR department knows about this and has properly instructed the suits, even though some may not follow the advice. Some more nefarious HR departments (indirectly) encourage regular employees to discuss this between themselves and then if anybody sues for being asked to disclose private medical information (vaccine or otherwise) then HR will simply throw the "offending" (asking) employee under the bus and claim ignorance and that the company is not officially asking anybody anything. The lawsuits about this have not even started yet, but some of my friends that work at Fortune 500 companies and are now going back to the office have already been given training by their respective HR departments, which can be petty much summed up by "keep COVID-19 discussions out of the office, especially about vaccines". The real test for this would be in the fall when most people will be back to work in their offices and then we will see how much the law allows employers to intrude into people's privacy. Considering the abysmal labor market, most employers will probably avoid alienating current/future employees by demanding this information as it is not really tied to the bottom line (profit) so it makes no sense to risk lawsuits and resignations over such a political issue.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My company was very tricky about this and said that if you are vaccinated you "must" fill out a "voluntary" disclosure form. Most people ddin't complain though because they are happily vaxxed. I flagged it to my union rep. Thankfully it no longer applies to me however because I just recently moved out of the city and will be working remotely permanently going forward.

I completely feel this though and sympathize, I feel incredibly alone and alienated in all of this.

I would also consider filing a BBB report. Those seem to get a company's attention pretty quickly as Google ranks them as high priority links and if the company does not have many bad reviews and suddenly somebody complains about medical tyranny at said company, it will come up as one of the first results in Google and the company staff/mgmt will notice this within days and usually do what they can do resolve a bad BBB review, especially when it is about company doing something potentially illegal.


Aug 24, 2020
I would also consider filing a BBB report. Those seem to get a company's attention pretty quickly as Google ranks them as high priority links and if the company does not have many bad reviews and suddenly somebody complains about medical tyranny at said company, it will come up as one of the first results in Google and the company staff/mgmt will notice this within days and usually do what they can do resolve a bad BBB review, especially when it is about company doing something potentially illegal.
this is good to know


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank-you @haidut for offering some legal insight into our rights in the workplace. Thanks again, sending support to everyone during this incredibly disorienting time.

You are welcome...with the disclaimer that I am not a lawyer (IANAL), so if it gets to the point of somebody forcing you to disclose vaccination status or decide on getting vaccine or not, I strongly suggest consulting with a lawyer. The laws vary vastly across jurisdictions, and what may be illegal in one place could be legal in another.


Jul 29, 2014
did I mention my father gets his news from CBC and the lame stream media 100% of the time.....

I listen to the CBC sometimes, or go on their website to check the articles. They push the agenda hard for sure. They come out with news pieces that seem like propaganda designed merely to influence people. I enjoy going on the comments section and seeing what people think. Occasionally I post something lol...


Jan 25, 2014
As far as alienation from family/friends - I think this is the biggest issue with this "pandemic". Society has realized that the enemy is not so much the elite who have always schemed to control the regular people, but it is the enabling of elite's plans by people very close to us that is putting most of us in this predicament. I don't have a solution to this. All I can say is that this is definitely not something new, but has been many years in the making and it is now simply out in the open. Even though this clash between us and our zombified relatives/friends may end up ripping society/families apart, IMO it is long overdue as the previous system of pretending the problem was not there obviously did/does not work and now a cataclysm will take place before a new solution is found...by whomever manages to survive the social collapse. Sorry to be a downer, but there is just nothing else that seems to be working. At some point we all have to confront the demons - inside of us...or sitting next to us.

Very well stated. I think this "pandemic" has very exposed a lot of issues that have been brewing for a long time, in medicine, in government, in the economy, and socially. I agree that just pretending it doesn't exist and just letting things fester isn't a good long term strategy.... although we may be faced with a pretty unpleasant situation/confrontations that last years, maybe decades. Regardless, better to have some of these things out in the open.


Mar 15, 2018
Very well stated. I think this "pandemic" has very exposed a lot of issues that have been brewing for a long time, in medicine, in government, in the economy, and socially. I agree that just pretending it doesn't exist and just letting things fester isn't a good long term strategy.... although we may be faced with a pretty unpleasant situation/confrontations that last years, maybe decades. Regardless, better to have some of these things out in the open.
It's something to keep into account when you think about the schemers and their enablers.
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