MIT Study: Social distancing, occupancy limits likely useless


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
As you can imagine, this study is generating quite a bit of "controversy" in MSM, which is just a euphemism for "exposing fraud". As the very elaborate MIT study demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt, whether one keeps a distance of 6 or 60 feet does not much matter. The risk of viral transmission is the same, which means social distancing indoors is almost pointless as it does not reduce risk, even with masks. Of course, this also implies that social distancing (and masks) outside is borderline idiotic as the risk there is negligible. Thus, many places that were shutdown during the "pandemic" were needlessly closed, and those who went bust may now have a good legal ammo to sue the state/agency that ordered their closures and precipitated their demise.

@tankasnowgod @Drareg @Regina @Giraffe

"...A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made law in most of the civilized world have done little to slow the spread of COVID-19, and suggests the only way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to limit exposure to highly populated areas and areas where people are physically exerting themselves, such as gyms, or areas where people are singing or speaking, such as churches."
"...The study reveals that the social distancing guidelines employed throughout much of the world for over a year have done nothing to limit the spread of COVID-19, suggesting that the adaption of the guidelines did not stop the spread of the of the China-originated virus, and it can only be slowed with the employment of severe lockdowns. Paradoxically, states and cities that have engaged in severe lockdowns have seen the largest spikes of COVID-19.

“We argue there really isn’t much of a benefit to the 6-foot rule, especially when people are wearing masks,” MIT professor Martin Z. Bazant said, as reported by NBC.
It really has no physical basis because the air a person is breathing while wearing a mask tends to rise and comes down elsewhere in the room so you’re more exposed to the average background than you are to a person at a distance.”
In other words, widespread mask wearing may simply change the physical vectors of transmission within a given room rather than stop it, effectively making six foot distancing rules pointless.

In their study, Bazant and the other researchers declare, “Adherence to the Six-Foot Rule would limit large-drop transmission, and adherence to our guideline, [of limiting time spent in densely populated areas], would limit long-range airborne transmission.”

In the guideline, the researchers write, “To minimize risk of infection, one should avoid spending extended periods in highly populated areas. One is safer in rooms with large volume and high ventilation rates. One is at greater risk in rooms where people are exerting themselves in such a way as to increase their respiration rate and pathogen output, for example, by exercising, singing, or shouting.”

"...Bazant also told the media, “What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be. Often times the space is large enough, the ventilation is good enough, the amount of time people spend together is such that those spaces can be safely operated even at full capacity and the scientific support for reduced capacity in those spaces is really not very good.” He added, I think if you run the numbers, even right now for many types of spaces you’d find that there is not a need for occupancy restrictions.” This comes on the heels of a study that suggests the Pfizer vaccine could cause severe neurodegenerative diseases caused by brain prions created by the mRNA-style vaccine. National File reported, “‘The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing,’ the report declares. ‘In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.’ Prion-based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards to the brain.”


Feb 18, 2016
As you can imagine, this study is generating quite a bit of "controversy" in MSM, which is just a euphemism for "exposing fraud". As the very elaborate MIT study demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt, whether one keeps a distance of 6 or 60 feet does not much matter. The risk of viral transmission is the same, which means social distancing indoors is almost pointless as it does not reduce risk, even with masks. Of course, this also implies that social distancing (and masks) outside is borderline idiotic as the risk there is negligible. Thus, many places that were shutdown during the "pandemic" were needlessly closed, and those who went bust may now have a good legal ammo to sue the state/agency that ordered their closures and precipitated their demise.

@tankasnowgod @Drareg @Regina @Giraffe

"...A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made law in most of the civilized world have done little to slow the spread of COVID-19, and suggests the only way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to limit exposure to highly populated areas and areas where people are physically exerting themselves, such as gyms, or areas where people are singing or speaking, such as churches."
"...The study reveals that the social distancing guidelines employed throughout much of the world for over a year have done nothing to limit the spread of COVID-19, suggesting that the adaption of the guidelines did not stop the spread of the of the China-originated virus, and it can only be slowed with the employment of severe lockdowns. Paradoxically, states and cities that have engaged in severe lockdowns have seen the largest spikes of COVID-19.

