My story. Guidance Needed.


New Member
Sep 29, 2022
Hello everyone. My name is Luke. Been great to read all the lovely things you all post here. Found a friend on Twitter posting about Dr. Peat, and fell in love with his ideas. Bought Kate Deering's book, and have read a decent amount of Dr. Peat's articles. Dr. Peat's stuff really spoke to the issues I am having and seemed to be the only one with answers.

I have some issues I wanted to run past you guys and see where you think I should begin. With so much info out there that Dr. Peat has, it's hard to find a starting point. I have been to the doctor with these issues, but I am in a rural area, and they don't seem to care. They always do blood work and say everything looks fine.

I am a 26yo Male, who stands 6'3 and weighs 225lbs for the record.

Let me give some background.

I was a pretty healthy teen. We didn't have much junk food in the house. No soda, or chips really. My mother liked Trim Healthy Momma and would try to cook us meals each evening. She was a big fan of butter and tried to use wholesome ingredients. Of course, there was the occasional McDonald's trip or pizza night.

Once I turned 18 I took a new job as a parts delivery guy. This is when I think I started to really destroy my body and metabolism. I would pick up 2 green Monsters, and 3-4 Donuts each morning from the gas station. I also started eating fast food more often. KFC and Taco Bell were the new standards in my lunchtime diet. I continued doing this for about 4 years or so. I also picked up smoking during this time. I have since then been a 2 pack a day kind of guy. Even with all this, I maintained around a 180lbs bodyweight.

Now here is where things really took a turn for me.

When I was 21 I developed a pilonidal cyst in my buttcrack. I had it removed surgically. I went septic afterward and went into the hospital for 5 days and was pumped full of "fluids".

I then got a second one, a third, and on and on until I had finally had 8. It was like every 3-6 months my butt would swell due to seemingly minor things. Stub my toe? Butt would swell. Cut my finger? Butt would swell? Catch a cold? Butt would swell. Just over and over and over. 3 times they were removed surgically, and the rest were lanced.

On the 8th I finally saw a new surgeon who removed the "tracks" they leave behind, which my other surgeon did not remove, and I have thankfully been free of them for 2 years now.

Of course, during this time, I was down and out. Slipped into a massive depression. Had to put off so many of my life goals due to this issue. I've been engaged for 7 years, but how can you plan a wedding when you could go in for surgery at any time? Happy to report I am getting Married on Oct 16 thank God.

I was on antibiotics probably 6 months out of the year, and of course, painkillers as well. During these years, my fiancé would do most of the work for our bills, since I was working about half to 3/4 of the year. I would slip into eating junk again since I couldn't cook for myself. I couldn't stand in front of the stove, so Pizza Rolls and the like became commonplace. Still had the issue of donuts and monsters when at work. It was at this time the weight gain, and general "crappy" feeling started to take place. Wake up with headaches, never felt rested, pee all the time, etc, etc

About 2 years ago I decided to get my life in check and started to eat better. Of course, it was all chicken, rice, broccoli, etc I started lifting weights off and on which I am finally sticking with. The Paleo diet saw the best results, from a weight loss of about 20lbs in a couple of months, going from 245 to 225.

Sorry for the long post, but I just wanted to get my background out there for clear info.

So here is my current issues in life, and how I think Dr. Peat's ideals will help.

I am cold all the time. Coworkers always say it's hot, and I am freezing to death. I leave the truck A/C we drive for work on 74 or 76 all summer, while they leave theirs in the mid-60s.
I pee all the time. Literally, pee probably 15 to 20 times a day. On rare occasions, I will poop blood after drinking something like a Red Bull for a few days in a row.
Wake up with headaches, unless water consumption was above 50oz that day.
Skinny fat. It's like metabolism has slowed to a creeping halt. Have gone down as far as 1200kcal a day, and only lost like 3lbs in 3 weeks. I know it takes time, but man that seems off.
Recovery from workouts takes forever. When I lift weights, recovery seems to take a bit, and really hurt. When I hit the chest, I feel it all week long.

Some basics I have been following currently.

I eat around 2000 calories a day, which is under maintenance. Carbs around 100g a day, Protein around 150, and fats around 100g.
We avoid PUFA as much as possible.
Beef, collagen, carrots, OJ, etc has become a staple. We're not strictly following Dr. Peat, but we do our best. I would say we're more Paleo + Dairy. We of course eat out on occasions, and still have yet to let go of Friday's "Pizza Night". I guzzle raw eggs, with milk often, and try to have a glass of OJ after lunch.
Lift Heavy weights 3-4 times a week. I do all major lifts, except the bench due to lack of equipment, as well as some accessory lifts.
I drink enough water, but not too much IMO. Around 80oz a day. Add a pinch of Pink Salt to each glass. I drink probably 50oz of black coffee a day.
I take Creatine, Magnoil, and Estroban currently.

