NHS UK making doctors take covid vaccination


Mar 6, 2020
basically the whole of France has not had "le jab". I thought this was good news - how can they introduce a vpassport when whole countries are not ready. But then I realised the french dont need to travel for holidays.


That isn’t completely correct. I’m a healthcare worker (here in the UK), and my company has said 100% that it is a person’s choice to take the vaccine, or not. They can’t do anything to make me take it.

I also do agency shifts on the side (also as a healthcare worker), and they also have the same stance (even though I am going from place to place).

If you know people who work in healthcare who are being forced to take it (not that it could ever be allowed), I would advise them to take legal action and/or find a new job.

Everyone in my workplace has had the jab, and within the next few weeks will have the second one. I (and just one other person) are still untouched. All I’ve had is a meeting with my manager where she had to go through a written agreement with myself that I understand that I am basically putting myself at risk (and perhaps others). But ultimately it’s my choice if somebody sticks that in my arm.
I am glad your experience has been different. Unfortunately, it is not the case for the people I have spoken with. For instance, a care worker I know was told not to bother returning to work unless she took the vaccine. She does not have the luxury of being able to walk into another job. There is a form of constructive coercion being practiced by some organisations. It is illegal but it is happening. If I were in that position I will seek legal counsel but not everyone knows their rights or they may be intimidated by the legal process. Fear has become the weapon of choice.


Last year I reread 1984 by George Orwell and was amazed at how prescient his writing is. I have become more interested in his work as a way of making sense of where we are now in the UK and how we got here. The best of our mainstream media has let us down.

“The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt.... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies all this is indispensably necessary”. George Orwell.

I have noticed a silencing of anyone who dares question the efficacy and safety of these covid vaccinations by mainstream media. This includes out beloved BBC.

“Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.” George Orwell.

This so called pandemic has really highlighted to me how it is possible to exploit human vulnerability. Most of my friends have taken the vaccine. They have been blessed with good health so they don’t “waste” time reading about health issues. These healthy individuals are willing to subject their bodies to these experimental injections without questioning the science behind it. I don’t get it. I don’t understand how healthy, bright, successful individuals can be taken in like that. What am I missing? I am not writing these posts to off load, I do so because the situation is beginning to get to me. I feel powerless and I don’t want to be powerless. I want to know that despite the dire situation we are in there is hope. Hope that like minded people will unite to resist the covid tyranny. I have passed on the link to the covid certificate review. I believe that if we are motivated to say NO in unison then surly something good can come of that?


Sep 22, 2020
I am glad your experience has been different. Unfortunately, it is not the case for the people I have spoken with. For instance, a care worker I know was told not to bother returning to work unless she took the vaccine. She does not have the luxury of being able to walk into another job. There is a form of constructive coercion being practiced by some organisations. It is illegal but it is happening. If I were in that position I will seek legal counsel but not everyone knows their rights or they may be intimidated by the legal process. Fear has become the weapon of choice.

No worries. Honestly, there are hundreds of healthcare work agencies to chose from and just applying for jobs in other healthcare fields (there are loads on indeed, etc), they should be able to find something else. There’s an old saying in healthcare that there’s never a shortage of work. The demand for carers usually exceeds what is on offer because it’s a job that most ppl don’t even consider or want to do.


Feb 18, 2016
We are told that covid vaccinations are not mandatory in the UK, yet, doctors working for the NHS are being made to take it. Care-workers are being told not to come to work until they have had the injections. I have spoke to individuals who have confirmed that they have been told to get vaccine or not come to work. Here we are now discussing vaccination passports. I am worried and furious at what is going on. When are we going to wake up?

This morning it was announced a booster jab will be available for the over 70’s. So, we have a vaccine that doesn’t stop infection or transmission. Now the booster will do what? I don’t understand why people have been made to believe that a non vaccinated person is more risky than a vaccinated person.

Why oh why are we passive to this madness? What can we do?

'I don't want to be bullied': NHS and care workers on mandatory Covid jabs | NHS | The Guardian

They won’t even test for immunity before the booster shot, fools will be ramping up their immune system with adjuvants twice in the space of months, this wont end well.


Feb 18, 2016
Whatever is written in that red file is, I’m sure, related to what we are seeing today in the UK. Hancock here, has been meeting Schwab since 2016, sold us out, as many other nations, to Schwab WEF’s sick vision for us useless eaters.

He’s also been around Nicole junkermann who is connected to Jeffrey Epstein the child sex trafficker, was doing meeting about digitizing public health in around 2016, it all ties in together.
Schwaub‘s family business have direct links to the nazis, they even ran a camp in WW2 ,nobody bothered to write about this in the MSM.


Jun 13, 2019

The NHS has been up to something for years. I think they'll do anything to continue the big pharma - medical pipeline.


Jun 20, 2015
Care-workers are being told not to come to work until they have had the injections.
I don't know what the employment laws looks like in UK, in Germany people could file a claim with the labor court. We have very commited laywers that are helping people by providing them with templates and explaining in podcasts what their rights are. And you can always hire a lawyers of course.