In other words, widespread mask wearing may simply change the physical vectors of transmission within a given room rather than stop it, effectively making six foot distancing rules pointless.

In their study, Bazant and the other researchers declare, “Adherence to the Six-Foot Rule would limit large-drop transmission, and adherence to our guideline, [of limiting time spent in densely populated areas], would limit long-range airborne transmission.”

In the guideline, the researchers write, “To minimize risk of infection, one should avoid spending extended periods in highly populated areas. One is safer in rooms with large volume and high ventilation rates. One is at greater risk in rooms where people are exerting themselves in such a way as to increase their respiration rate and pathogen output, for example, by exercising, singing, or shouting.”

"...Bazant also told the media, “What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be. Often times the space is large enough, the ventilation is good enough, the amount of time people spend together is such that those spaces can be safely operated even at full capacity and the scientific support for reduced capacity in those spaces is really not very good.” He added, I think if you run the numbers, even right now for many types of spaces you’d find that there is not a need for occupancy restrictions.” This comes on the heels of a study that suggests the Pfizer vaccine could cause severe neurodegenerative diseases caused by brain prions created by the mRNA-style vaccine. National File reported, “‘The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing,’ the report declares. ‘In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.’ Prion-based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards to the brain.”
What about the loons who have been wearing n95 masks in the home, leaving windows open in winter for ventilation, sleeping in separate bedrooms and eating dinner on their own, families have been behaving this way for over a year, the irony of having the heating on in a home with cold air blowing in while trying to avoid catching a cold.

Its a cult.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What about the loons who have been wearing n95 masks in the home, leaving windows open in winter for ventilation, sleeping in separate bedrooms and eating dinner on their own, families have been behaving this way for over a year, the irony of having the heating on in a home with cold air blowing in while trying to avoid catching a cold.

Its a cult.

The CDC in the US will update its "guidelines" in the next few days. The rumor is that they will say masks outdoors are not needed, which was their original position back in March 2020, before they endorsed the draconian measures. The Oscars two nights ago had their lowest viewership ever and even liberal supporters said the event has become too political and useless to matter. I think the same can be said about public health policy and medicine in general...


Aug 6, 2017
Absolutely, the only savior of mankind is broad abandonment of voluntary brainwashing by information coming from limited sources (radio, tv, cable) and actively seek out differing opinions where the bandwidth is not limited (online) and even then not only keep to censored avenues like youtube, twitter, facebook etc. And then make up your own opinion based on the arguments on both sides.


Mar 4, 2019
In my country here in Malta wearing masks is obligatory or otherwise you get a 100 Euro fine. When asked by the media why the masks are being kept despite a 1/4 of the population already having received a second dose, the government says the scientific evidence is sound so everyone should do it. I guess after screwing the economy for the sick 0.01% because you don't know how treat them or just say they died because of Covid-19 despite having other morbidities that could have killed them anyway you need to try to get back the money somehow. We've seen a large drop in cases after a lockdown though, but that could easily be from decreasing the cycle count or having less obligatory tests because of activities like Sports being banned as test themselves have dropped. Being in the green zone is too important for tourism.

A man here was portrayed terribly by the MSM for "assaulting" a policeman for fining them for not wearing a mask. It's legalized theft in broad daylight because you don't want to deprave yourself of oxygen for your body and you're terrible for defending yourself.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I guess after screwing the economy for the sick 0.01%

It was actually screwing the economy for the rich 0.01%, so they can get bailouts and buy dirt cheap assets from bankrupt people. The govt. does not care at all about the sick/old and they have shown it many times. Sadly, an economy that values productive activities and profit above all has no use/value for old/sick people and will do everything in its power (often illegally) to get rid of them. This is another reason why this whole "pandemic" is absurd. The calls to wear a mask and agree to lockdowns because "you will kill sick/old grandpa!!" are laughable, considering how those people never mattered to the govt/economy before the "pandemic".