I have been to the doctor with the above issues, and they never gave me a good answer of course. Bloodwork-wise, they've only ever said "Your Liver numbers are a little high." and everything else looks okay. Now I have never seen my labs personally though.

I am just wondering where I should start. I am terrified I've given myself diabetes or wrecked my metabolism beyond repair.

I am politely asking if any of you have any pointers on where to begin this journey, or where to focus. I know I am not perfect, and things like Pizza night need to go, and my patience needs to be checked as well. I think I am just needing a little guidance here, and to be told where to focus. I want my kids to avoid crap like this in their life, and so I need to be in peak shape before I can think about having them.

Thanks a bunch.
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Mar 25, 2021
Hey man, I’m not any kind of expert but there’s a few things in your story that stand out to me. You’re definitely under eating and over hydrating. I think Ray says you should aim for at least 200 grams of carbs per day. Are you eating every 3-4 hours to balance blood sugar? I’d definitely tone down the water and replace it with milk and oj if your digestion can handle it. You’re peeing out all your minerals so that could cause the headaches. Try that and use the temperature and pulse to monitor metabolism. I’d also completely stop training for now. Go for walks instead. Take it easy until you feel a hell of a lot better than you currently do. The 6 months of antibiotics makes me think it’s possible you have some gut repair to do maybe, but I’m just guessing. Monitoring how you feel after food is important. But sometimes you can eat something and feel like ***t 2 days later so a food diary could be useful. Oh and if you enjoy pizza night with your future wife and it’s not making you feel like crap then enjoy it.

All the best.


New Member
Sep 29, 2022
Hey man, I’m not any kind of expert but there’s a few things in your story that stand out to me. You’re definitely under eating and over hydrating. I think Ray says you should aim for at least 200 grams of carbs per day. Are you eating every 3-4 hours to balance blood sugar? I’d definitely tone down the water and replace it with milk and oj if your digestion can handle it. You’re peeing out all your minerals so that could cause the headaches. Try that and use the temperature and pulse to monitor metabolism. I’d also completely stop training for now. Go for walks instead. Take it easy until you feel a hell of a lot better than you currently do. The 6 months of antibiotics makes me think it’s possible you have some gut repair to do maybe, but I’m just guessing. Monitoring how you feel after food is important. But sometimes you can eat something and feel like ***t 2 days later so a food diary could be useful. Oh and if you enjoy pizza night with your future wife and it’s not making you feel like crap then enjoy it.

All the best.
Hey thanks Andrew.

I am not currently eating until 1pm basically everyday. I wake at 6am for reference. Never been a breakfast guy, but now that you said that I feel like a dolt for not thinking of it. Haha I agree on the carb thing as well. Of course you always hear "low carb kills body fat" but it's not sustainable, especially with training. Kind of a stupid decision on my part. Speaking of the feeling of eating, loading up on that carb filled pizza on Friday actually feels pretty good, so maybe that'll stick for now lmao.

Just for clarification, it wasn't just 6 months of antibiotics, but more like 6 months of each year for about 6 years I was on them to fight the cyst infection pre/post surgery.

I definitely could see myself replacing my morning water with milk. I have a 40z water bottle I keep around. Would you suggest, in your opinion, to cut down to just one of those a day, or even less? Say drink 40z of milk in the AM, and 40oz water in the afternoon, or is this too much?

I do apologize for this comment, as I am new, but what would be ideal temp, and pulse for good metabolism. I have a Garmin watch that seems to do pretty good on pulse, and I seem to average around 71bpm per day, but often notice it around 90-100 when walking around at work.

Thanks again for your help!
Apr 13, 2018
Have you taken your morning temperatures?