Oct 19, 2019
Thank you, but I read back through my posts, and I think I was realistic enough with my wording, and nothing I said originally even necessarily disagrees with your position; but I believe you may already have inadvertently dissuaded people here, even if that wasn't your plan.
That wasn't my "plan" at all. I'm just voicing my own opinion, people should do what they feel best in their own circumstance.

Remember the Iraq war? Public sentiment was FAR more against that than vaccine passports, millions marched against it on the streets. Guess what, they still did it anyway. To think sending a few study links to a website will influence some committee is like I said (in my opinion) naive. The only way this stops now is with far bigger and more disruptive action.


Oct 19, 2019
I don’t understand how healthy, bright, successful individuals can be taken in like that. What am I missing?
This has been decades in the making, not least through media and schooling/education. There is just no appetite for or ability to think critically in the populace at large. We are literally in the Matrix and the blue pills have been popped.

In recent years I think Adam Curtis' documentaries have done the best job of showing how we have gotten to this point. You might not agree with his style or interpretation of every bit of nuance, but I think his general overviews hold true. At the minute it feels like being in one of his films in live time.

Orwell and many other authors called it. Maybe it's just human nature and that's why it was/is so predictable and feels so inevitable.



Jun 13, 2019
In recent years I think Adam Curtis' documentaries have done the best job of showing how we have gotten to this point. You might not agree with his style or interpretation of every bit of nuance, but I think his general overviews hold true. At the minute it feels like being in one of his films in live time.
this. I can feel it in myself. Increasing isolation, confusion, paranoia. All the while fiscal policy world wide is broadening oligarchical power with excessive money printing, quantitative easing, etc. here in America, in the first stimulus bill 200 billion was lost to fraud in the governments attempt to dsitribute emergency loans and stimulus checks. Like what? just a casual 200 billion lost and people move on cause no one knows whats going on or who to believe or where to look, I think to get back on track we just have keep things simple, as @Drareg said in another thread, follow the money. Also in order to mend the increasing isolationism and the hatred going on between all sides, I like the quote "be soft on people, hard on institutions".


Jan 25, 2014
View attachment 22363

The NHS has been up to something for years. I think they'll do anything to continue the big pharma - medical pipeline.

It's so funny when you realize how business in the real world works. It would make zero sense to have a hospital that only hits 30% capacity at the time of year when more people get sick. They have to operate somewhat near capacity to survive.

The record LOW number of patients during the early days of the so called (and very obviously fake) "Pandemic" put many hospitals out of business. I'm still waiting for anyone to offer an even 25% sane explanation of why it makes total sense to furlough hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses during a "pandemic."

My favorite among those headlines is "266 Hospitals Furloughing workers in response to COVID-19." How does anyone see that and think any of the nonsense last year was in any way justified? How is that not an Onion article?????????

Of course they are going to be "full to bursting" or "running at 99% capacity" or "sending patients elsewhere" or "putting operations on hold" or "struggling with demand."

Sure, it's a narrative, but it's also true and expected. It's no different than reporting something like "Water in Drain hit's record high for the day after resident pulls plug on his daily bath."


Oct 19, 2019
Masterjohn has come out swinging



"Jab" is a boxing term. What sounds innocuous about getting punched?

Boxing connotations aside - weird that that didn’t occur to me - I’m pretty sure it’s used because it sounds less scary than anything else: “vaccine”, “injection”. Jab just sounds quick and easy and relatively harmless. Nothing to be scared of at all.


Jan 25, 2014
Boxing connotations aside - weird that that didn’t occur to me - I’m pretty sure it’s used because it sounds less scary than anything else: “vaccine”, “injection”. Jab just sounds quick and easy and relatively harmless. Nothing to be scared of at all.

You think "jab" sounds less scary to most people than "vaccine?"

That would be incredible if true. But I don't see that, at least in people I know. I have a co-worker that totally distrusts "big pharma companies," yet has been fairly pro-vaccine in general, and was all about getting the COVID vaccine (he used the term vaccine, not jab, and also says "took my first shot," but that also makes sense in context, seeing as it's two shots).

I think most people believe that vaccines are great and necessary, and the crowning achievement of medicine. The word "jab" would at least be a step down from that.


You think "jab" sounds less scary to most people than "vaccine?"

That would be incredible if true. But I don't see that, at least in people I know. I have a co-worker that totally distrusts "big pharma companies," yet has been fairly pro-vaccine in general, and was all about getting the COVID vaccine (he used the term vaccine, not jab, and also says "took my first shot," but that also makes sense in context, seeing as it's two shots).

I think most people believe that vaccines are great and necessary, and the crowning achievement of medicine. The word "jab" would at least be a step down from that.

You may be right. It might just be me that thinks "jab" is faux-innocuous. I'd love to know how other people feel about it.


Jan 18, 2020


Jan 18, 2020
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