Oct 19, 2019
Absolutely, the only savior of mankind is broad abandonment of voluntary brainwashing by information coming from limited sources (radio, tv, cable) and actively seek out differing opinions where the bandwidth is not limited (online) and even then not only keep to censored avenues like youtube, twitter, facebook etc. And then make up your own opinion based on the arguments on both sides.
It’s a big benefit of this forum - exposure to a range of views, experiences and insights from around the world.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
What about the loons who have been wearing n95 masks in the home, leaving windows open in winter for ventilation, sleeping in separate bedrooms and eating dinner on their own, families have been behaving this way for over a year, the irony of having the heating on in a home with cold air blowing in while trying to avoid catching a cold.

Its a cult.
I saw a dude driving alone in a car while wearing a mask.


Dec 12, 2019
What about the loons who have been wearing n95 masks in the home, leaving windows open in winter for ventilation, sleeping in separate bedrooms and eating dinner on their own, families have been behaving this way for over a year, the irony of having the heating on in a home with cold air blowing in while trying to avoid catching a cold.

Its a cult.

^^^ THIS

I even noticed it at my GF's House. My Father in Law was noticing it while i was Weight Training upstairs with him.
He was like: ''What the Hell is our Neighbour doing, wearing mask alone in his Home, he cant be serious''.... lol

It was actually screwing the economy for the rich 0.01%, so they can get bailouts and buy dirt cheap assets from bankrupt people. The govt. does not care at all about the sick/old and they have shown it many times. Sadly, an economy that values productive activities and profit above all has no use/value for old/sick people and will do everything in its power (often illegally) to get rid of them. This is another reason why this whole "pandemic" is absurd. The calls to wear a mask and agree to lockdowns because "you will kill sick/old grandpa!!" are laughable, considering how those people never mattered to the govt/economy before the "pandemic".
True. Even Many of our Hospitals over here in Germany got (secretly) Closed and MSM tries to hide it. The Hospital and Elder-Care Situation was also Worse BEFORE the Pandemic due to low income and staff savings to the Death.

Speaking of MSM. Even our Bavarian Prime Minister ''Markus Söder'' (and quite a few other Politics) are sitting in the Governing Board of ZDF (one of our bigger TV Channels here in Germany). Shamed be he who thinks evil of it.....

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
As you can imagine, this study is generating quite a bit of "controversy" in MSM, which is just a euphemism for "exposing fraud". As the very elaborate MIT study demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt, whether one keeps a distance of 6 or 60 feet does not much matter. The risk of viral transmission is the same, which means social distancing indoors is almost pointless as it does not reduce risk, even with masks. Of course, this also implies that social distancing (and masks) outside is borderline idiotic as the risk there is negligible. Thus, many places that were shutdown during the "pandemic" were needlessly closed, and those who went bust may now have a good legal ammo to sue the state/agency that ordered their closures and precipitated their demise.

@tankasnowgod @Drareg @Regina @Giraffe

"...A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made law in most of the civilized world have done little to slow the spread of COVID-19, and suggests the only way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to limit exposure to highly populated areas and areas where people are physically exerting themselves, such as gyms, or areas where people are singing or speaking, such as churches."
"...The study reveals that the social distancing guidelines employed throughout much of the world for over a year have done nothing to limit the spread of COVID-19, suggesting that the adaption of the guidelines did not stop the spread of the of the China-originated virus, and it can only be slowed with the employment of severe lockdowns. Paradoxically, states and cities that have engaged in severe lockdowns have seen the largest spikes of COVID-19.

In other words, widespread mask wearing may simply change the physical vectors of transmission within a given room rather than stop it, effectively making six foot distancing rules pointless.

In their study, Bazant and the other researchers declare, “Adherence to the Six-Foot Rule would limit large-drop transmission, and adherence to our guideline, [of limiting time spent in densely populated areas], would limit long-range airborne transmission.”

In the guideline, the researchers write, “To minimize risk of infection, one should avoid spending extended periods in highly populated areas. One is safer in rooms with large volume and high ventilation rates. One is at greater risk in rooms where people are exerting themselves in such a way as to increase their respiration rate and pathogen output, for example, by exercising, singing, or shouting.”