Ray Peat discusses the temperatures and other issues you list in this interview: Hashimoto’s, Antibodies, Temperature and Pulse KMUD, 2013

If you're not sure where to start, consider consulting with someone who knows Ray Peat's work. See the end of this comment.
I'd try to help with the limited knowledge I have but am too busy these days in the endless pandemic era so I cannot assist past this comment. But I had similar issues to you and they are resolved now and am feeling my strongest. Took about 2 years or so. I used to be cold all the time, low body temperature in the morning and during the day, low heart rate, woke up 5 times a night, wired but tired, urinating excessively, hair falling out, skin very dry and flakey, constipated. Standard hypothyroid/low metabolism stuff. Thankfully those days are all past and I am feeling good and virile and other people seem to gravitate to me IRL. So know that you can get out of where you are. The most important thing for me was just eating enough, and resting. Red light also helped I think (red light man brand- "Red Light Device Mini". Shined it on my thyroid, shined it on my back or other skin (don't shine it touching your heart area, I found my heart would pound in the night like crazy after). I used the different vitamins all very liberally, b complexes, A, C, D, (don't use too much K2 as it can reduce your calcium levels too much if you're not getting enough in your diet). I used thyroid very briefly, I haven't used it in years now.

2000 calories sounds way too low though given your body, and all your exercising. I had to totally stop weight lifting for 2 years or so and focus completely on restoring my health to state of ease and warmth. The only exercise I did was gentle walking. I don't think 2000 calories is anywhere enough to recover. I think the vast majority of my symptoms started when I wasn't eating enough as a young man and was over-exercising, and I let that go on too long. I see some parallels in your story where you mention cutting calories.

I'd try consulting with one or all of
Kate Deering
Danny Roddy
Nate Hatch maybe also can help ( **** Portion Control)
Billy Craig especially as he has a background in athletics as a cyclist and has studied in this metabolism area #whatwouldBillysay?

Websites that helped:
Matt Stone's Diet Recovery: My Experience - Cheeseslave

This website had some interesting articles about the physiology of your body rebuilding itself after prolonged insufficient food intake. Don't be put off by the website name. Just see it as info on how people's bodies recover with enough food:
Phases of Recovery From An Eating Disorder Part 4 — E D I
Time and Scope: Recovery Is Tough — E D I

Amazon product ASIN 1500828254View:
associated with the above website. Again don't be put off by the name. It had useful information that's basically about how your body can recover its proper functions with sufficient food and nutrition.

Amazon product ASIN B07CPW5TY6View:

Amazon product ASIN 069001029XView:

Good luck, you can do it.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I'd stop the caffeine for a while and see what happens. Also supplement with thiamine because caffeine interferes with it, Also caffeine's a diuretic, which may be why you pee a lot.


Dec 10, 2014
I think the biggest issue now is that you are undereating while lifting heavy weights. It might be helpful to eat in a more pro-metabolic way while getting plenty of rest and sunlight.

At the same time you might want to take care of your liver and make sure your presumed bacterial issues don't flare up again. This is easier said than done, though some supplements milk thistle, swedish bitters etc. have a pretty good track recording and might start moving things into a right direction.
Mar 25, 2021
Hey thanks Andrew.

I am not currently eating until 1pm basically everyday. I wake at 6am for reference. Never been a breakfast guy, but now that you said that I feel like a dolt for not thinking of it. Haha I agree on the carb thing as well. Of course you always hear "low carb kills body fat" but it's not sustainable, especially with training. Kind of a stupid decision on my part. Speaking of the feeling of eating, loading up on that carb filled pizza on Friday actually feels pretty good, so maybe that'll stick for now lmao.

Just for clarification, it wasn't just 6 months of antibiotics, but more like 6 months of each year for about 6 years I was on them to fight the cyst infection pre/post surgery.

I definitely could see myself replacing my morning water with milk. I have a 40z water bottle I keep around. Would you suggest, in your opinion, to cut down to just one of those a day, or even less? Say drink 40z of milk in the AM, and 40oz water in the afternoon, or is this too much?

I do apologize for this comment, as I am new, but what would be ideal temp, and pulse for good metabolism. I have a Garmin watch that seems to do pretty good on pulse, and I seem to average around 71bpm per day, but often notice it around 90-100 when walking around at work.

Thanks again for your help!
You definitely need to start eating breakfast within half hour of waking. Eat every 3-4 hours then with carbs & protein. Yeah definitely replace the water with milk and orange juice and sip casually throughout the day when thirsty. Don’t drink coffee on an empty stomach either. That will tank your adrenals. It’s best drank about half hour after a meal. Your ideal temps should be 36.6 upon waking and then 37 by midday. The pulse should be between 75 to 85. I’m pretty sure I’ve read that taking antibiotics can destroy your body’s K2 so maybe try supplementing with that and if you don’t know your vitamin D level then find out and supplement with that accordingly. I’m guessing it’s gonna take a bit of time for you to heal so just really take it easy. Don’t worry about body fat percentage for now. You’ll probably need to put on a bit of weight to heal faster. If you see no improvement after time then I’d get your thyroid checked and come back to the forum for advice on that. Other than that pal the only other things I can think of is to make sure your sleep is on point. Do all the other Peaty nutrition things like eating some liver & oysters every week. Keep your co2 levels up with some bag breathing and bath with epsom salt & baking soda.