"...Bazant also told the media, “What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be. Often times the space is large enough, the ventilation is good enough, the amount of time people spend together is such that those spaces can be safely operated even at full capacity and the scientific support for reduced capacity in those spaces is really not very good.” He added, I think if you run the numbers, even right now for many types of spaces you’d find that there is not a need for occupancy restrictions.” This comes on the heels of a study that suggests the Pfizer vaccine could cause severe neurodegenerative diseases caused by brain prions created by the mRNA-style vaccine. National File reported, “‘The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing,’ the report declares. ‘In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.’ Prion-based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards to the brain.”
You are being too kind with the term "borderline":) All of this nonsense is crazier than a bag full of cats idiotic. I queried a few scientific minds who were of the view that they were smarter and better looking than me and asked about the 6 foot rule. Here in Canada it's 2 meters which is about 6.5 ft. I wondered aloud if, in their esteemed opinion, the trajectory of expelled viruses fall off with the square of the distance and if high speed UV or IR photography had been used to determine at what point the trajectory had replicated an orbital path (constantly falling). I was, of course, cordially invited to fornicate myself.
That adults buy in to this hogwash is terrifying in that, if they haven't had children they may still do and therefore pass on their defective chromosomes. This is the thought that wakes me up at night. Just sharing my acerbic wit.


Jan 25, 2014
As you can imagine, this study is generating quite a bit of "controversy" in MSM, which is just a euphemism for "exposing fraud". As the very elaborate MIT study demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt, whether one keeps a distance of 6 or 60 feet does not much matter. The risk of viral transmission is the same, which means social distancing indoors is almost pointless as it does not reduce risk, even with masks. Of course, this also implies that social distancing (and masks) outside is borderline idiotic as the risk there is negligible. Thus, many places that were shutdown during the "pandemic" were needlessly closed, and those who went bust may now have a good legal ammo to sue the state/agency that ordered their closures and precipitated their demise.

@tankasnowgod @Drareg @Regina @Giraffe

"...A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made law in most of the civilized world have done little to slow the spread of COVID-19, and suggests the only way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to limit exposure to highly populated areas and areas where people are physically exerting themselves, such as gyms, or areas where people are singing or speaking, such as churches."
"...The study reveals that the social distancing guidelines employed throughout much of the world for over a year have done nothing to limit the spread of COVID-19, suggesting that the adaption of the guidelines did not stop the spread of the of the China-originated virus, and it can only be slowed with the employment of severe lockdowns. Paradoxically, states and cities that have engaged in severe lockdowns have seen the largest spikes of COVID-19.

In other words, widespread mask wearing may simply change the physical vectors of transmission within a given room rather than stop it, effectively making six foot distancing rules pointless.

In their study, Bazant and the other researchers declare, “Adherence to the Six-Foot Rule would limit large-drop transmission, and adherence to our guideline, [of limiting time spent in densely populated areas], would limit long-range airborne transmission.”

In the guideline, the researchers write, “To minimize risk of infection, one should avoid spending extended periods in highly populated areas. One is safer in rooms with large volume and high ventilation rates. One is at greater risk in rooms where people are exerting themselves in such a way as to increase their respiration rate and pathogen output, for example, by exercising, singing, or shouting.”

"...Bazant also told the media, “What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be. Often times the space is large enough, the ventilation is good enough, the amount of time people spend together is such that those spaces can be safely operated even at full capacity and the scientific support for reduced capacity in those spaces is really not very good.” He added, I think if you run the numbers, even right now for many types of spaces you’d find that there is not a need for occupancy restrictions.” This comes on the heels of a study that suggests the Pfizer vaccine could cause severe neurodegenerative diseases caused by brain prions created by the mRNA-style vaccine. National File reported, “‘The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing,’ the report declares. ‘In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.’ Prion-based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards to the brain.”

I don't think any of these measures were based on anything the slightest bit scientific, anyway. Fauci never once cited a study for why he reversed his position on masks. He probably just saw a video of a guy breathing on a petri dish and figured "Eh, good enough."

Nor did anyone cite any study or experiement for the 6 feet of distance. Why not 7? or 60? or 666? I wouldn't doubt the "scientific source" for this was the Stallone movie Demolition Man.

Now, we have evidence that all these measures are completely useless. They should all be dropped immediately. Any health authority should at the very least lose their job, and likely should have be prosecuted for fraud. And be stripped of all assets, even the clothes on their back, and have them redistrubed to people they put on the unemployment lines, or businesses that have been hurt or destroyed. At least, that's what would happen in a fair and sane world.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
I don't think any of these measures were based on anything the slightest bit scientific, anyway. Fauci never once cited a study for why he reversed his position on masks. He probably just saw a video of a guy breathing on a petri dish and figured "Eh, good enough."

Nor did anyone cite any study or experiement for the 6 feet of distance. Why not 7? or 60? or 666? I wouldn't doubt the "scientific source" for this was the Stallone movie Demolition Man.

Now, we have evidence that all these measures are completely useless. They should all be dropped immediately. Any health authority should at the very least lose their job, and likely should have be prosecuted for fraud. And be stripped of all assets, even the clothes on their back, and have them redistrubed to people they put on the unemployment lines, or businesses that have been hurt or destroyed. At least, that's what would happen in a fair and sane world.


Feb 18, 2016
^^^ THIS

I even noticed it at my GF's House. My Father in Law was noticing it while i was Weight Training upstairs with him.
He was like: ''What the Hell is our Neighbour doing, wearing mask alone in his Home, he cant be serious''.... lol

True. Even Many of our Hospitals over here in Germany got (secretly) Closed and MSM tries to hide it. The Hospital and Elder-Care Situation was also Worse BEFORE the Pandemic due to low income and staff savings to the Death.

Speaking of MSM. Even our Bavarian Prime Minister ''Markus Söder'' (and quite a few other Politics) are sitting in the Governing Board of ZDF (one of our bigger TV Channels here in Germany). Shamed be he who thinks evil of it.....

It’s a cult, that’s the effect it has on humans outside the cult, it’s like a dog humping a tree from a human perspective.


Feb 18, 2016
The CDC in the US will update its "guidelines" in the next few days. The rumor is that they will say masks outdoors are not needed, which was their original position back in March 2020, before they endorsed the draconian measures. The Oscars two nights ago had their lowest viewership ever and even liberal supporters said the event has become too political and useless to matter. I think the same can be said about public health policy and medicine in general...
I’m starting to think they are using wokism in every public institution from schools to healthcare to drive us to private corporate groups.

The oscar lols, folks are moving toward bubbles online, any new platform that starts making unwoke movies is going to make a fortune, it’s the kids that parents need to watch out for.


Feb 18, 2016
I saw a dude driving alone in a car while wearing a mask.
I’m seeing this a lot, I wore a mask once since covid has started, I had to pick a friend up from surgery and needed to go inside, I get my food from a farmers market and none if staff care there, most folks shopping there do wear masks, I had one older authoritarian ask me do I want a mask for my health, I said no, she had capsules of evening primrose oil in her cart, the irony.


Oct 19, 2019
I’m starting to think they are using wokism in every public institution from schools to healthcare to drive us to private corporate groups.
I work in a university and the number of colleagues who now list their preferred pronouns in their email signature is frightening.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal


I'm going to go on an tangent here. In this video he quotes: "The modern man, no longer steeped in the symbolism of religion and myth, and having lost the connection to the rich roots of his cultural past tends to strive for societal heroism heroism in one of two ways: By going the way of the sheep, or participating in the race of ladder of social success and status."

Thus the sheep strive for ever greater obedience, to the point where they wear masks even when alone.


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Aug 17, 2016


I'm going to go on an tangent here. In this video he quotes: "The modern man, no longer steeped in the symbolism of religion and myth, and having lost the connection to the rich roots of his cultural past tends to strive for societal heroism heroism in one of two ways: By going the way of the sheep, or participating in the race of ladder of social success and status."

Thus the sheep strive for ever greater obedience, to the point where they wear masks even when alone.

if I just keep trying (says either). Toxic stoicism?
I don't mind middle way buddhism.
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