Happy trails.


Nov 1, 2019
Rest + plenty of food + sunlight + reduce stress + cut stimulants(you are already malnourished) + grounding + walks in nature + time.


New Member
Sep 29, 2022
Thanks a bunch everyone. Got me a lot more confident in my journey.

Gonna try and implement as much as I can. Despite thinking I was doing alright health wise, I can see now I was doing a ton wrong. Getting brainwashed for years by the "health industry" really does get you all out of wack.

You always hear all the junk "low carb" "intermittent fasting" "lots of water" and now I see how that can actually be horrendous for folks with wrecked internal systems.

Again, I appreciate all of you, and of course welcome more suggestions. I owe you guys.


Sep 21, 2014
Hey namesake (sort of),

somebody already mentioned Kate Deering. She also wrote a good book named "Heal your metabolism" or something like that. It's a good summary and she also comes from a journey of different diet choices and health problems.

I would concur with the suggestions you have already received above and would start with some small changes if I were you:
- Eat something for breakfast and eat more often
- Eat some more carbs
- Quit the caffeine for a while until you feel better
- Either stop exercising for a while until you feel better or reduce the volume

Maybe with some patience that's enough to heal. I would be wary to change too much at once and drown yourself with supplements because it's easy to lose track that way. Start with the small things and see if your health improves. If it doesn't, you can think about the heavy artillery.

Take care!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Due to your extensive antibiotic use and peeing every 15 minutes I’d look at your diet and see if you are eating any high oxalate foods that you could try cutting out to see if it makes a difference. It’s possible your oxalate degrading flora has been destroyed. That’s what happened to me anyway. It’s really hard to work or just enjoy life when you feel the need to pee that often!
If this is an issue for you (and it may not be) even too many moderate oxalate foods can be overwhelming and cause issues.


New Member
Sep 29, 2022
Hey namesake (sort of),

somebody already mentioned Kate Deering. She also wrote a good book named "Heal your metabolism" or something like that. It's a good summary and she also comes from a journey of different diet choices and health problems.

I would concur with the suggestions you have already received above and would start with some small changes if I were you:
- Eat something for breakfast and eat more often
- Eat some more carbs
- Quit the caffeine for a while until you feel better
- Either stop exercising for a while until you feel better or reduce the volume

Maybe with some patience that's enough to heal. I would be wary to change too much at once and drown yourself with supplements because it's easy to lose track that way. Start with the small things and see if your health improves. If it doesn't, you can think about the heavy artillery.

Take care!
I have read a bit of Kate's book and found a ton of useful stuff in there. I need to really get down and "Study" it as it were.

100% agree with you on changing too much. I think I'll start small and just start eating breakfast, and lessen water intake, and then go from there.

Due to your extensive antibiotic use and peeing every 15 minutes I’d look at your diet and see if you are eating any high oxalate foods that you could try cutting out to see if it makes a difference. It’s possible your oxalate degrading flora has been destroyed. That’s what happened to me anyway. It’s really hard to work or just enjoy life when you feel the need to pee that often!
If this is an issue for you (and it may not be) even too many moderate oxalate foods can be overwhelming and cause issues.
From a quick skim, it doesn't seem like I am eating too many if we look at a 200-300mg intake daily.

Most meals are beef, onions, sweet potatoes, carrots, cheese, etc. Mainly like Paleo I would say. Maybe there is something I am missing though. I thank you for that research. I'll sit down and study my meal log from the past few weeks to see if anything is high in Oxalates.

Agree so much with you on the peeing thing. Life sucks when you constantly plan for bathrooms trips, as often as much as you plan for other things. I drive a lot for work, and let's just say, I know my route's back roads really well now. Haha


May 6, 2014
When you have the milk and raw egg, are you balancing that with carbs? Ray says his own metabolism needs a pint of orange juice to balance one egg.

A frequent need to urinate could also be high estrogen. Maybe somebody else can weigh in on this for a young man, as I am female.

Pre-Peat, I was always cold, too. In the winter, and in air-conditioned rooms in summer. I fixed that through diet alone. Study thyroid supplementation if diet alone doesn't work after a few years.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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